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India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

How old you are exectly?

These are forums kid, every one is free to expres their openion, you can not decide who is qualified and whao is not. Your posts are just like a politicain making a spech, always with no substance and no facts, simply delision.

You dont like some ones openion just ignore it, that is how mature people do, you can not enforce that every one should sing same song which you are and become a part of delusion.

Your answer is in above posts, read again and try to contradict with facts and figure, or just pass on, leave us alone.

You did not answer my posts, you are trying to shift away from it.
Why cannot India goto war against China? Is the exact same reason, China being bigger, having more money?

Malay, I dont wanna be foolish showing off with cashbox, but guess we have more money than you do. see below:

"China has a literacy rate of 95%, compared with India's 68%. Indian exports of manufactured goods in the financial year ending last March were valued at $71bn, compared with $713bn for China. "


Also China has more than 1 trillion USD forex reserves whereas India has about 150 billion USD forex reserves but with a large current account deficit, estimated at about 45 billion USD!

India has the potential, it is a very important regional player, it will be the third biggest economy in the future.

then who would be the top 2? just curious.

I can hardly predict what you would say if ur govt. finally find a seat at UNSC.:lol:
I did mention in my post that China has more money did i not?

I am just saying the difference is the same between India and China and that of Pakistan and India. Interceptor or whoever here believes that since China is Pakistan's caretaker, India cannot even dream togo to war against China. Thats a wrong assumption.

Obviously its not hard to fathom that China and US would be the first two.
The human wave tactic China and professional India/Pakistani soldier, Seriously there is no comparison. I have personally heard Indian Generals say they respect the tactic and thinking of a Pakistani General to that of a Chinese general.


We can afford our Defense Budget thank you, Sadly with all that money your, you still cant your house in order, Why dont you whip your will in Taiwan,
Wait you cant, Cuz United States of America will declare war on you, since they have a pact with Taiwan, so the I owe you given to you by the United States can be used as Toilet Paper, Or did you forget to read the fine print of Treasury Bills.When you reach a certain level 150 billion and 1 trillion doesnt matter much in military terms, Cuz the war will get over before the cash runs out. kapish,

And our economy is knowledge based "go google" if you cant comprehend, we are not as easily replaceable as cheap toy manufactures. We have communist in our country cuz we are a democratic nation and they have a right to exist, And about DRDO's and the rest, they have had their failings; its cuz we are a Open society albit we got our flaws, but our problem are out in the open, and I can tell me PM or President to "Get the **** off"..Sadly you cant, Tiananmen Square anyone..or is that erased from the history books or is the cultural revolution, where kids killed their teachers erased off too. Or will you have a Execution Bus waiting at your door step. Do you still have imprisoned Russian scientists working in your Labs..

For all we Know they must have crashed the J-10 which is the Israeli Lavi or the JF-17(aka Mig33) with Russian engines ...How will you or I know...cuz CCCTV is Governnment run, a godless communist RUN one a that.

Did anyone read the Chinese government's response after Agni-3 test, it was hillarious
The article is true by any extent, Its barely surprising that new peoples are registering with sole aim to post in India related threads (unoffensive pun intended).

A better article from a respectable magazine depicting the issue of Some of national laboraties vis-a-vis Defence.

Also I dont agree with some viewpoints of Malay[like when he says difference between India-Pakistan is same as India-china] and others expressed here[Indias forex is 200bn+ not 150bn+]

Its not that DRDO labs have done everything perfect, but it has its reasons, From 1998 till now thousands of projects has been absorbed by industries and defence bodies which are hardly covered.

This article has the criticism part of DRDO in a better manner.




Still the article doesnt talks about a lot of issues, Will be obliged to discuss with members if any who wants to know.
then who would be the top 2? just curious.

I can hardly predict what you would say if ur govt. finally find a seat at UNSC.:lol:

Defintily wouldnt be China!!!! Take place behind us. Cuz expect the world to trash you down.

Did you read through the India-US-Japan Naval Ex, if not please do
You did not answer my posts, you are trying to shift away from it.


One one side you are telling me that I am not "Qualified" to talk about India, this is extremely "racist", "rude" and intolrent behaviour, on otherside you are asking me to reply.

I would be happy to reply you and I stand by my post, I would support it with facts from unbaised sources, but for that you would have "appologise" for your rude and racist remarks, only then we can discuss it further.

I would also request MODS to take note of rude and racist remarks and edit the same plz.
Qualified is racist......? are we getting PDF over here
The human wave tactic China and professional India/Pakistani soldier, Seriously there is no comparison. I have personally heard Indian Generals say they respect the tactic and thinking of a Pakistani General to that of a Chinese general.


