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Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

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    Aloor Shanavas

Published — Wednesday 11 June 2014

Last update 11 June 2014 12:16 am

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A visiting youth activist from the Indian subcontinent said here on Tuesday that there is a strong feeling of insecurity among the Muslim community in India under the premiership of Narendra Modi.
Aloor Shanavas from Tamil Nadu, a well-known script writer and prominent activist in India, expressed these sentiments to Arab News during his visit to Riyadh.
Shanavas has written six books and directed three film documentaries to highlight the social problems in the country.
The events of 1990s — anti-Muslim violence such as the destruction of the Babri Masjid and the Mumbai riots, the anti-dalit violence mainly in Kodiyankulam and Thinniyam, and atrocities like burning alive of a Christian priest and his young children — greatly affected Shanavas. He realized the importance of fighting for the cause of minority communities and the oppressed and marginalized people. He became the voice of the voiceless through his writings, speeches and the visual media.
His compilation of poems entitled ‘Thottaakkal,’ dealing with the Gujarat genocide 2002, spread huge shockwaves in the Tamil milieu. Shanawaz has participated in a lot of programs in several TV channels from 2003 to 2006.
After the reports of committees headed by Justice Sachar and Justice Ranganath Misra, whose findings showed that Indian Muslims lagged behind even the Dalits in the fields of employment and power — were released, Shanavas directed and released a full-length documentary ‘Pirappurimi’ (birth right) highlighting the need for special reservation for Muslims. At a function held in Chennai on May 27, 2006 Parithi Ilamvazhudhi, the then Minister for Information released the documentary.
“Our Muslims have still not forgotten the massacre of their brethren in Gujarat for which Modi was largely responsible. Nearly 2,000 Muslims were killed in this genocide,” he said, adding that is the reason they are in a dilemma as to what will become of the community following Modi’s premiership.
However, he added that there can be a change in Modi’s attitude after the premiership. “It is yet to be seen,” he added.
He lamented as to why the voice of this massacre of Muslims in Gujarat was not heard. He stressed that the Muslim lobbying was not as strong as the propaganda for the killers. He said the Indian Muslims youths have a greater role to voice their opinion on matters affecting their community.
Although Modi won the majority of electoral seats in the last elections, only 30 percent of the voters were for him while the remaining 70 percent was against him.
He propagated the idea of Muslims co-existing peacefully with other communities in India. But he insisted that Muslims should be given their share in the government’s allocation of jobs and other facilities entitled for the minority community.
Shanavas has traveled to Sri Lanka, Qatar, Malaysia, Kuwait and Penang and addressed literary and social seminars. On Friday, he is slated to address his community members in a city hotel in the capital.
Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.


Man why is their no thread opened on this forum about how Taliabn kidnapped RAW operative who belongs to tamil nadu from herat on Monday
If you have the source and link then go ahead and create a new thread about it .. why whining about it?
Racist... Your forfather were same.. Just because u converted 100 years ago doesn't matter u changed your identity Racist...

what identity are you talking about when you dont even know your own, agha....

proud to say i dont belong to your "indic" roots if there was such a thing.

learn who you are first and what you stand for, if anything
I already posted this comment in other thread, but I think it is more suitable here.

Ok, I want to give you some reality check

I was in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat some 2 years ago for my summer training, and I lived in PG with 2 other guys. They are doing there B.Tech from Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, one was Hindu guy from Haryana
and other was Muslim from a village in Gujarat ( I doesnt remember the village name ).

And I was shocked when he tell me the things, he told before the Modi Govt. the Gujarat position was even worst than Bihar, kidnapping and murder was common in Gujarat.

And even imposing curfew was common because of riots threat, a hindu guy cannot enter in Muslim area and vice versa, you cannot live to found your body if you do that. The riots in Gujarat was part of life. The crime was even higher than Bihar, the girls cannot walk freely in roads in night. But this all changed now.

And on development, he told me that there is a time when power cut is common even for 12-14 hrs in cities, but now not a power cut for a single hour in his own village. And now Muslim feel more secure in Modi's Gujarat.

BTW, at least Indian citizens should travel one time in Gujarat to see the change.
Gujarat massacre is a blot on the secular essence of Indian democracy.

