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Indian Carrier Delayed again, will be at least three years late.

India announced that its first locally designed and built aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, will be at least three years late. This was not unexpected. The latest delay was caused, in large part, because the Indian firm hired to build a complex portion of the engine, the gearbox, proved incapable of the task and a foreign company had to be brought in.

There have been many other problems. While construction began three years ago, it was soon delayed because Russia was late in supplying the high-grade steel needed for the hull. Last December 30, the Vikrant was floated out its dry dock. Vikrant was not supposed to leave dry dock yet but the dock was needed for another project. Construction will go on, with pipes, conduits, and other fittings installed. Later this year Vikrant will return to another dry dock to have its engines and other major equipment installed, although some of that equipment will be late because of problems with suppliers.

Naval Air: New Indian Carrier Delayed Again

Why delay all the time!? :help:

So it means that the Russians got lucky again and they can now offer the ONLY CARRIER they have which is going through upgrade and this can be given to INAF along with Su-33MKI to INAF other than the MiG-29Ks and may be some LADA submarines too. And Russians will go for their planned 6 new N-carriers and will gain restart of their Su-33MKI production for INAF. Hoping Just!!!!

Heard that IN is looking for 4 LHD and 2 LPDs????
Where are these and what are the available options explain in details???
In my opinion it will be 6 LHD and 4/6 LPDs
So it means that the Russians got lucky again and they can now offer the ONLY CARRIER they have which is going through upgrade and this can be given to INAF along with Su-33MKI to INAF other than the MiG-29Ks and may be some LADA submarines too. And Russians will go for their planned 6 new N-carriers and will gain restart of their Su-33MKI production for INAF. Hoping Just!!!!

Heard that IN is looking for 4 LHD and 2 LPDs????
Where are these and what are the available options explain in details???
In my opinion it will be 6 LHD and 4/6 LPDs

India is not buying any other carrier except Viki from Russia. I doubt Russia is really building 6 N-carriers,
from what RusNavy chief told mediapersons in 2010, a naval version of PAK-FA will be based on
the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier in Russian Navy by 2020, which obviously means Russia has no plans of giving
away the Kuznetsov to anyone.

About the Flanker-D,,,India again has no plans to buy that plane who's production line is already closed.

In fact Russian Navy has ordered 24 MiG-29Ks to place on Kuznetsov in place of Su-33s, which will be
decommissioned from the Kuzi soon. The Flanker is ineffecient for carrier ops and I laugh at Chinese Navy
for using the J-15 (copy of Su-33) on their floating casino Varyag. That Varyag will never be able
to achieve fully operational standards in combat terms what such an inefficiant ac like
J-15/Su-33. Developing
the J-15 was a mistake. It's going to be a waste of money.

The Indian Navy has upto 50 years of carrier-operating expierience and we know what is what. IN
is never going to do a foolhardy decision like putting a Flanker on a Carrier. The Russians were
money-tight when the Su-33 climbed on the Kuznetsov and sat there...now that India is funding development
of the MiG-29K, Russia too is deciding to throw away the Su-33 and replace it with the far more
efficient Fulcrum-D on Kuzzy.

I feel so sad for China for inducting an inefficient ac like
J-15 for operating from their
only aircraft carrier Varyag.:)

The Chinese will realise their mistake by fall 2013 and then it'll be too late to do anything.:lol:


The Chinese aircraft carrier dream is shattered,,,the brain should work sharply not just about choosing/
buying a half-finished carrier,,,but also about selecting the right aircraft for it. China is too
young and immature in this field, India has 50 years exp. and we're making just the right
decision selecting the Fulcrum for Vikky
So it means that the Russians got lucky again and they can now offer the ONLY CARRIER they have which is going through upgrade and this can be given to INAF along with Su-33MKI to INAF other than the MiG-29Ks and may be some LADA submarines too. And Russians will go for their planned 6 new N-carriers and will gain restart of their Su-33MKI production for INAF. Hoping Just!!!!

Heard that IN is looking for 4 LHD and 2 LPDs????
Where are these and what are the available options explain in details???
In my opinion it will be 6 LHD and 4/6 LPDs
Buddy althrough i like your post as they not Anti Indian.....But alot of times you go over board.....so to clarify few things to you

a}India won't go for any other Used ACC as now we have the capabilty to produce it ourself and three year delay is nothing when you consider that this our first step....

b}India won't go for more Mig29k as the present order fulfill the needs of both IAC1 and INS Vikramaditya....But ya IN will most probably go for around 40-50 Naval Tejas....
India is not buying any other carrier except Viki from Russia. I doubt Russia is really building 6 N-carriers,
from what RusNavy chief told mediapersons in 2010, a naval version of PAK-FA will be based on
the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier in Russian Navy by 2020, which obviously means Russia has no plans of giving
away the Kuznetsov to anyone.