We can afford our Defense Budget thank you, Sadly with all that money your, you still cant your house in order, Why dont you whip your will in Taiwan,
Wait you cant, Cuz United States of America will declare war on you, since they have a pact with Taiwan, so the I owe you given to you by the United States can be used as Toilet Paper, Or did you forget to read the fine print of Treasury Bills.When you reach a certain level 150 billion and 1 trillion doesnt matter much in military terms, Cuz the war will get over before the cash runs out. kapish,

And our economy is knowledge based "go google" if you cant comprehend, we are not as easily replaceable as cheap toy manufactures. We have communist in our country cuz we are a democratic nation and they have a right to exist, And about DRDO's and the rest, they have had their failings; its cuz we are a Open society albit we got our flaws, but our problem are out in the open, and I can tell me PM or President to "Get the **** off"..Sadly you cant, Tiananmen Square anyone..or is that erased from the history books or is the cultural revolution, where kids killed their teachers erased off too. Or will you have a Execution Bus waiting at your door step. Do you still have imprisoned Russian scientists working in your Labs..

For all we Know they must have crashed the J-10 which is the Israeli Lavi or the JF-17(aka Mig33) with Russian engines ...How will you or I know...cuz CCCTV is Governnment run, a godless communist RUN one a that.

Did anyone read the Chinese government's response after Agni-3 test, it was hillarious

Your rant is not worth any disproval, cuz you're just losing logic,if you ever had one.
and it can only attest to your ignorance by clutching constantly at straws of Chinese human rights as a favorite punching bag.

What else can you do? Try your governmental elections and I will absolutely vote for you.
Dont make this thread a "call centre" plz.

Try to learn something more then rather being a "spell check" tool.
The human wave tactic China and professional India/Pakistani soldier, Seriously there is no comparison. I have personally heard Indian Generals say they respect the tactic and thinking of a Pakistani General to that of a Chinese general.

And yet with the human wave tactic they managed to beat us in '62. they inflicted more casualities on us than we did on them (2400 vs 2000).

I have seen this attitude by Indians, criticising chinese military based on the korean war or the 1962 war. but its wrong. the chinese combat doctrine has changed and even the US recognises the PLA as a force to reckon with. Only reason they havent captured taiwan so far is due to the US policy protecting TAiwan. if china attacks Taiwan, they'll have to fight the USA, which can be disastrous for their growing economy. that being said, even US doesnt fancy fighting china.
Defintily wouldnt be China!!!! Take place behind us. Cuz expect the world to trash you down.

According to Goldman Sachs China would have a better economy than India for many decades to come. India will only catch up towards the end of this century, assuming no cataclysmic events take place in either country.

Adux, even if u dont like the chinese, do respect their achievements. they deserve it. after all, they were also in the same cesspool we were in in 1947, and now they r above us in economic capacity. so far, i'd say china has done better than us. instead of criticising, lets observe and learn from their successes and mistakes.
Su 47,

Dont distort facts in your favour.

Chinese development is because of a strict system based on communist party's reforms which helped them built institution.

They have spent 50 years in building their production base and infrastructure under communist regime, which have now started giving them fruit.

I dont know for what you are comparing India with China, while you do not have even any organised production base as yet where China stood 50 years back.

China's economy have started delivering the benifits to lower classes and they have a strong system to monitor, while in India you have same corrupt politicians with no vision and no plans (Pakistan also had same problem few years back) and the development you see in India is not being shared by masses, its just result of openingyour markets.

On other side Cina have opened her markets when thy had a strong export orinted Industrial infrastructure and today they are the country with biggest trade surplus.
Su 47,

Dont distort facts in your favour.

Chinese development is because of a strict system based on communist party's reforms which helped them built institution.

They have spent 50 years in building their production base and infrastructure under communist regime, which have now started giving them fruit.

I dont know for what you are comparing India with China, while you do not have even any organised production base as yet where China stood 50 years back.

China's economy have started delivering the benifits to lower classes and they have a strong system to monitor, while in India you have same corrupt politicians with no vision and no plans (Pakistan also had same problem few years back) and the development you see in India is not being shared by masses, its just result of openingyour markets.

On other side Cina have opened her markets when thy had a strong export orinted Industrial infrastructure and today they are the country with biggest trade surplus.

dude what r u talking about? i wasnt twisting facts to my favour! i was pointing out how chinese economy is superior to india's! how can that be twisting facts in my favour.

and about India catching up with china towards the end of the century, its because of India's younger population whereas China's population is ageing due to 1 child policy. and for your news India's manufacturing sector, though vastly inferior to china's, is steadily rising.

economic boom wont last forever. after sometime it will cool. however, as chinese economic boom started before ours, it will cool before ours. as such we will be able to catch up.

if chinese can catch up to USA one day, what makes u think india wont be able to catch up to china?
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