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India working to make Bangladesh a desert

The discussion seems very interesting, with some patronizing attitude from the Indians as usual. I understand India has a grand plan to be a major world player, and they are more concerned with China rather than Pakistan and much less Bangladesh. But how can India dominate the region without winning the trust of its neighbours?

Indeed, good relations with your neigbours is a must.

I understand India has longstanding issues with Pakistan, and as Bangladesh, as part of Pakistan, chose not to be with India in 1948, naturally Bangladesh inherited some of these issues despite parting path with Pakistan in 1971. But what are the existing issues that come between India and Bangladesh??

1. Water sharing issues
2. Boundry dispute, was not very well defined during partition
3. Illegal immigration.
4. Smuglers and terrorits crossing borders.

1. India, despite its claim to be a secular state, is dominated by Hindus. And the Hindus who usually hold power have a deep hatred towards their muslim brothers ( be it Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi).
A major indicator of this mentality is the victory of BJP (A hardline Hindu Party, similar to their muslim counterpart Jamaat e Islami of Bangladesh and Pakistan). Imagine Bangladesh being ruled by Jamaatis, that is an unbelievable scenerio, yet a billion Indians did just that with their hardline Hindu party. Indian army also sidelines any muslims from joining the military, making the army very one dimensional in their vision, hence they treat Bangladesh and Pakistan on the same angle even though the difference is vast.

Afcorse Hindus will dominate most part of life due to thier population size.
You do realize that these HINDUS were the main reason BJP was defeated. Moderate and educated Hindus do not want this extremist type of Hinduism preached by BJP and it's allies. Sikhs make up 8% of the army. Army does not recruite on the bases that just because he is a muslim so he cant join it. Muslims are not too keep to join the army. Why?, do know why but they just dont. Sikhs and Gurkhas show up in large numbers.

2. Like Pakistan, Bangladesh was geographically sidelined by Lord Mountbatten when he chalked up the map of the subcontinent, giving strategically important regions to India, but in case of Bangladesh it is more seviere. Unlike Pakistan, Bangladesh is almost entirely surrounded by India. Although there is no major territory claim by Bangladesh, the claustrophobia of Bangladesh is used by the Indians well when there's a need for bilateral trade and watersharing agreements.

Can you elaborate more?
3. Indian heavy-handedness in patrolling the Bangladesh India Border region. Every week one or two Bangladeshis are shot down by Indian border patrols. The Padua incident where 22 Indian solders were killed by Bangladeshi is just an example that if Bangladesh wants they can be equally brutal, but we choose not to because we love peace. And the fencing of the border is just shameful, in a world where nations are benefiting from mutual trust, India is bringing technology from Israel to fence its border like Israel did in Gaza and West Bank. It can be a very ominous indication to Bangladesh that India might one day try to dominate Bangladesh fully like what Israel is doing with the Palestanians.

There have been cases where some BSF personels have trigger happy. There have been cases where smuglers and terrorist have tried crossing borders and are serious threat to national security. We have the right to protect our selves. Do even compare your selves to Plestinians, you have your own country, economy, military and voice UN. Where poor and brave palestinians dont.

4. Dominance of trade, as India flood substandard cheap products in Bangladeshi market, they vigourously resist Bangladeshi products going in to India, creating imbalance in trade. Ineffective SAARC (a Bangladeshi initiative) is a glaring proof of Indias lack of interest in working with its neighbours. While Europeans benefit from strong regional cooperation, India is hellbent in dominating the region at the expense of its neighbours.

Some proofs would be nice. Yes there is huge trade imbalnace but it is hardly a conspericy theory. Its just that India can mass produce many products and cheaper too. But do you know that China is the largert exporter to Bangladesh.
What about thier trade imbalance? Do they have conspericy theory too? Never heard anything about BD members complaining about that?

