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Indian admits Indians have an obsession with Pakistan

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The fact is that every year since Pakistan's inception, Indians have been predicting the dissolution of the Pakistani nation, yet they have to vent their frustrations when they see Pakistan alive & kicking. They even build anti-Pakistan sentiments in their people through their media, & through their political parties & their political system, particularly in Indian Muslims, in fear that Indian Muslims will change their loyalties, & resort to Pakistan. Which is why Indian Muslims occasionally have their loyalties brought into question.

do you even think before typing?? thats a dumb post but i am not surprised
The fact is that every year since Pakistan's inception, Indians have been predicting the dissolution of the Pakistani nation, yet they have to vent their frustrations when they see Pakistan alive & kicking. They even build anti-Pakistan sentiments in their people through their media, & through their political parties & their political system, particularly in Indian Muslims, in fear that Indian Muslims will change their loyalties, & resort to Pakistan. Which is why Indian Muslims occasionally have their loyalties brought into question.

What proof do you have for the BS you have written

Great observation!

The very fact you are still to find your feet should speak volumes about your insecurity!

No more violence on Muslims by Muslims?

All calm?

Look stop making me write more.

Get the permission from the Moderators and I will educate you as to who is insecure and tottering and who has an identity crisis!!

Don't worry about me, I know exactly where my feet are. Please educate me about my insecurity, when you are on a Pakistani Forum, telling Pakistanis about Pakistan, commenting on Pakistani issues, outnumbering Pakistani members on this forum. Please tell me about insecurity, when the Indian government 'welcomes suspension of aid to Pakistan', or on any other issue, when it complains to the US & the world about Pakistan. Tell me, why aren't you so vocal about the problems caused by countries like Nepal, Bangladesh inside your country?
My mom is an Indian Muslim (born & raised in India), my whole mother's family lives in India. My father was born in India, & he has some family there as well. I know what I'm talking about. While Indian Muslims have their loyalties to India first, the state has a very deep-rooted insecurity & fear about their loyalties, & there are examples in my own family where they were accused of being loyal towards Pakistan. I hope you understand what I'm saying. No one in Pakistan doubts the love Indian Muslims have for India, however, there are many Indians that have that doubt about Indian Muslims. In fact, not one single person in Pakistan doubts the loyalty of Pakistani Hindus towards Pakistan.

still you rape them, beat them and forcefully convert them !! and the way you exploit Christians on regular basis is shocking
My mom is an Indian Muslim (born & raised in India), my whole mother's family lives in India. My father was born in India, & he has some family there as well. I know what I'm talking about. While Indian Muslims have their loyalties to India first, the state has a very deep-rooted insecurity & fear about their loyalties, & there are examples in my own family where they were accused of being loyal towards Pakistan. I hope you understand what I'm saying. No one in Pakistan doubts the love Indian Muslims have for India, however, there are many Indians that have that doubt about Indian Muslims. In fact, not one single person in Pakistan doubts the loyalty of Pakistani Hindus towards Pakistan.
Original Post By bilalhaider

The problem is not being loyal to Pakistan.

The real problem is that not wanting to integrate. If India claims to be secular then it must be secular. No demand for preferential treatment,

Now, let us for once, look at it beyond what is being done. Muslims got their homeland. So, all the difference should have finished. Whoever stayed behind or whoever was the majority should all been Indians and not Hindus, Muslims,. Christians, just as Jinnah said for Pakistan on 11 Aug Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

Instead for vote banks, the divide was encouraged and as the years went by made it more deep. Now, the Muslim want their identity separate from the others. Christian and Hindus are under Common Code.

Take Pakistan, unlike India where Muslims allowed and encouraged their 'separateness', you apply the Muslim Law, Sharia, on all!

You don't even recognise Hindu marriages!!!!

Pak Hindu couple prove point

Islamabad, July 11 (PTI): A Hindu couple tied the knot outside a press club in southern Pakistan to protest against the absence of a law for registering marriages of the minority community.

