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Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

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You are a complete idiot. Atleast if you are doing quote mining and cherry picking, you shouldn't have provided the source. But since you pictured your avatar as a dog, no surprise in masterful post produced by feeble 2 pond brain of yours


Why you posted New York Times - Jan 30, 1993 article when New York Times - Jul 18, 1993 article clrealy debunks it

Now take this slap on your high moral face

India Asserts It Will Develop Rocket Engines - NYTimes.com

Well detected Imran....a very sharp point indeed ...
But brother I already pointed out one of these these points...but he is in no mood to face it....I doubt he will also manage links from somewhere claiming TATA is Russian and ISRO is a banned organistaion...rehne dein bhai jaan..fizul ka kharcha hai...
we are well on our way and we dont need their certification to prove the tech to be Indian...:cheers:
It's not a failure. One more step towards accomplishing our ambition. ISRO has always came back strongly. I am just waiting for the next launch of GSLV :cheers:
Moreover our engines performed well, it seems the problem is with the verniers.
I think u got the pic from achievements session of SUPARCO website.


Having problems recognizing your cousins ....:cheers:

So its a Pakistani satellite launcher with Indian paint? :woot: As Musharraf said Pakistan is truly ahead of India.
this is getting boring guys..stop the unnecessary bickering. today's launch failed, it is ISRO's responsibility to research the causes and rectify it. and based on their past performance (unlike DRDO), most of us can hope they would succeed down the line. I do not have concrete proof if the cry engine is in-house, and I'm willing to admit that its technology was transferred, the fact of the matter is we're using it for development purposes (not against any other nation) so I don't see any reason to belittle the efforts of our (and russian) engineers.
How about we end the girl fights now?
first of all the next time when you post your usual BS, dont hit enter so much, it wont help you win any arguments.

I have already told u indeed its a technology once mastered by foreigners which we are mastering now.

What mastering mastering? The Cryogenic engine is a Russian supplied technology transfer with their assistance and now india has able to assemble it on its own and You people are calling it "indigenously" developed engine. Stop stealing credits from others.

Reply back if u have valid points not with some old media reports.
So whats bad about 15 -16 year year old reports? So should History subjects be thrown out schools colleges and universities because they are too old?

Remember cryogenics is the study of the production of very low temperature (below −150 °C, −238 °F or 123 K) and the behavior of materials at those temperatures
Ya so? Are you pretending to be an Einstein?

Cryogenic engine is an engine that uses propellants in liquid form.
I am glad you can use wikipedia.
first of all the next time when you post your usual BS, dont hit enter so much, it wont help you win any arguments.

What mastering mastering? The Cryogenic engine is a Russian supplied technology transfer with their assistance and now india has able to assemble it on its own and You people are calling it "indigenously" developed engine. Stop stealing credits from others.

So whats bad about 15 -16 year year old reports? So should History subjects be thrown out schools colleges and universities because they are too old?

Ya so? Are you pretending to be an Einstein?

I am glad you can use wikipedia.

I am glad that you can at least spell the word R-O-C-K-E-T.:cheers:
Failure is the stepping stone to success. It was an indigenous failure :azn: and I am sure members from Pakistan will agree.

In one year we will try the next launch. Inshallah, jeet hamari hogi :cheers:

"indigenous failure" yes.
Indigenous technology NO.


because Russia supplied India with whole bunch of Cryogenic rockets and technology. This failure was because the engine was assembled in india with russian assistance.
Twisted logic? Like Cryogenic engines used in GSLV is russian? .

Incorrect, Russia did sold us engines but without TOT.

Its simple really, Indigenous tech >>> Crashes, Foreign tech >> No crashes like the case of Pakistan.

Pakistan inducts missiles in 2 tests with 100% success ?? I mean Pakistan has to be smartest group of people in the world.

I reiterate AQ Khan statement, directly from horse's mouth that end up as your biggest embarassment

"The speed of our work and our achievements surprised our worst enemies and adversaries and the West stood helplessly by to see a Third World nation, unable even to produce bicycle chains or sewing needles, mastering the most advanced nuclear technology in the shortest possible span of time,"

bicycle chains and sweing needles

:lol: :lol: :rofl:
don't worry, the main thruster workd perfectly, the malfunction was on two vernier thrusters(for minor adjustments in the orientation/ path). it will be rectified.

istead of cryogenic vernier thrusters, ion thrusters can also be used.
How did you miss the flag.;)


Looking forward to more photo shopped images from sites like moinansari.com that u just used.
try google and put "edited images that can make me happy: in search space and do come back with images like this.

In between if u need some images of indian rockets sending satellites to space do post me back. i will surely provide original images. coz i dont believe in doing something fake.:cheers:
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