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Indians weapons found from MQM office

Even India Doesn't use Indian weapons :rofl: , why will MQM use it ??
Two wrongs don't make a right.
There are Muhajirs in Punjab too but they proudly call themselves punjabis not Biharis/Urdu speaking.
Have you ever wondered why is only Karachi in mess when there are weapons present/have access in whole of the country.
Have you ever tried to read Pre-MQM history of Karachi and tried to relate it with post MQM Karachi??
I will give you a food for thought rest is up to you to comprehend.
After MQM was formed Muhajirs(most of them) from all around Pakistan sold their lands and left those areas to get settled in Karachi.

that's because Karachi thanks to mohajirs welcomed every one irrespective of their race, in punjab you get discriminated

have you even seen well settled pashtun, baloch, sindhi and other colonies in punjab

punjab ever rejected to help pashtun IDPs during swat operation, so punjab refused to help their own countrymen, even sindh did

only karachi opened arms to pashtun IDPs and that's why you see taliban hold in karachi as compared to punjab

its the punjabis, sindhis, and other immigrants you destroy our city, MQM has a stake in karachi, we all are from our own city, why would MQM and mohajirs ruin the peace of their own city?

we have to die in karachi, live in karachi

MQM is trying to bring peace in karachi because if Karachi is ruined MQM politics will be finished too

people like pashtuns, punjabis all earn and go back to their lands

its only MQM would did record development in the city

you will never trust karachi with punjabis and others, they will keep ruining the city

all karachi problems are not political, karachi is the bread earner of the entire pakistan, and every outsider wants to get the piece of their cake

for example, taliban fund their campaigns through extortion in karachi

baloch's aman committee have made havoc in south karachi which generates 70% of karachi income and thus they are sitting on the gold mine

pashtun control the transport mafia, drug mafia and they bring weapons inside karachi because they want their own piece

same stands for punjabis who have police authorities and run gambling dens, drug dens and alcohol dens

they all go back when they fill up their pockets
Mate, this is a very reasonable post. Although I have to dispute certain things, the most important being the strategic results achieve through the Nationalistic policies that were founded by Bhutto which ignited a fire b/w the Sindi and Urdu speaking Mohajir. You must not blame MQM for that, violence and ethnic strife had not only existed pre-MQM, it was the reason that MQM was adopted so overwhelmingly by the urban Sindh.

But you are correct that MQM needs some serious revision & reform in its policies and practices. Although I believe that sometimes, struggle becomes a necessity even if it is an armed struggle....when the ultimate goal is preservation of self and family. But MQM needs reform and more then anything, MQM needs a new face for the media.....AH should stay behind the scene if he really wants MQM to actually grow.

I was addressing only the 'perception' and not actual reality on the ground. This perspective is from Lahore, where most do not know the nitty-gritty of Karachi politics of the past. I respect your opinion and I think many here could learn from you sir.

PS. That dacoity bit referred to pre-1992 days when it was one of the venues for raising funds by MQM. It was not a shot in the dark. I heard it from a friend whom a unit incharge tried to recruit by offering some special incentives towards this end.
that's because Karachi thanks to mohajirs welcomed every one irrespective of their race, in punjab you get discriminated

have you even seen well settled pashtun, baloch, sindhi and other colonies in punjab

punjab ever rejected to help pashtun IDPs during swat operation, so punjab refused to help their own countrymen, even sindh did

only karachi opened arms to pashtun IDPs and that's why you see taliban hold in karachi as compared to punjab

its the punjabis, sindhis, and other immigrants you destroy our city, MQM has a stake in karachi, we all are from our own city, why would MQM and mohajirs ruin the peace of their own city?

we have to die in karachi, live in karachi

MQM is trying to bring peace in karachi because if Karachi is ruined MQM politics will be finished too

people like pashtuns, punjabis all earn and go back to their lands

its only MQM would did record development in the city

you will never trust karachi with punjabis and others, they will keep ruining the city

all karachi problems are not political, karachi is the bread earner of the entire pakistan, and every outsider wants to get the piece of their cake

for example, taliban fund their campaigns through extortion in karachi

baloch's aman committee have made havoc in south karachi which generates 70% of karachi income and thus they are sitting on the gold mine

pashtun control the transport mafia, drug mafia and they bring weapons inside karachi because they want their own piece

same stands for punjabis who have police authorities and run gambling dens, drug dens and alcohol dens

they all go back when they fill up their pockets

This is a truly amazing post. Amazing by the level of ignorance, paranoia, and bigotry. I can not say if it is a reflection of you as a person or result of MQM indoctrination. All I can say is that supporters like you are bad publicity for MQM.

