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Indian Navy Aircraft Carriers and Ships

polar bear in arabian sea
please tell me thats not vikramaditya

This is Kujetsnov CLass carrier, It is one step ahead of Kiev class (Aka INS Vikadi). Kiev class is 40,000 Ton dispacement, where as Kujetsnov class is super carrier (Any carrier weighting more than 60,000 tons are Super carrier) . It is bigger than Vikadi (not necessarily advance) . It can house more Fighter planes.

Russia has one Kujetsnov class carrier (Adm Kujestnov) while china has one (Vrayag now Shi-lang)

Kiev Class carriers:
Kiev (1975–1993) Sold to China
Minsk (1978–1993) Sold to Korea → China
Novorossiysk (1982–1993) Sold to Korea (scrapped)
Baku (1987–1991), Admiral Gorshkov (1991-1995), now Vikramaditya (Entering Indian service in 2012)

Kujestnov class carrier
Kuzetsnov : In service
Vrayag : China's She-Lang
The Hindu : News / International : INS Vikramaditya begins sea trials


Residents of Severodvinsk raise the Soviet Navy flag as they send off INS Vikramaditya in the rays of the "midnight sun" of a 24-hour polar day in Severodvinsk oh Friday

The newly refurbished INS Vikramaditya aircraft carrier took to the sea for the first time on Friday.

The carrier sailed out for crucial pre-delivery trials in the early hours of June 8 from the berth of the Sevmash shipyard in Russia’s northern city of Severodvinsk, where the former Soviet heavy aviation cruiser Gorshkov had been converted into a regular aircraft carrier christened Vikramaditya.

During the trials, scheduled to last 120 days, the ship’s all systems will be tested.

“The main part of the trials is testing aircraft takeoff and landing,” Sevmash chief Andrei Dyachkov told The Hindu. “The programme of tests is very tight as deck aviation can operate only from June to September in the harsh conditions of Arctic seas.”

The test flights will be carried out using two Russian aircraft, MiG-29K and MiG-35, flown by Russian pilots. Russia last year delivered to the Indian Navy 12 MiG-29K single-seaters and 4 MiG-29KUB two-seaters, which will be based on the Vikramaditya. India has ordered another batch of 29 MiG-29K deck fighters that will also provide airpower for the Vikrant aircraft carrier being built in India.

A part of the Indian crew of the Vikramaditya, who have just completed training in Russia, have joined the Russian team for the carrier’s first sea voyage; more Indian sailors will fly in from India for the trials later, bringing the total naval personnel on board to 2,700, almost double the ship’s regular crew.

If all goes well, an Indian acceptance team will board the carrier at later stages of the sea trials. Upon completion of the tests the Vikramaditya will return to port to allow finishing touches to be made before delivery in December.

“We are confident we can keep the schedule and hand over the ship to India on December 4,” Mr Dyachkov said.

The Hindu : States / Karnataka : An entirely Indian touch to INS Vikramaditya


Six dosa-making and three idli-making machines have been installed on the aircraft carrier

Even as aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, formerly Admiral Gorshkov, is getting ready for pre-induction trials, it has seen the successful demonstration of a product that is exclusively Indian.

For, a group of engineers from Eskay Enterprises, Bangalore, has installed six dosa-making machines and three idli-making machines on board INS Vikramaditya and just returned from Arkhangelsk region in Russia where the ship was docked. It will help serve traditional Indian delicacies to the Indian crew once the ship is commissioned.

The automated dosa and idli making technology was developed by Mysore-based Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) and Eskay Enterprises is one of the licensees authorised to manufacture the automated machines.

Sources told The Hindu that initially CFTRI was contacted by the Defence authorities with a request to install the machines on board Admiral Gorshkov which was being overhauled and retrofitted with modern equipment to emerge in its new avatar as INS Vikramaditya.