5. Indian arms race with China, which increases the sense of insecurity is clearly evident, as Pakistan has no other option but to bolster her defenses. Indian "defense" is more geared towards attack with nuclear submarines and long range missiles. Also India claims a major chunk of the mineral rich bay of bengal which rightfully belongs to Bangladesh, and Bangladesh's future depends on those minerals.

Well you can claim it is yours and I can it is mine but there is only one way to do it, talking. Dont forget Burma have also same issues with you so how you can claim that it is only India that you having problems on this issue?

6. Bangladesh is an agri based economy, and most of its rivers come through Indian territory. India blockaded one source of water with Farrakah barrage, making Bangladeshi north west near barren. Now they are doing the same in Tipaimukh project, which will have similar effect in Bangladeshi North East. These unilateral moves have been repeatedly protested by Bangladesh, but fell to deaf ears of Indian politicians.

It is very nice of you to add deaf ear part but discussions are still going on.
India, Bangladesh discuss dam on Barak river

I am sure these points are making the Indians in this forum real proud, which I guess speaks volume of the Indian attitude in general. For these above mentioned reasons Bangladesh needs to have a strong military in order to prevent India from continuously exploiting Bangladesh. Indians will say again and again, that Bangladesh should focus on development rather than military expenditure. Well Sirs, with all due respect you Indians have been the major hindrance to our development so far.

No, your points are not making us proud by any mean. You go around the world and see lots of neigbour countries are having similar issues such as water sharing, boundry issues, and trade isssues. It is hardly and Indian created problem. Do you know ther have been not been a single war between BD and India in its modern history? India and its industry is inversting havily in BD. Your aggresion theory doesn't quite add up. If BD wants to have strong army, they have all the rights to do so, but can you really afford it? Pakistan it self can afford a arms race with India, how would you support it?
Now this is utter nonsense.

On one side you say that Indians are killing Bangladeshis and on the other side you say that fencing the border is shameful. In India there are about 3 crore illegal Bangladeshis. Your country is not able to feed them thats why they crossed the international border and settled in India. We dont want any more. We have our own problems and illegal Bangladeshis will add more to it. Moreover fencing should be done from your side because its your people who are crossing the border and not our people. Dont expect from us to give a safe passage to illegal Bangladeshis. Moreover do not compare Israel situation with Indian situation.

Not even your state machinery could find those 3 crore neither you could prove that to the BD government. These are fuzz word, to demeanise Bangladesh and to demeanise your own citizen. You guys should be shamefull to yourself.
What about BSF shooting from the other side of the Fence and killing farmers. You guys just need to build wall. Secondly we not going to waste our money building fences in our side of the border as we dont have any serious terrorist problem here. We take care of our citizen so that they dont have to resort to arm struggle.
Now this is utter nonsense.

On one side you say that Indians are killing Bangladeshis and on the other side you say that fencing the border is shameful. In India there are about 3 crore illegal Bangladeshis. Your country is not able to feed them thats why they crossed the international border and settled in India. We dont want any more. We have our own problems and illegal Bangladeshis will add more to it. Moreover fencing should be done from your side because its your people who are crossing the border and not our people. Dont expect from us to give a safe passage to illegal Bangladeshis. Moreover do not compare Israel situation with Indian situation.
There was a time when a Princess would choose dark-skinned maids for her. Why? Because, the onlookers would see her beautiful in their presence. This is what an Indian bigot like you is trying to do here in this forum. You are trying to tell others BD cannot feed its population, when your AIDS-infested India itself cannot provide food, shelter and medical facilities to your own population. What a creature you are? All other Indian bigots are same mean-minded as you are.

By telling this LIE you are trying to hide your own poverty. In fact, there are more than 1 million illegal Indians in BD, and there are no illegal BD citizens in India. You the lying low-class DALIT, see the report below to know which country is darker, BD or India. Never again send your trash again. I will then send more of Indian malnutrition reports. People are selling their wives and daughters in India, you should know that.


