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Must Read For Indian & Chinese Members True History of Bodhidharma Life

why do people care? Jesus was middle eastern, but American military is definitely American.

So in the name of God drones reign supreme on the God's people.

Budda can be from anywhere, what does it matter?
1, Budism was born before Hindu religion
2, Tibet was never part of India!
3, Tibetan Budism was spread from China not from India
4, dhama stayed in different temples in china and finally he became respected in Shaolin temple
5, He was not founder of Shaolin temple but a respected monk there

Get back to yr cows, hindus! Nobody in Budism don't enjoy beef...

Do you have any proofs ?if you again posted things like this we will report that.
I am not talking about Bodhidharma.We have so many other Brahmin Kings.Your comment is about 4 varnas .But you are wrong when you consider Kings part.

The entire discussion is about Bodhidharma, my mentioning of 4 varnas relates back to Bodhidharma. Nice try to weasel your way out, epic fail!
The entire discussion is about Bodhidharma, my mentioning of 4 varnas relates back to Bodhidharma. Nice try to weasel your way out, epic fail!

Ok dumb.I am an Indian .I know India's history and kingdoms that rule Indian more than you.
Dont argue with an Indian if you dont have strong basics in Indian history.
Ok dumb.I am an Indian .I know India's history and kingdoms that rule Indian more than you.
Dont argue with an Indian if you dont have strong basics in Indian history.

Our discussion centered on Bodhidharma and the contradiction abt his caste in the article! You are side stepping from the topic.

Can never have a sound discussion with certain indian members.
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chinese think every thing is originated in China ..... the name middle kingdom do not mean china is the center of the world this is what chinese are failing to understand.
chinese think every thing is originated in China ..... the name middle kingdom do not mean china is the center of the world this is what chinese are failing to understand.
Indians think every thing is originated in India ..... the name middle kingdom do not mean India is the center of the world this is what indians are failing to understand
As i said believe it or not guyz Bodhidharma was from South India and third Son of a Brahmin King. He go to China by sea to Malaysia then Thailand, Taiwan and some other countries. In last he stop in China and teaches Defense Martial Arts there. Read it where ever you want search on China's history or something and you will find it.
It would be great if a chinese member can post something about the chinese version of story on Bodhidharma and how he is regarded in China rather than their posting opinions about his caste, Buddhism, Hinduism etc?

I would appreciate if some could post their first hand experience of visiting a shaolin temple(where Bodhidharma is believed to have spent his life) in this regard! :yahoo:
Indians think every thing is originated in India ..... the name middle kingdom do not mean India is the center of the world this is what indians are failing to understand
What we can do in it that many Chinese, Thais pray in front of a Hindu :coffee: Bodhidharma also known as second Buddha and for your information please read history than you will find out that Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddha Religion and he was Hindu :D even first 3 letters of his names GAU mean COW :nana:. And read some history so that you can find out that Hinduism is way older religion than Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and any other modern religions out there :dance3:
It speaks about the contribution he made to Buddhism in general. On a another note Buddhism is the epitome of Hinduism, It is the export version of Hinduism. The comparative study of Yoga (which is essential part of Hinduism) and Buddhism proves this fact.

No it's not. Buddhism began as a rejection of superstitions and blind beliefs in ancient India be it in the form of Hinduism or any other religion. In the core of Buddhism, there is nothing called "belief" or rituals exist. This is what some people have failed to understand in Sri Lanka. Sadly they associate Buddhism with a set of rituals existed in ancient Sri Lanka and failed to understand that the whole meaning of Buddhism is to reject these silly beliefs and rituals.

Also Buddhism was taken to Tibet by a Chinese princess.

I am interested in Zen Buddhism and Thai Buddhism.

A question for the Chinese members. Is Buddhism closely associated with Martial Arts there?
What we can do in it that many Chinese, Thais pray in front of a Hindu :coffee: Bodhidharma also known as second Buddha and for your information please read history than you will find out that Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddha Religion and he was Hindu :D even first 3 letters of his names GAU mean COW :nana:. And read some history so that you can find out that Hinduism is way older religion than Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and any other modern religions out there :dance3:

You foolish meaningless hindus! You should know that Nobody in China prays to dhama as he was only respected as a monk there. Budism has nothing to do with Hinduism, and any Hindus who believes in Budda would be a traitor to the Hindu religion. To claim a credit of dhama is nothing but a cow spirit...

Zen was created hundreds of years after dhama...
No it's not. Buddhism began as a rejection of superstitions and blind beliefs in ancient India be it in the form of Hinduism or any other religion. In the core of Buddhism, there is nothing called "belief" or rituals exist. This is what some people have failed to understand in Sri Lanka. Sadly they associate Buddhism with a set of rituals existed in ancient Sri Lanka and failed to understand that the whole meaning of Buddhism is to reject these silly beliefs and rituals.

Also Buddhism was taken to Tibet by a Chinese princess.

I am interested in Zen Buddhism and Thai Buddhism.

A question for the Chinese members. Is Buddhism closely associated with Martial Arts there?

Buddhism talks about "Dharma" a concept originated in Hinduism.

The superstitions and some rituals vary based on the regions in India, you do not find them in Vedas or Upanishads which are basis for Hinduism. Nor they are mentioned in Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Buddhism is a Dharmic religion originated in India and spread through out South East Asia, Japan and China.

No one can deny that India is the place of origin of Dharmic religions that spread through out the world. India is a Karma Bhoomi which is like a guiding light when it comes to Dharmic way of life.

As always some concepts of animism and superstitions got mixed up in Hinduism and this is what Buddha rejected.
Buddhism talks about "Dharma" a concept originated in Hinduism.

The superstitions and some rituals vary based on the regions in India, you do not find them in Vedas or Upanishads which are basis for Hinduism. Nor they are mentioned in Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Buddhism is a Dharmic religion originated in India and spread through out South East Asia, Japan and China.

No one can deny that India is the place of origin of Dharmic religions that spread through out the world. India is a Karma Bhoomi which is like a guiding light when it comes to Dharmic way of life.

As always some concepts of animism and superstitions got mixed up in Hinduism and this is what Buddha rejected.
I don't know much about Hinduism except for some books I have read about Himalaya.

Buddhism rejects the idea of "soul" which makes it very different from Hinduism.

I never denied what ancient India achieved but I do not think Buddhism can fall under the category of "religion". Also just because Buddhism reached East Asia from India it does not mean that the version of Buddhism in India and versions of Buddhism in East Asia are the same. Buddhism changes its form as it reaches from country to another. It adopts into foreign cultures easily.
No it's not. Buddhism began as a rejection of superstitions and blind beliefs in ancient India be it in the form of Hinduism or any other religion. In the core of Buddhism, there is nothing called "belief" or rituals exist. This is what some people have failed to understand in Sri Lanka. Sadly they associate Buddhism with a set of rituals existed in ancient Sri Lanka and failed to understand that the whole meaning of Buddhism is to reject these silly beliefs and rituals.

Also Buddhism was taken to Tibet by a Chinese princess.

I am interested in Zen Buddhism and Thai Buddhism.

A question for the Chinese members. Is Buddhism closely associated with Martial Arts there?

There had been bloody divide and fought after budism was born. Your interests in both Zen and Thai budism demonstrate that you know as little difference about budism as indian hindus.

Budism in China is not at all associated with Martial Arts but many monks like that
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