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Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

nope, never had that problem

watch out for those brahmins, lest they get cross with you

Never had any problem from RSS while having beef dishes too..

Watch out for the drones, they will make a deep kabab fry out of you!! :D :D

How is the feeling of between mountain and a sea.. Either by terrorist or by drones!! Thank god indeed for 1947!!
We know well what happens when Muslims start dominating the political and demographic space of a country. Modi got elected because Hindus were feeling insecure in India. It is good to know that those who were planning to bring an Islamic Movement in India have been caught off-guard, and those for whom India is the last refuge have woken up to the real threat.
Never had any problem from RSS while having beef dishes too..

Watch out for the drones, they will make a deep kabab fry out of you!! :D :D

the only kebab i have going is the one i can buy from bazar....stick to eating grass and dried veggies

How is the feeling of between mountain and a sea.. Either by terrorist or by drones!! Thank god indeed for 1947!!

how is the feeling of having no toilets in your country....watch out for those naxals. As for mountains, seas, lakes, rivers, dessert sands -we got it all by the grace of God. Go take a dip in the ganges and cool off, dot head
the only kebab i have going is the one i can buy from bazar....stick to eating grass and dried veggies

You are indeed a Think Tank Material!! Who said everyone in India is eating grass and dried veggies?? :haha:

how is the feeling of having no toilets in your country....watch out for those naxals. As for mountains, seas, lakes, rivers, dessert sands -we got it all by the grace of God. Go take a dip in the ganges and cool off, dot head

We will shit in open rivers which will flow to your country.. Do not worry about it.. The water you drink will be rich with calcium's and vitamins :toast_sign:.. We can deal with naxals, they are not attacking our international airport every day when there is high security..
You are indeed a Think Tank Material!! Who said everyone in India is eating grass and dried veggies?? :haha:

We will shit in open rivers which will flow to your country.. Do not worry about it.. The water you drink will be rich with calcium's and vitamins :toast_sign:.. We can deal with naxals, they are not attacking our international airport each day when there is high security..

no theyre just getting away with killing 80 of your CPRF in one single engagement, taking their firearms and then smoking chillums in the forest

as for public defecation - we know you indians are experts at that. I guess if ya gotta go ya gotta go! :laugh:

i hope you retain as much of this calcium as you can intake....your brittle skull will require it more than we do :lol:
no theyre just getting away with killing 80 of your CPRF in one single engagement, taking their firearms and then smoking chillums in the forest

as for public defecation - we know you indians are experts at that. I guess if ya gotta go ya gotta go! :laugh:

i hope you retain as much of this calcium as you can intake....your brittle skull will require it more than we do :lol:

Rich coming from a country whose soldier's head are used for playing football..

And rich coming from a person who does not have a brain but still able to become a "Think Tank"

We already shit in Indus.

See, we cannot blame them become so numb heads.. After all they are drinking these waters :D :D
Rich coming from a country whose soldier's head are used for playing football.

Kashmiri nationalists were playing football with 5 heads of your soldiers (sissies) not even a year ago, if my memory serves me well

And rich coming from a person who does not have a brain but still able to become a "Think Tank"

rich coming from a guy living in servant's quarters
Rich coming from a country whose soldier's head are used for playing football..

And rich coming from a person who does not have a brain but still able to become a "Think Tank"

See, we cannot blame them become so numb heads.. After all they are drinking these waters :D :D

Wow @seiko you are sure on a roll today :D

Kashmiri nationalists were playing football with 5 heads of your soldiers not even a year ago, if my memory serves me well

rich coming from a guy living in servant's quarters

Hey dumbazz , why don't you go to madressa or something. All you ever do is post cr@p here. Go play with a goat or check on gay **** if you have nothing better to do
I hope that court judgement will be a proof for you.

"The court looking into their active role in the conspiracy and setting afire the S6 coach of Sabarmati Express train near Godhra, gave death penalty to 11 people," public prosecutor J M Panchal said.

Death for 11, life sentence for 20 in Godhra train burning case - The Times of India

Yes Gujarat riot was not a case of systematically wiping out religious minority from the state. Muslims still lives in Gujarat and in greater number.

How ever pseudo ration Mullah like you will see a conspiracy in Gujarat but not in Kashmir from where the Hindus are wiped out.

Nonsense. Give me a link supporting your claim. For time being put Germany aside.Show me the statements of any Mullah showing even a glimpse of repent for burning Hindus alive of clensing them from Kashmir. The Mullah like you think that they have a right to kill, burn and rape. Others should be very decent to them.

Same way Nobody is saying that what happened there after was good. But it was not only the shameful incident as the Mullah like you quotes. Had the Godhara not happened, Riots would not have taken place. No Muslim is showing regret again and again for Burning 60 Hindus including women and children alive. Why should only Hindus fill ashamed in be apologetic when Mullah have no sense of regret.

Saying me kid does not make you more intelligent and Mature. Prove me a kid by coming out with logical argument and references. Your post lacks both. I told you Mullah because you talk like Mullah. Complete nonsense.
There are multiple narratives. Truth is relative. Of course for some the death of 'animals' (kar sevaks) is acceptable. Not pointing fingers.

For them there is the Banerjee Commission (Look a Bengali :D )
In January 2005 Banerjee presented his interim report, which stated that the fire was accidental. He cited a forensic report stating that the injuries on the victims were only compatible with an internal fire. The report was also critical of the railways' handling of the evidence relevant to the case.

But unfortunately for them this is what happened -
Banerjee's findings were challenged in the Gujarat High Court by Neelkanth Tulsidas Bhatia(one communal animal urf kar sevak), who was injured in the incident. In October 2006, the court quashed the conclusions of Banerjee and ruled that the investigation was "unconstitutional, illegal and null and void", declared its formation to be a "colourable exercise of power with mala fide intentions", and its argument of accidental fire "opposed to the prima facie accepted facts on record." The High Court also directed that the report should not be tabled in the Parliament.

Final Verdict -
On February 2011, the trial court convicted 31 people and acquitted 63 others, saying the incident was a “pre-planned conspiracy". The convictions were based on the murder and conspiracy provisions of Sections 302 and 120B of the Indian Penal Code respectively and under Sections 149, 307, 323, 324, 325, 326, 332, 395, 397, and 436 of the Code and some sections of the Railway Act and Police Act.
Kashmiri nationalists were playing football with 5 heads of your soldiers not even a year ago, if my memory serves me well

Your memory serves you wrong:haha: .. You are indeed a Think Tank!!

rich coming from a guy living in servant's quarters

Not every one is living like you!! Go and serve you Punjabi Master!!
Hey dumbazz , why don't you go to madressa or something. All you ever do is post cr@p here. Go play with a goat or check on gay **** if you have nothing better to do

or how about you take yourself to bha-rat rakshit where you and your people will be more accepted
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