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naah...the discussion itself was bit of trolling ..... :P .....its an avataar that people tend to remember. A little know actor but it triggers hidden memories.

toh kya tum bhi ..... :devil:


More Exposes on AAP in the coming days...

we will Tear this non-corrupt mask Arvind guy and his AAP... :smokin:

He is going to eat into BJP vote bank I am afraid. but anyway his ad campaign on FM really pisses me off ... he got such a squeaky voice !!!
What your saying could be true or might not be true , but only time will tell ...besides Prasanth Bhusan got beaten up quite badly for his remark ... am Skeptical about everything political ... i was probably the first person to believe AAP was "too good to be true" ...

Exactly... AAP really is too good to be true. And the symptoms were clearly visible in their recent agitations. For uninformed and innocent public, all this might be very good. All the talks of "equal","secular","clean" government and then leading mass protests seem very noble to common public. But all of this is frighteningly similar to the Lalu's politics.

Lalu was being hailed as messiah of sorts when he became the star in Bihar. Bihar had got rid of "communal" , "incompetent", " corrupt" raj of congress. He even refused to move into CM's bunglow after getting elected and announced that he will continue to reside in the peon's quarter.

AAP if elected to power and following their current tendency will cripple the functioning of Delhi. Do we really want government v/s power companies showdown in NCR..? Delhi can kiss goodbye to the development plans and be ready for Kolkata's fate..
AAP people don't know they can never have a full majority, and until and unless they try align themselves with another party they can kiss their self righteous *** out of power. They can only spoil votes of other parties nothing more than that, I would be surprised if they can get more than 5 seats in Delhi.
There are some who would argue that the very weaknesses Aiyyar has highlighted are actually his strengths and he is building upon them at a reckless pace.

He might or might not become PM but the article is rubbish. He is assuming that Modi is 'only' contesting a personality based election. Although this will be a election based upon personalities, those who are discounting Modi as a shrewd planner will do it at their own peril.
This guy got his feet barely in Gujarat politics, and he shunted out Congress and opponents both with in and outside, for good. This was not charm at work.
One merely has to observe organizational skills this man has brought to the fore and the ground work he has done with the cadre. All over the country.

Contrast this with Vajpayee, although a good orator, he was relatively laid back. Vajpayee was one of the few leaders who could make even his bodyguards break into grins while delivering 'rally' speeches. Modi on the other hand inspires not humors.
Social media he has taken over. His rallies are hugely popular. The moral of the grass root party worker is all time high. He commands their loyalties without asking for it. All these things are not easy to achieve and he has done it on national level. He is out there and he is not apologetic about it.
Congress can only hope to garner the votes of farmers and BPL folks, the educated ones are aligning their loyalties and even if the BJP loses this one, it will come to power a couple of years later.

S. Aiyyar is a good analyst and i am a fan, but this time he let his bias take over.
toh kya tum bhi ..... :devil:

He is going to eat into BJP vote bank I am afraid. but anyway his ad campaign on FM really pisses me off ... he got such a squeaky voice !!!

Well... BJP should work on enhancing his popularity among minority then.. :)
This Shajia Imli Used to worked for Congress mouth piece Star News ... now she is with Arvind ... dont u people Smell something here ...

And Similarly ... when BABA Ramdev was on Huger Strike ... he was forced out and beaten u by police who had supporters 5 times that of ANNA ... but that never happened with Anna Movement ... still u think nothing is fishy here...

Rajiv Diikshits movement never got any Media Support same with Baba Ramdev ... while ANNA movement got all that... a media owned by Kangress ... still nothing wrong u think ...
[Bregs];4821004 said:
Swaminathan S. Aiyar is a prominent Indian journalist and columnist

Narendra Modi, chief minister of Gujarat, chose Independence Day, August 15, to launch his campaign to become prime minister. He is not formally the BJP's official candidate, but makes no bones about his ambition. Even as Manmohan Singh made one more tepid Independence Day speech from the Red Fort, Modi lambasted him in a rival speech that had his cohorts cheering wildly.

Modi declared contemptuously that Singh was so busy acting as a servant to the Gandhi family that he had forgotten about serving 1.2 billion Indians. He attacked Singh for being soft on Pakistan, for the crash of the rupee, for inflation and unemployment and misgovernance. He challenged Singh to a one-on-one debate on how to run the country. Given his oratorical skills and Singh's lack of them, it would be a one-sided contest.

