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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

^^ I am sure that is exactly what they are told,

You mess with the best (PA), you die like the rest. :P[/QUOTE]
2:3 soon it will be 2:13
We have a stupid youtube baby here.

At topic - this madness must stop. Pakistanis seem to think its some kind of one way traffic, pls think carefully, how many hundreds of infiltration attempts have taken place since 2003, how many indian soldiers have died trying to stop that?

The only reason shyte did not hit the roof is because Indians decided not to let that happen. Because we have other priorities. Why this time things seem different is only partly due to the barbaric medieval cult practices of beheadings, the other part I don't think I understand yet.
You did not deflate chit, let me clear that out. You guys talk abt your army that it is full of saints, no it is not.

Lol..then why not have another go another at your theory..."on how India generals were feeling insecure at Pakistani army publishing a green book changing its priorities...hence they killed a single Pakistani soldier to bring Pakistan's focus back on India"

Maybe this time you will be able to weave it better..so that it not moronic like the one above.
Seriously you think ur own army has not beheaded a Pakistani soldier? Yes they have in the past, and on ur own media your own X navy officer confirmed it.

I have never stated otherwise.
You think that your army wants the conflict with Pakistan to end? No they dont, both the armies have their bread and butter connected to it.

Maybe it does not, but it surely wants to win such a conflict, and what better way to win it..than deceive your enemy into false sense of security and then giving one final blow and not start a minuscule gun fight.
You dont think that your started this round of conflict? Yes they did, and your own media has come out to confirm it some what.
Conflict was already on for a long time.
Indians build a bunker(facing India), instead giving a proportionate response that is build a bunker of your own to counter it..you start unprovoked firing on it..Indians give a response and neutralize the position that is harassing them..you intrude in completely different sector and kill two Indian soldiers and behead one

In each every step, you have been the one to escalate the conflict.

You are sure that the indian soldier was beheaded? May be, but why did the indian army not let his own brother see the body.
Yes we are sure, because Indian army is sure..and it carries impeccable record in this field..because it does not lie about its soldiers deaths..unlike yours it does it use its soldiers as expendable commodities(Kargil tut-tut).
Look at your own house that is not clean, and then point fingers at others.

And enough with this conspiracy theory label crap, this is a scapegoat of convenience these days, you ask for the proof of something and baam there u are a conspiracy theorist. Why as much as your army general has the right to bark his @$$ off on TV, and you have to back him up. I have the right to convey my point of view. You dont like it, that is your problem, you want o talk about it cool, but if u cant dont go around calling people a conspiracy theorist because that will make u look more stupid then u actually is. Have a nice day.


Well you are being called a conspiracy theorist ..because you are weaving theories which defy reason and do not have any evidence to support them.
If you had even any one of the points(reason or evidence) support your theory..it could have been considered a plausible explanation...but it does not.
Indian Army meanwhile has completely rejected Pakistan's allegation that there was ever a cross border raid by the 9 Marathas..

Pakistan is unable to help terrorists, getting frustrated: Lt Gen KT Parnaik- Jammu and Kashmir- IBNLive

Talking tough against Pakistan, General Bikram Singh rejected Pakistan's claims of an Indian operation at the Line of Control killing one soldier. "No operation was carried out by the Indian Army on January 6 as claimed by Pakistan," General Bikram Singh said.

Pakistan should stop making allegations out of thin air thus needlessly aggravating the situation..:disagree:
Pakistan won't stop infiltrations until it gets rest of the kashmir, so expecting them to honour LOC and the ceasefire agreement is plain stupidity.
ahhhhhhhhh the same old same old from india! divert the economic slowdown and delhi rape issue towards pakistan! so that opposition and media have something to bark about and decrease the pressure on the rape incident corruption and economic slowdown!
Lol..then why not have another go another at your theory..."on how India generals were feeling insecure at Pakistani army publishing a green book changing its priorities...hence they killed a single Pakistani soldier to bring Pakistan's focus back on India"

Maybe this time you will be able to weave it better..so that it not moronic like the one above.

I have never stated otherwise.

Maybe it does not, but it surely wants to win such a conflict, and what better way to win it..than deceive your enemy into false sense of security and then giving one final blow and not start a minuscule gun fight.

Conflict was already on for a long time.
Indians build a bunker(facing India), instead giving a proportionate response that is build a bunker of your own to counter it..you start unprovoked firing on it..Indians give a response and neutralize the position that is harassing them..you intrude in completely different sector and kill two Indian soldiers and behead one

In each every step, you have been the one to escalate the conflict.

Yes we are sure, because Indian army is sure..and it carries impeccable record in this field..because it does not lie about its soldiers deaths..unlike yours it does it use its soldiers as expendable commodities(Kargil tut-tut).

Well you are being called a conspiracy theorist ..because you are weaving theories which defy reason and do not have any evidence to support them.
If you had even any one of the points(reason or evidence) support your theory..it could have been considered a plausible explanation...but it does not.

If you want me to produce evidence to you the same goes for you as well, but unlike you I am not so retarded as to not know how to use google. See the difference between u and I is that I rather then believing in stuff coming out of the delusional media would rather look at all the sides and then come to a conclusion. And thus being called a conspiracy theorist. Be a zombie if u want to, I have better things to do in life then to keep talking to stupid. As I said before, what ever sails ur boat, have a nice life.
I don't Understand why the **** India is doing so ? & No Comments for our Government of PAKISTAN .
Dont worry, we will gladly reply with interest within the next few days. This time, we will chop off their limbs too.
due to political unrest in Pakistan, it is always happened that some kind of change in dialogue and stance happened between India and Pakistan. be it 2000, be it 2008(just after mUsh resigned) now some doctor from canada motivated the country and some revolution is there. So firing at LOC is expected.
If you want me to produce evidence to you the same goes for you as well, but unlike you I am not so retarded as to not know how to use google. See the difference between u and I is that I rather then believing in stuff coming out of the delusional media would rather look at all the sides and then come to a conclusion. And thus being called a conspiracy theorist. Be a zombie if u want to, I have better things to do in life then to keep talking to stupid. As I said before, what ever sails ur boat, have a nice life.

I am not stating any theories, which I formulated on my own , instead I gave you the list of chain events which have happened in past few months in that sector.Now you can choose to put two and two together ..or your can keep on believing the "insecurity" stuff you came up with.
I am not stating any theories, which I formulated on my own , instead I gave you the list of chain events which have happened in past few months in that sector.Now you can choose to put two and two together ..or your can keep on believing the "insecurity" stuff you came up with.

Dude what part of what every rocks ur boat u didnt get, seriously stop behaving like a kid who wants the last word so he can feel that he is the winner. Tell u what please make another chit post and feel that u have won. Wont be bothering with u on this subject any more. Have a nice something may be a life.
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