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Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

I hope that court judgement will be a proof for you.

"The court looking into their active role in the conspiracy and setting afire the S6 coach of Sabarmati Express train near Godhra, gave death penalty to 11 people," public prosecutor J M Panchal said.

Death for 11, life sentence for 20 in Godhra train burning case - The Times of India

Oh!! The great P R Patel judgement? Brilliant!!. By the way, have you bothered to go through the forensic reports, the legal evidences through which the entire procedure of judgement had gone through? Did you notice any sort of absurdity in it? Certainly, you did not. Have you ever asked yourself that how could six different railway officials miss the brilliant scene of cutting the vestibules between S6 and S7 when they were actually present on the spot? Did you notice the fact that the employees of the local petrol pump actually accepted selling 140 litres of petrol after one long year of the incident? The same vendors later confessed that they were actually forced by the police to implicate Jabir and his group. The session judge refused to accept Tehlka to accept as either defence witness or court witness to enable the accused to defend themselves.

Testimony of 41 passengers including 20 karsevaks of S6 were taken. Their reports varied widely from each other. Most of them don’t even remember if the petrol was thrown from outside. Those who remember it could not recall where exactly the petrol had fallen. None of them seem to be aware of the masterpiece called Jabir script. There were two GRP men present near cabin A and two railway personnel in cabin A which overlooks the entire railway track including S6. None of them had reported that Jabir entered in the train by cutting vestibule’s canvas in a running train (which is quite impossible in reality) and throw petrol in the coach.

Based upon the result of the polygraph test conducted on five accused, the judge had sentenced death for two. Now, read what Supreme court of India tells us about the DDTs on it’s judgement of 5th May, 2010. If you have high regards for the session judgement, hope you respect the supreme court judgement too.

There are plenty of other evidences that suggests the burning of S6 was not a premeditated conspiracy but an accident or on the spot reaction by perpetrators which have been strangely avoided by this court. Judgments of courts are not above question. And after going through the details of P R Patil judgement, plenty of broken links can be observed. Use of threat, doctoring with factual reports and intimidating witnesses have been reported. Jabir Binyamin Behra might have done a superhuman task within seven minutes from 07:48 to 07:55 hrs on that fateful day. Maulavi Umarji might be guilty of conspiracy and murder. But the way verdict has been announced it is nothing but a farce and is subjected to deeper investigation. And calling me MULLAH is certainly not going to join those missing links.
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Joke of the Day.

We feel unsecured under Congress... SHEHZADA!!
Oh!! The great P R Patel judgement? Brilliant!!. By the way, have you bothered to gone through the forensic reports, the legal evidences through which the entire procedure of judgement had gone through? Did you notice any sort of absurdity in it?

Typical Mullah argument.

There was no conspiracy in godhra train burning, Taj attack was the work of RAW, WTC attack was handy work of Mosad and FBI.

I am Not inteligent sa u to go into forensic report after court Judgement. You expose your Mullah giri once again by quoting " The great P R Patel judgement?".

Mullah often thinks that everybody are like them. While questioning the Judgement, Mullahs forget that the same hindu judges have given Naroda patia, best bakery judgement etc also. But how can anybody convince Mullah? who have develop special mindset learning in Madrasa?

When you question me considering this and that, ask the lawyer of convict whether they argued the same thing while arguing for client or not? and Judiciary delivered the judgement after considering all the facts or not.

I think you are in search of a sharia court where the court deliver the judgement that since killed people were Kufr and there is no offence in killing kufr as per kuran, the perpetrators are set free.

Your post is a peace of typical BS and full of contradiction on which I would not like to west my time arguing with.
Your post is a peace of typical BS and full of contradiction on which I would not like to west my time arguing with.
Have a good day.Don't waste my time with your clueless rants either.
Have a good day.Don't waste my time with your clueless rants either.

Thanks for your decency and good wishes for good day.

Joke of the Day.

We feel unsecured under Congress... SHEHZADA!!

Had Shahezada become PM, he would have bought in communal violence bill and make us second grade citizen.
They do, despite the fact that current generations dont have to do anything with it. Go to Germany, praise Hitler and deny that he killed millions of Jews.... and you will quickly find yourself in a court room!

I dont give a f*** whether the dead were Hindus, Muslims or whatever... the mere fact that thousands died in religious violence in the last 20 years alone is making me ashamed of my people.
Like that the fact is that this country which is state communal and no one realise it ! blashphemy law ,
Have a good day.Don't waste my time with your clueless rants either.
act smartass in your own bottom ! and I would conclude that 2002 riots was work of taliban insurgent wearing saffron clothes! hopeless sickular !
Like that the fact is that this country which is state communal and no one realise it ! blashphemy law ,

act smartass in your own bottom ! and I would conclude that 2002 riots was work of taliban insurgent wearing saffron clothes! hopeless sickular !
Have a good day to you too.
what identity are you talking about when you dont even know your own, agha....
proud to say i dont belong to your "indic" roots if there was such a thing.
learn who you are first and what you stand for, if anything

You know Akbur , Hitler, Arnold, Stallone, Musolini, hollande, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 157 5'2 Iran, David Ben Gurion 152 5'0 Israel

All were small , are/were they any inferior to you? More over look at Gurion (Who Kick all Arab A$$) was 152 cms.....

U are not dropped from heaven, u are also descendent of an Indian.
why so much silent o
what identity are you talking about when you dont even know your own, agha....

proud to say i dont belong to your "indic" roots if there was such a thing.

learn who you are first and what you stand for, if anything
we know our than all pakistan koum ! little less you realise we are not mindslave of abrahamic middleastern religion I infact dont believe in Book religion at all ! your religion is most threating to socialism and India society !
WHat is wrong?

Saying things like "Heil Hitler", using a Swastika, denying the Holocaust etc etc... are punishable by law. Of course they feel bad about it!

That is what i say. They do not want to remain in so called bolt mentality. They do not now and than repent and take blame on them. So they have make it punishable. Here we say that 2002 was a Dhabba and no other riots were.
They do not now and than repent and take blame on them.

If you are trying to say that they dont blame Germany (or lets say their ancestors) for WW2 and the holocaust, you are wrong.

Unlike WW1, no one seriously denies the big responsibility for the cruel things that happened between 1933 and 1945.
If you are trying to say that they dont blame Germany (or lets say their ancestors) for WW2 and the holocaust, you are wrong.

Unlike WW1, no one seriously denies the big responsibility for the cruel things that happened between 1933 and 1945.

I am only saying that no body keeps repenting every day. Till what time shall we continue to repeat the Gujarat riot selectively? if Gujarat riots were a bolt that what were Dilhi riots, Bombay riots, Bhagal pur riots?

A special chutiya class has emerged in India which selectively target Gujrat to defame Modi. They are totally silent on Muzzaffar nagar where people are unable to go home even after a long time. They have kept total mum on religious cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir.
we know our than all pakistan koum ! little less you realise we are not mindslave of abrahamic middleastern religion I infact dont believe in Book religion at all ! your religion is most threating to socialism and India society !

shove your socialism and marxism up your exit pipe.....we dont adhere to that garbage
I can enjoy a beef steak without worrying about some half naked RSS guy with that funny blue facial paint coming after me with spears and arrows, meaning i wouldnt have to use a concealed weapons which is my birthright :laugh:

Rather you will have to worry about whether the guy next to you is gonna blow up anytime..
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