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Indian Navy News & Discussions

why only five ??? that's the question..... is it because india does not have enough special forces to operate such sumbarines or what?????

BTW pakistan already possesses midget class submarines from italy which are quite sophisticated
What are the benefits of having a midget submarine??? An article from wikipedia suggest that the main objective is Harbour Penetration or reconnaissance mission...

Are these worthy attack submarines or just have limited role as mentioned above or only after 26/11 we are mulling to have such submarines to increase our port security??

BTW pakistan already possesses midget class submarines from italy which are quite sophisticated
Though i am not in favor of we should posses what our adversary possess yet was wondering why we don't have any...

Would appreciate if someone can throw more light...

Bhubaneswar: The Indian Navy bases at Chilka and Paradip Port are organising the Navy Week, the theme of the event being Indian Navy power-packed oath for a strong nation. The event will start with a blood donation camp on November 6 at INS Nivarini.

The warships at Paradip will be open to public visit on November 7 and 8 as part of "A day at sea" programme. State officials, dignitaries and other invited guests will be on board the warships, witnessing a demonstration of the Indian Navy's air and fire power. Health camps will be organised in Banpur, Chhatargarh, Bhubaneswar and Puri on November 8, 15, 22 and 29, respectively.

From November 24 to 28, there will be an inter-school sports championship for the students of schools in and around Chilka, Balugaon and Banpur. From November 28 to December 2, there will be a joint Chilka lake mouth-sailing expedition with the Fourth and Youth Service Wing, in which young boys and girls will participate alongside Naval trainees. On November 29, there would be a quiz competition at INS Chilka for schools from Bhubaneswar and Berhampur. On December 4, the Navy Day, the Governor of Odisha will be the chief guest.

The Navy Veterans' Day will be celebrated on December 6 with retired Naval officers and their families attending the festivities. The Navy Dance Concert is on November 9 at the Rabindra Mandap in Bhubaneswar. A grand film festival, which includes films in many languages, will be held from November 5 to December 8 at Chilka.
why only five ??? that's the question..... is it because india does not have enough special forces to operate such sumbarines or what?????

BTW pakistan already possesses midget class submarines from italy which are quite sophisticated

It could be due to the fact that, we only need 5 to serve our current needs.

But what is more likely is that the India navy is expanding in size faster than it is creating new facilities to manage its assets.

Let me just list a few of then navy's new assets for this decade.

3 new carriers
100+ major surface ships.(destroyers , frigates and logistics vessels
8 new Nuclear submarines.

and that list keeps increasing with new announcements each year.

The aim is to have a total of three Aircraft carriers resulting in two fully operational Carrier battle groups and an additional Aircraft carrier eventually in refit making India an operating Blue-water navy.

The ambitious long term plan that was recently revealed shows a road-map to blue water navy with six aircraft carriers.

To accomplish such a task India needs a lot more ships.
and above all else it needs the facilities to manage all these ships, which at current don't exist.

India is already building more ports and naval bases so as to accommodate all this.

The midget submarines are most likely only needed to fill the current short fall. Buying more would simply mean committing more facilities and staff to the maintenance and operation of there vessels.
Miget subs for costal patrol ~cough~ sounds more like any request for capital equipment just gets 26/11 stuck on it to try and con the politicians.

You are not going to be able to run down a suspected terrorist in a sub and i imagine board and search would be a little difficult even if you could catch them.

Now a few of these might be a better idea :)


The largest member of the family is the MRTP-33, a patrol boat based on the Kaan-29, which is also operated by the Turkish Coast Guard. MRTP-33 is designed for patrol missions, and littoral warfare operations, including escort and fast attack missions, insertion and extraction of special forces. It can be fitted with CODAG high-seed propulsion system consisting of twin MTU diesels and a Honeywell TF50 gas turbine, all powering water jets. The diesels allow 28 knots patrol speed, while the gas turbine will enable the boat to reach its maximum speed of 55-60kt. The combined propulsion enables the boat to operate for up to 3 days at ranges up to 650 nm, at a speed of 24kt, while speeding on short dashes to speeds up to 55 knots. MRTP-33 has a crew of 20. Mission packages can include stabilized naval turrets with automatic guns (30mm), medium and long range guided missiles, 12.7mm machine guns, multi-sensor payloads, search and rescue equipment, decoys and special operations and divers support equipment.

