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Indian Military Modernization And Consequences For Pakistan – OpEd

well sir with alldeu respect to your millitarry and ashrafia the biggest problem with pakistan is that they never realli learned any lessons from all the wars it faught with india and still isreluctant and consequences are all too clear for every one to see (that is if the want to aknowledge it)

on the second point pakistan alweays tryed to match india on one to one basis as per milltarry equipment

well do you know that even india has all those so called "neuklear wepons"

as for anhilationg the opponent with neuklear strike well trust me sir we have many other ways and tools to do that and even we dont have to use force :)

Pakistan has never tried to match india on a one to one basis, Our military could have wasted a mountain of money trying to match india by going down the North Korea route and bying weapons left right and center to match india in ships/planes etc

NO, Pakistan has been as reasonable as possible JF-17, Al-Khalid, Baktiar Shikan, not gone over board with ships and subs.

Missiles's are a case in point, rather then waste billions on making a missile that can go 7000km, Pakistan has put such steps into cold development so they keep working on the missile but at a slow pace so if and when it is needed a small resource allocation and effort will achive it. It has instead concentrated on ensuring that India is covered and we have enough missiles and nuclear war heads to destroy india.

But Pakistan has ensured that regardless of its increase in missile and nuclear war heads it has the weapons to butcher indians.

Regardless of indians purchasing power india will face hell if it tries to attack Pakistan due to the size and weapons capability of the Pakistani Army

PDF indians may be blow hearts but the Indian Military knows and understands this
Pakistan has never tried to match india on a one to one basis, Our military could have wasted a mountain of money trying to match india by going down the North Korea route and bying weapons left right and center to match india in ships/planes etc

NO, Pakistan has been as reasonable as possible JF-17, Al-Khalid, Baktiar Shikan, not gone over board with ships and subs.

Missiles's are a case in point, rather then waste billions on making a missile that can go 7000km, Pakistan has put such steps into cold development so they keep working on the missile but at a slow pace so if and when it is needed a small resource allocation and effort will achive it. It has instead concentrated on ensuring that India is covered and we have enough missiles and nuclear war heads to destroy india.

But Pakistan has ensured that regardless of its increase in missile and nuclear war heads it has the weapons to butcher indians.

Regardless of indians purchasing power india will face hell if it tries to attack Pakistan due to the size and weapons capability of the Pakistani Army

PDF indians may be blow hearts but the Indian Military knows and understands this
Oh my dear mighty pakistani frnd plz tell me this india is so close in achieving nuclear shield how do you plan to butcher indians after our nuclear shield is activated?
Author has missed the point completely.
Why is there no mention of tactical nuclear weapons,which would lower the nuclear threshold (the point at which nuclear weapons are rellied on )in any war??
Pakistan has been eyeing tactical nuclear weapons to up its ante in south asia.
Tactical nuclear weapons are a threat to south Asia's stability.
The author conveniently avoided that topic.


India tested a Tactical Nuclear Device at Pokhran, so 'who' brought the TNW's in South Asia?

Its very easy to blame Pakistan from, spy pigeons, secret service camels, starting mass panic migrations on SMS to mobile phone boosters which jeoperdize India'a 'National Security'.

* India nuclearized South Asia not Pakistan.
* India brought nuclear testing to S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India nuclearized seas in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India unilaterally tested nukes twice in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India brought TNWs to S.Asia first, not Pakistan.

* India is the one which brought ICBMs to S.Asia not Pakistan.

Obviously its 'unpatriotic' for you to see and admit the destabilizing role your country has played along with occasional 'nuke Pakistan' slogans from your elected politicians on a regular basis. I don't expect you or any other Indian to see beyond the self imposed trance of hindu jingoism you've been sung into, however the facts are facts and they must be told.


India tested a Tactical Nuclear Device at Pokhran, so 'who' brought the TNW's in South Asia?

Its very easy to blame Pakistan from, spy pigeons, secret service camels, starting mass panic migrations on SMS to mobile phone boosters which jeoperdize India'a 'National Security'.

* India nuclearized South Asia not Pakistan.
* India brought nuclear testing to S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India nuclearized seas in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India unilaterally tested nukes twice in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India brought TNWs to S.Asia first, not Pakistan.

* India is the one which brought ICBMs to S.Asia not Pakistan.

Obviously its 'unpatriotic' for you to see and admit the destabilizing role your country has played along with occasional 'nuke Pakistan' slogans from your elected politicians on a regular basis. I don't expect you or any other Indian to see beyond the self imposed trance of hindu jingoism you've been sung into, however the facts are facts and they must be told.


To start with: Will you define what a Tactical Nuclear Weapon (TNW) is?
Only then will that Litany above begin to make some sense......


India tested a Tactical Nuclear Device at Pokhran, so 'who' brought the TNW's in South Asia?