Sunday, August 23,2009

JEHANABAD/PATNA: Investigations into five hunger deaths in Jehanabad and Nalanda last week paint a disturbing picture of the lower-level bureaucracy in Bihar. Since June 2008, not a single family at Rattu Bigha, a Maha Dalit hamlet, has received regular supply of foodgrains on its yellow (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) card which entitles it to 25 kg of rice or wheat at Rs. 2 (for 10 kg rice) and Rs. 3 (for 15 kg wheat). The coupons are lying with the villagers, as the dealer is claiming “shortage of foodgrains” and keeping the shop closed for most of the time.

Among the 75 households at Rattu Bigha are 51 families of Maha Dalits and 10 Dalit families. According to records obtained from the Block Development Office, the hamlet has 20 Antyodaya, 53 red and 2 Annapurna Yojana cards.

The villagers also alleged that they had to pay Rs. 25 extra whenever they went to collect their allotted rice/wheat. So, they end up paying Rs. 90 per 25 kg instead of Rs. 65.One of the victims, Charittar Dom starved for 15 days before his death. His food cards — coupon no. 15938 for the period from June 2008 till May 2009 and no. 16133 from June 2009 till May 2010 — continue to remain with his kin as a sordid souvenir of his desperate condition.

Speaking to The Hindu over telephone, the newly appointed District Magistrate Palka Sahni said stern action would be taken against middlemen.

“It has been brought to my notice that the dealer had been absconding and I have already instructed the SDM to camp in the village,” said Ms. Sahni. Beneficiaries of the deceased were already identified, she said.

The DM said that as the foodgrains allotment last year was inadequate, many villagers were still left with their food coupons. Efforts were being made to identify the gaps and villagers were now being given foodgrains on priority.

Another problem. No entries have been made in job cards issued under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA).

Charittar Dom’s job card reads: card no. 0079, issued 2.02.2006, workday entries: 0. Dom died jobless though he was given the card in February, more than three winters ago. While Dom was fortunate enough to get a job card, Kunti Devi (who died on August 11) and Janardhan Mahto (entered as Singh in his voter ID card), who died on August 13, were without one.

The villagers complained that Rs. 30 was taken from every Maha Dalit family at Rattu Bigha to get photos of its members taken.

This is again a violation by officials, as it is the Government of India which is supposed to bear the expenses for photos of NREGA cardholders.

Apart from Charittar Dom, none of the deceased ever utilised the benefits under the Indira Awas Yojana.

According to Dom’s wife, the BDO gave only Rs. 10,000 under the scheme, instead of Rs. 35,000. As a result, the bricks are still lying in Dom’s hut.

However, there is no entry in his passbook (no.4290), issued by a local Punjab National Bank branch of his having ever received the amount, as it was directly handed over to him.

Under the Kabir Antyeshti Yojana, family members of the deceased are entitled to Rs. 1,500 for performing last rites. Block officials are supposed to hand over this amount to the kin of the deceased immediately after the death.

But at Rattu Bigha, officials had not done so until a hunger monitoring committee comprising representatives of NGOs reached the village and brought the matter to their notice. Speaking to The Hindu on Saturday, the BDO gave the assurance that the benefits would be given to the family of the deceased.
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northeast India need power for development . so Tipaimukh Dam is a must for Manipur state of india

A dam in Tipaimukh is dangerous for BD. Not only that it has environmental effects, but it is also a time bomb that will be ticking for somedays before it sweeps away one-fourth of BD. Yes, an earthquake will work as a trick to break the dam and suddenly our NE region will be swept away to the Bay of Bengal by the flush flood caused by it.

Tipaimukh is located in a high frequency earthquake zone. This zone lies from the foot of Himalaya to the north of Thailand. This region is floating on the molten rocks only 6 to 8 km below the surface. This is why it is an earthquake-prone zone, same as Japan. See the news report below that proves my point.