Mukhesh and Padma walked around a ceremonial fire seven times outside the press club in Hyderabad, the second largest city in Sindh province.

The ceremony was devoid of the “pomp and splendour which is the essence of traditional Hindu weddings” as the couple wanted to highlight the minority community’s demand for laws that register their marriages, The Express Tribune newspaper reported.

“Since 1947, Hindu couples have not been legally accepted as husband and wife,” said Guru Sukh Dev, who solemnised the wedding. “Consequently, many domestic, social and psychological problems arise for Hindu families, especially for the women,” he said.
Pak Hindu couple prove point

So, get to know the reality before venting spleen!!

It is not loyalty, it is just that the Muslims want to be separate from Indian psyche.

Would you accept if the minorities do not integrate with Pakistan's psyche?

Forget about not integrating with the Pakistani psyche, you force the Islamic laws on them when they do not believe in Islam!

India does not do that, not even the common code on Muslims!

It has nothing to with Pakistan.
Don't worry about me, I know exactly where my feet are. Please educate my about insecurity, when you are on a Pakistani Forum, telling Pakistanis about Pakistan, commenting on Pakistani issues, outnumbering Pakistani members on this forum. Please tell me about insecurity when the Indian government 'welcomes suspension of aid to Pakistan', or on any other issue, when it complains to the US & the world about Pakistan. Tell me, why aren't you so vocal about the problems caused by countries like Nepal, Bangladesh inside your country?

Not only Indians, but 10-15 other nationality are here.

Pakistan would welcome suspension of aid to India, if god forbid, India and Pakistan were to swap places.

So stop making excuses. We are not vocal about Nepal etc, because they are not our enemy and there is not much news about them, as much as Pakistan.
Don't worry about me, I know exactly where my feet are. Please educate me about my insecurity, when you are on a Pakistani Forum, telling Pakistanis about Pakistan, commenting on Pakistani issues, outnumbering Pakistani members on this forum. Please tell me about insecurity when the Indian government 'welcomes suspension of aid to Pakistan', or on any other issue, when it complains to the US & the world about Pakistan. Tell me, why aren't you so vocal about the problems caused by countries like Nepal, Bangladesh inside your country?

I don't worry about you.

Actually, you are not worth the attention.

I care about PDF.

You are merely a polluting factor and that worries me!

Fortunately the PDF is not owned nor you are in the team. It would have been the pits, the cesspool if you were there!

I thank Heavens for small mercies!
I don't worry about you.

Actually, you are not worth the attention.

I care about PDF.

You are merely a polluting factor and that worries me!

Fortunately the PDF is not owned nor you are in the team. It would have been the pits, the cesspool if you were there!

I thank Heavens for small mercies!

Come on Tikibhai thats a bit harsh. We all get a bit excitable sometimes. You know what they say hate and love are emotions that are not far from each other and that is the relationship we pakistanis and indians have no matter how much we deny it.
The problem is not being loyal to Pakistan.

The real problem is that not wanting to integrate. If India claims to be secular then it must be secular. No demand for preferential treatment,

Now, let us for once, look at it beyond what is being done. Muslims got their homeland. So, all the difference should have finished. Whoever stayed behind or whoever was the majority should all been Indians and not Hindus, Muslims,. Christians, just as Jinnah said for Pakistan on 11 Aug Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

Instead for vote banks, the divide was encouraged and as the years went by made it more deep. Now, the Muslim want their identity separate from the others. Christian and Hindus are under Common Code.

Take Pakistan, unlike India where Muslims allowed and encouraged their 'separateness', you apply the Muslim Law, Sharia, on all!

You don't even recognise Hindu marriages!!!!

So, get to know the reality before venting spleen!!

It is not loyalty, it is just that the Muslims want to be separate from Indian psyche.

Would you accept if the minorities do not integrate with Pakistan's psyche?

