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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

Being an administrator, if you indulge in such statements, nothing much can be expected from your other colleagues.

IA deserves worst, for continuously killing people. Now that your own media has alleged that the 6 Jan killings on Pak side were due to IA commanding officer who was known for being a hardliner extremist.

Instead of owing to its mistake the IA chief told all his commanders to start firing at Pak, thereby effectively ending the 2003 ceasefire treaty which shows IA main ooper se lekar neeche tak sab hi chawwal hain.
Actually this type of coward & immature act by Indian Army can bring out the anger in anyone.
I agree, the IA is a pathetic institution ..

a) It does not take over the country.
b) Does not abrogate the constitution but ' pathetically' abides by it.
c) Does not run parallel Govts.
d) Has no ' Fauji Foundations' for institutional you know what ..
e) Does not hob nob with fundamentalista, terrorists & the like.
f) Keeps an eye on what happens around its Premire training institutions unlike Abbotabad
g) Does its job and not lose a wing of the nation yet claim to be saviors.

The list is endless. If this is how ' pathetic' institutions function, may everything in India be ' pathetic".

It would be appreciated if the PA would do as suggested. Pak should make the most of its rotational president ship of the UNSC and try to internationalize everything - if it can &if it is heard.

1) It rapes and kills Kashmiri women, children and elderly at will
2) It includes and supports hindu terrorist like Shev Sena and run with BJP's agenda. Crushes internal Christian and Muslim minorities
3) When minorities seek protection, the 'Brave' soldiers turn their eyes in the other direction and let humanity get desecrated by the Hindu terrorist mob, where they are free to destroy other's places of worships, burn homes with live people living in them, beat and openly kill others due to religious differences
4) Attack on the other side and destroy a 9 year old peace agreement and RISK 1.5 billion innocent and majority poor people's lives with a nuclear war
5) Rejects the proofs given by the Pakistani side and lie about not starting anything. When the same proofs were given to the UN, you refuse to talk to the UN as you know you are guilty !!!
MAN, you do have a very manly army with human garbage mentality and lack for human life, both outside and inside your country. Read my previous post and shed a tear or two if you have a human in your heart somewhere. There are pretty sad videos in there of how manly or strong you are....
But you already have Hindu Jihadees....when are you going to control the internal terrorism within your country???? If you take a look at the numbers, your crazy hindu talibaans kill thousands more people per year that anything external. Killing Christians, Muslims Raping and killing women, elderly and children is all you guys have been doing for decades. Just a few months ago, your crazy Shev Sena and other attacked a Christian village and burned houses with scores of people inside sleeping. The rest of the community had to run to the nearest jungle to seek refuge.....the Pope had to call your PM and ask for security to be provided to the Christian community. This happens to the Muslim community on regular basis. So who in India will be prosecuting these Hindu terrorists who've killed thousands of your Non-Hindu citizens???? Seems like India is only for Hindus or a democracy on media to impress others!!!

Muslim community?? Thats why we got A. P. J. Abdul Kalam as a president of india that to via election. A Big exmple for youq big mouth.
IA deserves worst, for continuously killing people. Now that your own media has alleged that the 6 Jan killings on Pak side were due to IA commanding officer who was known for being a hardliner extremist.

Instead of owing to its mistake the IA chief told all his commanders to start firing at Pak, thereby effectively ending the 2003 ceasefire treaty which shows IA main ooper se lekar neeche tak sab hi chawwal hain.

Quoting from Indian media whenever it suits you, nice!

The same Indian media also writes this:
Pakistan violates ceasefire again, fifth time since flag meeting: latest developments | NDTV.com

And I can give you a thousand links on how many ceasefire violations your army has done since 2003.

Don't get into this, you will loose.
Aurangazeb..what a strange name for an evangelist loony of possibly Pak heritage..:blink:

And spare me the Youtube Education...Only noobs who have nothing better to do in life indulge in that..:lol:

Also the topic is about India-Pakistan LOC..so dont go offtopic.

I will ignore your emotional evangelical Pak heritage deal. Truth hurts and you all respond with the same sentence. I am used to it so no worries. Back the topic, you tube exposed the truth. Your people also watch it when they are tired of coding Java. I've seen that. lol. So, take that you tube videos as a proof of what you are doing. Trust me, those weren't created by the Pakistani friends. And the topic is on LOC? The same LOC where your soldiers rape hundreds of women a year, kill women, children and men as they please? Torture people to show power and support terrorism by Hindu terrorists within your country against the minorities? You can't hide the truth by calling me names or someone else whatever other bs. The truth is, one of the largest portion of humans gets killed in India due to Hindu terrorism. THAT's a fact and reality. The world will one day look into it!!!
IA deserves worst, for continuously killing people. Now that your own media has alleged that the 6 Jan killings on Pak side were due to IA commanding officer who was known for being a hardliner extremist.

Instead of owing to its mistake the IA chief told all his commanders to start firing at Pak, thereby effectively ending the 2003 ceasefire treaty which shows IA main ooper se lekar neeche tak sab hi chawwal hain.

