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Indonesia Defence Forum

June 2013
Indonesia: Military tribunals being used to shield human rights violators
Twelve Kopassus (Special Forces Command) soldiers have been accused of the extrajudicial execution of four detainees

The trial of 12 Kopassus (Special Forces Command) soldiers accused of the extrajudicial execution of four detainees is likely to be little more than a sham warned Amnesty International as the military hearing opens on Thursday.

“These courts should never be used to try those accused of human rights violations. They are biased, and they create an intimidating environment for witnesses to testify,” said Isabelle Arradon, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Programme.

Kopassus forces have been accused of a range of serious human rights violations in the past but the vast majority have never been tried in an independent court for these crimes.

“This horrific case is a stark reminder of how reforms of the military and the justice system have been stalled for years in Indonesia. Perpetrators of past crimes run free and new abuses can be committed with apparent impunity. There has to be immediate changes in law and practice so that human rights violators can be effectively tried before independent, civilian courts, and to send a clear message that no one is above the law,” said Arradon.

The 12 Kopassus soldiers are accused of killing four unarmed detainees at Cebongan prison outside Yogyakarta on 23 March this year. According to credible sources, the soldiers – wearing masks and carrying weapons including AK-47s – managed to force their way into the prison after a man claiming to be from the Yogyakarta police convinced guards to open the doors.

After beating guards in order to gain access to the detainees’ cells, the Kopassus soldiers then reportedly shot the detainees dead inside their cell. CCTV footage has since been removed from the prison in an apparent attempt to hide evidence.

The local military commander’s initial reaction to the incident was to deny military involvement, but an internal military inquiry later named the 12 Kopassus soldiers as suspects. Despite this, Kopassus commander Major General Agus Sutomo insisted that what happened was not a human rights violation but “insubordination”.

“That senior military officers call ‘insubordination’ the killing of four unarmed men who were locked up in a cell is deeply concerning, and shows why it is so crucial that the military should not be allowed to simply investigate themselves in these cases. Although it is important that steps are taken to ensure those responsible for serious human rights violations are held to account, military tribunals are not the solution,” Arradon said.

Extrajudicial executions are crimes under international law, and also violate the basic human right to life, which Indonesia is bound to respect and protect under international treaties and its own Constitution.

With the trial of the 12 soldiers starting tomorrow, local human rights groups have already raised concerns about the scarcity of evidence compiled by military investigators. At least 10 traumatized witnesses are also afraid to testify in court, and have requested teleconferencing facilities.

“Testifying in a military court is clearly a terrifying prospect for many civilians. The Indonesian government needs to ensure that witnesses of military abuses are free from potential retaliation during trial proceedings,” said Arradon.

In a previous case in 2010, three soldiers who were filmed torturing Papuan men – including by kicking them and burning their genitals – were sentenced to between eight and 10 months’ imprisonment by a military tribunal for “deliberately disobeying orders”. Victims were too afraid to testify at the trial and no criminal charges were filed against the soldiers.

Ahh I love it when foreign media bash Indonesian military for human right bullshits without citing the background story, anyway you can ask the majority Indonesians about this case and I guarantee that they support those 12 soldiers for killing those inmates. Do you know why? Because those inmates were stupid thugs, and those thugs killed one of fellow soldiers of those 12 soldiers in a bar fight. What can you expect from that? Soldiers going turbo.
And is Altantuya case closed? Exploding an innocent human with C4 seems normal in Malaysia I suppose?

Disini kita bisa mita moderator ngapus postingan member lain nggak?

Itu ada sampah Malon yang mosting isu Papua Barat disini

Bisa sih, cuma moderator pasti ngeliatnya itu sebagai hal lumrah. So..
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walah masbro nufix....ada orang gila nih mau ngerusak trit.... :blink: .... btw i don't think that he/she maybe(?) are really malaysian people.., i guest he's just a troller of activists or from a particular organizations.. but that is just my 2cents.
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Kh-179, Artileri Negeri Ginseng Untuk TNI-AD



Tuesday, 02 July 2013 10:00 | Written by aryo nugroho
Sorry in Bahasa, i am copy pasted it from Kaskus Formil

Gelombang modernisasi alutsista TNI tak henti-hentinya membuat masyarakat berdecak kagum dan bangga. Bagaimana tidak, dalam waktu yang singkat, pemerintah mengumumkan rencana pembelian berbagai mesin perang canggih yang tadinya hanya bisa diangan-angankan oleh para military penbois seperti ARC.

