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Indian kids being fed hatred against Pakistan

i take it u are trying to say that india will teach eventually teach afganistan to hate pakistan....
first thing, we are not trying to meddle in afganistan's affairs...we did not make any noise when karzai said he will support afganistan in case of a US attack....but the pakistani government made a lot of noise when india and afganistan inked training pact....

and second thing, if this is the only reason, then india has friendly relations with other countries too, why doesn't pakistan speaks about those, infact, china is india's largest trade partner in terms of goods and our bilateral trade is only set to increase, why don't you oppose that, why do to have problem only with india helping afganistan???

The problem is if some haters of us train other country, then wat will they teach them "HATE".
wat we can expect other then that.. don't tell me you won't do that.... and the major thing your haterd will road to your and our future. its an understood thing. There is no peace with haterd in the region in future.
i think opposite is more true than this, i hav no such hatred fed experience, some issues related are we had some war with pakistan, but i think this is much more severe in pakistan as all these are dealing religiously, those who are destroying other religions especially hindus are considered as national heroes and are included in school books,, is that true?? and read today's ET about - "Pakistan’s educational system fuels religious discrimination: Report" and read comments , saying in schools that nonbelievers are enemies and likewise.....
The problem is if some haters of us train other country, then wat will they teach them "HATE".
wat we can expect other then that.. don't tell me you won't do that.... and the major thing your haterd will road to your and our future. its an understood thing. There is no peace with haterd in the region in future.

i really am amazed by seeing the confidence of this guy, he writes as everything that comes from his mouth is so true it would be a crime to not to share with anybody else....no comments dude...
Indians are a threat to Asia because their culture is naturally predatory and hateful (caste system). They see the world through the lens of the caste system: you kiss buts of higher ups and ruthlessly crush those lower down. China, Russia and Pakistan all agree about this now. The West tries to portray Islam as a violent civilization (not true for past 500 years), instead this title belongs to India.

China is moving fast to counter USA. India's time will be up soon, and then Asia will finally have peace

your comment shows your ignorance than facts, yeahh, cast system is an unfortunate reality, but its foolish to say its threat to asia :blink:, and we are viewing others in the lens of cast system, bla blah,,, thats funny,, proper education and wealth distribution can eliminate its bad sides, and there are many places where no one giving much or minimum importance to cast system,
from the last part,,, are you real of false??
I have lived and worked with Indians a lot and there is particularly nothing I find interesting in their work ethic or social fabric. It is based on gossiping, back biting, bottom kissing the higher up, nuisance value, etc etc..worst cases is a new arrival fair skinned vegetarian...the hate and self obsessiveness attitude is evident to the highest degree of disgust.. the not ignoring the fact that some of my best friends are Indians and they agree with the same.
Indians are a threat to Asia because their culture is naturally predatory and hateful (caste system)...
Not a threat unless a militaristic class is dominant, I think Your assertion doesn't square with the past millenniums of Indian history which suggests that the caste system is a factor in making India easy to conquer, as successful invaders simply become another high caste in the system.
What does that mean? Z.A. Bhutto wrote in The Myth of Independence that "mutual respect" required Pakistan conquer territory in what is now India - not just Kashmir. If that's what you mean, two thumbs down.

Mutual respect means just and simple mutual respect - It will up to you how you understand it, if it had some different meanings in English then I have to use my own language, which you may not understand.

So sure, you don't have any answer for that.

I can see that it can be frustrating to start building trust when a Samjhota or a Kargil erupts to prevent that very thing. That's probably because of the divide between the civilian and military governments in Pakistan (though Indian provocations can't be ruled out, I suppose). You just have to be persistent: once the civilian governments of Pakistan and India reach an accommodation their militaries will have to follow or stage coups.

If there is Siachin then Kargil is vice-versa (remember Kargil is not international border just LOC), things like that could erupt in future too, no one could guarantee that, until the full settlement of the problems. Remember Palestine Issue, I am sure it will never be settled as USA and Israel want to solve it on their terms which are unjustified and hence unacceptable to other party regardless of their miseries.

Same is going in Afghanistan, after 10 years of war – US is back to square i.e. seeking negotiations with Taliban, which Taliban offered them 10 years before. US got its lesson and should realize that even the mightiest force on this earth can not coupe with the weakest force (in terms of weapons and resources); if it comes on principles and faith.

I remember the day, when Indian terrorist killed 68 Pakistanis in Samjhota Express bombing, even then Indian were amazingly fast on finger pointing to Pakistan which later proved otherwise. Such injustices will never bring stability to region - stability will only be visible when all parties will feel responsibility and will not start finger pointing just for timely face saving.
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