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Indian Supreme Court criminalises Homosexuality.

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Homosexuality has been observed in over 500 species of animals.

Before you pullout the stock bestiality and Paedophilia arguments, the difference is that animals and little children cannot give the consent to have sex as they lack the mental maturity or the faculties.

What two grown men and women do in their private life is their own business.

We have child marriage, dowry and Female foeticide, but the religious nut jobs want to go after this?


The lot of them. This affirms my every prejudice about organised religion

what was that i dint get it bro but i guess i hate child abusers and gays & rapists more than any other type of criminals

and yes i also have very very strong resrvations regarding female foeticide and many times have raised my voice against it but i dint knew what made you so angry...any way have a nice day buddy
what was that i dint get it bro but i guess i hate child abusers and gays & rapists more than any other type of criminals

and yes i also have very very strong resrvations regarding female foeticide and many times have raised my voice against it but i dint knew what made you so angry...any way have a nice day buddy

Child Abuse and rape is criminalised because they did not obtain the consent, or the victim lacks the mental faculties to give consent. Children lack the mental capability.

And you include Gays in that bracket too?

One of my best friends in High School who stood up for me from racists, was gay. He was one of the nicest, brilliant guys to be around. I have also met horrible people that are gay as well.

The point is, they are Human Beings and they are not worthy of the hate they get. It is not even part of Indian culture to be Homophobic. They contribute to society, and they are loving sons and daughters.

If you don't like Gays, that is fine. They don't have to be put in Jail.

And no, the argument their sexual expression is tantamount to Paedophilia is asinine.

@GURU DUTT I am sorry bro.

As I said, one of my friends in High School was gay.He was bullied to the point of having a nervous breakdown.

I never, NEVER want to see that happen to another Human Being ever again.

Sorry for being rude :)
Their country, their rules.
It's only illigal if they get caught doing gay sex. Behind doors they are free to do whatever they please, It's a drama troll fest in mainstream media. Rothchild's money usually brings all this along with them. Now there will be concerts and huge cry about gay rights, leaving divots on ongoing media campaign against crimes against women.
It's only illigal if they get caught doing gay sex. Behind doors they are free to do whatever they please, It's a drama troll fest in mainstream media. Rothchild's money usually brings all this along with them. Now there will be concerts and huge cry about gay rights, leaving divots on ongoing media campaign against crimes against women.

Isn't that applicable to any crime? If the crime remains hidden, so are the criminals. If the crime is uncovered and the criminals caught, they're in trouble. But the issue here is, being gay isn't a crime and should not be classified as such.

The Sodomy laws are a British rule influenced by Biblical concepts on the criminality of such acts. They have no place in a modern society(They had no place in many older societies either).
One last post before I leave. Heterosexuality is flaunted effortlessly pretty much everywhere. When a society says they want to criminalise your sexuality, they are treating you as a second class citizen as your sexuality is at the core of your identity.

Hope things turn out differently.
Wtf. How does homosexuality affect the lives of straight folk ? In any event if the SC believes that homosexuals will suddenly become straight after this law then those judges need to start thinking with their heads and not their rears.
Looks like with the anticipated arrival of Maharaj Modi , dark clouds loom over the lifestyle and welfare of the " CHUKKAS of INDIA ".
Yaar, Who says Homos and Eunuchs are same? Need some clarity of basics bhaijaan? :D

What makes you think Pakistan is a purely Islamic State ?

Answer that and you will have the answer to your question.
What makes us think. Well the Name does. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN. Either Change the 1st word or the last Word and then your point hold valid. ;)
Yaar, Who says Homos and Eunuchs are same? Need some clarity of basics bhaijaan? :D

What makes us think. Well the Name does. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN. Either Change the 1st word or the last Word and then your point hold valid. ;)

Like United States of America ? :D
Have you been to Pakistan, Fool.

Gays are all over the place in Pakistan.

They was even a Gay Celebrity who had his/her own show called " Begum Nawazish "

Instead of calling us Hypocrites a darn fool like yourself should do some research to find facts first before shooting obscenities from your rear end.
Being gay is not criminalized.
Having sex with the same gender is.
India: One step forwards 10 steps backwards.
we should gift Altaf bhai's book to your supreme court
This judgement reminds me of this poem....

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
Perception needs to be changed. Being gay is not a Western invention, It is a human reality. It's all depends how equipped a society is in accommodating this reality! Obviously India seems to be caught in the midst of two extremes. There is one part of India which is highly liberal & see this judgement as detrimental to one's own right, & there is that other part which treats being gay as a stigma to the society they are living in.
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