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India's Two-Front War Plans

Most people here dont understand what India is trying to achieve.For most Pakistanis this means that India is going to launch an offensive attack on Pakistan and China which is completely wrong.

The IA wants to make itself ready if it is facing a war in one front and the other country tries to open the second front.Now this can only happen if there is a war between India and China and Pakistan decides to come in as i higly doubt China would like and join Pakistan with a war with India.

Now this is good in the sense that preparing for a 2 front war would make our defence forces more lethal and well equipped but i higly doubt that this is going to happen.Pakistan is not in a position currently to fight a war with India and moreover the chances of a India-China full scale war also seems rare.I would also like to add that i feel only incase of a full scale war between India and china can a second front come in.
Clearly, you're afraid of the prospects for a two-front war, you should be. Discuss the topic or leave.
We are not at all afraid you :P You want India to defeat you ??? Why should we waste our time with our western neighbor when their own created terrorists are destroying them day by day :tongue: If you think your red masters would come to your rescue, even then it wont be two front war because your white masters and our best friends would be with us :P
that is no problem that India preparing to defend in case of 2 front war.
that is indias money. they can do what they want.
but be careful not make yourself go bankrupt. defense budget of india is already too high compare with china.
if really reach 50 billon, it is more than 2 % of your GDP.
What many may not understand.. is that India does not wish war..
war is costly(well so are weapons)..both in terms of men..weapons and the money needed to sustain it.
It is damaging to a countries economy and disruptive to its daily routines.
India does not wish for war with Pakistan... it may end up uniting a fragmented nation which is crumbling as we speak.
WHY on earth would you want to take defeat from the jaws of victory? when your old arch rival is dying anyway without you having to even fire a single shot apart from making the right diplomatic moves and empower your intelligence agencies in the right areas. Oh no.. quietly arm, let Pakistan become the buffer state it was meant to be.. and soon India may be able to reap the benefits of a "Bangladeshque" Pakistan which may be used for trade routes,as an extra market and for making nice Bollywood hits.

India is preparing for a possible war with China..it will only be a two front war if it starts out between India and China first..
It will not be a two front war if it starts with Pakistan.

nice analysis..thanx Oscar for a nice contribution in a bogus thread. :smitten:

that is no problem that India preparing to defend in case of 2 front war.
that is indias money. they can do what they want.
but be careful not make yourself go bankrupt. defense budget of india is already too high compare with china.
if really reach 50 billon, it is more than 2 % of your GDP.

so????we has mediocre defence budget vs our gdp.and it is almost same percentage as china(2.5% of India where 2.2% of China).

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't think any country in the world, except the US, wants to wage war after war. Especially a war with a neighbour.
While I agree with most of what you have said, and do realise the tone it was said in was different, I do not believe that a Bangladesh type Pakistan is necessarily as derogatory as what it seems like to you.

Bangladesh today does not have the security situation you are suffering.

Bangladesh today does not need to arm and keep pace.

Bangladesh is not in the crosshairs of an increasingly belligerent military superpower.

Bangladesh is no buffer state - it is surrounded by us and buffers nobody else.

Yeah, BD is not a buffer state, it has been turned into a satellite state by india.
Current Indian doctrine along with the political situation at home, India wont start a war by itself, instead it will be purely defensive.

Any military strategist knows that a defender has to hold more power than compared to the aggressor. its the basics of Wars101.

All pakistan can hope is no repeat of 2008 attacks.

As along as all 3 parties involved stand vigilant, instead of provoking others there is no room for a war in the Asian continent.

China and India are more matured and their economical interests dominate the peace meal victories over small unguarded territories.

It only comes to pakistan which provoked 3 times already and lost badly.But the situation today is different than what happened in 47,65,71,98,.. Its the nuclear weapons and conventional dominance of India over Pak.

IF a war does broke between India and pak, India will be readily willing to shed some $50 billion as war expences,can pak do the same? even with support from china?

