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This is about Indian economy not the Pakistan or Afghanistan economy.

It is foolish to compare the two economies anyway that are apart by an order of magnitude and the difference is only growing as we speak.

To others, India had already crossed the Japanese economy by PPP about three years back when our PPP rate was revised by IMF (also done for China and a few other countries) and this resulted in a downward revision of our GDP PPP by almost 30%. I don't think that exercise was done for our smaller neighbors.

I am glad to see that our manufacturing potential is in the process of being realized. The manufacturing push is needed to take India to the next step in the journey to a poverty free India.

Since when is $1.75 trillion an order of magnitude higher than $220 billion?
^^ Are you pulling these figures from your hat?

2010 figures:

India 1,631,970
Pakistan 176,870

Ratio: 9.26

And guess who is growing faster!

Anyway, don't bring Pakistan in this thread.

We have just been through establishing $1.75 trillion as India's GDP per Economic Survey of India and $220 billion as Pak GDP per Economic Survey of Pakistan.

But you keep making comparisons while quoting bogus figures to make your bogus point, and then suggest not comparing.
We have just been through establishing $1.75 trillion as India's GDP per Economic Survey of India and $220 billion as Pak GDP per Economic Survey of Pakistan.

But you keep making comparisons while quoting bogus figures to make your bogus point, and then suggest not comparing.

Well you're the one who brought up Pakistan in the first place. Don't ruin a good thread.
We have just been through establishing $1.75 trillion as India's GDP per Economic Survey of India and $220 billion as Pak GDP per Economic Survey of Pakistan.

But you keep making comparisons while quoting bogus figures to make your bogus point, and then suggest not comparing.

Why are these bogus? They are the vetted results for last year.

Yes, it's a problem. But India's fiscal deficit of 5.1% of gdp is only slightly better. And India's current account deficit is a lot worse than Pakistan's.

In fact Pakistan had a small current account surplus of over half a billion dollars last year ending in June 2011, and India had a current account deficit.

Haq's Musings: Soaring Chinese Imports and Twin Deficits Worry India
^^ You are out of your league here. Indian trade is several times your GDP and is only increasing at a furious pace.

Individual Indian cities have more exports than the whole of Pakistan. Don't even try to compare here.
Yes, it's a problem. But India's fiscal deficit of 5.1% of gdp is only slightly better. And India's current account deficit is a lot worse than Pakistan's.

In fact Pakistan had a small current account surplus of over half a billion dollars last year ending in June 2011, and India had a current account deficit.

Haq's Musings: Soaring Chinese Imports and Twin Deficits Worry India

The current account jump Pakistan got last year was primarily driven by increased remittances which seems like a short term phenomenon, since the current account for Pakistan has already turned negative in the 1st months of new year..

The current account jump Pakistan got last year was primarily driven by increased remittances which seems like a short term phenomenon, since the current account for Pakistan has already turned negative in the 1st months of new year..

July-August current account negative | Business | DAWN.COM

With the India story unraveling due to big corruption scandals and governance deficit this year, the FDI fell by 28%, the second consecutive year of decline and the first such large decline since the opening up of the economy in 1991-92. As a result of this decline, the present level of $27 billion of FDI inflows is the lowest in four years.

Spurred by a tidal wave of hot money from the US Federal Reserve stimulus, the big drop in Indian FDI has been largely offset by the surge in FII in the last two years. In fact, the outflow of $15 billion was more than made up by inflows of $29 billion — their highest ever — in 2009-10. This level was largely maintained in 2010-11 as well, with a small increase. These hot money inflows continue to be a source of instability in the face of the Indian Central Bankers attempts to cool rising inflation. Such hot money inflows accounted for 58% of India's forex reserves in March 2010 compared to 47.9% in 2009, according to the Financial Express.

Haq's Musings: Indian Economy Slowing to "Hindu Rate of Growth"?
With the India story unraveling ...(Haqs Fantasies)....o the Financial Express.

Haq's Musings: Indian Economy Slowing to "Hindu Rate of Growth"?

As usual Mr. Haq's bag of lies, easily disproved...

Mumbai: The net foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow in India is expected to improve sharply to USD 19.5 billion during FY 12 as compared to USD 7.1 billion in FY 11 on account of robust and sustainable economy, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) said in its monthly review here.
As per the review, FDI inflows during the first two months of FY 12 were much higher at USD 7.4 billion compared to USD 3.6 billion during the corresponding period of FY 11.

Since higher FDI inflows are more than made up for the lower FII inflows, total foreign investments during April-May 2011 were much higher at USD 9.7 billion compared to USD 7.8 billion during April-May 2010.
'FDI inflow to rise sharply to $ 19.5 bn'

Now Mr. Haq, why don't you get over your inferiority complex berating Indian economy and trying to bring it to Pakistans level, rather try improving Pakistans economy to Indias level.

As usual Mr. Haq's bag of lies, easily disproved...

Now Mr. Haq, why don't you get over your inferiority complex berating Indian economy and trying to bring it to Pakistans level, rather try improving Pakistans economy to Indias level.


In spite of the Pakistani economy being in the mess it's in today, here are the facts for the 2000-2010 decade:

1. Pakistan topped job creation in South Asia, with India being a distant fourth, according to a recent World Bank report.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Tops South Asia Jobs Growth 2000-2010

2. Pakistan's graduation levels are higher than India's at all levels, according to Harvard researchers Barro and Lee.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Ahead of India in Graduation Rates at All Levels

3. Pakistan's middle class of 40% of its population is much larger than India's 25%, according to an ADB report released last year.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Growing Middle Class Responds to Challenge

4. Pakistan is much more urbanized than India, according to UN Population Fund.

Haq's Musings: Urbanization in Pakistan Highest in South Asia
In spite of the Pakistani economy being in the mess it's in today, here are the facts for the 2000-2010 decade:

1. Pakistan topped job creation in South Asia, with India being a distant fourth, according to a recent World Bank report.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Tops South Asia Jobs Growth 2000-2010

2. Pakistan's graduation levels are higher than India's at all levels, according to Harvard researchers Barro and Lee.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Ahead of India in Graduation Rates at All Levels

3. Pakistan's middle class of 40% of its population is much larger than India's 25%, according to an ADB report released last year.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Growing Middle Class Responds to Challenge

4. Pakistan is much more urbanized than India, according to UN Population Fund.

Haq's Musings: Urbanization in Pakistan Highest in South Asia

Any other and reliable source..?
Any other and reliable source..?

The reliable sources like the World Bank, ADB, Harvard University, and UN population fund, etc. are cited and linked in each of my posts. Now it's your homework to follow the links and read.
2. Pakistan's graduation levels are higher than India's at all levels, according to Harvard researchers Barro and Lee.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Ahead of India in Graduation Rates at All Levels

I have mentioned it to you earlier, that the data for India is wrong and outdated. Comparing the data for India from year 1990, to Pakistan's latest data from year 2010. So the comparison is not valid.

Here's the educational attainment data for India from the year 2004, from another source, mind you the 2010/11 figures have gone up since. And its much better than the 3.9% figure for Pakistan.


Source: Riboud, Savchenko and Tan (2006), based on various rounds of the National Sample Survey for India and on Barrow and Lee (2004) international data on education, for China.

Published here, http://economics.ouls.ox.ac.uk/12991/1/gprg-wps-071.pdf, on page number 4.

You can continue comparing India's old data to the latest ones from Pakistan, but you are only going to mislead your own readers
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