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LOL!.. no particular source saying else... so IAF airchief saying something (60% at IOC-1 in 2011) is not even good enough to be taken as a source i suppose ... I'll just end it here since you'v already exposed your colors ...

Didn't I already solve that dilemma of yours?
Your link also said that
Naik said the upgraded aircraft would be in the same league as Saab’s Gripen NG fighter, one of the contenders for the Air Force’s $10 billion (Rs 45,000 crore) contract for 126 fighter jets.
Are you willing to accept this?

How much more will you concrete your self as a dirt digger.
It seems you will just find the most negative word out of a story just to show you are right. LOL
You are actually willing to go into specifics just to troll, as I said 75% indigenization by FOC and since IOC-1 has already been completed the current tests are being done in the IOC-2 phase so 65% or more has likely been achieved.
Child u r the one whose "colors" have been exposed.

You wanted a comment which refuted your claim of 65%--- I gave you your airforce's leader and commander.... but I guess since he is not in your claim's favor you'll resort to
-in the past excuse as that is all you have left ....

Those are just specifics dear.
No one is claiming that V.K. Saraswat's claims are wrong and Naik's is right.
It is basic common sense that it is either 60 or 65 or more.
What I asked of you is that is the 65% claim wrong, which u don't seem to have?
The only thing you are doing is plain and simple trolling on a small specific.

which begs the question ....

Why is there disparity amongst Indian claims ...
The source you quote, quoted 70% in 2001 (as you yourself corrected me) and now its saying 65% .... (so this is the level of rationality that you have)

As for "Every one knows Tejas is 65% indigenous "rant...


I guess by "everyone" you mean "every one the in the tejas fangirl club" :D

Who really cares dear if there is a disparity?
As long as no one is there to refute the 65% claim the only person left is you and your frustration.
regardless of what you say by the time FOC is finished the number will be 75% and that is what matters, if the tejas had been inducted right now while being 65% indigenous, then maybe your point may have been valid.
I don't see your reason to troll continuously based on just a specific.
Even I can find more latest links than yours if I scour for dirt like you.
Images: LCA Tejas MK 1 : Frontier India Portal
Tejas Gets Initial Operational Clearance

These are just numbers dear they are bound to change in between what matters is the FOC which will be 75% or more.

Now as you say dont go in the past ... however just take a look at the present ... the 5% JV is already in numbers in PAF while the flying coffin still awaits the 65% indigenous LCA to replace it... :D

Please don't condescend you will only embarrass yourself .
Do take a look at how much PAF has crashed before throwing your insecurity around.

14 Pak Air Force aircraft destroyed, damaged in a year , AniNews.in

The present says that neither India nor Pakistan has any indigenous plane(yet) and IAF is still stronger than PAF.
India has more input in Su-30MKI than Pak has in the JFT, so if you want to compare the JFT on having less than 5% input then look at the MKI it too has that much or more and serves under IAF.

India has better R&D base then Pakistan...who denied that...not me...

Of course not, and it seems very difficult that it ever will. However that is what you are implying.

My statement stands and so does your frustration about the simple fact that

DRDO and HAL has fed you lies and it is admitted by your own sources something I have mentioned time and again.They are still shoving the word indigenous down your throat to get more money, while PAC is busy shoving new JF-17's in our fleet :D

LOL where is the JFT Block-2 after all Pakistanis are more reliable than anyone else?

The simple fact is that Tejas is 65% indigenous right now and will move to 75% by FOC and that is what frustrates you.
So your statements barely ever stood.

There was a video posted few pages ago which showed the indigenous content of JF-17, had information compiled from all over this site .... check that out ...

Yeah a video made by yourself which has literally nothing to say but "I am really insecure".
I can refute it right now.

Lastly, Please define "Indigenous" for us ... since "65% indigenous hence indigenous" or "it is ingdigenous not completely indigenous" does not make an effin sense to anyone....

Again it is 65% indigenous but not completely indigenous.
So what do you find wrong.
Is the IAF supposed to go by abdulbarijan's standard.
Our scientists' words is enough and who will listen to you when we have high achieving individuals who can back up their claims.

By that standard all chinese fighters are indigenous as they have mostly indigenous things yet Indians call them copies why??