This is a sick mentality. If religious cleansing of Pandit from Kashmir or Kolkatta riots or direct action day or burning women and children alive in Godhra Train and thousand like that were not not a bolt democracy , how Gujarat riots were a bolt. We should come out of this sorry state of mind. Even Germans do not cry of killing Jews in gas chambers. Time have passed . We should look forward now.
Racist... Your forfather were same.. Just because u converted 100 years ago doesn't matter u changed your identity Racist...

He's a shia turi pathan from parachinar. Since thousands of those shias have been murdered in Pakistan under various administrations, and it continues, he knows what it is like to feel insecure and hence his empathy must be looked at with sympathy!

His racist mindset however comes from his army days. And thats despicable and deserves no sympathy
This is a sick mentality. If religious cleansing of Pandit from Kashmir or Kolkatta riots or direct action day or burning women and children alive in Godhra Train and thousand like that were not not a bolt democracy , how Gujarat riots were a bolt. We should come out of this sorry state of mind. Even Germans do not cry of killing Jews in gas chambers. Time have passed . We should look forward now.

What on earth are you talking about? Direct action day? Blot on democracy? Which one? Kashmiri Hindus being cleansed by terrorists is to be compared with riots?

As far as Germans not "crying" over jews, I suggest you go over to Germany & tell that. We will see you after a long prison term (it is an offense to even deny).:hitwall:
What on earth are you talking about? Direct action day? Blot on democracy? Which one? Kashmiri Hindus being cleansed by terrorists is to be compared with riots?

As far as Germans not "crying" over jews, I suggest you go over to Germany & tell that. We will see you after a long prison term (it is an offense to even deny).:hitwall:

So, you saying Gujarat govt. has direct involvement in Gujarat riots, as Nazi Germany had the direct involvement in genocide of Jews?
What on earth are you talking about? Direct action day? Blot on democracy? Which one? Kashmiri Hindus being cleansed by terrorists is to be compared with riots?

As far as Germans not "crying" over jews, I suggest you go over to Germany & tell that. We will see you after a long prison term (it is an offense to even deny).:hitwall:

Pandits were NOT kicked out by terrorists. They were kicked out by their beloved neighbors. The terrorists terrorized, the locals cheered and later took over the vacated property. As for a riot and lack of it, I will any day prefer to face a riot than be a victim of a massacre. I suggest you read Lajja (Shame) by Taslima Nasrin. The English version is good enough.
So, you saying Gujarat govt. has direct involvement in Gujarat riots, as Nazi Germany had the direct involvement in genocide of Jews?

No, I did not say that. It was merely a rebuttal to the points made by the poster I was replying to.

Pandits were NOT kicked out by terrorists. They were kicked out by their beloved neighbors. The terrorists terrorized, the locals cheered and later took over the vacated property. As for a riot and lack of it, I will any day prefer to face a riot than be a victim of a massacre. I suggest you read Lajja (Shame) by Taslima Nasrin. The English version is good enough.

The dead have no preference, only those fortunate to be alive can make such remarks ( I agree with your Kashmir remarks, the state does remain tainted but no direct anology to the Gujurat riots)
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This is a sick mentality. If religious cleansing of Pandit from Kashmir or Kolkatta riots or direct action day or burning women and children alive in Godhra Train and thousand like that were not not a bolt democracy , how Gujarat riots were a bolt. We should come out of this sorry state of mind. Even Germans do not cry of killing Jews in gas chambers. Time have passed . We should look forward now.

Of course all this acts are shameful to India, but comparing it to the Holocaust is simply retarded.

During the last 20 years alone thousands were butchered in religious violence in a country that sees itself as a modern democracy and a future great power. We are talking about this generation!

The Holocaust happened 70 years ago, of course current generations of Germans have nothing to do with it, because they were no even born at that time.

Yet, Germans are indeed ashamed of this, and condemn their ancestors. Go to Germany and talk great things about Hitler like some morons do it in South Asia, you will see what I mean.
No, I did not say that. It was merely a rebuttal to the points made by the poster I was replying to.

The dead have no preference, only those fortunate to be alive can make such remarks

So, whats your point here? Bolt to democracy, we all know that, whats your soution on that.
So, whats your point here? Bolt to democracy, we all know that, whats your soution on that.

No solution on offer but history remains what it is. Best to hope for is for such riots to never happens again. Some better rehabilitation efforts won't hurt
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