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India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

dude what r u talking about? i wasnt twisting facts to
if chinese can catch up to USA one day, what makes u think india wont be able to catch up to china?

Almost everything which is required for a sustainable development, a stong industrial production base (it takes decades), a transpartent system based on clear goals and ............most of all.

A bloody clean up of society, remember both US and China have gone through the process of that bloodshed and have realised as nations that they have to follow a set of rules.

It is always a revolution which brings in institutions, India still have to go through that process.
agreed. but the revolution doesnt need to be a bloodshed. it can be peaceful revolution initiated by a change in people's attitudes.

I believ that india will undergo that revolution in a few decades time. With our current level of rising education and knowledge, its only a matter of time before people will see the shortcomings in our system and address them.

One one side you are telling me that I am not "Qualified" to talk about India, this is extremely "racist", "rude" and intolrent behaviour, on otherside you are asking me to reply.

I would be happy to reply you and I stand by my post, I would support it with facts from unbaised sources, but for that you would have "appologise" for your rude and racist remarks, only then we can discuss it further.

I would also request MODS to take note of rude and racist remarks and edit the same plz.

Mir, by saying that you are not qualified to post, how am i being racist? I maay appear rude to you, but how in gods name is that being racist? Your comprehesion defies me.

However, if that indeed is how you percived it, then i am sorry,for that is not the way it was intended.

Still, I really would like you to explain how you came to this conclusion.
There are several points in that post, just tell me where do you disagree, It was actualy a response to webby, but i would be glad to answer if you make it clear what is your point actually?

I agree with you, we would not need to spend that huge amounts if we do not have enemy next door, the root cause is not hidden from anyone, that is kashmir.

If, and thats a big IF, India honestly thinks that his people deserv this money, they can resolve the issue, it them who are invaders not us, now rest is China, how powerfull India might be, they can never dream to go for a war with China.

BD, SL etc do not have balls to take pangga with India.

Who is pushing the entire region in to arms race? Obviously its India, they have delusion of becomming a super power and pushing their people in to hell of poverty and Maoism and making us spend on arms as well.

Hopefully you get my point.


Do you know Pakistan spends more % of GDP on military than India. Do you know India spends more % of GDP on welfare and social sectors as well as education. When you dont know ANYTHING, how can you comment.

Every one, i would please request MirBadshah here to first reply to my post after the allegations he threw earlier.

Now MirBadshah, rather than shifting attention away to other things, reply to post.

Here is the proof you wanted...

And there are literally hundreds of sources which would corroborate what i am saying, and you can ask other senior Pakistani members here about it too. Or you could just google and you would find the sources yourself.

India spends a LOWER % of its GDP on military than Pakistan and a HIGHER % of GDP on its social and educaional sectors. How then can you accuse India of not spending money to take care of its population.

Please reply.
Let me make it clear, my post was not directed towards GDP share, it you make another attempt to understand it is about "Conflict"..........and that conflict is pushing the region towards arms race.

Now comming back to your new logic, Pakistan is spending 4% of GDP on education started this year, while India is around 3%, as well in social sector Pakistan spends more, but still we need to improve it further, when compared to India, our needs are different, the level of poverty is higher in India then in Pakistan, the poverty is Higher in India then in Pakistan or China. The Per Capita income in India is much lower then PAK or China.

In these situations you need to spend more on social sector, I have posted here the report here on some thread, if you want I can post further sources to make you more clear.

By the way, even spending more then Pakistan or anyone else should not make you proud when 500 million (LIVING) human being in India live under poverty line and 800 million under $ 2 a day.
Same goes to healthcare, with the biggest number of Blinds, The highest number of HIV infected in world, the highest number of malnutritioned children in world, every 7 second a child dies of lack of health care, well I can go on and on.....

Well again it is your money and you are the ones to decide where to spend, conflicts and occupations needs resources, while people in India need these resources more.......

To be honest, on every thread you push the things off topic. Still need any further facts, we can open a new topic.
Please do, poverty is 22% now in India. You mentioned in your post that govt of India is not spending money on the people but on arms, to which webby replied, that Pakistan does the same. Now i can post on the poverty etc of Pakistan, but that would not solve any purpose.

The point here is that India spends more as a percentage of GDP on its social and educational sectors and less on military when compared to Pakistan. I have given you the proof's. Should you want more, i have them. Then how did you raise the allegation that India does not.

Is it you who deems that 'India NEEDS to spend more, or spend less'? So its ok for Pakistan to spend less on education, social services as its needs are not dire?.

If not, then the statistics are in front of you, and you have been proved wrong.
Try to understand the difference in "spending" and "conflicts which push for spendings", it would help you a lot, that is my point.

Dont make speaches, dont you think that in all above things you are on top in world? HIV, Blindness, Malnutrition, Lack of Health care, lack of sanitation, lack of nutittion.............Is there any pride to have the top position in all that and divert resources in to occupations and expansionism which is pushing entire region in to an arms race.

Please do read and understand.
I have said before, the reason for defence spending is that India points to Pakistan and Pakistan points to India.

Saying that India is pushing the region to an arms race is wrong, India blames Pakistan equally.
And earns world titles in return for being the biggest in everything which makes civilised society ashamed. What a genius you are making your nation proud, you ignored all things and came to blame game like kids.
And earns world titles in return for being the biggest in everything which makes civilised society ashamed. What a genius you are making your nation proud, you ignored all things and came to blame game like kids.

I am playing any blame game, i am saying pointing is USELESS. That pointing towards india that its creating an arms race is wrong cuz thats JUST what the opinion is on the other side of the border.

What things are there to ignore? There are problems, and India spends and deals with those problems as every country should, by trying to increase its economy and spend money on social sectors.

What you are doing is converting this thread into a socio-economic thread. You accused India of not spending capital on its pupulace, and i have given you the answer, that India spends more than Pakistan, relative to its GDP.

Then you say that its because India faces MORE problems than Pakistan.
Allow me to tell you, that Pakistan faces same problems as India ie poverty, etc, etc. So your arguments in defending the less expenditure of successive Pakistani govts on such sectors is very void.

Indeed you are playing the blame game, first blaming that India does not spend money on its people, then when proved wrong, and proved that Pakistan spends even less, you blame that its because India has bigger problems, and that i should be ashamed of myself because India has those problems.
According to Goldman Sachs China would have a better economy than India for many decades to come. India will only catch up towards the end of this century, assuming no cataclysmic events take place in either country.

Adux, even if u dont like the chinese, do respect their achievements. they deserve it. after all, they were also in the same cesspool we were in in 1947, and now they r above us in economic capacity. so far, i'd say china has done better than us. instead of criticising, lets observe and learn from their successes and mistakes.

Yes, and at what cost, How many lives, how many human right abuses, I rather be a free man than a rich man,

About 1962 war, they gave us a thrashing no doubt, but why it happened or will it happen again is another case, I suggest you talk to Indian military as well as Canadian and American military professionals in WAB.
Since we are all talking % ages over here, Pakistan has higher poverty by %..
Adux, any link to support your claim or its just one liner?

In Pakistan people below pocerty line are 18% while in India it is 32%.

We have reduced poverty level by 10% in last 5 years.

Give me some link, dont make claims in air.
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