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This is a large deal

I am realized, almost all of our army light helicopter being utilized as gunship
Yeah this is good, but will be much better with even larger quantity and firepower, pertahanken. We should really replace all that old Meriam gunung, M101 and LG-1 with M777, it's the best shit today and that it could easily be airlifted by choppers due to it's light weight, regular UH and KAPA could carry this forward instead of the largely obsolete 105mm artilleries.

But for the CAESAR platform, i am very satisfied, we should have 100+ of them and if possible self-produce it's ammunition (or just every artillery ammunition in general), i wonder where are these M109 go? maybe some retrofit upgrade it to PALADIN level?. We can expect a tandem of Leopard 2, Harimau and Pandur II in 2021 perhaps, that would be great to see. But for the air force there's a lot of homework to do, i personally prefers if the Viper, IFX and F-35 plan could be realized, i'm a bit against Su-35 and unsure about F-15X.
Yeah this is good, but will be much better with even larger quantity and firepower, pertahanken. We should really replace all that old Meriam gunung, M101 and LG-1 with M777, it's the best shit today and that it could easily be airlifted by choppers due to it's light weight, regular UH and KAPA could carry this forward instead of the largely obsolete 105mm artilleries.

But for the CAESAR platform, i am very satisfied, we should have 100+ of them and if possible self-produce it's ammunition (or just every artillery ammunition in general), i wonder where are these M109 go? maybe some retrofit upgrade it to PALADIN level?. We can expect a tandem of Leopard 2, Harimau and Pandur II in 2021 perhaps, that would be great to see. But for the air force there's a lot of homework to do, i personally prefers if the Viper, IFX and F-35 plan could be realized, i'm a bit against Su-35 and unsure about F-15X.
Dont forget about tanker, melorad,aewc and MMA also, i support LHD project for long term project and fill that LHD with F35 just like trieste,F15,F35 or SU 35 take it or leave it

Or we could purchase caesar 8x8 IMO and U.S national guard M109A5,also make pandur heavy mortar variant for fire support purpose hoping the best for TNi,for airforce are we looking for dedicated airborne ground surveillance like Jstars or sentinel and dedicated EW aircraft like australian G550 or EC-130?

Dont forget about tanker, melorad,aewc and MMA also, i support LHD project for long term project and fill that LHD with F35 just like trieste,F15,F35 or SU 35 take it or leave it

Or we could purchase caesar 8x8 IMO and U.S national guard M109A5,also make pandur heavy mortar variant for fire support purpose hoping the best for TNi,for airforce are we looking for dedicated airborne ground surveillance like Jstars or sentinel and dedicated EW aircraft like australian G550 or EC-130?
KC-46 Pegasus, Wedgetail and P-8 Poseidon package is already the best all-in-one deal that we could access at the moment. There's a plan that Poseidon is going to have Ground Surveillance suite variant with aperture radar like that aboard Sentinel installed on them, but it remains just a plan by Boeing tho, unless some customer specifically requested it. I think it's unlikely that we'll going to procure dedicated EW aircraft, as KFX/IFX is planned to have built-in EW suite, so that would made Growler etc out of the question.

I agree that PAL should really get serious about their LHD plan, if possible request some design technology from the South Korean Dokdo-class (like it's a successor for Makassar-class), it's both economical and versatile design, something that PAL would handle quite comfortably. If it's cost extra, i think it's unnecessary to procure CAESAR 8x8 for the sake of it's reload system and upgraded fire control, also that we are unlike Denmark who had a shortage of manpower, so there's less justification to buy the automated variant, CAESAR 6x6 is already good enough IMO, but we should buy more of them.
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KC-46 Pegasus, Wedgetail and P-8 Poseidon package is already the best all-in-one deal that we could access at the moment. There's a plan that Poseidon is going to have Ground Surveillance suite variant with aperture radar like that aboard Sentinel installed on them, but it remains just a plan by Boeing tho, unless some customer specifically requested it. I think it's unlikely that we'll going to procure dedicated EW aircraft, as KFX/IFX is planned to have built-in EW suite, so that would made Growler etc out of the question.

