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Indonesia Defence Forum

ToT? How many dozens does Indonesia want?
Even the EU imposed an embargo simultaneously with the US. You'd still have to prepare for sanctions with Airbus. A400M is of course far less numerous than C-130 and getting 2nd hand black market spares would be impossible. Given Obama's pivot to Asia, unless Indonesia has some more crazy left to do, it should be fine.

not much, we only need a dozen of this kind cargo aircraft.....

C-130J is the most logical choice out there compared to other candidates such A-400M or other.
IDAF Airlifter Squadrons, Lineup at Husein AFB
@ Jenda Corp

Commanders & Line Pilots
Indonesian airlifter Squadron ( TNI HUT 70 )
at Husein AFB

the former president
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Komandan Satuan Tugas Pengamanan Perbatasan (Satgas Pamtas) RI-RDTL Yonif 725/Woroagi Mayor (inf) Nurman Syahreda (kanan) mengecek kondisi amunisi saat inspeksi di pos perbatasan Kewar, Lamaknen, Belu, NTT, Senin (12/10). Inspeksi tersebut bertujuan untuk mengecek kesiapan Satgas Pengamanan Perbatasan sekaligus memberikan pengarahan kepada anggotanya. (ANTARA FOTO/Prasetyo Utomo)

credit to Dicky Asmoro

Barricade shooting exercise

Loading test of the Indonesian Air Force's new EC-725 Caracal helicopters at Indonesian Aerospace in Bandung, Indonesia.

Indonesian FPU VI - UNAMID

Special operator (with SS2 on "steroids + MP9 sidearms)
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PT Pindad (Persero) sebagai perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur alat utama sistem persenjataan dan industri komersial, memiliki keinginan untuk terus melakukan sinergi dengan perusahaan BUMN lain untuk mewujudkan kemandirian industri pertahanan nasional. Oleh karena itu, pada 9 Oktober 2015, Pindad menyepakati kerjasama dengan salah satu perusahaan industri pertahanan yang bergerak di bidang rekayasa dan manufaktur dalam bidang elektronika pertahanan, navigasi, perkeretaapian, renewable energy, information technology, dan telekomunikasi, PT LEN Industri (Persero).

Kerjasama tersebut tertuang dalam sebuah Nota Kesepahaman antara PT Pindad (Persero) dan PT LEN Industri (Persero) dalam kerjasama dan sinergi alat komunikasi Ranpur Anoa dan Rantis Komodo. Silmy Karim, Direktur Utama PT Pindad (Persero) dan Abraham Mose selaku Direktur Utama PT LEN Industri (Persero) menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman ini dari masing-masing pihak. Penandatanganan ini dilakukan di sela-sela perayaan Hari Ulang Tahun yang ke-24 PT LEN Industri (Persero) yang juga dihadiri oleh Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, para Direktur BUMN, dan kepala dari beberapa institusi pemerintahan.

Silmy Karim mengatakan bahwa kerjasama ini merupakan salah satu usaha lain untuk mencapai cita-cita luhur industri pertahanan nasional. “Kerjasama ini adalah suatu bentuk lain dari sinergi antar perusahaan BUMN dengan harapan mampu menciptakan kemandirian industri pertahanan nasional. Selain itu, kami ingin produk kendaraan khusus produksi Pindad didominasi dengan komponen-komponen dalam negeri agar kandungan lokalnya bertambah, sesuai dengan arahan pemerintah,” tuturnya.

Semangat kemandirian tersebut disambut baik oleh Abraham Mose dalam kata sambutannya, yang menyatakan bahwa kemandirian teknologi sudah tertuang dalam nilai-nilai perusahaan yang dianut PT LEN. “Kompetensi kita adalah berinovasi dalam menciptakan sistem maupun produk yang inovatif. Semangat itu tertera dalam corporate value dari PT LEN yaitu inovasi yang menciptakan kemandirian teknologi yang berdaya saing,” ujarnya.