Its very easy to blame Pakistan from, spy pigeons, secret service camels, starting mass panic migrations on SMS to mobile phone boosters which jeoperdize India'a 'National Security'.

* India nuclearized South Asia not Pakistan.
* India brought nuclear testing to S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India nuclearized seas in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India unilaterally tested nukes twice in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India brought TNWs to S.Asia first, not Pakistan.

* India is the one which brought ICBMs to S.Asia not Pakistan.

Obviously its 'unpatriotic' for you to see and admit the destabilizing role your country has played along with occasional 'nuke Pakistan' slogans from your elected politicians on a regular basis. I don't expect you or any other Indian to see beyond the self imposed trance of hindu jingoism you've been sung into, however the facts are facts and they must be told.


Aero, most of what you talked about was in past tense.In short its history.
Now lets talk about the present .Would U deny if I say

*Pakistan possesses what is understood to be the world’s fastest growing nuclear weapons program.

* Pakistan with its one eye on the U.S -India nuclear deal that freed up India’s domestic stocks of uranium for weapons production, has blocked talks at the UN Conference on Disarmament on the Fissile Material Cut-/off Treaty (FMCT)....an agreement which would ban the further production of fissile material for nuclear weapons.

*Pakistan has repeatedly refused to sign a "No first use" policy.

* Pakistan is ready to trade nuclear technology with KSA,in other words Pak is ready to nuclearize ME.

* Pakistan is stocking up TNWs only because it thinks TNWs would give Pak an edge over so called India's cold start doctrine.

Facts 're facts and they must be told.Isnt it??? Lol
I am as patriotic as you are.So if I am blinded by my love for my country then so are you.

Regards :P
Aero, most of what you talked about was in past tense.In short its history.
Now lets talk about the present .Would U deny if I say

*Pakistan possesses what is understood to be the world’s fastest growing nuclear weapons program.

* Pakistan with its one eye on the U.S -India nuclear deal that freed up India’s domestic stocks of uranium for weapons production, has blocked talks at the UN Conference on Disarmament on the Fissile Material Cut-/off Treaty (FMCT)....an agreement which would ban the further production of fissile material for nuclear weapons.

*Pakistan has repeatedly refused to sign a "No first use" policy.

* Pakistan is ready to trade nuclear technology with KSA,in other words Pak is ready to nuclearize ME.

* Pakistan is stocking up TNWs only because it thinks TNWs would give Pak an edge over so called India's cold start doctrine.

Facts 're facts and they must be told.Isnt it??? Lol
I am as patriotic as you are.So if I am blinded by my love for my country then so are you.

Regards :P


TNW is an extremely miniturised device which produces a calculated nuclear yield through its sub kiloton payload. Its used at battefield ranges to destroy armor, naval formations or other assets. It doesn't produce a high fallout, no mushroom clouds and its radioactivity is mitigated faster in desert environment. TNWs are also used to carry out high altitude Electromagnatic Pulse attacks to destroy a continental size country's electronics, effective sending them back to the stone age without a direct nuclear strike.


* Pakistan relies heavily on our nuclear detterent, there is no doubt about it.

* Both India and Pakistan are non signatory to CTBT and FMCT

* Pakistan's nuclear doctrine is NOT of first use but maintaining peace via balance of power.

* No Pakistani tech is being transfered to KSA. They don't have a nuclear program nor we will nuclearize them. ME has already been nuclearized by Israel, so its not us doing it.

* We are stocking up TNWs to widen our Strike options, including submarine launched cruise missiles. India is doing the same so why only blame us?

* India is doing the same so why only blame us?
Why blame us??
Exactly the question that I wanted to ask the author of this article.

Did you read the original post??

@levina @Aeronaut

* It's late night in India.

* It's Late night in Pakistan

* It's Definitely Very late in Australia

GET TO SLEEP....................WILL YA? :rolleyes:

& Ya @Aeronaut Hope I don't get NEGATIVE RATING FOR THIS POST :disagree:
I am in UAE. Lolzz

Requesting you to change my flags,somehow I am unable to do it:tsk:


I read your last post. :P
Or was it deleted by Mr.Admin?? :D

India tested a Tactical Nuclear Device at Pokhran, so 'who' brought the TNW's in South Asia?

Its very easy to blame Pakistan from, spy pigeons, secret service camels, starting mass panic migrations on SMS to mobile phone boosters which jeoperdize India'a 'National Security'.

* India nuclearized South Asia not Pakistan.
* India brought nuclear testing to S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India nuclearized seas in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India unilaterally tested nukes twice in S.Asia not Pakistan.

* India brought TNWs to S.Asia first, not Pakistan.

* India is the one which brought ICBMs to S.Asia not Pakistan.

Obviously its 'unpatriotic' for you to see and admit the destabilizing role your country has played along with occasional 'nuke Pakistan' slogans from your elected politicians on a regular basis. I don't expect you or any other Indian to see beyond the self imposed trance of hindu jingoism you've been sung into, however the facts are facts and they must be told.


