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Indonesia Defence Forum

Due to high demand of BVR capabilities in ASEAN, the Korean government has laid out plans to equip FA-50 with AESA radar, sniper targeting pod and AIM-120 medium range missiles. Again, I don't think Indonesia needs to rush. Perhaps, South Korea may end up offering FA-20 Block 20 to both Indonesia and Malaysia in volumes to reduce the unit cost.

I understand. Like I said, too many speculations. Budget shortfall. No end results. Just like the virus, it seems like everyone is exposed to the problems.

Correct. However, I am 100% sure that Australia will end up getting Boeing/Saab T-7/A for a replacement. RAAF won't consider any other candidate.

The Australian Will chose T7A to ride over USAF program and Australia Boeing partnership has going on very deeply
KSAU Stop Pengoperasian Pesawat Hawk Hingga Investigasi Tuntas

16 Juni 2020

Pesawat Hawk 200 dari Skadron Udara 12 Wing 6 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin (Rsn) Pekanbaru (photo : Lanud RSn)

KEPALA Staf TNI Angkatan Udara Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo mengatakan akan menghentikan sementara aktivitas penerbangan Hawk yang memperkuat Skadron Udara 12 Lanud Roesmin Nurjadin Pekanbaru selama proses investigasi itu pula.

"Setelah kejadian ini, saya perintahkan untuk stop flying (terbang) dulu. Saya tidak nyatakan ini grounded, kita stop dulu pengoperasiannya untuk melaksanakan proses investigasi," ujarnya.

Sesaat sebelum jatuh, Lettu Pnb Aprianto Ismail, pilot tunggal pesawat itu sempat melaporkan terjadi keganjilan pada bagian mesin. Kemudian, lampu indikator peringatan juga menyala yang mengindikasikan adanya kerusakan bagian mesin.

Selain itu, pilot juga sempat merasakan adanya suara ledakan pada bagian mesin hingga mesin pesawat buatan Inggris itu benar-benar kehilangan daya hingga terhempas dan jatuh menimpa rumah warga.

Lokasi jatuhnya pesawat, lanjut jenderal bintang empat itu, berada sekitar dua kilometer dari ujung landasan. Pesawat juga diketahui berada 500 kaki ketika kehilangan tenaga dan jatuh menimpa rumah warga.

Beruntung, rumah warga yang hancur akibat tertimpa badan burung besi itu dalam keadaan kosong. Fadjar juga memastikan kondisi pilot dalam keadaan baik dan tidak ada korban jiwa dalam insiden itu.

"Penerbang melaporkan terjadi keanehan di mesin. Ada suara aneh diikuti lampu peringatan menyala ketika terjadi sesuatu tidak benar di mesin. Mesin kemudian kehilangan tenaga atau lost power. Namun pada saat itu komunikasi masih normal dan pilot memutuskan untuk eject dengan kursi pelontar," urainya. (Media Indonesia)

Helikopter Mi-17 TNI AD (photo : MDC Aviation)

DPR Desak Audit Seluruh Alutsista TNI

BELUM lama Heli angkut militer jenis MI-17 jatuh di Kendal, Jawa Tengah, kini pesawat latih tempur jenis Hawk 200 di Pekanbaru, Riau. Beruntung pilot pesawat tempur berhasil menyelamatkan diri.

Menanggapi hal ini, anggota komisi I DPR, Willy Aditya, mendesak Kementerian Pertahanan untuk melakukan audit terhadap alutsista yang dimiliki TNI. Hal ini penting dilakukan sebagai bagian dari penguatan sistem pertahanan nasional.

Willy menjelaskan anggaran pertahanan dalam APBN dalam beberapa tahun kebelakang selalu menempati salah satu yang tertinggi. Walau demikian anggaran ini harus berbagi dengan banyak lembaga. Karena itu dia menegaskan audit sistem pertahanan dapat menjadi dasar bagi DPR untuk menyetujui pertambahan anggaran untuk penyediaan alutsista.

“Saya rasa DPR akan menyetujui penambahan anggaran alutsista jika audit komprehensif dilakukan termasuk hasil investigasi terhadap sejumlah kecelakaan alutsista. Jadi anggaran yang dikeluarkan itu akan punya dasar yang kuat,” ucapnya.

Legislator dari dapil Jatim XI ini menegaskan terhadap sejumlah insiden kecelakaan pesawat dan heli latih, Kementerian Pertahanan dan lembaga profesional independent perlu melakukan audit investigatif. Menurutnya, menemukan penyebab jatuhnya pesawat dan heli ini penting agar dapat ditindakluti terhadap pesawat dan heli sejenis yang masih dimiliki.

