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'Indians' tortured, buried alive in Saudi Arabia: Report

Godliness = belief in god. Simple.

As to your question, I already pointed out that godless countries like iceland, norway, denmark, germany, south korea etc have far lower rates of crime than most god bothering ones. So if godlessness was the reaasson for these crimes, like you originally asserted, then these countries should face far more of these issues than god bothering ones.

If that's what it means then we are on a whole different page. I don't limit Godliness to a belief in someone's head. In Islam obeying God isn't simply believing it's much more than that, Arabic has many meanings for each word.
That is because conviction rates are very low in India, and criminals mostly go unpunished, and the police force is much less effective than in devloped countries. It does not mean crime is lower. It only means convition is lower. You should learn how to interpret data properly.

Nonsense again. Yeah everyone should learn to interpret data like you, when a data favors India it as false, else it is correct.

Every house in India has gold and yet how many cases of burglary? I still see women all around me with lots of gold traveling in packed buses without a care. Try this in Europe.

Used to be quite a joke about newly wed Mallus going to see a movie heavily decked in gold jewelry. Still true.
LOL.,how do you know??
You have been here only 2 months, maybe that's why you don't know about him. Visit the BD section, you will know.:cheers:

Nonsense again. Yeah everyone should learn to interpret data like you, when a data favors India it as false, else it is correct.

Every house in India has gold and yet how many cases of burglary? I still see women all around me with lots of gold traveling in packed buses without a care. Try this in Europe.

I have. Well not on me, but people I have travelled with. I don't wear or hoard gold myself.

Please check out the crime rates in India and the one in western europe, instead of prison rates. Also check out human rights issues in both places. I cannot debate the obvious.

And the second sentence in your post after "nonsense" - no, I did not do or say that. Another misrepresentaion, so bye.
You have been here only 2 months, maybe that's why you don't know about him. Visit the BD section, you will know.:cheers:
Nah,I was just trying to rub salt ob his wound. :devil:
Please check out the crime rates in India and the one in western europe, instead of prison rates. Also check out human rights issues in both places. I cannot debate the obvious.

I have. India by far with the least amount of policing is a peaceful and safe country. As I said I dont believe in the garbage Human Rights nonsense sprouted by the Europeans. These guys do not know what life is worth and should not lecture other countries about it.

A poor third world country city like Mumbai is far far more honest than any other country in the world. Only Finland topped Mumbai and that was really a poor example considering the amount in the wallet would have been nothing to a Finn.
Mumbai world’s second most honest city: Survey - The Times of India

So much concern for animal welfare.
Switzerland's only wild bear is killed as a danger to humans - CNN.com

Another misrepresentaion, so bye.

Word twisting when it is obvious what you mean is not going to absolve you. Bye or whatever. Does not matter.
I have. India by far with the least amount of policing is a peaceful and safe country. As I said I dont believe in the garbage Human Rights nonsense sprouted by the Europeans. These guys do not know what life is worth and should not lecture other countries about it.

A poor third world country city like Mumbai is far far more honest than any other country in the world. Only Finland topped Mumbai and that was really a poor example considering the amount in the wallet would have been nothing to a Finn.
Mumbai world’s second most honest city: Survey - The Times of India

So much concern for animal welfare.
Switzerland's only wild bear is killed as a danger to humans - CNN.com
I was talking about countries, not cities. Anyway if you say that you don't believe statistics, and it is all propoganda to make India look bad, well there is no point discussing. Your claim was that India has more freedom and less crime than ANY european country. Aclaim so absurd that I do not know why I am indulging it. Anyway, facts are all lies for you, so...

And nobody said anything about animal welfare, so don't bring another strawman. What has that got to do with the topic? Zilch.
I have. India by far with the least amount of policing is a peaceful and safe country. As I said I dont believe in the garbage Human Rights nonsense sprouted by the Europeans. These guys do not know what life is worth and should not lecture other countries about it.

A poor third world country city like Mumbai is far far more honest than any other country in the world. Only Finland topped Mumbai and that was really a poor example considering the amount in the wallet would have been nothing to a Finn.
Mumbai world’s second most honest city: Survey - The Times of India

I don't know what criteria this surveys have, but my personal experience is that whether it is about safety or rights, no one comes close to western European countries. No one else put more worth to life than them.

That bear didn't belong to Swiss, and was killed to prevent more bears going into human habitations. Read the entire story.
I was talking about countries, not cities. Anyway if you say that you don't believe statistics, and it is all propoganda to make India look bad, well there is no point discussing. Your claim was that India has more freedom and less crime than ANY european country. Aclaim so absurd that I do not know why I am indulging it. Anyway, facts are all lies for you, so...