South Asian Media Net

Quake jolts Bhutan, B'desh, NE India
Tuesday, September 22,2009

THIMPHU/GUWAHATI: A major earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, which had its epicentre near the Indo-Bhutan border 125 km from Guwahati, rocked Assam and most of Northeast India, while strong tremors were felt in parts of North Bengal, Sikkim and Bihar. Slight tremors were felt as far away as Dehra Dun in Uttarakhand. Aftershocks were also felt in a number of places.

At least 10 people, including three Indian labourers, were reported killed and several others were injured when buildings collapsed at Narang Geog, Monggar and Yangneer in Bhutan, east of its capital Thimphu. The three Indians were killed after being hit by falling boulders at Samdrupjongkhar, the state-run Bhutan Broadcasting Service reported.

It added that of the 10 deaths, four were at Narang Geog, one in Gyelposhing at Monggar, and two at Yangneer. The US Geological Survey said the epicentre was at Monggar, 180 km from Thimphu.

In Guwahati, a number of apartment buildings and concrete structures developed cracks as the tremors were felt at 2.23 pm. This was the fifth earthquake to rock the northeastern region in the past one month.

In Guwahati, the tremors lasted 20 seconds and people experienced two aftershocks, rattling structures and driving people to rush out of their homes in panic. There were similar reports of panic-stricken people on the streets from parts of Western Assam districts adjoining Bhutan, where the tremors were said to be of very high intensity.

A report from Cooch Behar in North Bengal said people rushed out of their houses as the doors and windows rattled for about 20 seconds. In Bihar, a mild tremor was felt in Kishanganj and Araria districts, official sources said. The regional meteorological office in Kolkata said the tremor was felt between latitude 27.3 degrees north and longitude 91.5 degrees east.

The quake was also felt in Bangladesh and Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, but there was no major damage to buildings in that city.
Not even your state machinery could find those 3 crore neither you could prove that to the BD government. These are fuzz word, to demeanise Bangladesh and to demeanise your own citizen. You guys should be shamefull to yourself.
What about BSF shooting from the other side of the Fence and killing farmers. You guys just need to build wall. Secondly we not going to waste our money building fences in our side of the border as we dont have any serious terrorist problem here. We take care of our citizen so that they dont have to resort to arm struggle.

Not even you and your BD government can prove that the dam which is being built by India will make BD a desert.

Any proof abt that allegation?? Not a single Bangladeshi has been killed on the other side of the fence. You guys shd be shameful to yourself. You kill your own people because you can not feed them and then say that they are killed by BSF...How pathetic your thinking is.

Its our land. We can build wall and we can have fencing. Whats your concern??? Our territory does not operate ob BD commands. If we think that there should be electric fencing with 30000V then we install that fencing also. Our citizens comes first for us.

And wat abt the BD rifles killing innocent Indian farmers and BSF jawans???

It you were able to take care of your citizen then perhaps we could have spent more money on our development instead of installing a fence.
There was a time when a Princess would choose dark-skinned maids for her. Why? Because, the onlookers would see her beautiful in their presence. This is what an Indian bigot like you is trying to do here in this forum. You are trying to tell others BD cannot feed its population, when your AIDS-infested India itself cannot provide food, shelter and medical facilities to your own population. What a creature you are? All other Indian bigots are same mean-minded as you are.

By telling this LIE you are trying to hide your own poverty. In fact, there are more than 1 million illegal Indians in BD, and there are no illegal BD citizens in India. You the lying low-class DALIT, see the report below to know which country is darker, BD or India. Never again send your trash again. I will then send more of Indian malnutrition reports. People are selling their wives and daughters in India, you should know that.

oKK So you are trying to say that Bangladesh is better than India in terms of poverty. I think you are an out casted Muslim. Since your people does not support you, you are trying to gain their support in this way.

Look at your country. The maximum number of malnutrisoined child live in your country and that too when your population is just 1/5th of the Indian population to whom you consider to be poorer than BD.