Cease fire of 2003 has held till date with only a few hundred violations inbetween by both sides..:lol:

I will ignore your emotional evangelical Pak heritage deal. Truth hurts and you all respond with the same sentence. I am used to it so no worries. Back the topic, you tube exposed the truth. Your people also watch it when they are tired of coding Java. I've seen that. lol. So, take that you tube videos as a proof of what you are doing. Trust me, those weren't created by the Pakistani friends. And the topic is on LOC? The same LOC where your soldiers rape hundreds of women a year, kill women, children and men as they please? Torture people to show power and support terrorism by Hindu terrorists within your country against the minorities? You can't hide the truth by calling me names or someone else whatever other bs. The truth is, one of the largest portion of humans gets killed in India due to Hindu terrorism. THAT's a fact and reality. The world will one day look into it!!!

Aurangazeb, spare me the verbal diarrhea...I dont give two hoots to what mad evangelists who are despised in America froth in their mouths about India..:wave:
Indian army is a pathetic institution, PA should be the bigger man and not engage in cyclical violence and take the matter to international forums.

Really? As if PA is not involved in violations to provide covering fire for the militants who cross over and kill civilians, sarpanchs and soldiers??? Heck the pakistani kashmiri civilians on pakistani kashmir side protest every year to make PA stop this dangerous game. This was last year, i can post previous ones too.

Now tell me, how many infilteration attempts took place in the last one year and how many indian soldiers died stopping those?

Strike in Neelum valley against militant activities | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

MUZAFFARABAD, Aug 5: Residents of Neelum valley observed a strike on Sunday in protest against alleged activities of outlawed militant groups as talks between them and an official team failed to take any decision over the matter, sources said.

Businesses and shops in the valley mostly remained closed on Sunday, they said.

Former AJK minister Mufti Mansoor-ur-Rehman, Neelum Bar Association president Mir Gohar Rehman and Mir Nazir Danish briefed the official team comprising Muzaffarabad commissioner Sardar Zafar Khan and DIG Khalid Mahmood Chauhan about the looming threat to the valley’s peace in the wake of dangerous activities of proscribed militant groups.

The talks which were held in a government guesthouse in Athmuqam, some 80km northeast of here, followed a protest march on Friday during which similar demands were made by the residents feeling insecure after scattered rocket attacks on Indian posts by some unknown people.

The Neelum valley straddles the Line of Control (LoC) which saw regular skirmishes and artillery duels between Indian and Pakistani troops, causing mostly civilian causalities, until both sides struck a ceasefire deal on Nov 26, 2003.

“The activities of the banned outfits have caused serious concern from one end of the valley to the other and we will not allow anyone to use our territory for ‘terrorist activities’ against anyone,” the official team was told by the residents.

They recalled that they had suffered the worst physical and material losses in the days of escalation along the LoC and could not afford its recurrence in the aftermath of any misadventure.

They demanded that law-enforcement agencies should immediately expel all those elements from the valley “who were bent upon ruining its peace and tranquillity for vested interests”, according to the sources.

The official team assured them that their demands would be presented to the high-ups and in the meanwhile they should end their protest.

Syed Naseer Kazmi, a member of the Neelum Bar, told reporters that the talks had failed and their protest against the outlawed militant groups would continue.

“We will stage a complete ‘wheel-jam’ strike in the valley on Aug 9,” he said.

This correspondent made several attempts to ascertain the views of the official team, but its members were not available for comments.
That's the best you can come up with??? I can eff off but you guys can brutally conduct terrorism to poor innocent and kill innocents at will? Rape women when your soldiers in uniform want to? Kill Children and Elderly to check your guns?? Burn thousands of people in their homes live and do that to the whole village? You do sound like a man or human garbage supporting such cruelty.

Here's how you treat Christians and Kashmiris in your democratically terrorist India:
IF u are Really from US ..u must be last person to Advocate peace protest and human right........THere is no other country in world which has more blood of innocent ppl on there hand....period:angry:

And if u are false flagger pakistani ...shame on you....Jisko Destroy karne ki kasam kate ho, usi ke flag ke peche chupte ho..........aur kitna niche girogay :sick:
Deploy snipers and start the dog shoot. Only answer these guys will understand.
Copycats! This is what the Indians have been doing all along! But we don't call it a dog shoot. We call it a duck shoot!
Please Lord show Indian Army the vengenance & wrath of God for the numerous crimes they have done against humanity & Muslims in Indian occupied Kashmir and let the miserable status of the Indian Army be a lesson to future aggressors
1) It rapes and kills Kashmiri women, children and elderly at will
2) It includes and supports hindu terrorist like Shev Sena and run with BJP's agenda. Crushes internal Christian and Muslim minorities
3) When minorities seek protection, the 'Brave' soldiers turn their eyes in the other direction and let humanity get desecrated by the Hindu terrorist mob, where they are free to destroy other's places of worships, burn homes with live people living in them, beat and openly kill others due to religious differences
4) Attack on the other side and destroy a 9 year old peace agreement and RISK 1.5 billion innocent and majority poor people's lives with a nuclear war
5) Rejects the proofs given by the Pakistani side and lie about not starting anything. When the same proofs were given to the UN, you refuse to talk to the UN as you know you are guilty !!!
MAN, you do have a very manly army with human garbage mentality and lack for human life, both outside and inside your country. Read my previous post and shed a tear or two if you have a human in your heart somewhere. There are pretty sad videos in there of how manly or strong you are....

Thanks for your verbal diarrhea,

Defense minister = Christian
Prev president = (Abdul Kahlam) Muslim

the people that governed this nation, their names itself has debunked your theory go take a hike
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