I agree that PAL should really get serious about their LHD plan, if possible request some design technology from the South Korean Dokdo-class (like it's a successor for Makassar-class), it's both economical and versatile design, something that PAL would handle quite comfortably. If it's cost extra, i think it's unnecessary to procure CAESAR 8x8 for the sake of it's reload system and upgraded fire control, also that we are unlike Denmark who had a shortage of manpower, so there's less justification to buy the automated variant, CAESAR 6x6 is already good enough IMO, but we should buy more of them.

maybe for LHD (incase the allocated budget was around 700-900million $) ,maybe we can try with french DCNS mistral or if you want to go even more crazier , the Italian Fincantieri , hell their new trieste LHD are second to none in europe arsenal .

but pardon me , the trieste price is not really that friendly :rofl: , they'are pseudo aircraft carrier afterall
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maybe for LHD (incase the allocated budget was around 700-900million $) ,maybe we can try with french DCNS mistral or if you want to go even more crazier , the Italian Fincantieri , hell their new trieste LHD are second to none in europe arsenal .

but pardon me , the trieste price is not really that friendly :rofl: , they'are pseudo aircraft carrier afterall
No need to buy new one we're already researching for LHD،jadi saya kuliah di ITS waktu itu ngambil kelas tambahan sama dosen saya yang kerja di pt pal (he's involved in tarlac project) dan waktu itu there's orang bule (Jerman likely) di kelas tambahan saya dan dosen saya ngomongin stabilitasor kapal induk sama ntuh orang dan kabarnya mau riset eh pas mau dibuka designnya b orang jerman nya bilang gak usah,im not joking but I'm still unsure about my lecturer statement is it about LHD or something else but i assume it's about LHD

KC-46 Pegasus, Wedgetail and P-8 Poseidon package is already the best all-in-one deal that we could access at the moment. There's a plan that Poseidon is going to have Ground Surveillance suite variant with aperture radar like that aboard Sentinel installed on them, but it remains just a plan by Boeing tho, unless some customer specifically requested it. I think it's unlikely that we'll going to procure dedicated EW aircraft, as KFX/IFX is planned to have built-in EW suite, so that would made Growler etc out of the question.

I agree that PAL should really get serious about their LHD plan, if possible request some design technology from the South Korean Dokdo-class (like it's a successor for Makassar-class), it's both economical and versatile design, something that PAL would handle quite comfortably. If it's cost extra, i think it's unnecessary to procure CAESAR 8x8 for the sake of it's reload system and upgraded fire control, also that we are unlike Denmark who had a shortage of manpower, so there's less justification to buy the automated variant, CAESAR 6x6 is already good enough IMO, but we should buy more of them.
You're right hope we can get caesar license,if you look closely, Pal LHD technical specifications really looks like trieste,also for melorad i i prefer additional nasams (for commonality) or SAMPT/meads (for area coverage)

As for ashm,we're sticking with exocet right? If we're planning for coastal battery,exocet is the right choice and place it in natuna island,and buy additional mm40 block III for corvette and frigate armada probably mbda will give us exocet license,i dont really know if poseidon can integrated with exocet tho,also are we looking at some kind of OTH radar like jindalee one?
Yeah this is good, but will be much better with even larger quantity and firepower, pertahanken. We should really replace all that old Meriam gunung, M101 and LG-1 with M777, it's the best shit today and that it could easily be airlifted by choppers due to it's light weight, regular UH and KAPA could carry this forward instead of the largely obsolete 105mm artilleries.

