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India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism


May 9, 2012
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Bodhi dharm was aBuddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th Century and is traditional credited as the leading patriarch and transmitter of ZEN (chinese;chan,sanskrite;dhyna)to China. He was the third son of a Tamil King of the Pallava Dynasty.According to Chinese Legend,he also began the physical training of the SHAOLIN MONKS that led to the creation of SHAOLINQUAN.MARTIAL ARTS historians have shown this Legend stems from a17th Century qigong manual known as the YIJIN JING

Bodhi dharma was born a prince of the pallava dynasty in their capital of Kanchipuram scholars have concluding his plase of birth to be Kanchipuram in Tamilnadu,South INDIA. After becoming a Budhist Monk,Bodhidharma traveled to China.the accounts differ on the date of his arrival,to the liang dynasty(500-557) Bodhidharma was primarilly active in the lands of the Northern WEI Dynasty(386-534),modern scholarship dates him to about the early 5th Century.

About Bodhidharma have become popular Legends,Which are still being used in the CHAN and ZEN – Tradition. Bodhidharma”s teachings and practice centered on Meditation and the lankavathara sutra Throught Budhist art,Bodhidharma is depicted as arather ill-tempered,profusely bearded and wide- eyed barbian,He is referred as the Blu-eyed Barbarian in Chinese Chan texts. in the 7th Century historical work further Biographies of eminent monks(XU gaoseng zhuan),Daoxuan (596-667) possibly drew on tanlin”s preface as abasic source,but made several significant additions.


How Kung Fu arrived in CHina

story of BodhiDharma , son Of Tamil King Pallava

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Neither one is correct.

Kung Fu existed in China thousands of years before Bodhidharma (who was known as the "The Blue-Eyed Barbarian") arrived.

And Shaolin is just one school of Martial Arts, nowhere close to being the first.

As for Buddhism, the Buddha was born in Nepal, thousands of years before any country called India existed.

Neither one is correct.

Kung Fu existed in China thousands of years before Bodhidharma (who was known as the "The Blue-Eyed Barbarian") arrived.

Shaolin is just one school of Martial Arts, nowhere close to being the first.

As for Buddhism, the Buddha was born in Nepal, thousands of years before any country called India existed.

It was a Nepali Kingdom of an Indian King, you must be aware. That'swhy he roamed the plains of North India not Nepal in search of enlightenment. and both are well accepted facts by Both Chinese and world community. Japanese say that he was a Persian but that's what they thought of every man from the region from India to MId East. He was the son of King Pallava.
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It was a Nepali Kingdom of an Indian King, you must be aware. That'swhy he roamed the plains of North India not Nepal in search of enlightenment.

There was no such thing as "India" back then, that is a modern creation. It never existed in history.

The place in which Buddha was born (Lumbini) corresponds to the modern day nation of Nepal, which was never a part of India or British India.
by a Chinese channel NTD.TV


There was no such thing as "India" back then, that is a modern creation. It never existed in history.

The place in which Buddha was born (Lumbini) corresponds to the modern day nation of Nepal, which was never a part of India or British India.

Indian is an ethnic identity following Sanskrit Traditions and speaking Aryan or Dravidian languages. Bharatam is a word used for India precedes History. Even the samurai technique of Japan has its origin in India if you know.
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Have some shame Indian.

1) Kalari was founded in 1100 or 1200 AD. Bodhidharma went to China around 600 AD. We are talking a time gap of 500 to 600 years. How can Bodhidharma teach kalari in 600 AD when it was only invented in 1200 AD?????????????

2) It doesn't take a grand master to see that Kalari and shaolin are completely different. There's not one similarity in the stance, fighting style and the weapons used.

One friendly advice, please do not reply on movies and TV show to help overcome your complex, it'll only make you look even more stupid and your complex deepen instead.