1. Karachi's openness has something to do with its being in Sindh, not by being Mohari-land. Your narrative has such high level of paranoia, that you could not possibly seriously claim that Karachi's openness has anything to do with people like you.

2. Baloch, Pashtuns, and Urdu-speaking immigrants all lead well adjusted lives in Punjab. Lack of knowlege on your part does not make it any less of a fact. Punjabis are generally happy-go-lucky, and some may be offended by such an attitude, but hardly anyone can seriously claim active discrimination by them. Had your assertion been true, there would be ethnic colonies or ghettos in Punjab.

3. I see no problem with how Punjab handled IDPs. As I recall, major portion of humanitarian support for IDPs was from Punjab. You contradict yourself when you claim a morally superior position and then complain about the after-effects.

4. Nobody is out to destroy Karachi - not Sindhis (its their city too), not Punjabis, nor any Pashtuns. It is MQM's parochial agenda that is wreaking havoc in my view. All the present ills of Karachi can be directly traced to MQM's own practices.

5. People who make Karachi their home are entitled to it. Their right is no less and no more than that of any other ethinicity or linguistic group. Generations of Punjabis, Pashtuns, and Baluchis have been born, raised, and buried in Karachi. MQM can not have a special claim to Karachi for any reason. Any Karachi-ite who does good for Karachi should be recognized for their role, not their ethnicity.

6. Problems like extortion by suspected Taliban are not unique to Karachi. Problems like drugs, gambling, and alcohol are not also not unique to Karachi. The fact that you link these to specific ethnicities just shows your bias and paranoia.

7. Karachi's unique position as largest city and only port makes it a major hub. But Karachi is a bread winner only for people who live here. If some of them earn this money and send it to their relatives elsewhere, then I do not see why you should have a problem with that? Any imports into Pakistan are taxed at Karachi, without any concern as to who pays these taxes and where the goods would be consumed. Similarly, Karachi's unique position is because of Pakistan. One can not overlook this fact.

8. I think one can get a good idea of paranoia and siege mentality of MQM types by reading your post. One can also see the mind-set that made Karachi a trouble spot to begin with. You seem to think that Karachi belongs to MQM and that it 'allows' 'others' to live here.
This is a truly amazing post. Amazing by the level of ignorance, paranoia, and bigotry. I can not say if it is a reflection of you as a person or result of MQM indoctrination. All I can say is that supporters like you are bad publicity for MQM.

1. Karachi's openness has something to do with its being in Sindh, not by being Mohari-land. Your narrative has such high level of paranoia, that you could not possibly seriously claim that Karachi's openness has anything to do with people like you.

2. Baloch, Pashtuns, and Urdu-speaking immigrants all lead well adjusted lives in Punjab. Lack of knowlege on your part does not make it any less of a fact. Punjabis are generally happy-go-lucky, and some may be offended by such an attitude, but hardly anyone can seriously claim active discrimination by them. Had your assertion been true, there would be ethnic colonies or ghettos in Punjab.

3. I see no problem with how Punjab handled IDPs. As I recall, major portion of humanitarian support for IDPs was from Punjab. You contradict yourself when you claim a morally superior position and then complain about the after-effects.

4. Nobody is out to destroy Karachi - not Sindhis (its their city too), not Punjabis, nor any Pashtuns. It is MQM's parochial agenda that is wreaking havoc in my view. All the present ills of Karachi can be directly traced to MQM's own practices.

5. People who make Karachi their home are entitled to it. Their right is no less and no more than that of any other ethinicity or linguistic group. Generations of Punjabis, Pashtuns, and Baluchis have been born, raised, and buried in Karachi. MQM can not have a special claim to Karachi for any reason. Any Karachi-ite who does good for Karachi should be recognized for their role, not their ethnicity.