A whild guess..... Cuz they are not Indian for which every double standard applies..

Oh no they are copies, but they are also indigenous.
When did anyone say that they are not indigenous, all every one claimed was it is a copy.
Which it is.
So again what is the double standard here?

And the awkward moment when you find the one talking about wet dreams is defending something whose own induction is thought to be a wet dream in itself... :D :D

Wet dream according to who? u?
The one who is going to set his standards to judge something just coz she is so frustrated that she will call trained individuals liars?
Unfortunately for you the thing you are saying right now is in itself a wet dream which should kill ur validity of your whole claim.
Didn't I already solve that dilemma of yours?
Your link also said that
Are you willing to accept this?

How much more will you concrete your self as a dirt digger.
It seems you will just find the most negative word out of a story just to show you are right. LOL
You are actually willing to go into specifics just to troll, as I said 75% indigenization by FOC and since IOC-1 has already been completed the current tests are being done in the IOC-2 phase so 65% or more has likely been achieved.
Child u r the one whose "colors" have been exposed.

Those are just specifics dear.
No one is claiming that V.K. Saraswat's claims are wrong and Naik's is right.
It is basic common sense that it is either 60 or 65 or more.
What I asked of you is that is the 65% claim wrong, which u don't seem to have?
The only thing you are doing is plain and simple trolling on a small specific.

Who really cares dear if there is a disparity?
As long as no one is there to refute the 65% claim the only person left is you and your frustration.
regardless of what you say by the time FOC is finished the number will be 75% and that is what matters, if the tejas had been inducted right now while being 65% indigenous, then maybe your point may have been valid.
I don't see your reason to troll continuously based on just a specific.
Even I can find more latest links than yours if I scour for dirt like you.
Images: LCA Tejas MK 1 : Frontier India Portal
Tejas Gets Initial Operational Clearance

These are just numbers dear they are bound to change in between what matters is the FOC which will be 75% or more.

Please don't condescend you will only embarrass yourself .
Do take a look at how much PAF has crashed before throwing your insecurity around.

14 Pak Air Force aircraft destroyed, damaged in a year , AniNews.in

The present says that neither India nor Pakistan has any indigenous plane(yet) and IAF is still stronger than PAF.
India has more input in Su-30MKI than Pak has in the JFT, so if you want to compare the JFT on having less than 5% input then look at the MKI it too has that much or more and serves under IAF.

Of course not, and it seems very difficult that it ever will. However that is what you are implying.

LOL where is the JFT Block-2 after all Pakistanis are more reliable than anyone else?

The simple fact is that Tejas is 65% indigenous right now and will move to 75% by FOC and that is what frustrates you.
So your statements barely ever stood.

Yeah a video made by yourself which has literally nothing to say but "I am really insecure".
I can refute it right now.

Again it is 65% indigenous but not completely indigenous.
So what do you find wrong.
Is the IAF supposed to go by abdulbarijan's standard.
Our scientists' words is enough and who will listen to you when we have high achieving individuals who can back up their claims.

Oh no they are copies, but they are also indigenous.
When did anyone say that they are not indigenous, all every one claimed was it is a copy.
Which it is.
So again what is the double standard here?

Wet dream according to who? u?
The one who is going to set his standards to judge something just coz she is so frustrated that she will call trained individuals liars?
Unfortunately for you the thing you are saying right now is in itself a wet dream which should kill ur validity of your whole claim.

All this ranting while you show your insecurity all over PDF ...

Like i have said time and again ....

Tell us ...

DRDO/HAL does not lie (which they do as i have pointed out with hard proof from indian sources)

What is an official criteria of a jet with partial indigenous components ... (what %) to be called indigenous....

You avoid these two key questions and focus on JFT while the fact this .... No one never claimed it to be indigenous...we call it a JV with 50% cost input...and the video of indigenous components, Ive also mentioned sources such as PAC website and the info pool thread ...

If Pointing out facts about your little LA LA LAND makes me a digger then I am a proud one at that ... :D

Instead of giving me 65%,60% and 75% by FOC claim ... just think with a rational mind that can you achieve 15% indigenous content in 2-3 years while it took you more than 3 decades to get 65% (as per DRDO which exposed itself and your claims when it claimed 70% back in 2001) ...

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