Oral folklore ascribes the creation of kalaripayattu to Hindu gods. It was first documented around the 11th or 12th century AD by the historian Elamkulam Kunjan Pillai, who attributed its creation to an extended period of warfare that took place between the Chera and the Chola dynasties in the 11th century.[3]
Kalaripayattu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I believe that in early times when there was little nationalism lots of cultural exchanges happened between these two cultural hubs of Asia. India got its numerals from China and improved it into Indian Numerals, India got gunpowder from China and created military grade projectiles and rockets ( that form the basis of modern day rockets and guns ) while China received martial arts from India and created Kung Fu. It is absolutely wonderful that these two civilizations co existed very peacefully for much of their history.
Have some shame Indian.

1) Kalari was founded in 11th or 12th AD. Bodhidharma went to China around 600 AD. We are talking a time gap of 500 to 600 years.

2) It doesn't take a grand master to see that Kalari and shaolin are completely different. There's not one similarity in the stance, fighting style and the weapons used.

One friendly advice, please do not reply on movies and TV show to help overcome your complex, it'll only make you look even more stupid and your complex deepen instead.

Kalaripayattu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read about Boddhidharma . Living in Singapore you are not too well acquainted with your history .

Chinese-Dragon is right on most parts regarding history and it has been discussed million times on this forum .
Have some shame Indian.

1) Kalari was founded in 11th or 12th AD. Bodhidharma went to China around 600 AD. We are talking a time gap of 500 to 600 years.

2) It doesn't take a grand master to see that Kalari and shaolin are completely different. There's not one similarity in the stance, fighting style and the weapons used.

One friendly advice, please do not reply on movies and TV show to help overcome your complex, it'll only make you look even more stupid and your complex deepen instead.

Kalaripayattu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kalari was preceded by Yogic martial arts that was without weapons. Indian temples show an ancient martial arts without the assistance of weapons . Kung Fu of China is a derivative of that , while Kalari is also a derivative of that. Historians earlier thought that these carvings were dances but what are the dances doing in the middle of a battle field. They conclude it to be some generic form of Martial arts.
There was no such thing as "India" back then, that is a modern creation. It never existed in history.

The place in which Buddha was born (Lumbini) corresponds to the modern day nation of Nepal, which was never a part of India or British India.

Where you are born is not of as much importance as where you attain enlightenment , preach and Die . But yes , I do get y our point .

Better to deal quickly then Educate :D

Kalari was preceded by Yogic martial arts that was without weapons. Indian temples show an ancient martial arts without the assistance of weapons . Kung Fu of China is a derivative of that , while Kalari is also a derivative of that.

Kung Fu is not Derivate of Any Indian Martial Arts .

Shaolin is not Indian Martial Art School .

Buddhism is not Indian Religion .
Where you are born is not of as much importance as where you attain enlightenment , preach and Die . But yes , I do get y our point .

Better to deal quickly then Educate :D

Kung Fu is not Derivate of Any Indian Martial Arts .

Shaolin is not Indian Martial Art School .

Buddhism is not Indian Religion .

and Indians are not Indian people , they are Aryans from central asia. :yahoo: we can debate on this for decades
Kalari was preceded by Yogic martial arts that was without weapons. Indian temples show an ancient martial arts without the assistance of weapons . Kung Fu of China is a derivative of that , while Kalari is also a derivative of that.

Find me a similarity between kalari and Kung fu? Claims have to be supported by evidences. Show me some academic evidences, not movies or TV show. I know you indians love mythology, but they are not real history either. Official record of Chinese martial art existed in China since 2500 years ago, unverified account date it even older.

Have some honesty and IQ.
and Indians are not Indian people , they are Aryans from central asia. :yahoo: we can debate on this for decades

StrawMan Logic . Since you don't have much grounds on abovementioned facts by you will spin new facts and beat it to debate .

Find me a similarity between kalari and Kung fu? Claims have to be supported by evidences. Show me some academic evidences, not movies or TV show. I know you indians love mythology, but they are not real history either.

There is Similarity but being similar and being same are different .
There is Similarity but being similar and being same are different .

What similarity?
Show me a shaolin fighting style or weapon that is similar and can be traced to Kalari, just like how the content of Buddhist script can be traced to those in the subcontinent.
What similarity?
Show me a shaolin fighting style or weapon that is similar and can be traced to Kalari, just like how the content of Buddhist script can be traced to those in the subcontinent.

Ok , i will . Later in the day i have to get some beers and Enjoy .

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