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India working to make Bangladesh a desert

India has barbed wire fences along the border. So, you want to say BD is technologically so advanced that it can fit all these illegals with motorized machines to fly over your fences and go to Assam. Perhaps, BD also has the stealth technology to hide them from BSF guns. Your news reporters must be smoking GANJA before writing unreal things.

Our Media isn't certainly high on ganza but you seems to have a giving indication of the same. Barbed wire fences don't need advanced technology to trespassed the fences.
Hello MadMax,

Here's a warning for you before you get banned from this forum. We have all sorts of information regarding our members. Ever heard of a little thing called an "IP" address? I'm sure you haven't, otherwise you wouldn't be surprised to read this information about your IP address.

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I remember this username from your previous ID. The least you could've done was to come back with a different screen name. Do us a favour and don't come back again, please.

Everyone, say goodbye to the troll. :wave:

In case you dont know, there are no of ways to work around this IP cheat stuff.
South Asian Media Net

Friday, December 25,2009

DHAKA: The signing of a full-fledged agreement on the sharing of Teesta River’s water between Bangladesh and India is still unlikely unless India decides at the highest political level to sign the deal during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s upcoming visit to Delhi next month.

But the signing of a brief Memorandum of Understanding on sharing Teesta’s water is a possibility as the Indian water resources secretary, UN Panjiar, will come to Dhaka on January 3 and stay for four days to discuss the nitty-gritty details of sharing the waters of common rivers including Teesta.

‘The water resources secretaries of the two countries will discuss various issues including the sharing of Teesta River’s water in the first week of January. But we’re yet to set a date for the minister-level meeting of the JRC (Joint Rivers Commission),’ said foreign affairs minister Dipu Moni on Thursday.

Water resources minister Ramesh Chandra Sen told New Age on Thursday that he was ready to join a ministerial-level meeting of the JRC at any time. ‘We have completed the paper work, but everything depends on India.’

Foreign affairs secretary Mohamed Mijarul Quayes said on Thursday that the government is trying to hammer out an agreement on sharing Teesta River’s water as soon as possible.

‘Technical experts of the two countries held a meeting in Dhaka recently. Now a (water) secretary-level meeting will be held which will lead to the minister-level meeting of the Joint Rivers Commission,’ he said.

‘We will try to arrange a minister-level meeting of the JRC before the prime minister’s upcoming visit,’ said the foreign affairs secretary. ‘It will be held immediately after her visit if it isn’t possible before the visit.’

The secretary of the water resources ministry, Sheikh M Wahiduzzaman, confirmed that he would raise the issue of the sharing of Teesta River’s water during the meeting with his Indian counterpart here. ‘I’ll certainly raise the Teesta issue,’ he said firmly.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will fly to New Delhi on January 10 for a four-day state visit. Sources close to her told New Age that she had requested her Indian counterpart, Manmohan Singh, during meetings with him at the intervals of different international conferences to agree to an accord on the sharing of Teesta River’s water.

A senior official of the foreign affairs ministry told New Age on Thursday that a minister-level meeting of the JRC before the prime minister’s visit seemed unlikely as the secretary-level meeting would end on January 6, only four days before the PM’s visit.

Dhaka has, however, ‘unofficially’ let it be known that it expects an agreement on the sharing of the Teesta’s water, said the official.

Mohamed Mijarul Quayes said earlier that the highest political levels of the two countries could decide any time whether a full-fledged ‘agreement’ or a brief written commitment would be made on the issue.

The outgoing Indian high commissioner, Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty, told reporters on December 3 that the signing of an agreement on the Teesta would require intervention by the highest political levels of the two countries.

Dhaka is asking New Delhi to hold a minister-level meeting of the JRC. India has persistently expressed its inability to hold the meeting in last six years although at least two meetings are supposed to be held each year as per the rules of the JRC.

The two governments have so far readied the drafts of three agreements for being signed during Hasina’s visit: mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; combating international terrorism, organised crime and illicit drug trafficking; and transfer of sentenced persons. The Indian Cabinet recently approved the deal for returning sentenced persons.

The outstanding issues that Bangladesh has been trying to settle with India for several years include finalising the agreements for sharing the water of the Teesta and six other rivers, lands in adverse possession, un-demarcated borders, Dahagram and Angarpota enclaves and the Teen Bigha corridor.

New Delhi is also eager to designate Ashuganj in Brahmanbaria as a new port of call for Indian vessels and to be allowed to use Chittagong Port. Dhaka has agreed to let India carry over-sized equipment via Bangladesh to one of its north-eastern states to set up a power plant there.

Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India, which was earlier slated to begin on December 19, was deferred to January 10. She is going there on an invitation from Manmohan Singh.
Tipaimukh Dam

Police intercept long march in Sylhet

Sunday December 27 2009 00:09:10 AM BDT

The 3-day Long March of the Islami Andolon Bangladesh protesting Indian project to construct Tipaimukh Dam, ended amid police interception at6 Jakigonj in Sylhet on Saturday. The Long March had began from Muktangon in Dhaka on December 24, continued to swell all along its way forward and reached Jakigonj on Friday. However, it concluded on Saturday in the face of police obstacle.(TBT Report)

UNB adds: Police on Saturday intercepted the long march of Islami Andolon Bangladesh (IAB) at Atgram in Jakiganj upazila, disrupting traffic on Sylhet-Jakiganj road for three hours.

Police stopped the protesters as over 2,500 vehicles carrying some 50,000 people tried to proceed towards Tipaimukh at 11am.

Earlier in the morning, members of RAB, BDR, police, riot police and detective branch took position at Atgram to fend off any trouble.

