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Indian admits Indians have an obsession with Pakistan

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Yeh kya ho raha hai arey yeh kya ho raha hai..................
Kuch nahi kuch nahi takraar ho raha haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...............
Take it easy dudes and hunks.................
Itna bhi PDF jazbaati na ho..................

The only nations that knows more about the other than any other nations is our nations. simple.
khatam baat.
2 lafzoon ki baat ke liye Itna lamba chouda argument ki kya zarurat.
If you don't worry about me & I'm not worth your attention, you wouldn't be commenting on my posts. Don't worry about the 'pollution' I'm causing, as again, I am not worth your attention. The PDF website is owned by a Pakistani member, yet they let Indian members outnumber Pakistani ones. Talk about insecurity!!!

PDF is owned by world defence network, World Defence Network
I also see some Pakistanis are jealous of India success.

But jealousy is common in the human being, so I dont mind, likewise Indians of China.
I hope you realize the terrible accusations you are levying against Indian Muslims in your sheer & blind hatred towards Pakistan. I hope you realize the implications of what you are saying, the terrible stereotypes you are generating about Indian Muslims here. I thought you were one of the saner Indian members here.

dont worry about Indian Muslim, India is the only place in the world where Muslims can live peacefully... so better worry about your own Pakistani Muslims in pakistan and in West !!
But Bilal...you seem to be making the same generalization by talking about Indians and their "suspicions of Indian Muslims".....

Arent you generalizing based on experiences of your own relatives living in India? Do you know all Indians or Indian Muslims?

And I wouldnt be surprised about the suspicion on your relatives in India....after all, your mother and father did give up their citizenship for Pakistan and your family in UP/Bihar (sorry not sure) does keep close contacts with Pakistanis like yourself.....
When we have events like 26/11 happen where wolves dressed as sheep scoped out targets, I wouldnt make suspicion a very big deal as we prefer not to be caught with our pants down once again...

Listen, Peshwa bhai, I agree with you. Indian Muslims generally have made great progress in India, & a lot of it has to do with the aspirations of India to promote a secular culture. However, there are a lot of holes & gaps left in the middle as well, & while you hear the success stories of Indian Muslims in Delhi, Hyderabad & the major cities, you don't hear the stories of the huge number of Muslims sitting in Bihar, Jharkhand, UP. I've been to these states first hand. I have my whole family living in these 3 states. I know what I'm talking about. To summarize: I'm not generalizing anything, I realize India & Indian Muslims have made great strides forward, there are plenty of success stories out there, but no Indian member here wants to look anything beyond success stories, when there are a huge number of people still facing problems of having their loyalties questioned.
Hey guys I note indians and pakistans agreed on how shameful it was of america not to give palestinians recognition at UN.:toast_sign:
The problem is not being loyal to Pakistan.

The real problem is that not wanting to integrate. If India claims to be secular then it must be secular. No demand for preferential treatment,

Now, let us for once, look at it beyond what is being done. Muslims got their homeland. So, all the difference should have finished. Whoever stayed behind or whoever was the majority should all been Indians and not Hindus, Muslims,. Christians, just as Jinnah said for Pakistan on 11 Aug Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

Instead for vote banks, the divide was encouraged and as the years went by made it more deep. Now, the Muslim want their identity separate from the others. Christian and Hindus are under Common Code.

Take Pakistan, unlike India where Muslims allowed and encouraged their 'separateness', you apply the Muslim Law, Sharia, on all!

You don't even recognise Hindu marriages!!!!

So, get to know the reality before venting spleen!!

It is not loyalty, it is just that the Muslims want to be separate from Indian psyche.

Would you accept if the minorities do not integrate with Pakistan's psyche?

Forget about not integrating with the Pakistani psyche, you force the Islamic laws on them when they do not believe in Islam!

India does not do that, not even the common code on Muslims!

It has nothing to with Pakistan.

Again, Pakistanis know their numerous faults, & the numerous faults of Pakistan the nation. They recognize it, & let Indians comment on them. The problem is that Indians don't do the same.
Listen, Peshwa bhai, I agree with you. Indian Muslims generally have made great progress in India, & a lot of it has to do with the aspirations of India to promote a secular culture. However, there are a lot of holes & gaps left in the middle as well, & while you hear the success stories of Indian Muslims in Delhi, Hyderabad & the major cities, you don't hear the stories of the huge number of Muslims sitting in Bihar, Jharkhand, UP. I've been to these states first hand. I have my whole family living in these 3 states. I know what I'm talking about. To summarize: I'm not generalizing anything, I realize India & Indian Muslims have made great strides forward, there are plenty of success stories out there, but no Indian member here wants to look anything beyond success stories, when there are a huge number of people still facing problems of having their loyalties questioned.

