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Indian Military Picture Thread


1. That left pic is old, modernization of the infantry has already started, the US pic is from Yudh Abhyas 2012.
We cannot afford to equip +1 million men like the USA.

Indian Infantry from the same exercise:



Furthermore: We did not put much emphasis on smaller gadgets and other stuff for our infantry. This does not seem part of out military thinking. The infantry is capable to do its job as of now.

Apart from that the F-Insas program is gonna be realized in the coming years as well.
Nice I what is f-insas can you provide some pics

"thank you come again":cheers:

F- Insas is the program to upgrade all Infantry regiments of the IA. There are several aspects, from new ARs (which are now being tested by the IA) over new uniforms/gear to hand held computers.

Some proposed stuff from private and public defense firms in India:




Nice I what is f-insas can you provide some pics

"thank you come again":cheers:

F-INSAS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

F-INSAS has been taken up to equip Indian infantry with advanced weaponry, communication network and instant access to information on the battlefield.[1] This program is similar to the future soldier programs of other nations. F-INSAS includes a fully networked all-terrain, all-weather personal-equipment platform, enhanced firepower and mobility for the digitalised battlefield of the future.[2] The weight carried by soldiers will need to be reduced by at least 50%.[3]
The fully integrated Infantry of tomorrow will be equipped with mission-oriented equipment integrated with his buddy soldier team, the sub-unit, as also the overall C4I2 (Command, Control, Communications Computers, Information and Intelligence) system.


Can be compared to the US army's "Land Warrior" program.

The entire cost of the program will be in excess of $30BN by 2022.

by 2022 the entire face of the IA will look and operate differently right from the top brass to the grunt on the ground. Almsot every peaice of kit in the IA will be replaced or upgraded and new tech like helmet-mounted displays, new assualt rifles, new side arms, new sniper rifles, new GPMGs, new BPJs, new helmets etc etc
EzioAltaïr;4038979 said:
What helmet is that? Looks to thick too be metal bucket, but still does not cover the ears.

Looks like an Israeli helmet. And they are not made of metal.

First off, that helmet is FAR more protective than the US kevlar helmet. People assume that just because the patka helmet is made in India, it's not good. The patka has a layer of kevlar and a steel plate, while the US ACH only uses kevlar. Patka can stop AK bullets at 10m away, while ACH can only stop pistol bullets.

Everything else is right, our BP vests are heavier, and have less attachment points. Our gun is not as good, gloves may or may not be there, and boots are slightly inferior.

Our troops do have NV and thermal goggles. They don't attach to the helmet, that's all.
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