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Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

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Credible reports are there that major incident of terrorism in Pakistan of PNS Mehran probably launched via Afghanistan by RAW in collaboration with CIA. Reports also reveal that terrorists were foreigners and JSOC-trained guerillas terrorists. They have been have been trained in Indian Rajistan and Afghanistan. They were provided rocket launchers and other weaponry in a camp located in Indian Rajasthan. The aim of launching this operation was to pave the path of landing American troops in Pakistan. In the end I would again like to address our masses, political and military leadership to get united against our common enemy and work for the stability in Pakistan. The media should indicate the traitors and avoid towing the American line of criticizing own security elements which are fighting the battle of “Save Pakistan”.

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
It makes perfect sense now. A base with Chinese technicians was targeted to try to deter China from helping Pakistan.
Dawn news reported (the most creditable news source of Pakistan), that the fingerprints did not match of NADRA database records, and the bodies didnot look local. They were Bharti or Afghans.
Dawn news reported (the most creditable news source of Pakistan), that the fingerprints did not match of NADRA database records, and the bodies didnot look local. They were Bharti or Afghans.

i read some where that few of them were uzbek.
anyway,m not surprised that u added bolded part
Well here is more credible theory-it explains chinese presence and the attackers extensive know how of the airbase-
The whole damn thing is a set up.China wants some sensitive parts of the orion to reverse engineer.So chinese engineers dismantle them first.Then this alleged terror attack happens and orions are blown.This way pakistan escapes from U.S inspection of aircraft in future(if ever they suspect the foulplay).Everyone happy..
Well here is more credible theory-it explains chinese presence and the attackers extensive know how of the airbase-
The whole damn thing is a set up.China wants some sensitive parts of the orion to reverse engineer.So chinese engineers dismantle them first.Then this alleged terror attack happens and orions are blown.This way pakistan escapes from U.S inspection of aircraft in future(if ever they suspect the foulplay).Everyone happy..

Thankale samadhikanam:lol:
Well here is more credible theory-it explains chinese presence and the attackers extensive know how of the airbase-
The whole damn thing is a set up.China wants some sensitive parts of the orion to reverse engineer.So chinese engineers dismantle them first.Then this alleged terror attack happens and orions are blown.This way pakistan escapes from U.S inspection of aircraft in future(if ever they suspect the foulplay).Everyone happy..

when consparicy therories to be belive , then there could be many..
It makes perfect sense now. A base with Chinese technicians was targeted to try to deter China from helping Pakistan.

No, infact Chinese technicians were allowed to leave safely, and they targetted Amercian supplied planes, thus creating more Pakistan US tensions and immediate sale of Chinese recce planes to Pakistan.

Its China win win these days. Like it was all USA win win in the 80s, where somebody else was using their full citizens as cannon fodder to attack America's rival and and reprisal attacks from that rival were pushing Pakistan towards America more and more.

Its amazing how important a country Pakistan is.
Footprint-- India gets benefit--- another article--- just another day-- just another LOL.

There is nothing apart from the conspiracy theories discussed here. Its not surprising that people need some of the theories to hide own shame on the whole incident. Strangely no mention of CIA this time around.

It is an Open Secret now that RAW CIA and one two more Anti-Islamic Forces are doing their best against Pakistan
the time has Come to Answer them in their own Language:argh:
where is ahmed, your tajik uzbeks are doing terrorism in our karachi??????

and yes your northern alliance terrorists do suicie bomb blasts
No, infact Chinese technicians were allowed to leave safely, and they targetted Amercian supplied planes, thus creating more Pakistan US tensions and immediate sale of Chinese recce planes to Pakistan.

Are you implying that China was somehow responsible for this :rofl:

Its China win win these days. Like it was all USA win win in the 80s, where somebody else was using their full citizens as cannon fodder to attack America's rival and and reprisal attacks from that rival were pushing Pakistan towards America more and more.

Its amazing how important a country Pakistan is.

The Mujahideen in the 80s were mostly Afghan nationals, not Pakistani nationals.
where is ahmed, your tajik uzbeks are doing terrorism in our karachi??????

and yes your northern alliance terrorists do suicie bomb blasts

It would be best to keep the racism at a minimum, the more you categorize people, the more chance there will be for more chaos in Pakistan. Soon every fair skinned, minority in Pakistan will be hunted by gangs of "justice seekers". But I guess that's what you fanatics want. Plus, the majority of suicide bombers have been from Pakistani soil.
Dawn news reported (the most creditable news source of Pakistan), that the fingerprints did not match of NADRA database records, and the bodies didnot look local. They were Bharti or Afghans.

But... Bhartis are the skinny smelly dumb poor darkies... neither their pictures looked anything like that, nor did their operation, so how did you reach that conclusion Mr. Expert?
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