“But CFTRI being a research institute does not have the mandate for bulk manufacturing of products though it develops the technology. Hence, we asked the Defence Ministry to contact one of our licensees in Bangalore who participated in the bid and was chosen for installation,” the sources said.

S. Krishna Murthy, who owns Eskay Enterprises, said that he obtained the technology from CFTRI and upgraded it for commercial viability before releasing it the market. Both the dosa-making and idli-making machinery have been installed in 12 ships of the Indian Navy so far. “But installing it on board the INS Vikramaditya was privileged work. We have just returned from Russia, and the automated dosa and idli-making machines will be fine-tuned once the ship is handed over to India in December,” Mr. Krishna Murthy said.

The automated technology will enable assembly-line production of 400 dosas and 1,000 idlis an hour on each machine and will cater to the nearly 2,000 crew members who will be on board the ship. Mr. Krishna Murthy said that eight wet grinders have also been installed for grinding rice and other ingredients for batter.

The technology was developed by the CFTRI in 1998 and since then has proved to be popular in major industries where catering for a large workforce requires mass production. The machines have been so designed that they take care of all operations pertaining to making a dosa such as spreading batter to the requisite size, oiling, cooking and even dispensing curry and chutney. The automated technology also ensures that hygienic norms are observed in the kitchen as it obviates manual labour during mass production of idlis and dosas of uniform taste.

hope INS Vikramaditya joins IN on 4 Dec

i like those dosa and idli machines too

INS Vikramaditya

Can't wait to see the pics of flight ops Being carried out on this beast! Will be even happier when flight ops compose of Indian fighters piloted by Indians!
This pic is majestic.... so in 3 months...we will have this beast sailing in Arabian sea...

actually no . the trials are being carried out in the Atlantic . she wont see the Arabian see till early next year when she sails home.
Why we are commissioning this ship in our western command, when the real threat is from eastern side???
Why we are commissioning this ship in our western command, when the real threat is from eastern side???
because india knows there is no real threat from china..there militery build up usually follows pakistan
because india knows there is no real threat from china..there militery build up usually follows pakistan

so how PN will take this huge threat, do you have any plans for ACs. To be really practical mate, your entire navy will not stand a chance agains INS vikramaditya battle group (consisting of destroyer, frigate, subs i.e. consisting of total 5-6 ships).

Just imagine the picture when Kolkata class destroyer + Shivalik class Frigate + INS chakra + INS Vikramaditya (combined with it's compliment of mig-29ks) will be together forming a carrier battle group....:tup:
Why we are commissioning this ship in our western command, when the real threat is from eastern side???

- more suitable IN ports on the western side
- since main role will be sea control and protection of sea lanes, the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf or even the Red Sea are more important
- China will be a threat in the Bay of Bengal only with subs currently, because they will take some more years for their carriers

because india knows there is no real threat from china..there militery build up usually follows pakistan

:rolleyes: That's what Pakistanis believes! Nearly all new procurements are aimed at increased control of IN in the region or to counter PLANs sub threat. PN is really no threat for IN and as disappointing it might be for them, IN don't need to have a special procurement policy to counter them.
Why we are commissioning this ship in our western command, when the real threat is from eastern side???

she is being commissioned into the western command as thats where her home port will be (Ins kadamba) , just because she is berthed on the western coast . does not mean she will be not be able to operate off the eastern flank.

so how PN will take this huge threat, do you have any plans for ACs. To be really practical mate, your entire navy will not stand a chance agains INS vikramaditya battle group (consisting of destroyer, frigate, subs i.e. consisting of total 5-6 ships).

Just imagine the picture when Kolkata class destroyer + Shivalik class Frigate + INS chakra + INS Vikramaditya will be together forming a carrier battle group....:tup:

actually it consists of 8-10 ships .
actually it consists of 8-10 ships .

really?? is it not a drain on the resources when 8-10 naval ships of IN will be in just one place? We have our interests in entire IOR, this means we need more ships in the navy.
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