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Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht

Brother, myths have been created by the congress party backed by the unscrupulous Indian media against Sant Bhindranwale. Crimes were done and the media without any proof put the blame on Sant Bhindranwale and created this divide between Hindus and Sikhs. This was politics at it's worst.

When Swami Vishnudevananda asked Sant Bhindranwale of why the entire Indian media and government is pitting all these crimes on him, Sant Bhindranwale answered that since the creation of time those who follow Dharma and do Bhagti have always been the target of politicians. Today that is what is happening. Sant Bhindranwale would every time condemn any crime that was done against Hindus, but the pro congress Indian media would never report his statements that would make him look good. What they would do is misquote or take out of context his words and create a mythic story.

You are in denial about the crimes that were done on the orders of Bhindranwale..those innocent souls who were murdered on his orders because they were true Sikhs.

Calling him a sant does not do justice to the legacy of Sikhism and its warrior gurus who stood for Dharma resolutely in the face of Adharma without themselves succumbing to the vices of Adharma. Bhindranwale was just a political proxy who was propped up by Indira to counter the Akalis and who after some time started taking orders from her and went about his own way.

It is not an exaggeration. If one or two survivors had said this one can question it, but what do you say when hundreds of eye witnesses saw these crimes? Why do you think there was a media blackout in Punjab during the operation? so the Indian and world media would not be exposed to the crimes. When the government does a media blackout, one must question what the government is trying to hide.

Sure the Govt whitewashed many thing and brutalities which I dont deny..but I am also not going to believe everything the Sikhi sites say. As I said the truth is somewhere inbetween..

Anyway no point talking about that..what should be done is, there should be a movement of some kind to pressurize the Congi govt to prosecute kamal nath, tytler and sajjan kumar for their crimes against humanity..only that can give some kind of closure to this vexed problem..
Thanks for the explanation..but still can you deny that there are many Sikhs who support Congress ? You cant be a significant political force in Punjab without Sikhs supporting it.
Maybe read about the corruption done by Badal and BJP Co.The Congressi's are also corrupt but their corruption pales in comparison to the others.

Don't forget about the Punjabi Hindus also they are 40% of the population or are you telling me they all support BJP.
Its is because your honor people like Udham Singh your kids have turned into various version of them. That will be your legacy. Now the same story is repeated in honoring the two other cowards and the saga continues. Soon you will have generations killing each other for 'their versions of dharma' and self righteousness. Sounds like Taliban to me ...killing others for the 'true cause'. All the best.

What is wrong in honoring Uddham Singh ?

Maybe read about the corruption done by Badal and BJP Co.The Congressi's are also corrupt but their corruption pales in comparison to the others.

Don't forget about the Punjabi Hindus also they are 40% of the population or are you telling me they all support BJP.

No there are ofcourse (idiot) Hindus who support Congress..but can you come to power in Punjab on Hindu vote alone without Sikhs also supporting Congress..that was my question.
What is wrong in honoring Uddham Singh ?

No there are ofcourse (idiot) Hindus who support Congress..but can you come to power in Punjab on Hindu vote alone without Sikhs also supporting Congress..that was my question.
KS you should read a bit about the Badals before going gung ho about them.He had 26 acre of land in 1970's now his worth is thousands of crores.

BJP and SAD is more family oriented business in Punjab while Congress is a bunch of Individuals.
People hate Congress at centre because of it family politics and foot in mouth ministers same is true with Punjab.
KS you should read a bit about the Badals before going gung ho about them.He had 26 acre of land in 1970's now his worth is thousands of crores.

Hi, I dont give a hoot about Punjab's internal state politics (though I just hope they send enough people to NDA in Lok Sabha elections). Not only Badal every political family in India is neck deep in corruption. Your Badals cant hold a candle in front of our karunanidhis and Jayas. :lol:

My point was to the poster who complained that Mrs.Gandhi's enduring legacy makes the Sikhs loose faith in electoral politics. So I asked if they hate Congress so much, why vote for them ? Nothing ulterior about that.

So from your reply about badal's corruption I can only take that unlike that poster's view, corruption and economy play a very important role, even more than Mrs.gandhi's legacy..
Hi, I dont give a hoot about Punjab's internal state politics (though I just hope they send enough people to NDA in Lok Sabha elections). Not only Badal every political family in India is neck deep in corruption. Your Badals cant hold a candle in front of our karunanidhis and Jayas. :lol:

My point was to the poster who complained that Mrs.Gandhi's enduring legacy makes the Sikhs loose faith in electoral politics. So I asked if they hate Congress so much, why vote for them ? Nothing ulterior about that.