About the Flanker-D,,,India again has no plans to buy that plane who's production line is already closed.

In fact Russian Navy has ordered 24 MiG-29Ks to place on Kuznetsov in place of Su-33s, which will be
decommissioned from the Kuzi soon. The Flanker is ineffecient for carrier ops and I laugh at Chinese Navy
for using the J-15 (copy of Su-33) on their floating casino Varyag. That Varyag will never be able
to achieve fully operational standards in combat terms what such an inefficiant ac like
J-15/Su-33. Developing
the J-15 was a mistake. It's going to be a waste of money.

The Indian Navy has upto 50 years of carrier-operating expierience and we know what is what. IN
is never going to do a foolhardy decision like putting a Flanker on a Carrier. The Russians were
money-tight when the Su-33 climbed on the Kuznetsov and sat there...now that India is funding development
of the MiG-29K, Russia too is deciding to throw away the Su-33 and replace it with the far more
efficient Fulcrum-D on Kuzzy.

I feel so sad for China for inducting an inefficient ac like
J-15 for operating from their
only aircraft carrier Varyag.:)

The Chinese will realise their mistale by fall 2013 and then it'll be too late to do anything.:lol:


The Chinese aircraft carrier dream is shattered,,,the brain should work sharply not just about choosing/
buying a half-finished carrier,,,but also about selecting the right aircraft for it. China is too
young and immature in this field, India has 50 years exp. and we're making just the right
decision selecting the Fulcrum for Vikky

Buddy althrough i like your post as they not Anti Indian.....But alot of times you go over the board.....so to clarify few things to you

a}India won't go for any other Used ACC as now we have the capabilty to produce it ourself and three year delay is nothing when you consider that this our first step....

b}India won't go for more Mig29k as the present order fulfill the needs of both IAC1 and INS Vikramaditya....But ya IN will most probably go for around 40-50 Naval Tejas.....

Both of you were unable to answer one thing that is whats the IN choice for LHDs and LPDs and some member told me that it will be 4LHDs and 2LPDs but I think 8LHDs and 4LPDs
ok everybody ...i will bring tissues......seems everyone is feeling sad for someone or the other........it feels like a cryfest orgy in here !!

Whats the hurry for india...let he take her time with the AC .....there are no other in IOR ......US doesnt bother india anymore....Sino indian conflicts mostly are war of words now...................so let the AC take its sweet time !

hopefully more pipav liek shipyards will be built for faster deployment of the rest of the ships
As has been said, this is old news. But anyway I'm still left with the same reaction to this news- "And??!!!" did anyone EVER say this was going to be an easy task? Was ANYONE expecting the first ever home-built ACC to be a walk in the park? Did anyone expect there wouldn't be a few issues along the way in making one of the most complex weapon systems ever built??

The only people who keep jumping on this news are Chinese members. But if India is really as irrelevant and insignificant as Chinese members here try to make out why the eff do you guys care? And that too at a time when your own ACCs are nowhere to be seen and your renovated Varayg has only just begun sea trails and whose Utilty beyond being a training ship is severely limited. By all accounts India and the IN are streaks ahead of the PLAN in ACC operations and deployment and will remain so for atleast a decade if not more.

The way certain people jump on such news would make it seem there has never been a delay EVER in the history of defence projects! Of course this is not at all true most projects as ambitious as the IAC-1 are delayed and that too when they are the first of their kind- a fact fools here can't accept wrt the LCA and Arjun. However the lessons learnt can be applied for spin off projects and delays later are less likely. If you look around examples are everywhere from the UK and the QE ACCs to the new CVN-22 ACCs of the USN- The PLAN itself is not immune from such delays look at the Varayg for example.
As has been said, this is old news. But anyway I'm still left with the same reaction to this news- "And??!!!" did anyone EVER say this was going to be an easy task? Was ANYONE expecting the first ever home-built ACC to be a walk in the park? Did anyone expect there wouldn't be a few issues along the way in making one of the most complex weapon systems ever built??

The only people who keep jumping on this news are Chinese members. But if India is really as irrelevant and insignificant as Chinese members here try to make out why the eff do you guys care? And that too at a time when your own ACCs are nowhere to be seen and your renovated Varayg has only just begun sea trails and whose Utilty beyond being a training ship is severely limited. By all accounts India and the IN are streaks ahead of the PLAN in ACC operations and deployment and will remain so for atleast a decade if not more.