And nobody said anything about animal welfare, so don't bring another strawman. What has that got to do with the topic? Zilch.

Mumbai was taken as a sample. The degree of honesty and safety is the same everywhere in India barring Delhi and in its vicinity. Since you are such a believer in stats why did you not believe that India prison population which is lower than Europe is Indication of low crime rate in India.

Be it animal welfare or human freedom, India leads.

I don't know what criteria this surveys have, but my personal experience is that whether it is about safety or rights, no one comes close to western European countries. No one else put more worth to life than them.

That is rubbish. The poorest can survive in India on very very less and still maintain their dignity which is not the case in any other country.

That bear didn't belong to Swiss, and was killed to prevent more bears going into human habitations. Read the entire story.

LOL. As if wild animals recognize borders. Apparently, the Swiss authorities have not heard of tranquilizers. Any garbage done by Europeans finds wide approval by our English lalus.

This is Europe which has mostly exterminated its wild life and is still continuing on the same path while holding the third world countries feet to fire on humanitarian issues.
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That is rubbish. The poorest can survive in India on very very less and still maintain their dignity which is not the case in any other country.

I am not sure which India you are talking about, or your definition of poverty is different. Forget the western Europeans, even here in Canada the beggars are treated with much more respect than in India. The entire quality of life is a much better, even for the poor. While it is true that social structure is different, but the sensitivity for human lives is on entirely different scale than India.

LOL. As if wild animals recognize borders. Apparently, the Swiss authorities have not heard of tranquilizers. Any garbage done by Europeans finds wide approval by our English lalus.

This is Europe which has mostly exterminated its wild life and is still continuing on the same path while holding the third world countries feet to fire on humanitarian issues.

Have you never heard of Indian authorities putting down some man eating tiger or any other animal? Animals are not always tranquillized, sometime they are killed. And no, developed world show a lot of concern for wild life, much more so than India. May be the reason being that their bellies are full, and thus are free to worry about everything else, but they do care a lot more than India.
I am not sure which India you are talking about, or your definition of poverty is different. Forget the western Europeans, even here in Canada the beggars are treated with much more respect than in India. The entire quality of life is a much better, even for the poor. While it is true that social structure is different, but the sensitivity for human lives is on entirely different scale than India.

That is nonsense. India had so many beggars in the first place because we were so easy going with them. There was absolutely no societal condemnation. Anyone could beg a few rupees from a few houses, find some cheap fruit or meal for that money, sleep fearlessly under a tree, and wander about the whole day. The entire 80s the govt of India had to run a huge campaign asking Indians to not give money to beggars. It was only after that sustained campaign that people consciously started refusing alms.

The poorest still get called bhaiya, didi, aka, anna. The vegetable vendor, the ice cream cart handler, still get called respectfully.

Even today, slums are regularized and illegal encroachment encouraged by vested interests in India.

Have you never heard of Indian authorities putting down some man eating tiger or any other animal? Animals are not always tranquillized, sometime they are killed. And no, developed world show a lot of concern for wild life, much more so than India. May be the reason being that their bellies are full, and thus are free to worry about everything else, but they do care a lot more than India.

All the tigers in Sundarbans are maneaters. None have been put down. Only in very extreme cases does India go that way. This bear in Switzerland on the other had had killed no one except some sheep. Culling is the regular way Europe and America deals with animals and also call it humane. The more you talk about humanity of Europe and Northern American, the more nauseous I get.

The forced taking care of you talk about is as good as putting them in a prison. In India we have tried that unsuccessfully so many times. Beggar homes were established only for beggars to run away from them all the time. Likewise in Europe and USA.
That is nonsense. India had so many beggars in the first place because we were so easy going with them. There was absolutely no societal condemnation. Anyone could beg a few rupees from a few houses, find some cheap fruit or meal for that money, sleep fearlessly under a tree, and wander about the whole day. The entire 80s the govt of India had to run a huge campaign asking Indians to not give money to beggars. It was only after that sustained campaign that people consciously started refusing alms.

The poorest still get called bhaiya, didi, aka, anna. The vegetable vendor, the ice cream cart handler, still get called respectfully.

Even today, slums are regularized and illegal encroachment encouraged by vested interests in India.

Not sure about that campaign, wasn't born than. But having no condemnation is not equivalent to being treated respectfully. Rare in my life have I seen any begger or extremely poor being treated respectfully. I have no idea what basis of comparison you have, I have had roommates/friends, who were living on welfare - thats the poorest here, right above homeless beggars - and still seen them being part of the society as normal. How many times have you seen a poor vendor mingling with - not even the rich - but the middle class in India?