Having intercepted by police, the IAB, led by its Ameer Charmonai Peer Mufti Syed Rezaul Karim, held a rally at Atgram bus station at noon.

In the rally, the IAB Ameer demanded the Prime Minister place the demand of Bangladeshi people before Indian leaders to stop the construction of Tipaimukh dam during her January 10 visit to the neigbouring country.

He also threatened to wage a tougher movement if the Prime Minister fails to do so.

The IAB on Thursday started a three-day long march from the capital towards the proposed Tipaimukh Dam site to press for scrapping the Indian project considered a big threat to Bangladesh's ecology.

Char-monai Peer Syed Fazlul Karim also reiterated on Saturday that the people would continue the movement against Tipaimukh Dam to forced the Indian government to cancell the plan to construct the Dam. He remind all that the proposed Dam would affect the ecology and economy of Bangladesh adversely.


It's evident that Awami dalal are taking order from some where else otherwise why would they prevent this awareness really?
if indian say that stopping river water of bagladesh will not make it a deasert.
1)if the river water flow decreases,sea water will take its place and will come more and more inside of bangladesh.
2)bangladesh can loss its land due to sea flow inside bangladesh.
3)it will destroy crops as sea water is salty.
4)fresh water for drinking will also be sacres.
india should release bangaldeshi water how much water india wants to eat(drinking requries less water)
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China is planning to make Brother Bangladesh a Desert.

Since, Brahmaputra river originates from Tibet (Where it is called Yarlung Zangbo River) then flow into India, from India to Bangladesh, China is building huge Dams in Tibet to stop the river water coming in Bangladesh.

From Tibet river flows to>>> India>>>> From India>>>> to Bangladesh.

Hence it is clear the thief is China not India. The jealous neighbor of Bangladesh, communist and radicals are spreading the myth and misleading innocent Bangladeshis.

Remember the genocide of Bengali who have done it so don't believe them.


Tnx for ur concern. But we have not that much concern about China as about India, cos China is our proved friend.
No,thats coz u hate india. ...put down your hate glasses and you'll see a totally different world!.....you are concerned over india but not china over dams?.....now thats quitd amazing,when both conclude to the same result.
No,thats coz u hate india. ...put down your hate glasses and you'll see a totally different world!.....you are concerned over india but not china over dams?.....now thats quitd amazing,when both conclude to the same result.

No cause you people are unworthy of friends or neighbor all together and which part of Proved Friend you do not understand?

You are not enemy of Islamic pakistan or Bangladesh rather more less hate by all the neighbors including Hindu nepal while china managed to keep good relation with all of it's neighboring nations. China also never ever disrespect or show any interest in our political matter. Hence, you need to take your fascist glass and learn to respect your neigbors to get respect in return.

A personal message to you
I know from personal experience that west bengali hindus are more racist and fascists than those from northern bharat. Unlike some of my ignorant countrymen, I am not for apar-upar bangla crap. :tdown:
No cause you people are unworthy of friends or neighbor all together and which part of Proved Friend you do not understand?

You are not enemy of Islamic pakistan or Bangladesh rather more less hate by all the neighbors including Hindu nepal while china managed to keep good relation with all of it's neighboring nations. China also never ever disrespect or show any interest in our political matter. Hence, you need to take your fascist glass and learn to respect your neigbors to get respect in return.

A personal message to you
I know from personal experience that west bengali hindus are more racist and fascists than those from northern bharat. Unlike some of my ignorant countrymen, I am not for apar-upar bangla crap. :tdown:

While china managed to keep good relation with all of it's neighboring nations. :cheesy: from where did you get it.

If you keep you eyes closed that dosen't mean that things are not there.:bunny::bunny:

China is hostile towards all of its neighbors and harassing them on pretext of one or another.

1.) China have border dispute with Vietnam and claiming Vietnamese land as its own.
2.) China have border dispute with India and claiming Arunanchal Pradesh and Ladakhi land as its own.
3.) China is claiming whole of the independent country called Taiwan.
4.) China is having tense relations with South Korea and terrorizing it with north Korea as China is doing with India by terrorizing through Pakistan.
5.) China have deployed warships against Japan and threatens it.

Hence it is proved that you are living in dreams having wet dreams.

And China is the only country having most numbers of border disputes and terrorizing its neighbors.:agree:
2.) China have border dispute with India and claiming Arunanchal Pradesh and Ladakhi land as its own.

As I have said that bharat has some kind of conflicts with all of it's neigbors.

3.) China is claiming whole of the independent country called Taiwan.

Part of greater china nevertheless all I care that china has done good for last 25 years. It has proved itself a well wisher of BD many times over thus you can not convince me china as fascist country link yours.

:china: :tup:
geez zakir,you know so much with your hate mongering arse stuck in us,thousands of miles away from your homeland,eh!......leave india aside! ....u never visited wb,god knows u ever visited bd either,but u never dissapoint with your childish immature and venom-spewing posts!........and btw,you arent a bengali,but a rezakar so you wont understand the so called 'epar bangla opaq bangla CRAP'! ... .back to the topic ,why dont you think china erecting dams would cause no harm to bd when it will harm india and the same river flows to bd?? .understnd the consequences,less water in india means robust use of avialable water here,and furthur lesser water in bd!....is that of no concern to you? .....well i know,ofcourre not,coz u get daily supply of water in ur swashbuckling apartment in america ,eh?.... Ur selfish mind only understands hate and extremism!
I heard China abandoned that project realizing too much noises from downstream countries. They just did not want trouble.
New to me iajdani ,can you shed some light on the chinese withdrawl.....coz the last time i heard bout this topic,it was india objecting it and also wanting bd's help. ....i hope what you said is true,but i dont think it is!
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