Our country is much better than your country and there is not a single illegal Indian in BD. You are just writing because you have to write something. Thats it. Why an Indian will go to country which has no democratic values, high poverty and high child malnutrition and highest population density in the world.

You must be shameful for blaming India for your own failures. We not only liberated you but also tried to help but it seems your out casted muslom mentality is still with you.
Not even you and your BD government can prove that the dam which is being built by India will make BD a desert.

Any proof abt that allegation?? Not a single Bangladeshi has been killed on the other side of the fence. You guys shd be shameful to yourself. You kill your own people because you can not feed them and then say that they are killed by BSF...How pathetic your thinking is.

Its our land. We can build wall and we can have fencing. Whats your concern??? Our territory does not operate ob BD commands. If we think that there should be electric fencing with 30000V then we install that fencing also. Our citizens comes first for us.

And wat abt the BD rifles killing innocent Indian farmers and BSF jawans???

It you were able to take care of your citizen then perhaps we could have spent more money on our development instead of installing a fence.
Barak is an international river and is not the personal property of India. You cannot just claim it as your own, even your govt does not. This is the reason why your govt holds meetings with BD, isn't it?

Electricity is needed only from 9 am to 9pm. During this time, water will be allowed to come down, produce power and then flow to the main stream. How about 9 pm to 9am, will the water be allowed to flow freely even if power is not to be produced? No, there is no such possibility.

It means that only a meager 50% of the present water flow will be maintained during winter after the dam is built. What other proof do you need to know that you will be stealing 50% of our water? Do you want to say that this will not make our country a desert in the winter dry season?
What do you want to prove by sending the hunger index? Is BD index so higher than India that you can claim 30 million of our people are living in India? Just do not LIE in an international forum and be honest with your statement.

You have no right to insult my country by citing false figures and telling that my country has more malnutrion than India has. You must respect my country, and only then you will get reciprocity. The way you talk, you are more self-centered than your bureaucrats are. Get rid of this habit. Because India is a big country does not prove that all the Indian citizens are bigger than our citizens.
By the way, there has been another earthquake jolt. In another post I have told that the entire region from the foot of Himalaya to the northern part of Thailand lies in a fault line. Today's earthquake is perhaps the aftereffect of yesterday's earthquake the epicenter of which is not far from Tipaimukh. Note that the two epicenters fall in the same fault line. This is just one of the reasons that BD people are wary of that dam to be built by India.

Please read the news below and also see the DHAKA METROPOLITAN CITY. I ask the Indians, do you have a more magnificent and good-looking city with wide roads than Dhaka? If you have one, then come and brag about that.

The Daily Star - Details News

Star Online Report

One more mild tremor measuring 5.4 on the Richter Scale shook different parts of the country including capital Dhaka early today.
The tremor was felt at 2:38:41am, Met Office told The Daily Star.

The epicenter of the tremor was 552 kilometres southeast from the Agargaon Seismic Centre, Dhaka in Mayanmar region.

Earlier, yesterday a tremor measuring 6.4 on the Richter Scale shook Dhaka, Sylhet, Netrakona and other parts of the country.

The quake, centred 462km north northeast of Dhaka on Bhutan-China bordering area, was felt at 3:53:03pm.

People, mostly residents of the high-rise building, went out of their houses when the tremor jolted the country.

However there was no report of casualty.
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Our country is much better than your country and there is not a single illegal Indian in BD. You are just writing because you have to write something. Thats it. Why an Indian will go to country which has no democratic values, high poverty and high child malnutrition and highest population density in the world.

You must be shameful for blaming India for your own failures. We not only liberated you but also tried to help but it seems your out casted muslom mentality is still with you.

So, you claim there no illegal Indians in BD. Read the news below and do not any more derail the thread with your bigotic biases.


Thursday May 26 2005 14:46:21 PM
Mohammad Zainal Abedin from Bangladesh

Though Indian government and its print media relentlessly try to prove that the Bangladeshis are intruding into India daily, and Indian BSF (Border Security Forces) personnel engage try to push the Indian Bengali speaking Muslims to Bangladesh, the reality is totally otherwise.

