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India's Man Mission to Moon.. IAF to select Men for mission.

Again nuclear propulsion is something on which scientist are working but have not yet made any substantial progress. To develop these technologies it takes a lot of time and expertise

Sometimes all it takes is an accident....like Xrays were discovered accidentally.

Hey here is nothing to be defeated of. Here we are talking on subject on which common man can never know ever thing for sure. :what:
We will know when they reach on moon and then mars.
I am optimistic we will get there in next 10 years.
And about your defeat ....I was just teasing you.:enjoy:
wow ..i would have been happy if they first concentrated on getting our heavy sat launch capability right (bracing myself for toilets, slum, poorer than Africa rant .......)

Space missions is exactly to help slums and what not.

Space missions are a great place to advance technology, it increase interest in science and most of all it increases prestige which helps your products.

If an Indian luxury car hits the world market, people might think about it if they know India has a man on the moon, instead of just dismissing Indian technology outright.
Man they are all ex or current NASA expert. and why NASA was not able counter any of their BS.
Area 51 desert have the exact terrestrial surrounding as MOON surface. NASA has now lost the original footage on moon . WHY so? NASA moon mission was most expensive movie ever build. BUDGET 40 Billion dollars.
About 400,000 Americans and non-Americans were involved in the mission....don't you think that the number of 'Nasa experts' calling it a hoax would be at least a couple of thousand if we consider 3,90000 other are lying scoundrels?? .....Nasa cannot counter each and every argument.....That's why they have made all footage public and distributed rock-samples around the world.....It is not Nasa's responsibility to answer random 'theorists' on the internet....regarding missing footage....Nasa has given an explanation why the original tapes do not exist anymore.....there was not 1 monn landing rather 6 landings.....as per Nasa policy to save cost Nasa reuses its tapes for different missions....all the original tapes(which are not regular video tapes rather 'special' ones that do not get damaged due to radiation) were erased,cleaned and reused in later missions....but some tapes that were not reused still exist and Nasa and other organizations that broadcasted the moon landing has both hard and soft copies of the tape!
Sometimes all it takes is an accident....like Xrays were discovered accidentally.
Everyone is not so much lucky.

We will know when they reach on moon and then mars.
I am optimistic we will get there.
Do you think I don't want humanity to achieve these fleet. Any person on earth would feel proud on these achievement whether it is ISRO NASA or EU , china.
I am just not comfortable with your timeline.
Again nuclear propulsion is something on which scientist are working but have not yet made any substantial progress. To develop these technologies it takes a lot of time and expertise
True it will take a lot of time....But working prototypes of a nuclear rocket existed and was tested before the moon landings.....work has slowed down now because US has cut Nasa's budget by astronomic proportions.....
Everyone is not so much lucky.

Do you think I don't want humanity to achieve these fleet. Any person on earth would feel proud on these achievement whether it is ISRO NASA or EU , china.
I am just not comfortable with your timeline.
10years back could you imagine India sending an MOM to mars....or say 2 years back???
You cant predict the future.Nor can I.
But 10 years...for technology its an eon.
I was just saying If they want to feel the stone and dirt texture with their hands.
you know feeling with your own hands give you different feeling.:D:D
If you visit the US be sure to visit the National Air and Space Museum....they have a moon rock and they let people touch it.
when will we do our, First space walk ?
we'll do that in a couple of years mate.the day isn't far away when we'll actually witness an Indian Vyomanaut doing space walk.just wait for a couple of years as i have total faith on ISRO......
About 400,000 Americans and non-Americans were involved in the mission....don't you think that the number of 'Nasa experts' calling it a hoax would be at least a couple of thousand if we consider 3,90000 other are lying scoundrels?? .....Nasa cannot counter each and every argument.....That's why they have made all footage public and distributed rock-samples around the world.....It is not Nasa's responsibility to answer random 'theorists' on the internet....regarding missing footage....Nasa has given an explanation why the original tapes do not exist anymore.....there was not 1 monn landing rather 6 landings.....as per Nasa policy to save cost Nasa reuses its tapes for different missions....all the original tapes(which are not regular video tapes rather 'special' ones that do not get damaged due to radiation) were erased,cleaned and reused in later missions....but some tapes that were not reused still exist and Nasa and other organizations that broadcasted the moon landing has both hard and soft copies of the tape!

Except for the fact that these people have working in their own area and each department had no contact or know anyone else other than the people from their department. And yes, unfortunately there are more lies and scandals comin from Washington than truths. From Libya, vietnam, Iran Contra, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Grenada, USS Cole bombing, etc...all have proven to be a false flag to serve their agenda.

Ask yourself one question: if they have been there before, why not just use 1960s technology and go back again just to shut all those conspiracy theorists up? Why does NASA say they need to do more planning, assessing, etc...? to go to a place you've been before? The simple truth is they have not been to the moon!
10years back could you imagine India sending an MOM to mars....or say 2 years back???
You cant predict the future.Nor can I.
But 10 years...for technology its an eon.
HAHA OK For man, It's hard to win a battle of words between a man a woman.
What can I say more. Trophy is all yours. MAy martians welcome you on mars with Rossogulla on 2023.:unsure::unsure:
we'll do that in a couple of years mate.the day isn't far away when we'll actually witness an Indian Vyomanaut doing space walk.just wait for a couple of years as i have total faith on ISRO......

well thats great then, i am eager for that day.

Any official statement regarding this ?
If you visit the US be sure to visit the National Air and Space Museum....they have a moon rock and they let people touch it.
NO need to see a rock of earth named rock of moon.
You enjoy NASA propaganda, Truth will be revealed in few years.
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