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That I can't say because I am not in touch with this matter. However, logically speaking the deal is likely. Not to forget that the only other contendors were Russian and Canadian. The Canadian design is very old, while the MoD is trying to diversify away from Russian sources.

Be-200 is strong contender and the Navy had announced its intention to buy it a couple of years ago. Though if Japanese could guarantee its supply to us even in times of conflict and make us global support network partners, we can get a dozen or so of these big birds.

What's more, maybe our acquisition would encourage other ASEAN countries also to consider this. The aircraft no doubt, could augment our naval deployments seriously.

Actually Saras will be operationally cheaper than Dronier but Dronier consume more fuel than Saras but fo rthat firstly SAras will have to be operational.

Well Saras has confirmed orders from Navy and IAF both and they are keen to get it into the forces. There's also a great potential for it in the Coast Guard to replace their Dorniers.

Navy to operate 5 nuke submarines by end of decade

I'm curious. Arihant would be joining the IN next year and Aridhaman the following year. Does this announcement mean that the following orders of submarines have already started work and by 2020 all the 5 would be operational?
Frankly i see a need for 24 P-8I and 12 MRMR for Navy and 9 for ICGS... And dont see dorniers being replaced anytime soon.
This is a very cost effective solution and if upgraded will kill the Saras project for good...

I wouldn't mind these numbers either, although I think ICG would require SAR aifcrafts, while IN should take the MPA role incl. ASW capability.
Yes, with the problems of Saras and credible parts of the Do 228 NG beeing build in India, it might be the better choice to buy them for the light class MPA roles. Saras main purpose will be light class utility roles and could replace the Do 228 at least here.

mishter Soongupta says
"The good news is that it is almost a done deal for the Indian Navy to procure up to six Shin Maywa-built SS-3 amphibians for maritime patrol and search-and-rescue. This deal enjoys the political blessings from both India and Japan, and is most likely to be fast-tracked."
what are your thoughts on this??? true or another of fanboy's phantasies?

It's possible, since it is a strong contender in the competition and as mentioned might add some political advantages as well. I only hope that MoD makes a combined deal out of it and buys the same aircraft in bigger numbers for IN, ICG and IAF, since they all wants amphibious aircrafts.
Second Brazilian plane with Indian AEW&C System flown

The "eye in the sky" will be delivered to India in June

The maiden flight of the second fully modified Embraer aircraft for India-developed Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) System took place on April 4 at Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo in Brazil.

This aircraft will be delivered to India in June 2012. The other mission systems will then be integrated and the mission system flight trials may begin from November 2012.

The mission systems and components, including the dummy Active Antenna Array Unit (AAAU), were fitted onboard an Embraer EMB 2451. The AEW&C System is mounted on top of the plane's fuselage.

India's first AEW&C System, with dummy electronics, made its maiden flight on December 6, 2011 on another modified Embraer from the Sao Jose dos Campos facility.

India will receive the third Embraer by the middle of 2013 to be fitted with the AEW&C System.

The Centre for Air-borne Systems (CABS) in Bangalore that comes under the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), is executing the System with other DRDO laboratories as partners.

CABS, headed by S. Christopher is Director, has developed about 1,000 mission system components for the System.

The Active Electronic Scanning Array (AESA), which is the processor part of the AAAU, has been developed by the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment, a DRDO laboratory in Bangalore. It is the primary sensor for the AEW&C System. It can look 240 degrees within a short time and has a range of 350 km.

It can track more than 500 targets simultaneously.

Two radiating planar arrays, assembled back-to-back and mounted on the fuselage will provide 120 degrees coverage on either side of the AAAU. The secondary surveillance sensor is the Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF) system. It is developed by CABS.

V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and DRDO Director-General, congratulating the project team on the flight, said the modified aircraft had performed well.

Dr. Christopher, who is also the Programme Director of the AEW&C System, said: “The AEW&C System has been developed in a consortium mode with the help of DRDO laboratories and Indian industrial partners. Apart from the external mission systems developed indigenously and fitted on this aircraft, the rest of the internal systems will be integrated with the aircraft on its arrival in India. The DRDO has contracted to procure three EMB 1451 aircraft from Embraer [to be fitted with the indigenous AEW&C systems]…”

Keywords: Airborne Early Warning and Control System, DRDO
Source: The Hindu : News / National : Second Brazilian plane with Indian AEW&C System flown

I wonder why this E-99 is yellow
Navies Worldwide Invest In Sea-Based Airpower | AVIATION WEEK

India is taking a different approach to expanding its carrier operations—although it is one that tends to underline India’s reputation for a scattershot approach to acquisitions.

Sea trials of the carrier INS Vikramaditya, formerly the Russian Kiev-class Admiral Gorshkov, are scheduled to begin in the Barents Sea on May 29 and last two to three weeks. Its much-delayed handover to the Indian navy is due on Dec. 4.

