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Indian Elections: Who did you Vote

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is that Modi guy getting majority votes? i guess its same situation like ours there.....just two political parties taking their turns one by one.....here its PMLN and PPP ...there BJP and Congress!

No the last two elections were won by Congress. Congress is popular among the poor class in villages because that's what they have been voting for since independence and Congress is present everywhere in the country. BJP needs some inspirational leader to turn it around. Last time they won it was Vajpayee and this time Modi has a chance. Otherwise Congress is way too strong in the grass root level.
and im sick of this political culture....its way too difficult to break their influence....figured it out in last year's elections in Pakistan...
Well worthless sensationalism is a great tool in the subcontinent rather than true issues...till that does not change we are both dumb nations and we will keep choosing the leeches as leaders
No the last two elections were won by Congress. Congress is popular among the poor class in villages because that's what they have been voting for since independence and Congress is present everywhere in the country. BJP needs some inspirational leader to turn it around. Last time they won it was Vajpayee and this time Modi has a chance. Otherwise Congress is way too strong in the grass root level.
so has the condition of poor people changed there? maybe not that is why people are more towards Modi getting elected as PM this time...
Now let's start a new India Pakistan fight - we say our Congress stole 2000 crore, you say PPP stole 2500 crore...we say our Congress..... :yay: :hehe: Buss bahana chahiye :P

Desis :ashamed:
we also critisize the other party PMLN like we do with PPP unlike you guys:tongue:....i have seen ppl getting furious here if any indian even dares to say anything against it (BJP).....
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