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Indira Gandhi's assassins honoured by Akal Takht

And do you admit Bhindranwale staying in Harmandir Sahib and turning the temple into a fortress was a right thing to do ?

Again you need to go back a little on the history to see where it started. He did not originally come to the Harmandir Sahib with intention of fortifying it. He had originally come there with all of the Sikh leaders of the Panth(including the Akalis) as a base for the Dharm Yudh Morcha which the Sikhs Panth had collectively launched for Punjab's rights. But as Indira Gandhi began to indulge in her dirty politics in Punjab, it became difficult for Sikh leaders to leave. The attack on the golden temple was planned atleast 2 years before the actual attack. With the attack imminent the Sikhs also began to prepare for battle.
why do u think sikhs are minorities dude?

Is a Hindu Arora/Jatt going to think any different of a fellow Arora/jatt?

Is everyone Amridhaari,aren't there sehjdaaris and monas?


i dont say that people are anti sikhs.We have no issue but i m talking about political class.They can kill anybody n blame everything on even those people.

Let me tell you,if some killing is done for ex of any gandhi family member.Govt can blame anybody or group for that and then you will see again butchering.
This is my point.
No, its not the same as Indian Army doing in Manipur.

The British Raj was not democratically elected by the Indians nor was there a constitution that was framed by the Indians themselves. They were occupiers, pure and simple. And I cant condone killing them.

Indian Army has done a lot of questionable actions ....which was done at operational level keeping in mind the situation at that time. When we dissect their action in the comfort of an AC room and over the intenet, its very easy to find faults. .....anyway this is out of topic.

British were occupiers and no one condones killing by them.....just want to make sure the blame is placed at the right door step.
Sadly that's true,Only way to prevent that from happening is to have vibrant civil society.

See,we indians are brainless and slave mentality.we have habit to get ruled by powerful elites.

firstly there were muslim cruaders then british and now our political class.Everything will happen but we wont open mouth.

1984 happened? how many muslims or how many hindus came on streets?

I m even surprised for sikhs here :hitwall: who still lick congis.

and there are sikhs who goes to rallies of jagdish tytler etc..so we are self responsible otherwise these 2 mfkers like tytler and one more can be killed easily.
See,we indians are brainless and slave mentality.we have habit to get ruled by powerful elites.

firstly there were muslim cruaders then british and now our political class.Everything will happen but we wont open mouth.

1984 happened? how many muslims or how many hindus came on streets?

I m even surprised for sikhs here :hitwall: who still lick congis.

and there are sikhs who goes to rallies of jagdish tytler etc..so we are self responsible otherwise these 2 mfkers like tytler and one more can be killed easily.

That's why I agree with Justice Katju.If we Indians here stood up against Congress party and its thugs 1984 wouldn't have happened,But sadly we Indians are afraid to speak up against authority,I agree its a slavish mentality that dates back to colonial days.But I think times are changing,look how the anti rape protests and anti corruption protest happened.It was not organized by any political parties, and it was largely peaceful.Only if we had such protests happened against 1984 would've easily been prevented.I sincerely hopes Sikhs get there justice for 1984 riots,its not about politics because its the right thing to do.
I dont know why people bring religion into it. You challenged writ of GoI. GoI dealth with you. Same happening with ULFA/Maoists/kashmiri militants.
Same thing pakistani govt did with red mosque.
I dont know why people bring religion into it. You challenged writ of GoI. GoI dealth with you. Same happening with ULFA/Maoists/kashmiri militants.
Same thing pakistani govt did with red mosque.

Because it was made into a religious problem. Same as with Kashmiri problem.
I dont know why people bring religion into it. You challenged writ of GoI. GoI dealth with you. Same happening with ULFA/Maoists/kashmiri militants.
Same thing pakistani govt did with red mosque.

GoI's writ is not some God given authority,they are given by the people of India.People don't give them the authority to murder its own civilians,Desecration of golden temple was completely unacceptable,And don't forget these ULFA and Maoists are a creation failed Govt policies.Tell me who ran the Salva Judum??If we don't learn from our mistakes we will never progress.
Well speaking my mind, Akal Takht is starting a dangerous tendency.. Soon we can see more and more of it..

Indira Gandi may have done many bad things, but she was the Prime Minister of India..

No wonder, Anti India elements conducted meeting openly in the Heart of Delhi and we didnt do nothing about it..
Well speaking my mind, Akal Takht is starting a dangerous tendency.. Soon we can see more and more of it..

It was a fringe group that did this..neither akali dal nor SGPC attended the ceremony. Mainly a political move.


Well deserve honor for those brave souls.

Well deserved death punishment for lowly scum bachu rezakar and well deserved imprisonment for kader mollah.
It was a fringe group that did this..neither akali dal nor SGPC attended the ceremony. Mainly a political move.
Well deserved death punishment for lowly scum bachu rezakar and well deserved imprisonment for kader mollah.
and dont forget that swine Ghulam Azam and other jamati pigs and al badr dogs

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