Major changes to the ship include the removal of cruise missile tube and surface-to-air missile vertical launchers and the installation of a forward flight deck and ski-jump for short-takeoff-but-assisted-recovery (Stobar) operations. The ship can carry 24 MiG-29K/KUBs—developed specially for India—and six to eight Kamov Ka-31 airborne early warning helicopters.

The first MiG-29K/KUB fighter jets are already operating at the naval aviation base at Goa. These are from an initial batch of 11 aircraft ordered at the same time that the carrier deal was signed. India and Russia inked an additional $1.5 billion deal for 29 more MiG-29K/KUBs in March 2010. Delivery of the second batch of MiG fighters will start this year. The contracts include pilot training and aircraft maintenance, including the delivery of flight simulators and interactive ground and sea-based training systems.

These upgrades include a new avionics kit, with the N-109 radar being replaced by Phazotron Zhuk-M radar. The aircraft will also feature enhanced beyond-visual-range combat ability and air-to-air refueling.

The MiG-29K will also operate from India’s indigenous aircraft carrier. Construction of the first of these 40,000-ton, 260-meter-long ships, named Vikrant, started in April 2005.

The new carrier will cost $762 million and will operate MiG‑29K, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) Naval Tejas and Sea Harrier aircraft along with the Indian-developed HAL Dhruv helicopter.

India has indicated that at least two further carriers of the same or similar designs to INS Vikrant are planned. The first of these, to be named INS Viraat started construction in 2011 and is due to be commissioned in 2017. A $2 billion deal for the purchase of 45 more MiG-29Ks for the new carriers is near signature with Russia.

The only current naval fighters in Indian service—Sea Harriers—have been upgraded with new radar and missile systems and have started operating with air force Ilyushin Il-78 tankers.
Updates from Different Forum:
Sahyadri is mostly ready for commissioning. Kolkata too is ready, minus Elta 2248 and Barak-8. It will most probably be commissioned like the Brahmaputra class which had Barak-1 refitted later.

The Kolkata has a high hull but low superstructure compared to every other destroyer class in the world, that IMO will result in excellent seakeeping and negligible (even non-existant) top-heaviness that plagues all US cruisers and destroyers. The silouhette is low, only the 2248 mast will be visible on the horizon. From a pure naval architecture perspective, the Kolkata is an award winner hands down.

The sentiment on the deck is that Israelis are going the Russian way. Russia used the Type 1135.6 and Vikramaditya projects to primarily refurbish the dockyards and train manpower, and building our ships had lower priority. The feeling is that Israelis shifted focus from Barak-8 to Iron Dome and other domestic TBMD programs - despite India having fully paid up.

Scorpene - it seems ToT absorbtion by MDL is lesser than ToT absorbed during the T209/1500 project. MDL has shown least enthusiasm in absorbing technology and DCN couldnt care less. Project 75I will most probably be 6 additional Scorpenes from MDL, maybe with some improvements.
how is it minus the MF star radar?we saw a pic with the radar right?or Elta 2248 a different radar system?
Indian naval sailing vessel Mhadei visits isles, IBN Live News

Indian naval sailing vessel Mhadei visits isles
PTI | 06:04 PM,Apr 10,2012
Port Blair, Apr 10 (PTI) The Indian Naval Sailing Vessel, INSV Mhadei, arrived here today on a visit to the islands, Defence sources said. The sailing vessel is on a voyage with an aim to give experience to Naval personnel in ocean sailing and also to provide day experience to Naval personnel of local units during stopovers, they said. INSV Mhadei was inducted into the Navy on Feb 12, 2009. Conceived by Vice Adm (Retd) MP Awati, Project Sagar Parikrama aimed at creating history by completing a solo circumnavigation of the globe under sails which was successfully achieved by Cdr Dilip Donde, the first skipper of the sailing boat, on 19 May 2010. Cdr Dilip Donde created history when he successfully completed the voyage and became the first Indian and 175th person in the world to do so. Presently the sailing vessel is commanded by Lt Cdr Abhilash Tomy. INSV Mhadei will depart Port Blair on Apr 22, 2012 for Langkawi followed by Phuket.

Singers Srinivas, Sujata perform at Naval Base - South India - Kochi - ibnlive

KOCHI: Noted playback singers Srinivas, Sujatha and Shweta performed at the Southern Naval Command. The musical evening held at the open air command stadium at Naval Base witnessed a packed audience comprising Navy men, civilian employees, retired officers and their families.
�The concert included a mix of Hindi film music of the sixties and seventies, along with recent film songs in Hindi, Malayalam and Tamil. A 15-men orchestra supported the singers.
�Srinivas, Sujatha and Shweta staged the performance in tribute to the Indian Navy. Vice-Admiral K N Sushil, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command, presented memento to the singers.
judging by google earth kolkata was almost ready on the date of 11/03/11 so maybe its time for its sea trials.and the last shivalik class is seen moored with other ships

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