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Indian Special Forces

Well it's true SG is a part of the SFF however it is made up ENTIRELY of IA SF and a few SFs from the IN, SG has NO regular IA in it except in support roles.

Get rid of that @bloo.

SG has NO IN or IAF personnel.
You know it will be better if you stop giving some forces undeserved credit...no offence intended.

Can someone list out achievements of RAW post Gujral era?
CIT-J and CIT-X.
SPG at NCC Parade 2014:










Good work on posting SPG pics.I see you are in love with them.

During the Army day i saw the Army chief surrounded by Para SF personnel trainned in VIP security wearing back suit and sunglasses.
Lol mate! I am a fan of them indeed and I don't think enough is out there on these guys who do a quiet but important job.

Hmm missed that at Army day, will have to re-watch the video. I though the guys in civilian dress were MPs and the PARA (SF) were always dressed in their combat fatigues.
CIT-J and CIT-X.
I.K. Gujral became PM in 1997. These operations were in mid 80s
Two thing I know of - Operation Leech and Afghanistan role. But there have been major embarrassment like Kargil intelligence failure, Rabinder Singh defection to US, Mumbai attacks failure
NSG members seem to be pretty interested in all the stuff at Defexpo


Watch from 2:40... the guy seems to imply that Kalashnikov is trying to sell these automatic shotguns to the Indian Police or Special Forces (likely the NSG)

@Unknowncommando @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @Abingdonboy
Yeah, I highly doubt the NSG will get any products from Kalashnikov- they were just looking, as all police/military units do at such shows. My friend who went said the NSG guys he saw spent about one hour at the Beretta and IWI stands, they're just there to see what's around and to keep up to date on the product ranges. And Kalashnikov can offer all they want in India, whether Indian police/central forces accept them is up to them after seeing what they want and what else is on offer.

Guys i am seriously concerned about how the special forces are formed currently by our army i have seen the below article
which has stated some big flaws on how we are creating our special forces. can you guys shed some light on the below article

Whither Special Forces? » Indian Defence Review

Some points from the article:
The way the concept of Special Forces has been dealt with over the years, the entire Parachute Regiment may not be part of the proposed Special Forces Command, as recommended by the veteran paratrooper Brigadier. However, given the current dispensation, it is very much possible that the Special Forces of the three Services are brought together under a similar non-specialist hierarchy, even a three star paratrooper army commander, akin to what the army has been doing for past several years. That will make China and Pakistan really, really happy. Not without reason some time back when a question was asked what China thinks about India’s nuclear forces, the response was what to talk of nuclear forces, India does not even know how to use its conventional forces!

Guys i am seriously concerned about how the special forces are formed currently by our army i have seen the below article
which has stated some big flaws on how we are creating our special forces. can you guys shed some light on the below article

Whither Special Forces? » Indian Defence Review

Some points from the article:
The way the concept of Special Forces has been dealt with over the years, the entire Parachute Regiment may not be part of the proposed Special Forces Command, as recommended by the veteran paratrooper Brigadier. However, given the current dispensation, it is very much possible that the Special Forces of the three Services are brought together under a similar non-specialist hierarchy, even a three star paratrooper army commander, akin to what the army has been doing for past several years. That will make China and Pakistan really, really happy. Not without reason some time back when a question was asked what China thinks about India’s nuclear forces, the response was what to talk of nuclear forces, India does not even know how to use its conventional forces!
It's a nonsense article that doesn't seem to follow any sort of consistent argument. Firstly not ALL the PARA btns are transiting to SF Btns- not at all. And as such it makes sense for the non-SF btns to remain out of the SOCOM as they aren't SFs! Also the MoD has already stated it would be an IA SF officer in charge of the SOCOM.
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