So from your reply about badal's corruption I can only take that unlike that poster's view, corruption and economy play a very important role, even more than Mrs.gandhi's legacy..
They are not mine and people did loose faith in the electoral process until Vajpayee came into power.Most of the state elections had miserable voter turn out and fake ballots were a common sight.
Are you really trying to justify taking arms and killing your own people ? ..... there are no Aurangzeb's left.....no more boogie man to blame.

Who needs Aurangzeb when we have Indira Gandhi and her congress party to perpetrate human right abuses against the Sikhs.

Taking up arms is the last resort when no more options are open to you. In modern day and age there are multiple avenues to justice. Press, news channels, Courts, pressure groups, political parties and internet. If you insist in living in the 17 century then you will eventually start resembling our neighbors. All the best with that.

You have no idea of the time and era you are talking about. India of the 70s and 80s is not like the India of today where you have multiple options. Back then their was no internet, barely any TV or Radio channels, so the media was very much controlled by the state. When Indira Gandhi imposed emergency rule and disregarded democracy, Sikhs began to protest and filled the jails of North India. But when under Indira Gandhi's orders, thousands of Sikhs were arrested during the Asia games, not a single fellow Indian protested this injustice. What type of justice are you talking about?

Democracy works for everyone who believe in it. If you believe in animal logic of revenge and killings........
Not if you are the minority. Democracy is an idea which seems very beautiful if you are the majority community. But that same democracy looks very ugly when you fall victim to popular politics that appeases the majority.

Bhishma, Karna and Drona were all killed in WAR. They choose to throw down their weapon for various reason, but did not quite the war. Its NOT assasination.

Who are you trying to kid here? During the Mahabharat war, Indians followed rules even during the time of war(not like today). An unarmed man was never attacked. Bhisma, Karan and Drona were all unarmed and and fully trusted in Lord Sri Krishna that they would not be attacked. But Krishna knew that without breaking the rules of war, these men could not have been killed going by the rules. So going against the set rules these men were killed in cold blood. If Satwant Singh and Beant Singh are wrong, then so is Lord Sri Krishna and Arjun.

Its is because your honor people like Udham Singh your kids have turned into various version of them. That will be your legacy. Now the same story is repeated in honoring the two other cowards and the saga continues. Soon you will have generations killing each other for 'their versions of dharma' and self righteousness. Sounds like Taliban to me ...killing others for the 'true cause'. All the best :rolleyes:

Wow, so now Udham Singh is also a villain in your eyes? *NEWS FLASH* he is considered a great Indian patriot. Are you sure you are even an Indian?
What is wrong in honoring Uddham Singh ?

No there are ofcourse (idiot) Hindus who support Congress..but can you come to power in Punjab on Hindu vote alone without Sikhs also supporting Congress..that was my question.

You walk a dangerous path when you honor assassins. Its the same as making heroes of 'suicide bombers'. The objective is to inspire others to walk the same path.

Is that how you want to mold your society / community ? Do you really want to live in such a society ?
so when we had strong leader like India Gandhi, you had problems.

when we have mild leader like MMS, you have problems

now, you want strong leader like Modi who has done even more horrible thing...but you dont have any problem because he has not yet assumed the post!

if Modi does another adventure may be by going ahead and building a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya OR working as God Father for companies like Reliance to exploit our rare minerals and pollute the evnmt, you will start having problems!!

we Indians have typical and influenced mindset...there need a change!!

I don't worship these leaders.Strong leaders doesn't mean you can get away with all the bad things you done.Indira behaved like a dictator and subverted the democracy such behavior,she introduced inheritance politics and enforced supremacy of Gandhi clan in Congress party.For that I will always dislike her.
I never endorsed Modi and I don't support him to be the next PM.
Indira Gandhi was a egomaniac (a typical Scorpion trait), Some timid Indians admire her even today, they feel secure and sense of proud with such leaders at top. She is responsible for death of 1000s of innocent Indians.
To be honest no hindu thinks of Sikhs as different from them. None at all. Zero. The number of Hindus who go to gurudwaras should tell u.
But I have seen some Sikhs who do consider themselves as very different in an arrogant way.

And the less said of Sikhs in Canada and UK the better. Most of them would like to break India.
Who needs Aurangzeb when we have Indira Gandhi and her congress party to perpetrate human right abuses against the Sikhs.