The BJP party cadres love Modi, and are delighted with his offensive. The media are agog with Modi's speech. Many are analysing the next election as a Modi versus Rahul Gandhi affair.

Sorry, but such talk is idle rubbish. Prime ministers in India are not chosen after a gladiatorial contest between two armed combatants. They are not chosen directly by the people at all, as in the US. Rather, Indian voters choose only a single Member of Parliament from each constituency. Once in a while a national wave can drown local issues (as after Indira Gandhi's death), but typically elections in each constituency focus intensely on local issues and the abilities of individual local candidates. National politics can look very remote at the grassroots level. To see every local contest as a Modiversus-Rahul battle is pure fantasy.

These decentralised battles decide who gets elected to Parliament. Whether Modi beats Rahul Gandhi in opinion polls, or defeats Manmohan Singh in debates, is irrelevant. What matters is how many seats the NDA can get in the election, and how many additional allies it can garner after the elections produce a hung Parliament.

The answer has already come in several opinion polls. All show that a Modi-led BJP has no chance of heading the next government. One typical poll, co-sponsored by Times Now, showed the UPA getting 136 seats, the NDA getting 156 seats, and other parties getting the balance of 251 seats. Voters may be totally disillusioned with Manomhan Singh, but they are not enthused by a Modi-led BJP either.

Is there any way an NDA with 156 seats can get additional post-election allies holding another 117 seats, enough for a bare majority? Almost impossible. It might be remotely possible if the NDA is led by somebody with wide appeal, who can charm and win friends rather than raise hackles. Atal Behari Vajpayee was such a person. Narendra Modi emphatically is not.

He is unquestionably a strong and efficient administrator. Gujarat has prospered under him, and given him three successive terms of office. But he is known as a man who tolerates no opposition, cuts all colleagues to size, and rules with an iron fist. Such a person will fail miserably as prime minister of a disparate coalition that can be brought down by any of several minor partners.

Under Vajpayee, the BJP was able to attract regional leaders like Nitish Kumar, Naveen Patnaik and Mamata Banerjee. Vajpayee assured them that the BJP would not pursue any of its traditional communal policies while in office. He had the flexibility and credibility to deliver.

Modi has neither the same flexibility nor credibility. He prides himself on Hindutva. He can't even bear to wear the traditional Muslim cap or scarf offered by Muslim well wishers. Indian Muslims hate him for complicity in the killing of over 1,000 Muslims in the 2002 Gujarat riots. They do not believe the leopard will change its spots as Prime Minister.

So, regional leaders like Nitish Kumar, Mamata Banerjee, Naveen Patnaik and Chandrababu Naidu treat Modi as poison. They did business with Vajpayee. They refuse to do business with Modi.

Let nobody think that these regional leaders have high moral principles. No, they are cynical opportunists. But as opportunists, they have made a simple calculation: will extra Hindu votes brought in by Modi compensate for the loss of Muslim votes? The answer is an overwhelming "no". And that's that.

Modi may grab the headlines with his driving ambition and rousing speeches. He may greatly enthuse his RSS cadres. But for all his ambition and energy, the hard political reality is that he cannot become prime minister. As Katrina Kaif said in a different context, in her item number Sheela ki jawani...

"I know you wanna get it

But you're never gonna get it,

Tere haath kabhi na aani."

Source: Hard political reality is that Narendra Modi cannot become PM - Economic Times

Yes, a prominent Indian journalist indeed; he wrote it like one!!

Also brother of Mani Shankar Aiyar......Hard political reality!!
Well... BJP should work on enhancing his popularity among minority then.. :)

But the sad thing is congress is way ahead of BJP in this and moreover BJP specially in Delhi is not united.
S. Aiyyar is a good analyst and i am a fan, but this time he let his bias take over.

...see now you have put me in a fix. I too am a ardent reader of swaminomics :P....but I was too lazy to write up a detailed reply. But he really should stick to writing about economics rather than politics.

In any case he does show a "secular" leaning in his political views. (maybe something to do with his parsi wife :angel: and congress brother)
Being a fan of neither BjP or the Congress, I am delighted to see that Modi's nomination has lit a candle under the feet of all major literati of Indian Media.... Smear campaigns launched by NDTV is a prime example......

It's fun to watch.... Modi has made everyone dance
Although party based on Hinduvata ideology suites Pakistan but keeping in view the politics of south asia, i doubt he will win.
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