6. Problems like extortion by suspected Taliban are not unique to Karachi. Problems like drugs, gambling, and alcohol are not also not unique to Karachi. The fact that you link these to specific ethnicities just shows your bias and paranoia.

7. Karachi's unique position as largest city and only port makes it a major hub. But Karachi is a bread winner only for people who live here. If some of them earn this money and send it to their relatives elsewhere, then I do not see why you should have a problem with that? Any imports into Pakistan are taxed at Karachi, without any concern as to who pays these taxes and where the goods would be consumed. Similarly, Karachi's unique position is because of Pakistan. One can not overlook this fact.

8. I think one can get a good idea of paranoia and siege mentality of MQM types by reading your post. One can also see the mind-set that made Karachi a trouble spot to begin with. You seem to think that Karachi belongs to MQM and that it 'allows' 'others' to live here.

while you call me paranoid, which is because you refuse to open your mind to the realities , you just posted a whole bunch of rants and stupid retarded post which was supposed to be tackled with counter facts and truths

no where i said that MQM is the owner of karachi, but its true that its the outsiders who have destroyed Karachi and not MQM

and yeah Karachi is a bread earner for entire pakistan, revenue generated by Karachi should remain in Karachi and other cities and province should earn their own revenues and shouldn't take the Karachi's piece of cake, it only belongs to Karachi and not somewhere else

and those who come to Karachi should find jobs else where because Karachi is already over loaded, those who come to Karachi become burden on the city, Karachi has now more ghettos and shanty towns, and thats the reason for so much crimes and so much prevalent poverty because of less resources

people label everything on MQM without knowing the ground realities and these are the bitter facts under which the lava of Karachi is close to erupting

if you don't like the bitter facts what can i do dear?

abid sher ali, if he wants Karachi not to so called eat punjab's electricity should take back all his punjabis and provide them electricity and jobs in punjab, its not Karachi's duty to nurture them
Seems like a conspiracy to malign the mohajirs.
You decided to post a reply to an emotional post by W.11 and you got emotional yourself. Let me correct you on certain matters:

This is a truly amazing post. Amazing by the level of ignorance, paranoia, and bigotry. I can not say if it is a reflection of you as a person or result of MQM indoctrination. All I can say is that supporters like you are bad publicity for MQM.

Supporters like W.11 may indeed be bad publicity for MQM but that is not because he is lying or is far off in his conclusions but because he is not a politician and does not know how to sugarcoat his sentences with diplomacy. He is, blunt in your face kind of, truthful. You are free to agree or disagree but let me take this opportunity to respond to your points in the same numerical order.

1. Karachi's openness has something to do with its being in Sindh, not by being Mohari-land. Your narrative has such high level of paranoia, that you could not possibly seriously claim that Karachi's openness has anything to do with people like you.

Sindh did not open her arms to the IDP's, Punjab refused them entry beyond camps. When they were being treated like illegal aliens, the IDP's found warm refuge in Karachi. Karachiites opened their hearts and their arms for the IDP's. It was a general feeling in Karachi overall and had nothing to do with sect/religion/ethnicity etc.

2. Baloch, Pashtuns, and Urdu-speaking immigrants all lead well adjusted lives in Punjab. Lack of knowlege on your part does not make it any less of a fact. Punjabis are generally happy-go-lucky, and some may be offended by such an attitude, but hardly anyone can seriously claim active discrimination by them. Had your assertion been true, there would be ethnic colonies or ghettos in Punjab.

You are correct, members of every ethnicity can be found in Punjab but Karachi is still the number 1 destination for internal migrants be it from interior Sindh, Punjab, KPK or Baluchistan. Karachi is the Dubai of Pakistanis who cannot actually go to Dubai. Having said that, it was Punjab's right to allow or deny entry to thousands of IDP's because there are limits to every infrastructure and every city. At the point, people from Karachi were thinking with their hearts, people from Punjab with their minds.....both were right and both were wrong. There is a reason why Punjabis are not welcome in Baluchistan and most of the KPK area.

3. I see no problem with how Punjab handled IDPs. As I recall, major portion of humanitarian support for IDPs was from Punjab. You contradict yourself when you claim a morally superior position and then complain about the after-effects.