The way certain people jump on such news would make it seem there has never been a delay EVER in the history of defence projects! Of course this is not at all true most projects as ambitious as the IAC-1 are delayed and that too when they are the first of their kind- a fact fools here can't accept wrt the LCA and Arjun. However the lessons learnt can be applied for spin off projects and delays later are less likely. If you look around examples are everywhere from the UK and the QE ACCs to the new CVN-22 ACCs of the USN- The PLAN itself is not immune from such delays look at the Varayg for example.

The Varyag is not even a ACC.. it's a training ship. The difference is, while PLAN is struggling to come up with a toy ship, THE IN is struggling to come up with an actual one....

ANd the decades of experience of IN in operating a carrier is not even thrown here into the mixture which will lead IN wayy ahead of PLAN in carrier operations..
The Liaoning aka CV16 is a training ship??

Our Indian friends obviously have no idea about PLAN's naming conventions。:cheesy:

The CV16 alone will be more than India's existing carrier forces and the yet-to-be delivered Rusky combined。

Want a bet?By the time China's 1st indigenous CV,which is of a flat-top catapult-launch design,has been inducted into the PLAN,India will be still struggling with the floating empty shell known as INS Vikrant。:no:
Why delay all the time!? :help:
So how the heck does it affect you? Is your daily bread being snatched from under your little nose? Or are you getting walloped by your girl friend just because Vikrant's completion is delayed?

If not then STFU and mind your own business as it is of no concern to you. Unless of course, you are the commander of PLAN who has to strategise on deployment of the Chinese Navy due to the delay.
The Liaoning aka CV16 is a training ship??

Our Indian friends obviously have no idea about PLAN's naming conventions。:cheesy:

The CV16 alone will be more than India's existing carrier forces and the yet-to-be delivered Rusky combined。

Want a bet?By the time China's 1st indigenous CV,which is of a flat-top catapult-launch design,has been inducted into the PLAN,India will be still struggling with the floating empty shell known as INS Vikrant。:no:

CV-16, flat-top, catapult launch design, chinese aircraft carrier :lol:

Look foolish friend, Am I seriously supposed to believe China is building a CATOBAR carrier indigenously??:lol:
if so, then so be it. But tell me this -

1) What exactly does Chinese Navy know about aircraft carriers?
2) Did the PLAN even launch a single jet aircraft from Varyag as yet?
3) Based on what expierience is China supposed to be building a carrier?
4) Even if China does build a carrier, what aircraft will it fly? J-15? Inefficient. J-10AH? Unreliable. Tell me
about it, you're a funny fellow and a big dreamer, just like most Chinese.

Answer the above questions before zooming off into the future where according to you China
will defy gravity and shoot into space to fight aliens in Zeta Reticuli.
Both of you were unable to answer one thing that is whats the IN choice for LHDs and LPDs and some member told me that it will be 4LHDs and 2LPDs but I think 8LHDs and 4LPDs

You are such a demanding little fellow. No pun intended, but HOW ON FREAKING EARTH ARE WE SUPPOSED
TO KNOW???????

The INDIAN NAVY DOES NOT ASK US to decide what ship to buy!! On the other hand, it has been
assumed (mind you, only assumed) that the Mistral-class could be the winner.
Nobody else has got enemies like India whose enemies are more bothered about delays in its defence acquisitions than India itself, considering the fact that these weapons would be used against them if India ever goes to war.

India delay all the time so poor:sick:

India's August exports Big Drop 9.7%

23, Sept

(Reuters) - India's annual exports fell 9.7 percent to $22.3 billion in August, while imports fell about 5.1 percent to $38 billion, leaving a trade deficit of $15.7 billion, a trade ministry official told reporters on Thursday, citing provisional trade data.
August exports down 9.7 pct y/y: trade min official | Reuters

Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!*
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG! :eek::eek::mod::hang2:

We still have Arunachal Pradesh so your argument proves nothing.
India delay all the time so poor:sick:

India's August exports Big Drop 9.7%

23, Sept

(Reuters) - India's annual exports fell 9.7 percent to $22.3 billion in August, while imports fell about 5.1 percent to $38 billion, leaving a trade deficit of $15.7 billion, a trade ministry official told reporters on Thursday, citing provisional trade data.
August exports down 9.7 pct y/y: trade min official | Reuters

Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG!*
Will India Break the Huge Trade Deficit 185 Billions last year? OMG! :eek::eek::mod::hang2:


Man, if there was an Oscar for trolling, u definitely would have won one :D

i mean what has economic data of India has to do with Delayed IAC-1???
was not unexpected. Let the russians come and build it for indians.
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