Apabila pada pertengahan 2012 publik dimanjakan dengan kehadiran sistem artileri howitzer swagerak CAESAR dan roket ASTROS, rupa-rupanya artileri TNI AD belum lagi kehabisan amunisi untuk memboyong alutsista lain. Satu kabar baik lagi datang dari negeri ginseng Korea Selatan, yang kini tengah mesra-mesranya menjalin hubungan dengan Indonesia. Tidak hanya mengekspor K-pop yang kini jadi wabah dan berhasil meracuni dan menyesatkan muda-mudi Indonesia, satu yang sudah benar-benar direalisasikan adalah pembelian sistem howitzer tarik 155mm/L52 Kh-179. Laporan ekspor persenjataan PBB menyebutkan sebanyak 18 unit meriam Kh-179 ini rencananya akan diborong oleh TNI-AD. Laporan itu selengkapnya bisa dilihat di situs ini: http://un-register.org/HeavyWeapons/...s.aspx?CoI=104

Pembelian howitzer tarik 155mm ini memang sudah dianggap perlu, mengingat TNI AD juga tengah bertransformasi dengan menerapkan doktrin infantri mekanis yang mampu menjangkau jarak yang lebih jauh. Untuk itu tentunya diperlukan dukungan artileri yang lebih mumpuni. Artileri tarik yang ada di arsenal TNI AD hanyalah M101 kaliber 105mm, yang walaupun populer serta kenyang makan asam garam di berbagai belahan dunia, mulai uzur dan tak lagi sanggup mendukung gerak maju pasukan mekanis. Menjadi menarik juga adalah pilihan terhadap Kh-179, dimana lima tahun lalu, ketika TNI AD menerima hibah meriam FH-2000 sebanyak delapan unit dari Singapura, tidak banyak antusiasme yang ditunjukkan. Lalu kenapa TNI AD akhirnya memboyong Kh-179? Kemungkinan besar rencana pembelian CH-47D Chinook dari Negeri Uwak Sam menjadi pembeda kali ini, dimana hanya heli sekelas Chinook yang dianggap mampu mengangkut meriam howitzer tarik kelas 155mm. Armada helikopter tulang punggung angkut Penerbad mayoritas memang masih sekelas UH-1D yang hanya sanggup menarik M101.

Sementara untuk Kh-179 sendiri dikembangkan oleh KIA Machine Tool Company (sekarang bernama Hyundai-WIA) berdasarkan sistem howitzer tarik M114A1, yang banyak dipergunakan dalam Perang Vietnam. Korea Selatan memiliki lebih kurang 1.700 sistem M114A1. KIA memodifikasi sistem pembawa M114A1 agar dapat dipasangi meriam 155mm/L39 baru yang memiliki jarak jangkau yang lebih jauh. Meriam L39 ini terbuat dari baja monoblok yang menawarkan ketahanan panas yang lebih baik sehingga memperpanjang umur laras. Rifling dari meriam ini adalah 1:20 dengan 48 ulir (groove). Pengoperasian meriam ini sendiri tak banyak berubah dari versi M114A1, dimana butuh dua awak untuk mengubah arah meriam, prajurit awak penembak di kiri memutar roda untuk mengubah arah horizontal (traverse), sementara prajurit di kanan sebagai asisten penembak memutar roda untuk mengubah elevasi vertikal moncong meriam. Satu prajurit lagi bertugas sebagai pengarah dan membidik melalui teleskop dengan pembesaran 4x dan dial sight, atau bila diperlukan, mengoperasikan Kh-179 untuk dukungan tembakan langsung (direct fire) menggunakan teleskop khusus lainnya yang memiliki pembesaran 3,5x. Sistem Kh-179 menerapkan dua tabung yang berbeda untuk penahan kejut (hydraulic dampers/ hydropneumatic shock absorber) dan satu tabung lain untuk pengembali kedepan (recuperator), yang dianggap mampu memperpanjang umur pakai meriam. Pada saat penembakan, ada pasak yang bisa diturunkan untuk ditanam dan menambah kestabilan penembakan.

Dari segi amunisi, Kh-179 menikmati kompatibilitas dengan munisi NATO dan AS, satu keunggulan dari produk-produk Korea Selatan. Hal ini berarti Kh-179 mampu menembakkan seluruh munisi 155mm termasuk munisi khusus berpendorong roket (RAP: Rocket Assisted Projectiles). Jarak jangkaunya adalah 22km, atau 30km apabila menggunakan munisi RAP. Kecepatan tembaknya apabila digunakan secara kontinyu maksimal 4 peluru per menit. Untuk kemudahan transportasi, Kh-179 dapat dilengkapi dengan sistem carriage yang dilengkapi APU (Auxillary Power Unit) sehingga dapat bergerak dengan tenaga sendiri. Saat ini Korea Selatan tercatat menawarkan dua varian calibre untuk Kh-179, yaitu L39 dan L45, dengan varian ketiga, yaitu L52, kelihatannya juga mulai dipasarkan. Pembeli tinggal memilih varian yang ada sesuai jarak jangkau yang diinginkan. Tercatat selain Korea Selatan, Iran membeli Kh-179 dan mengopinya sebagai HM-41 yang dipasang diatas sasis truk DIO.