Punjab is roughly 60% of Punjab, however, I do have to correct you again, it was Karachi that send a disproportionate amount of relief be it doctors, volunteers, food, temporary shelter and ongoing support for rehabilitation and development of annihilated infrastructure (we are discussing 2005 right?). Even MQM's role in support and relief efforts cannot be ignored, it basically overshadowed every other political party. One of the reasons why May 12 had to happen.

4. Nobody is out to destroy Karachi - not Sindhis (its their city too), not Punjabis, nor any Pashtuns. It is MQM's parochial agenda that is wreaking havoc in my view. All the present ills of Karachi can be directly traced to MQM's own practices.

But nobody's out to build Karachi either. Not Sindhis, not Punjabis, nor Pashtuns. We, the Karachiites, have been left to fend for ourselves for far too long (except under Musharraf). You want to have a look at the ills of Karachi today, you need look nowhere else but at PPP and partially at PML(N). PPP, instead of attempting to reign in on the Sindhi nationalists over their undeclared war on Mohajirs, launched an operation against MQM (which was basically intended to be against the dacoits of interior Sindh)!!!

The real problem is, PPP wants to treat Karachi like they treat their rural areas (interior Sindh). They want to get votes, rule over the masses and provide no development or support. This is unacceptable to the educated Karachiite, and then we have no other option but to look at MQM. MQM may not be our first choice, however it is our only choice.

5. People who make Karachi their home are entitled to it. Their right is no less and no more than that of any other ethinicity or linguistic group. Generations of Punjabis, Pashtuns, and Baluchis have been born, raised, and buried in Karachi. MQM can not have a special claim to Karachi for any reason. Any Karachi-ite who does good for Karachi should be recognized for their role, not their ethnicity.

When speaking with a passion and with emotions, I can concur. however, our difference will emerge the moment we sit down with a cool head and look at the contributions of the people migrating here and the support the infrastructure is expected to provide. Should not the resident of Karachi be provided for first before we look at others? Is there any other city in Pakistan which can post the same immigration statistics as Karachi? Has development and support infrastructure been provided for at the same magnitude? Can the city support a population of 30 million??? MQM may not have a special claim on Karachi but Karachiites do and our mandate is with MQM. When they speak, they speak on our behalf.

Look at the market segment that each ethnicity represents, the business community, the employed, the traffic mafia, the push cart mafia, the encroachment every where in the city. Should we welcome Sindhis and Pashtun to create more slums, more illegal kachi abadis, even more encroachment then this massively overburdened city already caters to? Brother, at the end of the day it is us Karachiites who have to suffer through it all, every single day!

6. Problems like extortion by suspected Taliban are not unique to Karachi. Problems like drugs, gambling, and alcohol are not also not unique to Karachi. The fact that you link these to specific ethnicities just shows your bias and paranoia.

But the problem in Karachi is disproportionate in terms of magnitude to any other city, probably anywhere in the world. And it is not bias if someone points a finger at our Pashtun brothers where drugs and gambling, even prostitution is concerned. They are also involved heavily in the smuggle of illegal weapons. It's a benefit of their trade, transport, I guess. Similarly, most of the kachi abadis are created by Sindhis. We can actually blame some of the ills on some ethnicities alone.

7. Karachi's unique position as largest city and only port makes it a major hub. But Karachi is a bread winner only for people who live here. If some of them earn this money and send it to their relatives elsewhere, then I do not see why you should have a problem with that? Any imports into Pakistan are taxed at Karachi, without any concern as to who pays these taxes and where the goods would be consumed. Similarly, Karachi's unique position is because of Pakistan. One can not overlook this fact.

I don't think anybody would have a problem with the above.

8. I think one can get a good idea of paranoia and siege mentality of MQM types by reading your post. One can also see the mind-set that made Karachi a trouble spot to begin with. You seem to think that Karachi belongs to MQM and that it 'allows' 'others' to live here.

I think my friend believes that Karachi belongs to Karachiites, people who have families, parents, children, brothers and sisters in Karachi, who are born in Karachi and are buried in Karachi, People who have their livlihoods in Karachi and people who have property in Karachi. Basically, it is people who do not fall back to interior Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, KPK! It is people who have their good and their bad tied to this city. People for whom Karachi is a matter of life an death.
First of all, comic sans, really?