Rini Soemarno juga menambahkan bahwa sinergi antar BUMN sangat diperlukan untuk membawa Indonesia selangkah lebih maju dari negara-negara lain. “BUMN harus berpikir besar. Saya harapkan BUMN bisa menjadi mesin penggerak dan Indonesia adalah bangsa besar dan bisa melakukan apa yang tidak bisa bangsa lain lakukan. Saya yakin BUMN bisa melebarkan sayapnya jika dapat terus berkembang serta dapat terus bersinergi secara mendalam dan terus-menerus dengan BUMN lainnya,” ujar Rini.

Diharapkan sinergi yang dilakukan PT Pindad dan PT LEN Industri ini dapat membawa industri pertahanan selangkah lagi menuju kemandirian yang dicita-citakan bersama. (Anggia)



Manpack Alkom FISCOR-100 Alat Komunikasi Anti Sadap dan Anti Jamming Buatan PT LEN

Special operator (with SS2 on "steroids + MP9 sidearms)
View attachment 264213

those guy seemed from Indonesian Raider battalion
Military personnel search for missing helicopter in Sumatra
Senin, 12 Oktober 2015 21:02 WIB | 465 Views

Medan, N Sumatra (ANTARA News) - At least 500 soldiers of Regional Military Command I Bukit Barisan are searching for a missing helicopter belonging to PT Penerbangan Angkasa Semesta that lost contact on Sunday afternoon.

"Hundreds of personnel derived from Batalion 122/Tombak Sakti, Batalion 125/Simbisa, Batalion 123/Rajawali and 0210 North Tapanuli District Military Command were deployed to search for the missing helicopter," the Chief of Information of Regional Military Command I Bukit Barisan, Colonel Enoh Solehuddin, said here on Monday.

The soldiers did not find any information regarding the helicopter during their search effort that started at 9:00 am and lasted till 14:00 pm on Monday.

"The personnel tried to trace the helicopter in three villages, Onanrunggu in Samosir District and Tarabunga and Lumbanjulu in Toba Samosir District, apart from several villages in Toba Lake area," Enoh said.

The soldiers inspected these areas because the helicopter was to fly over these villages during its flight from Samosir to Kualanamu Airport.

Enoh added that the soldiers will conduct their search in some additional areas to locate the missing helicopter.

He said the Regional Military Command I Bukit Barisan also operated two inflatable boats and a boat belong to the Samosir administration to search for the helicopter EC-130 PK-BKA in Toba Lake waters.

Previously, the Public Relations staff of Kualanamu Airport, Wisnu Budi Setianto, said on Sunday that the helicopter took off from Siparmahan, located in western coast of Toba Lake, and went over Pematangsiantar. It was headed for Kualanamu.

The helicopter was being piloted by Teguh Mulyanto and carried three passengers, namely Nurhayanti, Gianto, and Frans, as well as a technician, Heri Purwantono.

According to Wisnu, the pilot did not report its location to the Kualanamu authorities.

Meanwhile, the local community members reported having seen the helicopter on Sunday at 14:30 pm in Tarabunga, located 15 kilometers from Silangit Village.

The last signal emitting from a cellular phone belonging to the pilot was tracked in the region.(*)

Inspection Time:
A step in the right direction...

Papua regional military commander apologises

Updated at 4:22 pm on 8 October 2015

An Indonesian military commander in Papua region has officially apologised to the people of Papua for unethical actions of soldiers.

Cenderawasih Regional Military Commander Major General Hinsa Siburian made the apology in a speech marking the 70th anniversary of the Indonesian military.

West Papua Daily reports him as saying he hoped excesses would not occur in the future, and soldiers could focus on developing Papua.


Photo: AFP

The commander and other top leaders have been emphasising the military's role to protect the republic of Indonesia and its people.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Papua province, Lukas Enembe read a speech conveying a statement by the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo to commemorate the anniversary, saying the Indonesian Military was born from the 'womb' of the people.

The Supreme Commander General Soedirman also said the relation of Indonesian Military and the people were like the fish and water, which it could not live without water.
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