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Indonesia Defence Forum

Dont know if I see falcon always hope our falcon "stronk" have CFT like turks or korea one

(Btw are we need to research local produced AAM? In worst case if someday we cannot obtain missile from US or French)
Does our Sukhoi armada fully equipped? Is there any infographic or photos of our Sukhoi armament?
It seems so. The project has no further news after a decade

Joint patrol between BAKAMLA; ABF ( Australian Border Force ) & MMAF ( Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries )


Test of Slug Shot Gun ammunition made by local company PT Mega Perkasa Engineering
Anatomy of AMRAAM

Something from NASAMS project Indonesia
and credit to Lightning Chan II
Improvement of PAC 3 from its predecessor
16 missiles in one launcher,i heard tni gak masalah sama range missile nya yang penting 1 launcher banyak missile
16 missiles in one launcher,i heard tni gak masalah sama range missile nya yang penting 1 launcher banyak missile
Operator has no problems on anything suitable to our pocket and specs. These parts, US already sends their FMF ( Foreign Military Financing ) officers to study available options for Indonesia.

Credit to ODC Indonesia
It seems so. The project has no further news after a decade
View attachment 581744
Joint patrol between BAKAMLA; ABF ( Australian Border Force ) & MMAF ( Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries )

View attachment 581748
Test of Slug Shot Gun ammunition made by local company PT Mega Perkasa Engineering
View attachment 581747 Anatomy of AMRAAM
View attachment 581749
Something from NASAMS project Indonesia
and credit to Lightning Chan II
Improvement of PAC 3 from its predecessor
View attachment 581746

PAC-3 missile range against incoming ballistic missile was 20-30km which i believe it happened on service ceiling more than 30-40km+ , now i believe the range against air target is going to be classified information (probably more than 70 or 80 km+ with service ceiling half of the ballistic missile interception in my opinion) .

Operator has no problems on anything suitable to our pocket and specs. These parts, US already sends their FMF ( Foreign Military Financing ) officers to study available options for Indonesia.
View attachment 581750
Credit to ODC Indonesia
is this for the "soft loan" or "imbal dagang" case ?
PAC-3 missile range against incoming ballistic missile was 20-30km which i believe it happened on service ceiling more than 30-40km+ , now i believe the range against air target is going to be classified information (probably more than 70 or 80 km+ with service ceiling half of the ballistic missile interception in my opinion) .

is this for the "soft loan" or "imbal dagang" case ?
More or less so. Here's a good reading about PAC-3
Long term soft loans.


If we were smarter we could've requested more than Scaneagle UAV from MSI financing.
Operator has no problems on anything suitable to our pocket and specs. These parts, US already sends their FMF ( Foreign Military Financing ) officers to study available options for Indonesia.
View attachment 581750
Credit to ODC Indonesia
Everything that we can buy from US? In this case lets ask for Fighter,tanker awacs MMA and SAM probably, also asking them can we buy F15X for sukhoi replacer(?)

Also i hope navy considering this ship for logistics and troop movements,it really suits with our archipelago

Operator has no problems on anything suitable to our pocket and specs. These parts, US already sends their FMF ( Foreign Military Financing ) officers to study available options for Indonesia.
View attachment 581750
Credit to ODC Indonesia
This means any expensive purchase like wedgetail,poseidon patriot or any US expensive weaponry will not burden us yes?
Mode Bahasa
Mau tanya ini beneran apa kagak Purom wenda bkin ancaman amau mengusir semua orang pendatang? Apakah aparat berwenang siap?.....

Ini opini lagi
Anadaikan mrk paksa refrn dgn sengaja usir org2 " yg pro pemerintahan" sehingga demografik berubah???

(Sumber webnya agak 50/50 ) sih

Jujur ada masalah papua jd agak pesimis beli barang2 bagus dari barat.....

Nice if we can procure PAC3, nasams againts aircraft and pac3 for BMD
That ship UAE have one and sunk in yemen
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Mode Bahasa
Mau tanya ini beneran apa kagak Purom wenda bkin ancaman amau mengusir semua orang pendatang? Apakah aparat berwenang siap?.....

Ini opini lagi
Anadaikan mrk paksa refrn dgn sengaja usir org2 " yg pro pemerintahan" sehingga demografik berubah???

(Sumber webnya agak 50/50 ) sih

Jujur ada masalah papua jd agak pesimis beli barang2 bagus dari barat.....

Nice if we can procure PAC3, nasams againts aircraft and pac3 for BMD
Lebih dari siap , malah mungkin sebelum nya udah bikin persiapan kemungkinan terburuk dengan skenario diatas , mereka ngancem kaya gitu kesel gegara gagal meramaikan seputar kejadian yang mereka framing kemarin di sidang PBB .

belum lagi kemarin yang semprot vanuatu "rayannul sangadji" murni punya darah melanesia, makin geger mereka.

we really need to help their closest neighbour to atleast act as detterent for vanuatu, thankfully the FIJIAN are on our side.
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Lebih dari siap , malah mungkin sebelum nya udah bikin persiapan kemungkinan terburuk dengan skenario diatas , mereka ngancem kaya gitu kesel gegara gagal meramaikan seputar kejadian yang mereka framing kemarin di sidang PBB .

belum lagi kemarin yang semprot vanuatu "rayannul sangadji" murni punya darah melanesia, makin geger mereka.

we really need to help their closest neighbour to atleast act as detterent for vanuatu, thankfully the FIJIAN are on our side.
Vanuatu and png in Our side
Ini rada bawa dan bkin emosi ini, masalahnya korban sipil yg disasar ga pantes gtu lho. Seakan2 warga luar pulau papua ini dianggep penjajajah. Mau dri pulau mana saja suku agama etnis apapun mnurut para pembangkang ini kyk hrus diusir karena mereka ga berhak d papua sana

Pdhl dprd sana minta jgn ada exodus lucu skli ini

Yg saya ga suka mana nih org yg koar2 ham soal kekerasan tni aparat dsb? Ini warga sipil lho apa bagi mrk ham hanya untuk pembangkan plus antek2nya? Apa pendatang ga pantes dpt ham?

Apa kita perlu bkin pemukim bersenjata ala2 si negara bendera biru di timteng itu?

Tpi pbb dliat2 beritanya gada yg berhuubungan ama isu2 papua. Rata2 yg diangkat isu lingkungan

How possible we can procure dual engine fighter from US? Like shornet or maybe f15?
Are congress will give us greenlight?
Lebih dari siap , malah mungkin sebelum nya udah bikin persiapan kemungkinan terburuk dengan skenario diatas , mereka ngancem kaya gitu kesel gegara gagal meramaikan seputar kejadian yang mereka framing kemarin di sidang PBB .

belum lagi kemarin yang semprot vanuatu "rayannul sangadji" murni punya darah melanesia, makin geger mereka.

we really need to help their closest neighbour to atleast act as detterent for vanuatu, thankfully the FIJIAN are on our side.
I think you'll be interested in this article https://tirto.id/siapa-kawan-dan-lawan-indonesia-di-melanesia-soal-papua-merdeka-df4R
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