True,that India brought nukes to south asia,but Areo ,it was more of chain reaction which beagain in 1940's, just like pakistan has a reason to become a nuclear power so does India, India can blame it on china ,which brought nukes to Asia, chaina can blame the Russian they can blame the American and ,Americans can blame the Nazi's.
Reason for why India is building up it nuclear capability hasn't been highlighted in this article by the aurthor, which is ''China''.
He had simply ruled out that condition ,which makes no sence :-)


TNW is an extremely miniturised device which produces a calculated nuclear yield through its sub kiloton payload. Its used at battefield ranges to destroy armor, naval formations or other assets. It doesn't produce a high fallout, no mushroom clouds and its radioactivity is mitigated faster in desert environment. TNWs are also used to carry out high altitude Electromagnatic Pulse attacks to destroy a continental size country's electronics, effective sending them back to the stone age without a direct nuclear strike.
Thanks for this post ,it was informative. Thought i knew that these could even be fired from howitzer ,to a range of like 19kms and around 5 kilotones of TNT,but still had doubt if it would create a mushroom cloud,thanks again for clarifying.
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Oh my dear mighty pakistani frnd plz tell me this india is so close in achieving nuclear shield how do you plan to butcher indians after our nuclear shield is activated?

No country has achived a nuclear shield, not the USA, not Russia, not China, not Western Europe

Yet India has a nuclear shield:girl_wacko:, and that too to protect it from large amount of incoming missiles from a country right next door to it

Like I said Pakistan isnt unreasonable,,, we havent just spent billions on making missiles that go 7000km or 10,000km, because we understand that those ranges will come naturally once we increase our technology and out biggest threat is India so the missiles we have need to destroy India and need to be as good as possible to bypass any indian defences in the 0-3500km range
No country has achived a nuclear shield, not the USA, not Russia, not China, not Western Europe

Yet India has a nuclear shield:girl_wacko:, and that too to protect it from large amount of incoming missiles from a country right next door to it

Like I said Pakistan isnt unreasonable,,, we havent just spent billions on making missiles that go 7000km or 10,000km, because we understand that those ranges will come naturally once we increase our technology and out biggest threat is India so the missiles we have need to destroy India and need to be as good as possible to bypass any indian defences in the 0-3500km range
When did i said india has nuclear shield, i said india is so close to it. Maybe interpretation problem on your side. I know interception of missiles cant be done with accuracy but still it minimizes damages. And for your kind info genious IRBMs are more easy to intercept than ICBMs. Anyhow no country could fire as you hundreds of nuclear missiles barring russia and us at a single time.
Well India is the largest Importer of Arms. And look at Indian Defence Budget , Now see some figures for India . According to the World Bank study , one in three of the world’s poorest people is living in India. While new figures show that the number of those in extreme poverty around the world – surviving on 82 pence per day or less – has declined significantly, but as on India it now has a greater share of the world’s poorest than it did thirty years ago. Then it was home to one fifth of the world’s poorest people, but today it accounts for one-third 400 million.
Just how did you manage to get a ban ?? :tsk:
Some mods out here hate my guts for speaking out the truth and facts that make them squirm!! Even a little lighthearted sarcasm or humor seems to get their goat!! :P

So they're just waiting for the slightest opening to kick my butt! I just came out of a 7 day ban. Jeeez! :dirol:

I will probably be sent to the cooler for this post too! Or incarcerated in Hell till the cows come home! :rolleyes1:
The two videos and the two guys who speak the truth themselves
If the ex-PAF chief and a senior Pak journalist are saying that they are no match for India, then leave everything appreciate them.

Well India is the largest Importer of Arms. And look at Indian Defence Budget , Now see some figures for India . According to the World Bank study , one in three of the world’s poorest people is living in India. While new figures show that the number of those in extreme poverty around the world – surviving on 82 pence per day or less – has declined significantly, but as on India it now has a greater share of the world’s poorest than it did thirty years ago. Then it was home to one fifth of the world’s poorest people, but today it accounts for one-third 400 million.
The problem is - We've a high disparity b/w rich and poor. The rich are so rich that they haven't seen poverty in India and the poor are so poor that they can't manage two square meals.
Pakistan along with improving economy needs to go for more warships submarines and fighter jets we need to increase Frigates to 16 with at least 8 Submarines and also increase number off F-16 speed up the production off JF-17 Thunder Block II and if our close allies are ready to fund or some oil related miracle happens than we should go for at least 72 J-10 C than focus on 5th Generation and as economy improves increase Frigates to 24 and also add cruise missile destroyers but even with bad economy we need 16 Frigates

How long are you willing to wait for the economy to improve? With that kind of shopping, the GDP has to be 150-200% of it's present value. And with 4% growth rate, best of luck with that. :D
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