According to the available reports, lakhs of Indians hailing from Indian states of West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assame, Tripura, Mizoram are illegally staying in Bangladesh庸rom urban to the rural areas. These states are extremely poor and the Indians come to Bangladesh in search of job and better living.

Most of these Indians enter Bangladesh without passport or visa, take shelter in the houses of their relatives. In order to justify them as Bangladeshis they collect certificates and other documents from the respective authorities with the help of their relatives or the agents in exchange of money.

In course of time they start to claim that they are Bangladeshis. Some Hindus, those who do not have relatives in the urban areas introduce themselves as Muslims and provide fake permanent addresses to justify them as Bangladeshis. Due to identical language, physical appearance and structure, none doubts that they are Indian Hindus. So they can easily live in Bangladesh illegally.

In the urban areas these Indians outwardly work in buying houses, garment factories,fashion houses,freight and forwarding agencies, educational institutions, computer training centers,restaurants, advertising agencies, bars and hotels, beauty parlours , guest houses, private firms and business houses. Some of them work as car and taxi drivers and even rickshaw pullers. I personally came across more than one hundred rickshaw pullers in Dhaka City over the last couple of months.

It is learnt that some of these Indian are the agents and operatives of Indian intelligence agency由AW (Research and Analysis Wing) and they are involved in carrying out subversive activities.They are involved in money laundering,檀oondy・and smuggling creating devatating effects on the economy.

Besides their outwardjobs, they might have been planted in Bangladesh to carryout sabotage.

It is apprehended these RAW agents might be engaged to create anarchic situation in the
country before and after the forthcoming general elections. Abrupt increase of political killings in the country, particularly robbery in Dhaka in recent days, indicates presence of such people in Bangladesh. Arrest of nine Indian from the venue of Prime Minister痴 scheduled meeting at Lakhsam proves the huge presence of RAW agents and operatives in Bangladesh.

It is difficult to ascertain the real figure of the Indians in Bangladesh who are scattered in the rural areas also. To justify the huge presence of the Indians in Bangladesh and the problems that are being surfaced let me quote a report of a Dhaka傭ased daily. The Choddogram Correspondent of the daily reported that about 1,100 hundred Indians illegally reside in Choddogram, a Bangladeshi Upazila that shares border with Indian state of Tripura. ]

Indians hailing from Tripura state illegally live in all the 14 unions of the Upazila. Tripura lags behind Bangladesh in every sector, having no infrastructure, particularly in the border areas. Indians daily labourers come to Bangladesh illegally to have work, sell and buy commodities in Bangladeshi bazars and meet their relatives living in Bangladesh.

Due to massive intrusion of the Indians local people of 舛hoddogram・Upazill are becoming jobless, as the Indians work in exchange of lower remuneration than their Bangladeshi counterparts. Workers of almost 80 per cent saloons of Choddogram are Indians. These saloon workers live in Bangladesh illegally.

Many Indians are working in tea-stalls, hotels, groceries, clinics, garment factories, construction and agriculture farms. Many of them work as tailors, bus-conductors, cobblers, carpenters, masons, rickshaw pullers, etc. These Indians reside in Bangladesh enjoying the blessings of a number local influential people.

These Indians are involved in various crimes and anti-social activities. As the Indians do not have any permanent address, they commit various types of crimes, including murder, theft, robbery, rape and just sneak into Indian soil. These Indians bring narcotics like wine, ganja, opium, phensedyl, etc. from India while they smuggle ornaments, diesel, edible oil to India.

Most of these Indians are Hindus. Many of them married local girls belonging to poor families and live in Bangladesh. Some of them left their wives along with three to four children. These children deserted by their Indian fathers live subhuman lives and involve them in anti-social activities to earn their livelihood.