MRTP 15 / 27 / 33 - Fast Patrol Boats

If however your real goal is a sneak attack on an enemy fleet while they are tied up in harbor sure grab a few midget subs.

Edit: one mission they left off, a few friends a couple of cases of beer and you have the worlds best deep sea fishing boat ;)
Miget subs for costal patrol ~cough~ sounds more like any request for capital equipment just gets 26/11 stuck on it to try and con the politicians.

You are not going to be able to run down a suspected terrorist in a sub and i imagine board and search would be a little difficult even if you could catch them.

Now a few of these might be a better idea :)


MRTP 15 / 27 / 33 - Fast Patrol Boats

If however your real goal is a sneak attack on an enemy fleet while they are tied up in harbor sure grab a few midget subs.

Edit: one mission they left off, a few friends a couple of cases of beer and you have the worlds best deep sea fishing boat ;)
Allready under construction
Car Nicobar class fast attack craft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saryu Class
the car-nicobar class has a top speed of 35-knots & the saryu class has a top speed of 25-knots, they are nowhere compared to the MRTP-33, which has a top speed of over 60-knots:bunny:

Oh no what ca we possibly do maybe deloy this ship

Super Dvora Mk II class patrol boat


but given the size of India's surface ships.

India can always deploy on of its 50+ helicopter fleet.
Oh no what ca we possibly do maybe deloy this ship

Super Dvora Mk II class patrol boat


but given the size of India's surface ships.

India can always deploy on of its 50+ helicopter fleet.

It's true that india has the Super Dvora Mk-II boats, but india has only 8 of them

With a coastline as big as india , It needs atleast 40-50 of them

the latest in the series is the super Dvora Mk-III version which india does not have
the car-nicobar class has a top speed of 35-knots & the saryu class has a top speed of 25-knots, they are nowhere compared to the MRTP-33, which has a top speed of over 60-knots:bunny:
Who cares about the speed, the important point is that new patrol vessels are already under construction, which will increase the coastal security.
Also RFP for another type is already released:

India seeks RfPs for $300-m interceptor craft security plan
Huma Siddiqui
Posted online: Jun 17, 2009 at 2347 hrs

New DelhiWith security of coastal areas coming in for greater attention in the wake of the Mumbai attacks on November 26, 2008, the ministry of defence on May 22, sent out request for proposal (RfP) to 43 shipyards in India, US as well as other countries for 80 fast interceptor craft (FIC) worth $300 million.

Refusing to disclose the names of the international companies to which RfP has been sent, speaking to FE on condition of anonymity sources said, “The Indian Navy required such craft for a long time, however, it is only recently the RfPs have been sent out to beef up the coastal security.”

Several steps have been taken for strengthening the maritime security agencies like Navy and Coast Guard by increasing their assets like ships, boats, helicopters, aircraft as well as manpower. “The Navy is getting a new specialised force called Sagar Prahari Bal comprising 1,000 personnel for protecting naval assets and bases on both east and west coasts and the Island territories. Along with this, 80 fast interception crafts would be procured for sea front patrolling by this force,” said ministry officials.

Hopefully, as part of the fast-track purchases of smaller items, including fast interceptor craft, hovercrafts and patrol boats for the Coast Guard would be finalised soon.

With an emphasis on indigenisation, the RfP was sent to the Indian shipyards, too, including the Goa Shipyard, Kolkota-based Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) and Mazgaon dockyards.

“Once the bids are submitted by the contenders, they will be evaluated by the technical evaluation committee (TEC) of the MoD,” they said.

Under the Defence Procurement Procedure 2008, it is mandatory for the companies awarded defence contracts worth over $300 million to invest 30% of the total amount back in the defence sector. After going through the technical and offsets bids, the ministries will shortlist the contenders who meet the requirements. ...

Financial Express : India seeks RfPs for $300-m interceptor craft security plan

So don't worry, there will be faster vessels availble soon too!
It's true that india has the Super Dvora Mk-II boats, but india has only 8 of them

With a coastline as big as india , It needs atleast 40-50 of them

the latest in the series is the super Dvora Mk-III version which india does not have

Most Indian ships carry helicopters.

you have not addressed the fact that Indian navy has a large number of helicopters for interception role.
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