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Indian Fighter Competition Nears Finals...

If i would have bought f-18 along with some 2-3 squadrons of f-15SE.

This is not a vegetable market that you buy a kilo of this and 2-3 kilos of that. There are a lot of reasons behind considering a single sum mass purchase. Let me highlight this:

- Technical capabilities
- Political limitations
- Easier cost management
- Uniform training
- Easier infrastructure setup
- Familiarity with one single type
- More efficiency.

US jets fail when it comes to second point above. That, alone is a reason enough that SH didn't win. Nothing else disqualified it. I am surprised that despite the disaster we had with US in Tejas' development, people continue to advocate looking at the past and not admitting to learn valuable lessons we experienced.
LOL TOT is a great buzzword among indians.All TOT you will get is screw driver tot from any country nothing else.

Obviously the TOT is license assembly and indigenous making of the aircraft, mate. It is not handling the blueprints. This helps a lot as those who're qualified aeronautic engineers know how to absorb relevant tech.

For example in war say a supplier politically isolates us; we can give them a finger and continue indigenous manufacturing (legal illegal matters a rat's rear in war) of the jet including spare parts. In short, what China is doing "illegally" (as west points out), we'd be doing it "legally". Even the knowledge of these aircraft kits is better than just outright buying and decorating an expensive showcase like oil sheikhdoms do.
EFT wont win coz of its American weaponry its offering.

what the AMRAAM? we can use the AMRAAM or replace it with our Astra or R-77 besides the AMRAAM on the EFT will be replaced by the Meteor which i hope we get (most likely) and the AIM-9X can be substituted by the IRST-T or the Python 5
IF usa offers F-15SE aircraft then india must buy 2-3 squadrons.Its a great plane india must get it from usa.

****** kharidri rhe hai kya? 2 - 3 squadrons are just not feasible any more . it costs too much to maintain just a few fighters.
the reason India went for the mig 21 and its later variants was that after 62 no western country was willing to sell us fighters. we were forced to buy russian ones.
in the 80 we got the mirage 2k but could only buy 2 sq of them cuz of monetary restrictions. now we do not have that problem .
also Chat , please stop trolling and change your flag to your own country.
American's are unreliable and i think Indians know that by now, I personally would not opt for a multi national platform since there are too many stakes in hand ... just my 2 cents.

The Rafale Beasts!
if you want to see IAF with best 4/4.5 gen platform you would pick EFT for MRCA winner and about the nonsense with multi national platform it does not matter because you don't deal with all of the nations at once there is a consortium set up EFT is better in all aspects compared to the Rafale
:) He should join politics, he even convinced you that your fighters were comparable to the shortlisted, but the fact is, they are not and that's why they are out.

Btw, if you are refering to this part:

for your conclusion that US techs would be integrated in the winning fighter, you are highly mistaken! That statement only says that the systems sourced from the US would match IAF requirements, but not from which fighter and by the fact that it is talking about all 6 contenders, it's most likely the US fighters.
All the EF, or Rafale would use from the US are weapons, like LGB, PGMs, or anti radiation missiles, while I still hope that the UAE clears the integration of SLAM ER into Rafale, but neither radar, avionics, or engine will be US origin for sure.

Actually I have had the opportunity, through my line of work, to discuss this competition (because it is of great interest to me) with a senior executive of BAE systems here in Europe. And I asked bout the US origin kit on the EFT and his answer was not really that surprising- there are many US origin subsystems and avionics on the EFT as the EFT/European consortium didn't have the technical know how to develop and manufacture the entire plane from the ground up. Such systems include health monitoring, helmet mounted system tech etc. The US has so much pf their kit in the plane that the European consortium has to seek US approval when selling any EFT to a nation.

I'd be very surprised, I don't think HAL the Indian equivalent of CAC have the capability nor will the Euro Fighter consortia share cutting edge fabrication technology with India. Remember the Typhoon is 70% composite by weight, while the Rafale has less composites than India's LCA - Rafale will be easier for HAL-India to absorb.
To be honest I think this a very much outdated view as HAL/Indian aviation industry has come on enormously in recent times from design and manufacture of their own indigenous plane to licence building of foreign planes. Since 2010 the SU-30MKI, one of the most advanced 4.5 gen ac anywhere in the world,has been built entirely in India. And anyway HAL producing the planes in India is a key requirement of the competition which all six contenders agreed to- despite Boeing not winning the MMRCA many components and parts of the F-18SH are built in India for use on foreign SHs. And Sikorsky has received entire S-92 cabins built in India by TATA aviation group for a few years now.
Offsets are a greater buzz, these days!
I think these offsets are a true game changer- as they have not fully been revealed yet we don't know what each side is offering but we can be sure both sides are offering some "juicy" offsets in this highly competitive and lucrative deal. Boeing recently announced its offset for the C-17 deal- a $500 million USD high altitude test facility, this is a real game changer as India has lacked this capability uptil now and so the Kaveri has had tomb sent to Russia for these tests.
the only way we can break free from the shackles of importing fighters engines etc is if we set the base needed for an indigenous aerospace defense industry to start we can merge ADA with HAL along with the DRDO aeronautics R&D labs maybe even include NAL in the merger, with this new company the offsets can help it get off its feet and get up to date the ADA and DRDO aeronautical labs will be apart of the company's design bureau while HAL would do all the manufacturing work but HAL presently can design and make its own helicopters which is a good this new company could design develop and manufacture fighters, trainers, transport aircraft, helicopters, UAV's, AWACS, air to air tankers, and maybe even civilian airliners if NAL is included in merger

GTRE can be merged with BHEL so it can design develop and manufacture engines of all sorts e.g turbofans turboprops turboshafts turbojets etc

i would also consider privatizing these companies while the gov't can keep a small stake in the companies to support it if need be

this is a very good way to step into the future

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