When its a war between India and Pak, it always ended the same with small clutter noise from China.

The only possibility of defending two fronts is, only when China tries another mis-adventure and invokes pak.
The reality is that, its not 1962 where only a couple of regiments from the border corps took the shots, its 2012.India will be willing to throw everything at its disposal to avoid another embarrassment. Reason is more of a political livelihood to cong than the national interest. Anything unfortunate happens, it will be end of the story for cong in the country.
On the otherhand the 21st century border skirmish wont remain the same, it will spread its wings to all services including airforce and naval.

IN in the Indian ocean is as dominant as china in SC sea.Chinese economy will flutter during the whole period of war due to the choke points in IOR and might extend beyond the war period due to benifit of doubt and mistrust that may occur.

IN will be leading the flak taking on both PN and PLAN in IOR which is absolutely possible and is achievable.

IT all depends on Army and IAF co-ordination tactics on defending the NE and Western fronts.
Given the conventional advantage of IAF over PAF, it will become a one-sided victory.IA can move more regiments to the china front with IAF back-up.
If the IA and IAF duo can hold the enemy at the border for more than a month, I will bet all my property that India is victorious of the two. The reason is spillage of the war into IOR.
If you see how much trade happens in IOR :D We are simply hitting 2 birds with one stone.

Unlike 1962 where US was not infavor of India, this time the international opinion in favor of India will be an added advantage with Russia being neutral(thats the best we seek from her)

A hidden ice-berg is that, PLAN has to deal with its own enemies in the south-china sea if India plays the balls and invokes them.

The bottom line is:- Instead of trying to scuttle India by opening two fronts, China herself will be involved with multiple fronts. The power of diplomacy can never be under-estimated in times of war. There are `N' number of countries in east-asia that are seeking a good oppertunity against china.

India at its worst will have to deal only with China-Pak Nexus, OTOH China has to start dealing from Japan-US-Vietnam-Phillipines-Taiwan-Singapore-India-Australia. There will be joint operatus and intelligence sharing between these nations.

A single nation cant fight a group of nations, as is learnt from the WWII under hitler command. China will be left with 2 options henceforth. Withdraw all troops and struck to garrisons and keep its arse shut tight or escalate the conventional to nuclear and get completely wiped off.

Hence ends the fate of second Nazi germany.
With the situation in the Spratly islands escalating, China has to choose whether it wants a two front war as well.
The ASEAN nations are already wary of China and if it tries anything funny, USA, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and India are ready for action. Every country in the region has had bilateral exercise with us exclusively to prevent chinese misadventures.

We just need a reason to get our debts settled and give China a thrashing.
Basically India wants to be able to defend itself against any potential invasion by the Chinese-Pakistan military alliance.

That is completely within its rights to do so.

As of now, the capability to do so is not there conventionally. That's why building non conventional capabilities has become a major priority.

Basically India wants to be able to defend itself against any potential invasion by the Chinese-Pakistan military alliance.

That is completely within its rights to do so.

As of now, the capability to do so is not there conventionally. That's why building non-conventional capabilities has become a major priority.
What if we prepare ourselves for two front war but at the war we need to fight only at one front war. Imagine the firepower we will get out of this when we shift resources for two fronts to a single front

With the situation in the Spratly islands escalating, China has to choose whether it wants a two front war as well.
The ASEAN nations are already wary of China and if it tries anything funny, USA, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and India are ready for action. Every country in the region has had bilateral exercise with us exclusively to prevent chinese misadventures.

We just need a reason to get our debts settled and give China a thrashing.
Damn ! eagle one u r war crazy. India needs to learn that art :D
O.K ... Even German NAZIS under the leader like Adolph Hitler (with all his remarkable generals) couldn't face the "two-front" war and lost in the end....but...India will be able to survive a two-front war against Pakistan and China?

# Cool story bro.

First provide your Army men with some good night-capable tanks please :lol:

Doing all that and more, mate...without the loadshedding. lolololololololololol
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