But for the CAESAR platform, i am very satisfied, we should have 100+ of them and if possible self-produce it's ammunition (or just every artillery ammunition in general), i wonder where are these M109 go? maybe some retrofit upgrade it to PALADIN level?. We can expect a tandem of Leopard 2, Harimau and Pandur II in 2021 perhaps, that would be great to see. But for the air force there's a lot of homework to do, i personally prefers if the Viper, IFX and F-35 plan could be realized, i'm a bit against Su-35 and unsure about F-15X.
For me the mechanization of the infantry is a more important task. 300 anoa's just wouldnt do. We need at the very least 1000 of those. While at the same time producing pandurs for front line units like Kostrad, we need to make sure that our infantry comes at speed, in time and protected.

Saab gak ada matinya:enjoy:

Anyway,last time i opened saab fb fb p they announced that pindad and saab cooperated to produce rbs 70 NG right? How much will we purchase tho alongside with the girrafe radar?
No need to buy new one we're already researching for LHD،jadi saya kuliah di ITS waktu itu ngambil kelas tambahan sama dosen saya yang kerja di pt pal (he's involved in tarlac project) dan waktu itu there's orang bule (Jerman likely) di kelas tambahan saya dan dosen saya ngomongin stabilitasor kapal induk sama ntuh orang dan kabarnya mau riset eh pas mau dibuka designnya b orang jerman nya bilang gak usah,im not joking but I'm still unsure about my lecturer statement is it about LHD or something else but i assume it's about LHD

You're right hope we can get caesar license,if you look closely, Pal LHD technical specifications really looks like trieste,also for melorad i i prefer additional nasams (for commonality) or SAMPT/meads (for area coverage)

As for ashm,we're sticking with exocet right? If we're planning for coastal battery,exocet is the right choice and place it in natuna island,and buy additional mm40 block III for corvette and frigate armada probably mbda will give us exocet license,i dont really know if poseidon can integrated with exocet tho,also are we looking at some kind of OTH radar like jindalee one?
Kalau kata orang sono.. Just let something secret left unspoken, nga bakal mereka mau buka design tanpa proyek
For me the mechanization of the infantry is a more important task. 300 anoa's just wouldnt do. We need at the very least 1000 of those. While at the same time producing pandurs for front line units like Kostrad, we need to make sure that our infantry comes at speed, in time and protected.
We need a great innovation like singaporean do with their armored vehicles unit,i hope we'll place a bulk order for pandur and anoa altogether with black tiger in the near future

Kalau kata orang sono.. Just let something secret left unspoken, nga bakal mereka mau buka design tanpa proyek
You're right,but i really2 wanted to look at the design lmao
LAPAN Reveal Human-carrying Drone


Multicopter not drone, and that propeller kebalik. lmao

Ada yang tahu acara semarak satria kompas?
Di acara tersebut lagi bahas DISKESAL AL
Ternyata diskesal kerjsama ama undip bisa bkin lengan bionik. Yg mana lengannya bekerja svear baik dipasangkan ke seorg sersan yg kehilangan tanganya saat jadi pelatih

Tangan bionik buatan prancis harganya 600
Kalo lokal 100
Edit :
(Sorry i didnt realize why i type in Bahasa)
So diskesal have been madr a bionic hand collaboration with UNDIP.....

How coincidence , the german recently speak about plan to purchase or build their new helicopter carrier
I still doubt since they never intervere any problem or have ambition power outside europe territory, mainly their sea power are traditionaly fregat and sub

We need a great innovation like singaporean do with their armored vehicles unit,i hope we'll place a bulk order for pandur and anoa altogether with black tiger in the near future

You're right,but i really2 wanted to look at the design lmao
Wkkk... German design is "dull" bro, france is "weird", brit is "ugly"
Home Internasional Berita Asia Pasifik
Australia Didesak Turun Tangan Setop Kerusuhan di Papua
CNN Indonesia
Minggu, 29/09/2019 19:05
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Ilustrasi. (ANTARA FOTO/Marius Wonyewun)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Selain mengangkat isu dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Papua dalam pidato di Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) ke-74, Vanuatu juga meminta Australia turun tangan menangani konflik di wilayah paling timur Indonesia itu.

Menteri Luar Negeri Vanuatu Ralph Ragenvanu mengatakan "sejarah akan menilai kita" jika tak berbuat apa-apa menanggapi situasi krisis di Papua.