All the tigers in Sundarbans are maneaters. None have been put down. Only in very extreme cases does India go that way. This bear in Switzerland on the other had had killed no one except some sheep. Culling is the regular way Europe and America deals with animals and also call it humane. The more you talk about humanity of Europe and Northern American, the more nauseous I get.

The forced taking care of you talk about is as good as putting them in a prison. In India we have tried that unsuccessfully so many times. Beggar homes were established only for beggars to run away from them all the time. Likewise in Europe and USA.
First time heard that all tigers in Sundarbans hunted humans...
Check out the news - cant recall the correct date - within past month probably. There was a hunt going on for a man eating tiger. Animals who become danger to humans are put down in India. Same as most parts of the world. Like that bear in the news - roaming in human habitats. Unlike India, Europeans don't wait for the animal to actually kill someone, they consider human life far more valuable than Indians. It is subtly written in the your link, they made attempts to scare it away, it didn't. Kept on roaming within populated areas, so had to be put down. What would they do after tranquillizing it?
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Not sure about that campaign, wasn't born than. But having no condemnation is not equivalent to being treated respectfully. Rare in my life have I seen any begger or extremely poor being treated respectfully. I have no idea what basis of comparison you have, I have had roommates/friends, who were living on welfare - thats the poorest here, right above homeless beggars - and still seen them being part of the society as normal. How many times have you seen a poor vendor mingling with - not even the rich - but the middle class in India?

All the time. They come and take food from the same darshinis middle class Indians go to, live in their small houses (only determined by affordability) in the same localities. There are no separate buses for poor or separate trains for poor. It is the same for everyone. For living on welfare, we are not a rich country to afford that, but families are there. Entire younger generation in India is supported by their families until they find a job unlike in Europe and elsewhere where they have to fend for themselves or depend on govt charity.

If you must know almost all families in India have a rags to if not riches then middle class story to them.
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All the time. They came and take food from the same darshinis middle class Indians go to, live in their small houses (only determined by affordability) in the same localities. There are no separate buses for poor or separate trains for poor. It is the same for everyone. For living on welfare, we are not a rich country to afford that, but families are there. Entire younger generation in India is supported by their families until they find a job unlike in Europe and elsewhere where they have to fend for themselves or depend on govt charity.

If you must know almost all families in India have a rags to if not riches then middle class story to them.

You missed the point. Even the poor people mingle with other classes in the society, (and I mean friends, not relatives). That rarely happens in India, not a norm.
First time heard that all tigers in Sundarbans hunted humans...
Check out the news - cant recall the correct date - within past month probably. There was a hunt going on for a man eating tiger. Animals who become danger to humans are put down in India. Same as most parts of the world. Like that bear in the news - roaming in human habitats. Unlike India, Europeans don't wait for the animal to actually kill someone, they consider human life far more valuable than Indians. It is subtly written in the your link, they made attempts to scare it away, it didn't. Kept on roaming within populated areas, so had to be put down. What would they do after tranquillizing it?

As I said in extreme rare cases only Tigers are hunted, even then after one is suspected of having killed multiple human beings. The bear was no where in a human habitat. Yeah yeah the sun shines out of a Europeans a$$hole. That is why Switzerland was the country of choice for all the black money in the world.

There is something known as transferring an animal to a protected area. Apparently not worth it for Switzerland which has no wildlife at all.

The poorest of African countries are more humane than all the white countries put together.

You missed the point. Even the poor people mingle with other classes in the society, (and I mean friends, not relatives). That rarely happens in India, not a norm.

Sorry that is not so. Class differentiation is a reality in all of Europe. So is it true in America too.
As I said in extreme rare cases only Tigers are hunted, even then after one is suspected of having killed multiple human beings. The bear was no where in a human habitat. Yeah yeah the sun shines out of a Europeans a$$hole. That is why Switzerland was the country of choice for all the black money in the world.
Now I am sure you are dissing just for the sake of it. From your own link:

The brown bear had become dangerous because he regularly sought out food in inhabited areas -- including a school -- and had started following people during the day, the Swiss Federal Environment Office said.

Can't understand why you have to be so defensive. There are ills in Indian society, like every other, and there are good things about it, like every other..

There is something known as transferring an animal to a protected area. Apparently not worth it for Switzerland which has no wildlife at all.
Sure, Swiss Alps have no wild life...
Things cannot be done so randomly. Like a man eating tiger is put down, not shifted to some other area.

The poorest of African countries are more humane than all the white countries put together.
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