“Kita masih memiliki banyak Hawk 200 dan Mi-17 yang masih operasional. Maka menemukan penyebab kecelakaan sangat penting dan mendesak. Kalau perlu di grounded dahulu pesawat dan heli dari jenis yang mengalami kecelakaan sampai ada kepastian penyebabnya,” katanya.

Willy menegaskan DPR akan mendukung Kemenhan dan TNI apabila diperlukan untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban dari pabrikan. Dia menilai, jika didalam investigasi yang dilakukan Kementerian Pertahanan dan TNI ditemukan adanya cacat pabrikan atau kegagalan fungsi dari pabrikan.

“Kita punya perjanjian dengan negara pabrikan pesawat dan heli yang digunakan TNI, maka kalau ditemukan masalah dari sisi pabrikan, kita bisa mendesak pemerinta untuk meminta pertanggunjawaban pabrikan. Ini penting untuk mendudukan posisi Indonesia sebagai konsumen kritis terhadap produk yang dihasilkan pabrikan. Kalau mereka tidak mau bertanggung jawab ya diganti saja dengan produsen yang lebih bertanggung jawab,” pungkasnya.

(Media Indonesia)
The fourth point in the KFX/IFX analyze is the key imho. The relation between sokor and indonesia has been going good, and Im sure both side dont want to lose what already been gain before. If we can exercise the fourth point then all the knowledge we have from the development phase wont go to waste. We can actually apply it by modify it to our need. Just like what Israel do with all their US fighters including F35. Its a learning curve, Local industry capability will slowly but naturally follow once the demand is set. If we stop the KFX deal Im pretty sure all the knowledge we have from it would be go down the sink and washed out as the time pass, not to mention the G to G relationship will suffer. Its a dilema for both side and I hope both side can find the best solution whether we continue to be a part of it or not.
In other news , indonesia just got a glorified martadinata class in a 6000+ ton platform.


I would not be surprised if our frigate will use rotating trs-4d instead of fixed.
In other news , indonesia just got a glorified martadinata class in a 6000+ ton platform.


I would not be surprised if our frigate will use rotating trs-4d instead of fixed.
how did you know?

i saw alman tweet about future configuration which i take it with a grain of salt, while people freaked out already.

Indonesian future frigate weapons configuration are:
1x Leonardo 76 mm SRGM
1x Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS
Leonardo A244/S M3
MBDA VL Mica, 16 cells
MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3, 8 cells
2x TDS
2x FN M3 12.7 mm

Make no mistake, no Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS will install on the aft.
probably/possibly it was a FFBNW configuration which I'd rather had when this country wants to run a Larger ToT scale. with 720m USD Budget on Iver it's ofc very unlikely to bought entire full armament configuration with the goals are to locally produced/Getting so many Tech transfer from the deal. well let's say roughly the iver normal configuration are 340-350m USD a piece in full armament, you build 2 ships roughly 680-700m USD, those 20-40m aint gonna cut it for only Tech Transfer. which is why it's better configuration to do a FFBNW if you wants a Large amount of Tech Transfer
Bisa dielaborasi bantuan Amerika untuk Indonesia? Mungkin "Presence Operation" seperti di Malaysia?

Apa yang kami kerjakan dengan Indonesia adalah meningkatkan bantuan keamanan.
Misalnya, perihal alutsista, kami sedang berdiskusi untuk pengadaan helikopter Apache dan perlengkapan militer lainnya yang bisa meningkatkan keamanan maritim Indonesia. Soal latihan militer bersama, akan diperluas ke situasi-situasi yang lebih kompleks. Hal itu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Indonesia dalam mengawasi dan menjaga wilayah perairan mereka (di Laut Cina Selatan).


Indonesian future frigate weapons configuration are:
1x Leonardo 76 mm SRGM
1x Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS
Leonardo A244/S M3
MBDA VL Mica, 16 cells
MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3, 8 cells
2x TDS
2x FN M3 12.7 mm
Light frigate or heavy frigate?
Light frigate or heavy frigate?
oh come on, haven't you read the whole thing which i talked about? lmao
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how did you know?

i saw alman tweet about future configuration which i take it with a grain of salt, while people freaked out already.