Kaliber : 155mm
Calibre : L39/L45/L52
Jarak recoil : 1.524mm
Bobot : 6.890kg
Panjang : 10.389mm
Tinggi : 2.770mm
Kh-179, Artileri Negeri Ginseng Untuk TNI-AD | Kaskus - The Largest Indonesian Community

TNI AD bought about 18 system from South Korea, what a nice addition for our scarcely heavy artillery firepower, what a good news:yahoo:
Kevin Rudd Set to Give C-130H and Boats to Indonesia


Stepping quickly onto foreign soil is just what Kevin Rudd would like. Flickr/Eva Rinaldi

Kevin Rudd will take a kitbag of goodies to Indonesia this week as he seeks more help from that county to curb the boat flow.

The secondhand C-130 Hercules planes that Indonesia was going to buy at “mates rates” will now be a gift, and there will be patrol boats (customs not naval) thrown in. There could also be developmental aid.

The whole package could cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

The decision to make a gift of the planes and provide the boats was taken before last week’s leadership change, in preparation for Julia Gillard making this trip.

Rudd will be in Jakarta and Bogor on Thursday and Friday for the third Indonesia-Australia Leaders' Meeting. The discussions will be broad but being seen to be able to do something to combat the boat inflow is vital as Rudd moves towards the election.

The patrol boats will assist with border protection but the free gift of the C-130s, which are transport planes, is about putting the Indonesians in a mood to be helpful generally on the border issue.

The trip plays to Rudd’s strengths. He’s naturally at home on the foreign stage and has a good relationship with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Gillard’s experience with Indonesia was mixed. The suspension of the live cattle trade caused great tension in the relationship. Rudd, foreign minister at the time, distanced himself by letting it be known he hadn’t been consulted; he later got involved in negotiations to sort things out. On the other hand, the regular leadership dialogue with Indonesia started (in late 2011) under Gillard.

While Rudd will be striving to come out of these talks with an impression that he has momentum in tackling people smuggling, previous experience indicates what’s said doesn’t always match what’s done on the issue.

Full article:Kevin Rudd set to give planes and boats to Indonesia in visit this week



A number of workers completing part in the making of NAS 332 Super Puma and NB 412E helicopter for the Air Force in a hangar of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung, Tuesday (2/7). PT Indonesian Aerospace 2015 will complete the entire aircraft and helicopters to equip the military orders Alutsista countries with products made ​​in the country.
Uganda interested in Indonesian military industry products


Kampala, Uganda (ANTARA News) - Uganda Defense Minister Kiyonga Cripus has expressed interest in Indonesian military industry products including CN 295 military transport plane.

"The Indonesian military industry has made progress. I am interested in what has been displayed," Kiyonga said after a meeting with visiting Indonesian Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin in Kampala, Uganda, on Tuesday.

Following the meeting, the Indonesian delegation held a mini exhibition displaying a number of military industry products including bulletproof vest, soldier helmet, soldier food, assault rifle SS1, and models of CN 235 and CN 295 produced by aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI).

Kiyonga accompanied by Uganda Armed Forces Commander Katumba Wamala looked enthusiastic in observing the items put on display.

"I will come to Indonesia to see for myself how the military items are produced," Kiyonga said.

Kiyonga said he, along with his team would also visit the Indonesian Peace and Security Center (IPSC) in Sentul, West Java, which serves as a training center for peacekeeping troops and counter-terrorism forces.

"The Indonesian peacekeeping force is well known in Africa," he said referring to the role played by the Garuda Contingent in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Sjafrie was during the visit in Uganda accompanied by Director General of Defense Industry at the Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. Sonny Prasetyo, PT DI Marketing Director Budiman Saleh, Director for Africa at the Foreign Ministry Lasro Simbolon and Indonesian Ambassador to Kenya and Uganda Sunu Sumarno.

Kiyonga also praised Indonesia for its high economic growth.

Sjafrie said his visit to Uganda was aimed at continuing historical relationship between Indonesia and Uganda as Non-Aligned Movement member states.

"The main aim of our visit is to enhance defense cooperation," he said.

During the visit, Sjafrie invited his Uganda counterpart to visit Indonesia.(*)

Editor: Heru

Antara News : Uganda interested in Indonesian military industry products
Indonesia has a robust military industrial programs like IF-X, submarine and surface warship building. I wish our government is less greedy and have similar programs like Indonesia instead of buying from the Russian to receive their kickbacks.
Indonesia has a robust military industrial programs like IF-X, submarine and surface warship building. I wish our government is less greedy and have similar programs like Indonesia instead of buying from the Russian to receive their kickbacks.

