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Indian Military Picture Thread


Done by Fighterman35 AMCA Aero India 2013 by ~fighterman35 on deviantART
Prototype French Rafale A01 Fighter Aircraft At The 1988 British Farnborough Airshow









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EzioAltaïr;4038979 said:
What helmet is that? Looks to thick too be metal bucket, but still does not cover the ears.

doesnt look like an israeli helmet... also why would indian army buy an inferior helmet when it has the AK bullet stopping patka?

EzioAltaïr;4039534 said:
First off, that helmet is FAR more protective than the US kevlar helmet. People assume that just because the patka helmet is made in India, it's not good. The patka has a layer of kevlar and a steel plate, while the US ACH only uses kevlar. Patka can stop AK bullets at 10m away, while ACH can only stop pistol bullets.

Tht means USA is decades behind india in producing helmets?:)

Our troops do have NV and thermal goggles. They don't attach to the helmet, that's all.

So how do they use it than?
doesnt look like an israeli helmet... also why would indian army buy an inferior helmet when it has the AK bullet stopping patka?

This is a PARA and and they use these helmets because they are light-weight and specifically designed for paratroopers.
Tht means USA is decades behind india in producing helmets?:)

Lol, of course not. The PATKA is a very specific helmet meant for a very specific mission ie protection during CT ops, it isn't the standard helmet of the IA rather the standard helmet of IA units deployed for CT ops. The helmets used by the US are much more general-purpose oreintated and as such outclass the PATKA in most areas including weight, ballistic protection, comfort, protection for the head from falls or knocks etc.

The PATKA is very rudimentary and is designed purely to stop AK 7.62mm rounds at relatively close range and it does this well.

So how do they use it than?

In many cases thermal and NV devices are hand-held but the SF use helmet mounted NVGs and increasingly the RR, IA deployed on the LoC and SF are getting thermal and NV optics for their rifles.

The IA will be making a decision on their next-gen rifle this (calender) year with deliveries beginning within 12 months and one of the equipment it will come with is thermal and NV optics so the entire IA will be getting these in due time.
doesnt look like an israeli helmet... also why would indian army buy an inferior helmet when it has the AK bullet stopping patka?

Protection is not the only factor in helmets.

While Patka is more protective than the ACH, it lacks points for attaching NV goggles, is uncomfortable to wear and hard to mount comms on. Also it is rather heavy.

Also, the AK protection is only in the front, and around the sides of the head. On top and back there is only pistol protection.

Tht means USA is decades behind india in producing helmets?:)

The Patka is simply a Kevlar helmet with an extra steel plate for the forehead. So it's more protective. USA chose user-friendly and tech-friendly helmets iver protection.

So how do they use it than?

When needed, it can be held to the face. Not all soldiers carry it though. Again, the pic of the US soldier is from a training exercise, where they are always carrying their best equipment. See the pics of the respective Indians at the exercise, and you'll see my point.
EzioAltaïr;4038979 said:
What helmet is that? Looks to thick too be metal bucket, but still does not cover the ears.

The Israeli military helmets (ORLITE) have a more rounder "Mushroom" than the ones shown in this pic. I can't put a finger on the helmet this guy is wearing but as someone mentioned, these are for SO purposes and not standard issue IA helmets

On the other hand, the IA (even standards) are a hodge podge of different models. Some units use modern Kevlar types as found in US Mil.. some units still use old steel buckets , some use Iraqi standard (M1 clones) . That said, the IA has never used the pure clone of the M1 bucket ever in its history... even the ones made in India don't have the unique shape of the M1 - 70s era onwards.
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