Punjab is no home of yours. Haryana is Punjab and most of the IVC sites are in 'Pakistan' which is really Punjab.
What terrorist attacks exactly? Besides the ones you see on youtube where Hindu-RSS Braminists (won't let you degrade our river with your FAKE religion's name) claim that sure's killed 25k hindu civilians or some bs like that.
He wasn't a nobody, he was the Mukhi of Damdami Taksal, the same panth that Guru Gobind Singh Ji started himself, and is linked with the Bhudda Dal. The original Sikh Misl that had you marathas and ferengi pendu peeing your pants.
edit - Btw, ignoramus Sant Ji attained shaheedi at the Akal takht; before that there was no 'movement' so where did he do terrorist attacks? How could he, well you may be a better sikh than me. I'll take it that Baba Deep Singh Ji fought with head in hand, but you say Sant Ji came back and slaughtered you kutas? Well, let me get on the phone and tell the quom! I DIDN'T KNOW THAT.
- Back to orig. post----
Congress didn't lose control of him, it became obvious that the centre was only interested in supporting off-wing elements to destroy and change Sikhi and that the main issues such as Punjab's state rights under the constitution being taken away would not be solved.
He did use democratic means, like I said a sarbat Khalsa was held, the guru's will as well as the khalsa's was carried out. Democracy of Hindustan is Operation Shudi Karan, and Woodrose.
I like how they say majority of sikhs are against, if they were the execution of Jathedar Sardar Balwant Singh Rajoana would not have been stayed, due to security concerns; and hundred's of thousands would not have come out to protest and support him.
I'm done talking, it is obvius you value caste before varna, ravan before krisha, in-justice before justice, and slavery before azadi.
Let, me tell you Hindustani you know how to be a soldier with your aircraft, bombs, and machine guns but not a Sant. Hundreds of Punjab Police, CRPF, and even Faujis quit the force after seeing the conduct of Khalistani 'Terrorists' as they endured torture.
You don't even follow Hindu Dharam, you follow a bramin created myth in order to keep in-bred power.
That is all I have to say,
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.