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Indian Defence Budget for 2012-13 hiked to 1.95 lakh crore ($39 billion)

LCA, Arjun and your missile project is far behind the world, as you logic, You should cut the rubbish project!!! Mocking J10, you are so funny, First, you should check yourself!!

Your MBT T90 is from Russia, You half of main battle warship come from foreign, all submarine were bought from other countries, SU-27,SU30, MIG series, is Russian, Rafale and Mirage is from French, You import the AWACS from Isreal and Russia, you also can't make artillery, you even have to import basic bullet……, The list is too long!!!
Don't think make airplane engines under the lience is something. Yes, we import AL-31S, that's why we don't want to depend on foreigner forever, in engine domain, yes, china is not good as Russia and USA, but far better than Indian. If you think you are good, please suppling your own engine for LCA. Who is burning the money? all the world know that with the *** thinking.
We build our defence, But you buy it, that's the diffence, keep enjoying it. self-delusion!!


you and your delusions .... :laugh:
Hey guys have we discussed the important deals that are gonna be signed this year, the weapons this money is gonna buy ??? Lets discuss that too...

Indian Army
I really hope this year is of Army. They need some really important stuff and because of delays on everybody's part including IA no deal hasn't been able to get closed.

(1) 155 mm artillery : Except M777 i don't see any other deal getting even a second thought. But i think this is the year when M777 deal is gonna be signed because everything is ready since 2010. Now ST Kinetics is banned, so there isn't anybody offering us ultralight howitzers. IA is pressuring MOD for this deal .

(2) ATGM : Next gen ATGM are also the need of the hour. Nobody is sure what is going on here. There are 3-4 deals going on.
i) ATGM needed for our BMP-1. Although i think we should chose NAG because its a mean missile, but IA is going for a foreign vendor. Now whether this deal is closed or not nobody is sure. There were reports last year that Spike is sel ected for this. A total of 321 launchers, 8,356 missiles, and 15 training simulators, and peripheral equipment will be purchased.

ii) ATGM for infantry : Expensive and old Javelin was IA's first choice but a couple of days back news came that Spik e might be selected. IA wants this deal to be signed quickly but nobody sure what is going on here. Its likely that this deal might get signed this year.

iii) ATGM for SF : It should be coined with the above contract but lets see what happens.

iv) ATGM for Rudra : Since the number of Rudra is gonna be close 70, this deal is also gonna be significantly big. MBD A is offering PARS 3LR. Not sure who is gonna win but i think this deal might not get signed this year. The fate of this deal depends on the progress of Rudra Helicopter gunship.

(3) LUH : This deal is gonna be signed this year. The final report of field test came in by the end of 2010. Now its time for its procurement. IA is pressuring MOD for this deal too.

(4) MBRL : The next five year plan has started. Its time for induction of new regiments of Pinaka and may be a couple regiment of Smerch. They will go in the NE sector. This deal is going to be signed but when nobody knows. May be this year or it might shift to next year but these purchases were planned from before they won't be delayed much especially Pinaka. Just one day you will listen in the news that CCS has sanctioned new regiment of Pinaka, just like how Brahmos and Akash news come.

(5) Brahmos : Last September CCS approved the next regiment i.e. the 4th regiment of Brahmos (blk 3) for IA. This will go to the NE sector. Now if the deal is finalised last year then its ok but if not then this year this deal will be closed because it has already received CCS approval.

(6) Radar : Yeah there will be some procurements especially Arudhra MPRs.


There are some big ticket deals this year.

(1) MMRCA : The mother of all deal is most likely to be closed this year if nothing goes wrong. If something goes wrong like the allegations against dassault getting true or the negotiations falling apart, then in that case the whole MMRCA will get scrapped because MOD can't just start negotiating with EF then, everybody wants to get in and this time US is going to openly offer F35 and the second time they won't fail to get this deal. IAF will never favor US but its not IAF who is gonna chose but the MOD, which can be easily purchased.

(2) Basic Trainer : This deal might even be the first deal of this year. Everything in this deal was done in a remarkable time.

(3) Heavy attack chopper : This deal might also get signed this year.

(4) Heavy lift chopper : IA is pressuring MOD to clear this deal quickly. If M777 deal gets cleared this year, so will this deal, even if it means delaying heavy attack chopper deal.

(5) LUH : Will get signed because of IA.

(6) Tanker : Don't know what will happen here but its most likely to be signed next year because of reopening of the tender.

(7) SAM : To plug the gap IAF might purchase MRSAM. An RFI was issued last year, this deal will be signed quickly so that the gap can be filled until Barak system enters the service. In short this deal will be signed this eyar or next. US offers of SLAMRAAM/NASAMS is attractive but this might be selected because of lack of ToT. Israeli Spyder MRSAM is no doubt the favorite but there's slight chance for MBDA (VL-MICA) also.

(8) SRSAM and VSHORAD : RFI for them were also issued. They are also equally important but since not all deals can be signed quickly and considering trials are also not yet done. IAF might have to decide to rpioritize between them or MRSAM, i think IAF will go for MRSAM. This deal might take a couple years.


Not sure about new deals but the money from previous deals will be paid.

(1) FFG : Work on P17a is likely to start and so money is likely to go to MDL and GRSE. 100 million $ of cost escalation of Talwar will be paid if its not paid already.

(2) Naval LUH : Not sure when it will be signed but it will be signed in a couple years.

(3) 16 MMRH deal : This 10 ton category multi role chopper deal will most likely be signed this year. Field evaluation trials are over, now only one thing that can dealy this deal is some stupid, desperate attempt from the losing side. This number is likely to rise to 60.

(4) Minesweepers : 8 Minesweeper deal is likely to be signed this year. South KOrean minesweepers are selected by IN.

(5) SSBN : Two more SSBNs are ssanctioned according to some reports. If its true then some money will go here since its already been sanctioned.

(6) Medium MPA : 9 MPA's procurement is sanctioned by MOD. Not sure when it will be closed because last i heard there were no trials conducted for this deal.

(7) P8i follow-on : If not signed yet then it will be signed this year.


Add whatever i have missed to this list....

I totally forgot about UAVs, all three services wants more UAVs in every category (Mini, MALE, HALE). There will huge deals signed in the next 3 years starting from this year especially IA and IAF.
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