Anyways, it's not a rant, it's a logical thought out comment. MQM IS a terrorist organization. MQM will disappear eventually, this is neither a dream nor is it a wish, simply because whether I want it or not this is going to happen.

The fact that you're trying to insult me proves you have no real argument to make and can only try to malign me in order to present yourself as some sort of guardian of truth.

from which part of pakistan do you belong to brother ?

while you call me paranoid, which is because you refuse to open your mind to the realities , you just posted a whole bunch of rants and stupid retarded post which was supposed to be tackled with counter facts and truths

no where i said that MQM is the owner of karachi, but its true that its the outsiders who have destroyed Karachi and not MQM

and yeah Karachi is a bread earner for entire pakistan, revenue generated by Karachi should remain in Karachi and other cities and province should earn their own revenues and shouldn't take the Karachi's piece of cake, it only belongs to Karachi and not somewhere else

and those who come to Karachi should find jobs else where because Karachi is already over loaded, those who come to Karachi become burden on the city, Karachi has now more ghettos and shanty towns, and thats the reason for so much crimes and so much prevalent poverty because of less resources

people label everything on MQM without knowing the ground realities and these are the bitter facts under which the lava of Karachi is close to erupting

if you don't like the bitter facts what can i do dear?

abid sher ali, if he wants Karachi not to so called eat punjab's electricity should take back all his punjabis and provide them electricity and jobs in punjab, its not Karachi's duty to nurture them

MQM is a outsider too.
You decided to post a reply to an emotional post by W.11 and you got emotional yourself. Let me correct you on certain matters:

Supporters like W.11 may indeed be bad publicity for MQM but that is not because he is lying or is far off in his conclusions but because he is not a politician and does not know how to sugarcoat his sentences with diplomacy. He is, blunt in your face kind of, truthful. You are free to agree or disagree but let me take this opportunity to respond to your points in the same numerical order.

Sindh did not open her arms to the IDP's, Punjab refused them entry beyond camps. When they were being treated like illegal aliens, the IDP's found warm refuge in Karachi. Karachiites opened their hearts and their arms for the IDP's. It was a general feeling in Karachi overall and had nothing to do with sect/religion/ethnicity etc.

You are correct, members of every ethnicity can be found in Punjab but Karachi is still the number 1 destination for internal migrants be it from interior Sindh, Punjab, KPK or Baluchistan. Karachi is the Dubai of Pakistanis who cannot actually go to Dubai. Having said that, it was Punjab's right to allow or deny entry to thousands of IDP's because there are limits to every infrastructure and every city. At the point, people from Karachi were thinking with their hearts, people from Punjab with their minds.....both were right and both were wrong. There is a reason why Punjabis are not welcome in Baluchistan and most of the KPK area.

Punjab is roughly 60% of Punjab, however, I do have to correct you again, it was Karachi that send a disproportionate amount of relief be it doctors, volunteers, food, temporary shelter and ongoing support for rehabilitation and development of annihilated infrastructure (we are discussing 2005 right?). Even MQM's role in support and relief efforts cannot be ignored, it basically overshadowed every other political party. One of the reasons why May 12 had to happen.

But nobody's out to build Karachi either. Not Sindhis, not Punjabis, nor Pashtuns. We, the Karachiites, have been left to fend for ourselves for far too long (except under Musharraf). You want to have a look at the ills of Karachi today, you need look nowhere else but at PPP and partially at PML(N). PPP, instead of attempting to reign in on the Sindhi nationalists over their undeclared war on Mohajirs, launched an operation against MQM (which was basically intended to be against the dacoits of interior Sindh)!!!

The real problem is, PPP wants to treat Karachi like they treat their rural areas (interior Sindh). They want to get votes, rule over the masses and provide no development or support. This is unacceptable to the educated Karachiite, and then we have no other option but to look at MQM. MQM may not be our first choice, however it is our only choice.

When speaking with a passion and with emotions, I can concur. however, our difference will emerge the moment we sit down with a cool head and look at the contributions of the people migrating here and the support the infrastructure is expected to provide. Should not the resident of Karachi be provided for first before we look at others? Is there any other city in Pakistan which can post the same immigration statistics as Karachi? Has development and support infrastructure been provided for at the same magnitude? Can the city support a population of 30 million??? MQM may not have a special claim on Karachi but Karachiites do and our mandate is with MQM. When they speak, they speak on our behalf.