Indonesian future frigate weapons configuration are:
1x Leonardo 76 mm SRGM
1x Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS
Leonardo A244/S M3
MBDA VL Mica, 16 cells
MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3, 8 cells
2x TDS
2x FN M3 12.7 mm

Make no mistake, no Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS will install on the aft.
probably/possibly it was a FFBNW configuration which I'd rather had when this country wants to run a Larger ToT scale. with 720m USD Budget on Iver it's ofc very unlikely to bought entire full armament configuration with the goals are to locally produced/Getting so many Tech transfer from the deal. well let's say roughly the iver normal configuration are 340-350m USD a piece in full armament, you build 2 ships roughly 680-700m USD, those 20-40m aint gonna cut it for only Tech Transfer. which is why it's better configuration to do a FFBNW if you wants a Large amount of Tech Transfer
atleast Iver's FFBNW still better than PKR's FFBNW
how did you know?

i saw alman tweet about future configuration which i take it with a grain of salt, while people freaked out already.

Indonesian future frigate weapons configuration are:
1x Leonardo 76 mm SRGM
1x Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS
Leonardo A244/S M3
MBDA VL Mica, 16 cells
MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3, 8 cells
2x TDS
2x FN M3 12.7 mm

Make no mistake, no Rheinmetall 35 mm CIWS will install on the aft.
probably/possibly it was a FFBNW configuration which I'd rather had when this country wants to run a Larger ToT scale. with 720m USD Budget on Iver it's ofc very unlikely to bought entire full armament configuration with the goals are to locally produced/Getting so many Tech transfer from the deal. well let's say roughly the iver normal configuration are 340-350m USD a piece in full armament, you build 2 ships roughly 680-700m USD, those 20-40m aint gonna cut it for only Tech Transfer. which is why it's better configuration to do a FFBNW if you wants a Large amount of Tech Transfer
Almost identical with rumour i've got long before this was posted in Twitter and i suppose if you scroll back you'll find similar posting only the differences are the quantities; like 2x Rheinmetall 35mm CIWS, 2x8 Exocet mm40 B3 ( 16 missiles in total ) and 32 or 48 VLS MICA ( some from guy i knew work in PT.PAL we're working on 48 units but then some from MoD said 32 )
atleast Iver's FFBNW still better than PKR's FFBNW
yes, which is i agree. still had more teeth than PKR when the ship's launched

Almost identical with rumour i've got long before this was posted in Twitter and i suppose if you scroll back you'll find similar posting only the differences are the quantities; like 2x Rheinmetall 35mm CIWS, 2x8 Exocet mm40 B3 ( 16 missiles in total ) and 32 or 48 VLS MICA ( some from guy i knew work in PT.PAL we're working on 48 units but then some from MoD said 32 )
well the rumors kinda similiar to this, which is yeah it's almost right. I've heard rumors that the mk41 would be filled with ASROC, latest sm2 or at least sm-3(which also rumored that had been mentioned for future DDG)
oh come on, haven't you read the whole thing which i talked about? lmao
I have, its just that those specs from twitter guy is weapons for frigate that could be L frigate or H frigate, thus I only quote the specs and not include your whole post.
Maybe other member have more info.
The twitter guy previously also talking about second batch of PKR, though the main gun is kinda off for PKR class.
Still hopping that its FFBNW weapon (H frigate) or its for 2nd batch PKR.

Filpin punya frigate rasa korvet, moga moga kita ga dapet heavy frigate rasa light frigate.


future DDG
Can you give more info about this?
Can you give more info about this?
This one is way off beyond 2024 , something that we shouldn't think for now.
yes, which is i agree. still had more teeth than PKR when the ship's launched

well the rumors kinda similiar to this, which is yeah it's almost right. I've heard rumors that the mk41 would be filled with ASROC, latest sm2 or at least sm-3(which also rumored that had been mentioned for future DDG)
View attachment 642343
Wait so Mk.41 but also with MICA VLS ?
Wait so Mk.41 but also with MICA VLS ?
that was the original danish spec , 32xmk41 + 24xmk56 , Mica launcher could be a substitute to that mk56 , however based from someone i know , this specification is still not yet fixed , it could be changed next year when budget are available .
I have, its just that those specs from twitter guy is weapons for frigate that could be L frigate or H frigate, thus I only quote the specs and not include your whole post.
Maybe other member have more info.
The twitter guy previously also talking about second batch of PKR, though the main gun is kinda off for PKR class.
Still hopping that its FFBNW weapon (H frigate) or its for 2nd batch PKR.

Filpin punya frigate rasa korvet, moga moga kita ga dapet heavy frigate rasa light frigate.


Can you give more info about this?
lol i was saying about iver tho as a follow up words.

nah it aint gonna be like that, light frigate stays at it's place

nah, its only rumor, rumor could be different from what is gonna be, it couldn't be confirmed

Wait so Mk.41 but also with MICA VLS ?

it gonna be like that (prolly)
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