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Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

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How did you miss the flag.;)



Pakistan Ordinance Factory to face ever worst financial crisis if Rs 21 billion are not provided: NA defence production committee told

ONLINE - International News Network

Ouch, thats gonna hurt. So much for indigenous tech ( OR NOT) that lead you straight to crashes and bankruptcy
Why did not put China?? North Korea? :rofl:

Actually it is 99.99%, Indians only did the paint job! Happy? For every Indian launcher there is a same launcher in Russia. Thus all Indian systems 100% successful, none ever failed. They suddenly appear.... no one knows from where they came and who developed them! They never fail just unlike everyone does, either it is USA, Russia, Japan, China or EU. We cannot make a car but we develop missiles, nukes, cruise missiles.Our people highly failed all over the world. lol

Now, try to learn series..... Indian paint jobs....






coming up with different angle photo shots will still not change the fact ......

But India still needs crucial help. A recent Pentagon study cites composites, electronics, computers, sensors and navigation equipment as some of the technologies in which India is still weak.

And india needs foreigner help
Looking forward to more photo shopped images from sites like moinansari.com that u just used.
try google and put "edited images that can make me happy: in search space and do come back with images like this.

In between if u need some images of indian rockets sending satellites to space do post me back. i will surely provide original images. coz i dont believe in doing something fake.:cheers:
Accusation FAIL'...... Frankly never heard of the site. All very basic and original. Can provide link. :azn:
Accusation FAIL'...... Frankly never heard of the site. All very basic and original. Can provide link. :azn:



add h in the beginning

and when u go to the original site .. u see a name called rupeenews.
In this order launches had taken place since 1979 SLV, ASLV, PSLV, GSLV, GSLV III
Indeed we have shown the world our capabilities in space, Also we earn money by launching satellites of other countries.
We Indians will be really happy if you guys also show your space capabilities :cheers:

Click here

India has only shown the world that India does a good job at proliferating Imported Space missiles technology towards military use with foreigner assistance.

Ironically Indian Space missile technology development started with assembling French Sounding rockets at home and calling it indigenous and SLV was a copy of American Scout missile and called that a indigenous 4 stage missile.

Pakistan Ordinance Factory to face ever worst financial crisis if Rs 21 billion are not provided: NA defence production committee told

ONLINE - International News Network

Ouch, thats gonna hurt. So much for indigenous tech ( OR NOT) that lead you straight to crashes and bankruptcy
As the saying goes, by merely focusing on a pointing finger, you are oblivious to the spectrum in distant galaxy.
Since you are in oblivion, POF had to put on hold $500 Million of export orders due to in house demand, since PA is in last phase of operations, their demand will decline and focus will be on export, but i don't expect you to conceive this as you have to import to meet your needs.:azn:
Click here

India has only shown the world that India does a good job at proliferating Imported Space missiles technology towards military use with foreigner assistance.

Ironically Indian Space missile technology development started with assembling French Sounding rockets at home and calling it indigenous and SLV was a copy of American Scout missile and called that a indigenous 4 stage missile.

Can you find another older article .. this is only 15 years old. 1995. if u can get something from 1800s??? or maybe 1000 BC??/

---------- Post added at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ----------

As the saying goes, by merely focusing on a pointing finger, you are oblivious to the spectrum in distant galaxy.
Since you are in oblivion, POF had to put on hold $500 Million of export orders due to in house demand, since PA is in last phase of operations, their demand will decline and focus will be on export, but i don't expect you to conceive this as you have to import to meet your needs.:azn:

what happened to the picture post?? i am waiting for ur original sourse.. u said u never heard of that site right??/:D
"indigenous failure" yes.
Indigenous technology NO.


because Russia supplied India with whole bunch of Cryogenic rockets and technology. This failure was because the engine was assembled in india with russian assistance.

Russia supplied cryogenic engines. We failed to assemble it right. India is so bad in assembling cryogenic rockets. No problem ...

We have a long record of assembled successful launches. In your book, we failed to assemble, in my book we just failed.
well , first of all hello to both my indian and pak friend i am new to this form perhaps i can make the environment a bit bubbly. Anyways i was reading both parties view , to be honest i was bit dissapointed about its failure,but as they say that each failure leads to sucess so i am pretty sure things in the coming one year will be sorted out by isro.now aall may not have been well as for now but my heart say all will be well in the next 1 year.
Now as far as the pakistani friends are concerned, this making fun attitude wont do any good to ur reputation. The problem is that i find each and every indi-pak guy blaming each other well and we are expecting both countries to maintain peace goodness gracius.
India received around 6 cryogenics engines from Russia.

3 used, 4th engine failed and 2 more in stock.

without the knowledge US india cannot even break the seal of the


dont ask for links. Google can help u.
You are a complete idiot. Atleast if you are doing quote mining and cherry picking, you shouldn't have provided the source. But since you pictured your avatar as a dog, no surprise in masterful post produced by feeble 2 pond brain of yours


Why you posted New York Times - Jan 30, 1993 article when New York Times - Jul 18, 1993 article clrealy debunks it

Now take this slap on your high moral face

India Asserts It Will Develop Rocket Engines - NYTimes.com

My "dog" avatar is a indian face reflector which at the moment is reflecting your shame full "high moral face" which is feeble 2 pond brain.
Listen kid. If you wanna get personal then come to a different forum network54 WAFF where i can pick you like hell along with rest of the indian retards who are getting bashed and trashed. I am very capable of swearing calling names etc as well but this forum is civil and not a gutter snip hand out place where you belong the bha-ra-t-raksaw.

coming back to the topic. Their is absolutely nothing wrong in stating a sources which is very essential to the history of Indo-russian space projects. Learn to accept the truth which our religion islam tells us and i am not even sure about you.

Your 2010 NYT article only states what indians are claiming, nothing more. No non-indian analysis are claiming cryogenic engine to be "indigenously" developed at most it could be "indigenously assembled" via TOT from Russia as they supplied india with batches of Cryogenic engines. Its only India who are denying Russian contribution to this projects and they are stealing credits from others and tagging foreigner technology as indigenous to satisfy indian ego like yours with false facts.
As the saying goes, by merely focusing on a pointing finger, you are oblivious to the spectrum in distant galaxy.
Since you are in oblivion, POF had to put on hold $500 Million of export orders due to in house demand, since PA is in last phase of operations, their demand will decline and focus will be on export, but i don't expect you to conceive this as you have to import to meet your needs.:azn:

Which weapons do you export ? MP5 SMG which Pakistan produces under license from H&K ? And royality goes back to H&K. Growler and you are worth nothing, accusing India of copying tech whereas your own nation couldn't build a rifle for itself. Oh sorry, i forgot needles and sweing machines speech of AQ KHAN.

We don't need a clean chit from fanboys and haters when their own house couldn't build needles. So try uplifting yourself rather than bringing us down to your level.
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