"Sejumlah ahli hukum internasional telah menyerukan (krisis di Papua) genosida, maksud saya memang telah masuk kriteria genosida. Sejarah akan mencatat kita dan kita harus berada di sisi yang benar dalam sejarah," kata Ragenvanu di New York.

"Australia harus meningkatkan kontribusinya secara substansial dalam masalah Papua Barat, terutama karena (Australia) berada di Dewan HAM PBB, (Australia) adalah anggota Forum Kepulauan Pasifik," paparnya menambahkan seperti dikutip SBS.

Sebelumnya, Perdana Menteri Vanuatu Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas mengecam dugaan pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di Papua menyusul kerusuhan terbaru yang terjadi Wamena pada awal pekan ini.
Lihat juga:
RI Anggap Vanuatu Sponsor Gerakan Separatis Papua Di depan seluruh 193 negara anggota PBB Tabimasmas mendesak pemerintah Indonesia untuk memberikan akses Komisaris Tinggi HAM PBB untuk meninjau situasi sebenarnya di Papua.

Di sela-sela pertemuan Majelis Umum PBB, Menteri Luar Negeri Australia, Marise Payne, mendesak seluruh pihak untuk "benar-benar menahan diri" untuk tidak memperkeruh situasi di Papua.

"Kami tentu sangat khawatir dengan laporan-laporan kekerasan yang terjadi di Papua dan Papua Barat. Situasi di Papua sangat penting di mana perwakilan kami di Jakarta terus memonitor kondisi Papua bersama dengan otoritas (Indonesia)," kata Payne.

Sementara itu, juru bicara Partai Buruh (oposisi pemerintah Australia) untuk urusan hubungan luar negeri, Penny Wong, mengecam "kekerasan yang terjadi di Papua".
Lihat juga:
Wamena Rusuh, Benny Wenda Desak PBB Segera Turun ke Papua Meski begitu, ia menuturkan pihaknya tetap netral dan mengakui kedaulatan Indonesia di tanah Papua.

"Kami telah mengangkat kekhawatiran terkait pelanggaran HAM di Papua Barat dan kami akan terus berupaya menjunjung tinggi hak universal semua orang untuk mengekspresikan pandangan politiknya secara bebas dan damai terkait Papua Barat," ucap Wong melalui pernyataan.

"Partai Buruh benar-benar menghormati integritas kedaulatan teritorial Indonesia, rasa saling hormat terhadap kedaulatan dan integritas kedua negara tertuang dalam Perjanjian Lombok, yang tetap menjadi landasan kerja sama keamanan antara Indonesia-Australia," katanya. (rds/age)

The question is quite simple,are they willing to do that?

I still doubt since they never intervere any problem or have ambition power outside europe territory, mainly their sea power are traditionaly fregat and sub

Wkkk... German design is "dull" bro, france is "weird", brit is "ugly"
We're not asking for their design,we're joint research in ship stabilitazor with them
About LHD as I know spanish has offer their ex LHD principe asturias along with bima suci but we decline it (some rumor said they also offer alvaro bazan kwkwk)

Also spanish has built tcg anadolu recently

Italian also built kalaat beni abbas


Look weapon that ship carry, carry 76mm otmel and Aster15/30

(It is remind me about TKAVR Baku class soviet navy sister of Vikramaditya)

So.... maybe we can choose spaniard or italian or turkey....

Just look who is more cheaper and more easy to procure

Btw pakai bahasa mau bicara sensitif klo ada yg berkenan maap
Sebenernya kan perusuh skrg ini rusuh2 usir warga pendatang apa ini juga mereka pingin supaya demografiknya berubah lagi?

Dan apakah kita bisa pakai korban orang2 pendatang ini bahwa konflik ini malahan mengkorbankan orang sipil juga?
Jadi buat si vanuatu dkk mati kutu
Dukung opm = dukung pelangaran ham

Atau ham bagi mrk hanya berlaku utk opm?
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