More rhetorics. :rolleyes:

You have no idea of the time and era you are talking about. India of the 70s and 80s is not like the India of today where you have multiple options. Back then their was no internet, barely any TV or Radio channels, so the media was very much controlled by the state. When Indira Gandhi imposed emergency rule and disregarded democracy, Sikhs began to protest and filled the jails of North India. But when under Indira Gandhi's orders, thousands of Sikhs were arrested during the Asia games, not a single fellow Indian protested this injustice. What type of justice are you talking about?

2000 years back Jesus Christ choose to forgive his enemies and ended up converting the entire Roman empire into his followers. 60 years back Mahatma Gandhi choose to defeat his enemies (Greatest empire know to mankind) and ended up as a Legend.

Times always change but some fundamental truths and facts are immortal.

Not if you are the minority. Democracy is an idea which seems very beautiful if you are the majority community. But that same democracy looks very ugly when you fall victim to popular politics that appeases the majority.

Everybody is a Minority or majority depending on his personal affiliations.

If you choose to see yourself as a man you are in Majority because there are more men that women in India.

If you see yourself as belonging to a group who is more than 6 feet 4 inches, you will always be a minority.

Its your personal affiliations and pet bigotry that determines your minority / majority status.

Who are you trying to kid here? During the Mahabharat war, Indians followed rules even during the time of war(not like today). An unarmed man was never attacked. Bhisma, Karan and Drona were all unarmed and and fully trusted in Lord Sri Krishna that they would not be attacked. But Krishna knew that without breaking the rules of war, these men could not have been killed going by the rules. So going against the set rules these men were killed in cold blood. If Satwant Singh and Beant Singh are wrong, then so is Lord Sri Krishna and Arjun.

An unarmed man participating in a declared war and has willing joined the war is fair game. Its his choice weather to fight with weapon or fight without weapon.

I cannot teach you the Mahabharata over the internet but fair to say Sri. Krishna never gave abhayam to either Bhisma, Karna or Drona. They were all killed as per the rules of warfare.

Wow, so now Udham Singh is also a villain in your eyes? *NEWS FLASH* he is considered a great Indian patriot. Are you sure you are even an Indian?

Answer to this is given earlier.
You walk a dangerous path when you honor assassins. Its the same as making heroes of 'suicide bombers'. The objective is to inspire others to walk the same path.

Is that how you want to mold your society / community ? Do you really want to live in such a society ?

He did not kill his own people. Nor could he approach courts or any other institutions to get justice. So what was the only choice left for him ?
You are in denial about the crimes that were done on the orders of Bhindranwale..those innocent souls who were murdered on his orders because they were true Sikhs.

Yes according to the state controlled India media(of the 80s), Bhindranwala did all the things you have been brain washed to believe about him.

Calling him a sant does not do justice to the legacy of Sikhism and its warrior gurus who stood for Dharma resolutely in the face of Adharma without themselves succumbing to the vices of Adharma. Bhindranwale was just a political proxy who was propped up by Indira to counter the Akalis and who after some time started taking orders from her and went about his own way.

Sure the Govt whitewashed many thing and brutalities which I dont deny..but I am also not going to believe everything the Sikhi sites say. As I said the truth is somewhere inbetween..

Anyway no point talking about that..what should be done is, there should be a movement of some kind to pressurize the Congi govt to prosecute kamal nath, tytler and sajjan kumar for their crimes against humanity..only that can give some kind of closure to this vexed problem..

You yourself mention this case in point Indira Gandhi creating Bhindranwala. But what you fail to understand is Bhindranwala was considered a good man by the congress and the congress controlled media until he was with the congress, but when he distanced himself from the congress that same man became a villain over night? He was the same man before and after, only difference is you cannot get over the fact that Indira Gandhi tried to play with fire and she got burnt. She tried to play dirty politics in Punjab by dividing the Sikhs. But when Sikhs realized her game, she turned against the Sikh people.

It's very easy to judge someone without knowing the facts. Sadly most people in our country have become very judgmental without verifying any of the accusation against Sant Bhindranwala. When you refuse to read both sides of the story and want to continue believing in the state propaganda of the congress party then by all means do so.
I could only say three things as a final post on this topic in this thread:

1) Nation regrets the heavy handedness and the callousness with which the whole Op.Blue Star was handled. It could have been done in a much more sensitive way so as to not offend the Sikh sentiments and also to minimize civilian casualties.

2) The likes of tytler, kamal nath and sajan kumar need to be accounted for their crimes against Indians.

3) Sikhs on their part need to stop honoring people who were also responsible for the death of innocents in Punjab.

This cycle of blaming and counter-blaming can only stop when two sides meet halfway.

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