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INDIAN guy with NAZI FLAG tries to ram truck through WHITE HOUSE

Varshith Kandula?!! Lol. Nazi sympathiser?

Darwin doing its work.
I read a report somewhere that most online "white supremacist" are actually located in India and Mexico. It's pretty hilarious.

This explains a lot. I was wondering where all these guys are supposedly. Seems somehow they are under every rock and behind every tree but they must be invisible men since I don't see them.
Indians want their way inside the Washington illegally.
Hey I'm just saying it was some real all time comedy. lol

Pajeets thought they were Israeli operatives doing surgical strike. Like they literally fked up everything that was possible to fk up. They bombed the wrong place and ended up destroying trees, the plane gets shot down, the pilot get beat up, then starts complimenting his captors about the fantastic tea. The Air Defense fails to detect the counter attack and in the confusion they shoot and kill their own guys in a helicopter. And to top it all off, all start bragging about the "success", while even their own hacks like Christine Fair tell them the whole ordeal is embarrassing. lol, mofos thought they were Israeli or some shit, with their "surgical strike", and it turns out to be a complete clown show. lol

they believe that cos Modi says so... he claims indian military are like Israelis

Forget yadev and lots of other unnamed terrorists terrorizing Pakistan

You're the biggest threat/mess for the peace of the subcontinent

Gay hind

Well, not that this is the topic, but the name actually is Jadhav (where did you get Yadev from?). And we dragged you to ICJ for him, and the ICJ found your arguments silly and hence ordered you to review the entire process of trial and conviction BOTH! 😀

May be you should have gone to ICJ for Qasaab too, you know. It would have been so much fun exposing you once again.
You had me rolling on the floor with the Indian part..

I have never seen people with more identity crisis then the Indians it is almost sad
So according to you Hindutva need more training?
If Hindu terrorists want to reach the level of Khalid Shaikh Mohammad or Bin Laden, then yeah, they need to work hard. Nobody knows these Chaddis outside India. But KSM, Bin Laden and countless others are world famous you know.
is not amusing that India is being targeted in relation to a 19-year-old boy.

And coming from the members where they defended and protected a terrorist called "Osama Bin Laden," Pakistan's most popular politician, Imran Khan, refers to him as a "martyr." even after he attacked the twin towers and killed many people, which was a tremendous deed.
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Hitler, Vishnu sem2sem!

Kali Yuga

That's racist.

PoC Yuga FTW!


is not amusing that India is being targeted in relation to a 19-year-old boy.

And coming from the members where they defended and protected a terrorist called "Osama Bin Laden," Pakistan's most popular politician, Imran Khan, refers to him as a "martyr." even after he attacked the twin towers and killed many people, which was a tremendous deed.
Laughs in 9/11 Truth Movement.
The US is going through social decay.

It is newsworthy considering how much the RSS derives inspiration from the Nazis.
No they don't
Mentally disturb?
Indian Nazi terrorists are getting bolder and bolder and the world stays muted.
Neo-Nazi teen, coming from a country that produces more Islamophobic 'White nationalists' than White countries themselves, has threatened to kill President Biden.

Let us take a moment to pray to saaar ji for his quick release and acquittal.. :)
An Indian Nazi..... Wtf
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