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Indian Supreme Court criminalises Homosexuality.

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so many are worried by the the decision

Perception needs to be changed. Being gay is not a Western invention, It is a human reality. It's all depends how equipped a society is in accommodating this reality! Obviously India seems to be caught in the midst of two extremes. There is one part of India which is highly liberal & see this judgement as detrimental to one's own right, & there is that other part which treats being gay as a stigma to the society they are living in.

well i believe stigma is not an issue since there are many stigmas which we happily accept .

I am more concerned with making such practices legal under the law, jeopardized many other laws for example inheritance, maintenance, divorce etc etc.
Perception needs to be changed. Being gay is not a Western invention, It is a human reality. It's all depends how equipped a society is in accommodating this reality! Obviously India seems to be caught in the midst of two extremes. There is one part of India which is highly liberal & see this judgement as detrimental to one's own right, & there is that other part which treats being gay as a stigma to the society they are living in.

My question is based on pure curiosity and not discrimination ...do people become gay or are they born gay..because being born gay goes completely against evolution and how nature works and people becoming gay is quiet real..especially in male dominated prisons ....
My question is based on pure curiosity and not discrimination ...do people become gay or are they born gay..because being born gay goes completely against evolution and how nature works and people becoming gay is quiet real..especially in male dominated prisons ....

its abnormality and must be cured through treatment .

You cant just fill a hole be it even of a dog.
My question is based on pure curiosity and not discrimination ...do people become gay or are they born gay..because being born gay goes completely against evolution and how nature works and people becoming gay is quiet real..especially in male dominated prisons ....
very much in debate......dont think anyone here is qualified to answer that....
so many are worried by the the decision

well i believe stigma is not an issue since there are many stigmas which we happily accept .

I am more concerned with making such practices legal under the law, jeopardized many other laws for example inheritance, maintenance, divorce etc etc.

This is where the real problem is. I'm pretty sure 99% of Indians will be apprehensive about the highlighted part. Merely legalizing gay rights may not be an issue for most of the people. But will it just stop there? As you mentioned above... things will only get widened once the liaison is legalized. & India at large is not ready for that.

My question is based on pure curiosity and not discrimination ...do people become gay or are they born gay..because being born gay goes completely against evolution and how nature works and people becoming gay is quiet real..especially in male dominated prisons ....

Ah.. man! I find it a sort of mystery too. May be it's in the psyche of the person! I have seen kids growing up as normal & ordinary, & one fine day you start noticing the change in their behavior. i wish I could speak to them & ask these questions... but can't gather enough guts to do it!
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My question is based on pure curiosity and not discrimination ...do people become gay or are they born gay..because being born gay goes completely against evolution and how nature works and people becoming gay is quiet real..especially in male dominated prisons ....

Its more of a psycological thing than a bioligical thing, think of a thing which appears quite normal to some people but you are terrified of it, same is with being gay.
Ah.. man! I find it a sort of mystery too. May be it's in the psyche of the person! I have seen kids growing up as normal, ordinary & one fine you start noticing the change in their behavior. i wish I could speak to them & ask these questions... but can't gather enough guts to do it!

When i was in Noida i had friends who openly talked "even though for fun" about sex openly , the rear ended i mean .... I decided to "not" be friends with them soon :help: , ...not like they were gay but they just were way to open.. I think with increase in accessibility due to technology and an open society people are loosing the sensitivity that the natural world has created on talking or seeing these things , i do fear legalizing it might only increase this .. Am pretty sure these things have been discussed in courts with a lot of facts , data and statistics . Supreme court in India at least has a good history of decision making .
Reuters & BBC Breaking News reporting that Indian Supreme Court has criminalised Homosexuality & turned down Delhi High Court order by terming Gay Sex illegal.

whats wrong with you people courts said and i quote.

The Supreme Court rejected that decision Wednesday, saying the old law was still constitutionally valid and could only be changed or erased through Parliament, not the courts.

Oh Indian Members of this Forum "May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time." :sarcastic::ashamed:
The sheer absurdity of the situation continues to amaze. This is largely an issue that should be dealt with by Parliament(as the SC noted) but the SC seems to have no problems dealing with matters like red beacon lights which too must remain the prerogative of the executive to decide. Consistency of position must be important.

what has happened that that judiciary has shunned from taking decision and has passed buck to the parliament .
Questions like these are not to be settled by majority vote or so ....
This question impinges upon basic human rights ...and the fundamental values should not be subjected to majority vote ...or parliamentary discretion. are we going to allow parliament to fiddle with other fundamental rights granted by Constitution ???
The judiciary as custodians of constitution should have granted sanctity to this basic fundamental right of Equality enshrined in constitution to all its citizens ....which they have clearly failed to do so .

they should be allowed to live their life in their own way

why people are linking article 377 with homosexuality alone ???

article 377 pertains to ' order against nature ....which includes anal sex ....

It brings even heterosexual couples engaging in anal sex under its purview ....

Remember this article allows women to seek divorce as anal sex is deemed order against nature ....
Homosexuality has been observed in over 500 species of animals.

Before you pullout the stock bestiality and Paedophilia arguments, the difference is that animals and little children cannot give the consent to have sex as they lack the mental maturity or the faculties.

What two grown men and women do in their private life is their own business.

We have child marriage, dowry and Female foeticide, but the religious nut jobs want to go after this?


The lot of them. This affirms my every prejudice about organised religion

Religion has got nothing to do with this ...

Otherwise Temples of Khajuraho would not bear testimonials of centuries old stone sculptures that depict homosexuality alongside heterosexuality ....

India: One step forwards 10 steps backwards.

we have gone centuries behind ....

India .....the land of Khajuraho ....where sex was exhibited on premises of temples .....homosexuality and heterosexuality along side ... puts us back to stone-age of sexuality ....
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