I am sure that Vietnam will have robust military industries someday, when VN officials know how it feels to be embargoed. Indonesia started and rebuilded its military industries right after U.S and most NATO countries embargoed Indonesia in 1999 for "human right violations" during East Timor independence war against Indonesia.
Navy Says World-Class Status Just a Year Away
By Yeremia Sukoyo on 10:35 am July 6, 2013.


Indonesian navy helicopters fly above the marines during a military exercise on Banongan beach, Situbondo, East Java province, Indonesia on May 3, 2013. More than 16,000 military personnel from the army, navy and airforce participated in the exercise to upgrade military skills. (EPA Photo/Fully Handoko)

The Indonesian Navy is well on track to meet its five-year plan of becoming a world-class force by next year, an official said on Friday.

Commodore Untung Suropati, a spokesman for the Navy, said at a meeting with reporters at Navy headquarters in Jakarta on Thursday that the force was making good progress in improving manpower capabilities and strengthening its weapons-based capacity.

“To become a world-class navy, we have to be consistent in implementing our ‘inward-looking’ and ‘outward-looking’ programs,” he said.

Inward-looking, he went on, meant boosting manpower capabilities through more training and education programs, as well as shoring up weapons systems and defense capacity.

Untung said the outward-looking programs centered on policymaking and strategy mapping in response to defense-oriented shifts in the Southeast Asian and Asia-Pacific regions.

“Indonesia needs to take steps to anticipate or prevent various kinds of threats, whether actual or potential, as a result of the constantly changing regional defense landscape,” he said.

With the Navy currently in the fourth year of its five-year plan, Untung said the it was on pace to meet its weapons and defense targets.

He said that through foreign deals and domestic production, the Navy had increased the size of its fleet to 39 warships, including two submarines and two destroyers.

He also said the Marines’ weapons systems had been boosted with the procurement of several tanks, speedboats and amphibious carriers.

Untung said that as part of the five-year program, the Navy was also working through the Defense Ministry to boost the capacity of Indonesia’s nascent domestic defense industry.

He said this included collaborating with producers in Lampung, Batam (Riau Islands, Jakarta, Surabaya (East Java) and Banyuwangi (East Java) on building equipment including torpedo boats and patrol boats.

“We expect to soon be able to build a submarine entirely in the country, as part of our commitment to shoring up our domestic defense industry and increasing the proportion of defense systems that we source domestically,” he said.

Untung said the next five-year program would see the Navy shift away from improving its manpower and hardware capabilities, and focus more on drawing up strategic objectives to deal with the various challenges it faces domestically, in Southeast Asia and in the wider Asia Pacific.

He said one pressing domestic matter to be addressed was securing Indonesia’s remote outlying islands, many of which are uninhabited and have been the focus of disputes with neighboring countries.

The Navy has also highlighted the need for more patrols to crack down on a range of maritime security problems such as drug trafficking, people smuggling and illegal fishing.

Navy Says World-Class Status Just a Year Away - The Jakarta Globe

Ultra Electronics plans to double Indonesian naval deal
Thu, 04 July 2013

Ultra Electronics Holdings Quote

Price: 1,768.00

Chg: -2.00

Chg %: -0.11%

Date: 17:14


Defence and security group Ultra Electronics has won a 32m pounds contract from the Indonesian ministry of defence.

The FTSE 250 company has been charged with the mid-life modernisation of one of the Indonesian navy's Fatahillah destroyers.

Ultra said the exact start-time of the modernisation programme is subject to funding provision and once it has begun the contract will then be delivered over a 28 month period.

The High Wycombe group was eyeing a potential doubling of the deal as it added that discussions regarding the similar modernisation of the second Fatahillah ship were expected to start later in the year.

The contract includes the development, installation and integration of a new combat management system.

The marine engineering aspects of the work package will be undertaken by Ultra's partner, Nobiskrug with its local subcontractor in Indonesia.

Rakesh Sharma, Chief Executive of Ultra, said: "Following five years positioning of Ultra's offering to the Middle and Far Eastern markets, I am delighted that Ultra's specialist naval capabilities have been recognised with the award of this prestigious contract by the Republic of Indonesia.

"Ultra has again demonstrated its ability to partner with other world class businesses to offer differentiated solutions to its customers.

"I look forward to the further development of Ultra's relationship with this new customer and we will continue to position our businesses for further successes in the future."

Shares in Ultra Electronics were unmoved at 1,738p at 08:15 on Thursday morning.

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