Loyalties are questioned because the fact is that some muslims in India i belive still feels they belong to pakistan ... or atleat act in such way
Bill for Hindu Marriage Act to be tabled soon:

Pakistan Hindu Post (PHP): Bill for Hindu Marriage Act to be tabled soon , Pakistan

Again, the myths that the Indian Muslims don't want to integrate has been refuted many times. Just read the Sachar Commission Report.

I am glad you agree that the divide was encouraged over the years, & made more deep by the Indian government.

The highest authority/body for Muslims in India, the "Dar Uloom Deoband" in UP doesn't recognize marriages with Hindus.

India has not enacted the Anand marriage act either. And India does not recognize the rights of Muslims to perform Eid ul Azha in its traditional, Islamic way, because it would cause offense to the majority/Hindu masses. There are plenty of such examples.

Bill being tabled soon?

From 1947 you forgot they existed?


It proves that they have more to grouse about than Indian Muslim.

So, what was your matam all about?

Indian Govt encouraged the divide, but may I remind you that now that you are enacting the law about 64 years on just the Hindu marriage, reminds me of Hitler and the issue of Untermenschen. No difference and you want one to be filled with gratitude that Pakistan is Rip Van Winkle?

The fact that the Darool of India does not recognise the marriage recognize marriages with Hindus does prove how much of liberty is given by secular India. Compare it with Pakistan, which does not even recognise marriage between Hindus and imposes Sharia on all, even if they do not believe Islam. That is adequate proof which country cares to treat all as equal and infact treat Muslim as more than equal.

In Pakistan, there would be no chance of anyone or any organisation not to recognise the marriage between a non Muslim and a Muslim'

So, stop defending the indefensible!

India bends backwards to please the Muslim. They have even changed the Constitution to please the Muslim (Shah Bano case).

What has Pakistan done for its minority apart from slapping the Blasphemy to settle personal grouses!! Yes, personal grouse and so intolerant the society is, they kill the sane who want to bring sanity and modernity to Pakistan like the Governor who was killed and then the Minister!!
Come on Tikibhai thats a bit harsh. We all get a bit excitable sometimes. You know what they say hate and love are emotions that are not far from each other and that is the relationship we pakistanis and indians have no matter how much we deny it.

I appreciate what you say.

But I feel bad when people just divide us.

We are both divided.

That cannot be changed and it need not be changed

We have our difference, but let us look at things that are common and even if we speak of our difference let us not be insulting!
Indian Govt encouraged the divide, but may I remind you that now that you are enacting the law about 64 years on just the Hindu marriage, reminds me of Hitler and the issue of Untermenschen. No difference and you want one to be filled with gratitude that Pakistan is Rip Van Winkle?

Why would they even encourage a divide if they didn't have a deep rooted insecurity about Pakistan?

Also, why are you talking so vehemently about Pakistan & its issues, when we are quite clearly not worth your time? Pakistanis know the numerous problems in their country, & are ready to talk about them, & let others talk about them. You get to hear a huge variety of opinions from all kinds of Pakistanis, unlike Indians, that pretty much have one streamlined view, talking about their 'shining' India (which is confined to its Western & Southern states), & not look at the real problems in their society.
The specific PDF section was started by Webmaster, a Pakistani member.

And so does it mean he is beyond rationality?

Have I missed something?

What exactly are you implying?

I have been a member when it was very difficult, but now it is one of the most liberal forums I have been on and for a Pakistani Forum, it is fantastic!
Just look at the sub-forum with the most posts, yes, you guessed it, it's an Indian defence related sub-forum. These slumdog's worship Pakistani's, these slumdog's are like leeches always clinging to us for acceptance when in reality most Pakistani hate them with a passion not only do they find them , disgusting and pathetic.

Pakistani's who do not share my sentiments will come to believe what i am saying is the complete truth, make a comment to someone not of Indian origin of how Pakistani's and Indian's are heterogenous from one another and just watch the Indian go to work and try with all his might to enforce his view that we are alike when we all know we have nothing in common with these rodents.

I cetainly pity Indian's even though they are not worthy of my pity!

Everyone was getting along on the thread till you came. Karachi has bigger slum than Mumbai.


And Pakistan on average has more slums than India.


Slum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you'll probably reply something like 'That's probably because Karachiites are Indians after all so they're used to living in slums and blah blah blah' because you're such a 'PROUD PUNJABI' I suppose. judging by your previous comments.

And btw the part of London where I'm from [Hounslow] Indians and Pakistanis get along just fine. In fact Indians always identify themselves as 'British Indians' but Pakistanis always tend to use this umbrella label of 'British Asian' to make us sound similar.

We're not the same people? Punjabis and Muhajirs 2 biggest ethnic groups of Pakistan can easily find their roots in India. And we even speak the same language. Hindi-Urdu is classed the same language [Hindustani] when counting the speakers of any particular language. And Punjabi also has 30-40 million speakers in India right? I just proved how we're same people, same language, same culture but because of Arabian religion if you think you're more Arab than Indian then I just have one thing to say. GOD BLESS YOU. :)
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