When you force the Islamic laws on them when they do not believe in Islam!

India does not do that, not even the common code on Muslims!

It has nothing to with Pakistan.

Bill for Hindu Marriage Act to be tabled soon:

Pakistan Hindu Post (PHP): Bill for Hindu Marriage Act to be tabled soon , Pakistan

Again, the myths that the Indian Muslims don't want to integrate has been refuted many times. Just read the Sachar Commission Report.

I am glad you agree that the divide was encouraged over the years, & made more deep by the Indian government.

The highest authority/body for Muslims in India, the "Dar Uloom Deoband" in UP doesn't recognize marriages with Hindus.

India has not enacted the Anand marriage act either. And India does not recognize the rights of Muslims to perform Eid ul Azha in its traditional, Islamic way, because it would cause offense to the majority/Hindu masses. There are plenty of such examples.
Yes, it is officially Indians are obsessions with Pakistan in many issues, which is unfortunately not solved.

Whatever I create new thread related to Pakistan/US btw, Indians members stormed to troll there. And I create friendship btw Pakistan/China, Indians again troll everything. This is called "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)" clearly. Not only this, Infraction record prove it.
I don't worry about you.

Actually, you are not worth the attention.

I care about PDF.

You are merely a polluting factor and that worries me!

Fortunately the PDF is not owned nor you are in the team. It would have been the pits, the cesspool if you were there!

I thank Heavens for small mercies!

If you don't worry about me & I'm not worth your attention, you wouldn't be commenting on my posts. Don't worry about the 'pollution' I'm causing, as again, I am not worth your attention. The PDF website is owned by a Pakistani member, yet they let Indian members outnumber Pakistani ones. Talk about insecurity!!!
I don't worry about you.

Actually, you are not worth the attention.

I care about PDF.

You are merely a polluting factor and that worries me!

Fortunately the PDF is not owned nor you are in the team. It would have been the pits, the cesspool if you were there!

I thank Heavens for small mercies!

not needed- deleted
Bill for Hindu Marriage Act to be tabled soon:

Pakistan Hindu Post (PHP): Bill for Hindu Marriage Act to be tabled soon , Pakistan

Again, the myths that the Indian Muslims don't want to integrate has been refuted many times. Just read the Sachar Commission Report.

I am glad you agree that the divide was encouraged over the years, & made more deep by the Indian government.

The highest authority/body for Muslims in India, the "Dar Uloom Deoband" in UP doesn't recognize marriages with Hindus.

India has not enacted the Anand marriage act either. And India does not recognize the rights of Muslims to perform Eid ul Azha in its traditional, Islamic way, because it would cause offense to the majority/Hindu masses. There are plenty of such examples.

Thank you Bilalbhai I am learning a lot from you I was not familiar with these facts. I am learning lot of wisdom from loyal pakistanis on this forum.
Do you know the 99% Muslim population of India?

But Bilal...you seem to be making the same generalization by talking about Indians and their "suspicions of Indian Muslims".....

Arent you generalizing based on experiences of your own relatives living in India? Do you know all Indians or Indian Muslims?

And I wouldnt be surprised about the suspicion on your relatives in India....after all, your mother and father did give up their citizenship for Pakistan and your family in UP/Bihar (sorry not sure) does keep close contacts with Pakistanis like yourself.....
When we have events like 26/11 happen where wolves dressed as sheep scoped out targets, I wouldnt make suspicion a very big deal as we prefer not to be caught with our pants down once again...
The problem is not being loyal to Pakistan.

The real problem is that not wanting to integrate. If India claims to be secular then it must be secular. No demand for preferential treatment,

It is not loyalty, it is just that the Muslims want to be separate from Indian psyche.

I hope you realize the terrible accusations you are levying against Indian Muslims in your sheer & blind hatred towards Pakistan. I hope you realize the implications of what you are saying, the terrible stereotypes you are generating about Indian Muslims here. I thought you were one of the saner Indian members here.
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