Look at the market segment that each ethnicity represents, the business community, the employed, the traffic mafia, the push cart mafia, the encroachment every where in the city. Should we welcome Sindhis and Pashtun to create more slums, more illegal kachi abadis, even more encroachment then this massively overburdened city already caters to? Brother, at the end of the day it is us Karachiites who have to suffer through it all, every single day!

But the problem in Karachi is disproportionate in terms of magnitude to any other city, probably anywhere in the world. And it is not bias if someone points a finger at our Pashtun brothers where drugs and gambling, even prostitution is concerned. They are also involved heavily in the smuggle of illegal weapons. It's a benefit of their trade, transport, I guess. Similarly, most of the kachi abadis are created by Sindhis. We can actually blame some of the ills on some ethnicities alone.

I don't think anybody would have a problem with the above.

I think my friend believes that Karachi belongs to Karachiites, people who have families, parents, children, brothers and sisters in Karachi, who are born in Karachi and are buried in Karachi, People who have their livlihoods in Karachi and people who have property in Karachi. Basically, it is people who do not fall back to interior Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, KPK! It is people who have their good and their bad tied to this city. People for whom Karachi is a matter of life an death.

Thanks for elaborating Karachites perspective so thoroughly. I agree that misconceptions have been brewed about Karachi in other provinces by political parties. Likewise, it is happening in Karachi as well. In my opinion MQM can emerge as a democratic national party; however, they will have to bring major reforms in their working, concepts and structure. They have to change to bring the change.
@Mav3rick, it is indeed a pleasure to have you respond to my post. You bring so much more than mere MQM apologists.

While there is little scope for disagreement with you, there are a few points on which I differ:

1. People who have made Karachi their home really do not wish to go elsewhere. It is a matter of choice, not necessarily one of compulsion. Punjabis settled in Karachi do not wish to leave. I have spoken to a few, and they see Karachi as their home. There is virtually no difference between them and Muhajirs. Such Punjabis might see Punjab as a place to fall back to, but so can Muhajirs. There is no difference. I have seen a few people from Karachi buying property in Lahore, but they continue to live in Karachi. Virtually anyone can do this without any undue problem.

2. Using the label of 'outsiders' is really offensive. Muhajirs were once outsiders with similar problems. Being Muhajir does not bestow an extraordinary entitlement to living in Karachi. Being citizens of Pakistan, anyone can choose to live anywhere. Do you not know anyone who has left Karachi to live in Lahore, for example? I have come across a few.

3. The issue of IDPs is not an issue any more as far as Punjab is concerned. It need not be for any others as well. It is a matter of foresight. When people of KPK, particularly Swat came under Taliban pressure, many of them chose to relocate to Karachi simply because they had relatives and support network there as opposed to other places. The issue of IDPs came later. The IDPs in camps went back to their homes after the conclusion of operation. Some FATA people are still suffering as IDPs in KPK, and I hope they can go back to their homes soon.

4. I was not specifically referring to 2005 earthquake. I can not say with certainty as to who did what for earthquake affectees. All I know is that everyone in Pakistan came together to help them. Why does it take a tragedy for us to forget our differences and unite?

I hope you would concur with me on the point that Karachi ought to be open to all parties and not be treated as 'turf' to fight over. That is a big part of the problem. Once MQM, PPP, ANP, and others act accordingly (or made to act accordingly), it would go far in solving some of the glaring current problems at present. This of course does not apply only to Karachi but rest of the country too. Once MQM and its zealous supporters realizes that their conduct is a big part of the problem, it would be on its way to recovery and reform. There is no reason why people in the rest of Pakistan would not support a reformed MQM.
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MQM is a outsider too.

No, it is not!

Thanks for elaborating Karachites perspective so thoroughly. I agree that misconceptions have been brewed about Karachi in other provinces by political parties. Likewise, it is happening in Karachi as well. In my opinion MQM can emerge as a democratic national party; however, they will have to bring major reforms in their working, concepts and structure. They have to change to bring the change.

Totally agree. Today, nobody is harming MQM more then MQM itself. Well actually not just today but the same is true for the past 5-6 years ever since they joined the PPP coalition.
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