Choddogram is not the only Upazila, where illegal Indians reside permanently. They are available in almost all the villages of Bangladesh if there is at least one Hindu family. There prevails strong public opinion in Bangladesh in favour of arresting all the Indians who illegally enter Bangladesh and live here.

No Indian was ever killed by Bangladesh Rifles when they intruded into Bangladesh. But a survey confirms that 337 Bangladeshis were killed, 466 wounded, 491 kidnapped and 68 women raped during the last five years. BSF detained 467 Bangladeshis while they were either working in their fields or bathing or fishing in the common rivers during the same period.

Bangladeshis cannot go to plough their lands near the border with India. They even cannot fish or bathe in the common rivers. Indians plunder their houses, cattle, paddy fields, and other valuable belongings. India pushes her Bengali speaking Muslims branding them as Bangladeshis.

Under the situation, the government should immediately detect and nab the illegal Indians to avert disruptive activities in the country. It is apprehended that most these Indians will be enrolled in the voter痴 list of the coming elections and they may play a vital role to elect the party of Indian choice. So these Indians should immediately be detected and deported to India. Otherwise it will be difficult to expel them in future.*
You have no right to insult my country by citing false figures and telling that my country has more malnutrion than India has. You must respect my country, and only then you will get reciprocity. The way you talk, you are more self-centered than your bureaucrats are. Get rid of this habit. Because India is a big country does not prove that all the Indian citizens are bigger than our citizens.

False figures??? If you think that BBC gives wrong figure then ask your BD govt. to provide it.

If you will insult my country and in this case you are doing so you will not get flowers in return. If you will say anything against my country and the result will be brutal.

Because BD is a small country does not mean that what ever they are saying is correct.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 PM ----------

IndiaDaily - Bangladeshi illegal immigrants start to flee Assam, India because of threats from anonymous groups – Manmohan Government could have avoided the chaos

Every day around 6,000 illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators cross the border and enter Assam, India. Many of these are Islamic militants with links to Al-Queda.

Right from beginning in order to get minority votes, the Congress led UPA Government in India have taken little steps to deport millions of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. The local people in Assam have lost jobs, their cultural heritage and their national identity because of the se illegal immigrants. Their hatred has finally manifested towards India and especially towards Indian citizens from West Bengal.

The government and the students union signed a pact in 1985 for deportation of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, but believe it or not, clauses on the deportation of foreigners have still not been implemented. Twenty years of inaction is taking violent shape now.

Now a new turn in the equation has taken place. According to media reports for Assam, thousands of Bangladeshis are fleeing Assam following threats by anonymous groups against migrants and a campaign asking locals not to employ foreigners, officials and residents said.

The unidentified groups in the troubled state's Dibrugarh district have circulated leaflets and sent text messages on mobile phones in the past week, warning Bangladeshi nationals to leave immediately or face unspecified action.

India has fenced parts of the 4,000-km border with Bangladesh, but officials say this has done little to deter migrants bent on leaving one of the world's poorest countries.

Assam shares a 272 km porous border with Bangladesh, a vast stretch of which is unfenced.

"Fencing along the border with Bangladesh in this sector has started to prevent illegal infiltration," said federal Home Secretary V.K. Duggal.

"Legal and judicial measures have also been adopted to deport illegal Bangladeshi settlers from the country."

"Every day around 6,000 illegal infiltrators cross the border and enter the state," said an intelligence official in Guwahati, the state's main city.

Mobile phones in Assam are being flooded with text messages saying, "Save the nation, save identity. Let's take an oath ... no food, no job, no shelter to Bangladeshis" while leaflets seeking an "economic blockade" of the migrants are also being distributed.

Congress Government could have taken appropriate actions coordinated with the Bangladesh Government to avoid these “citizen’s action and arrests”.

"Many laborers working in brick kilns, rickshaws pullers and construction workers have fled in the past one week due to the threat," said P.C. Saloi, superintendent of police in Dibrugarh.

Over the years, millions of illegal Bangladeshi migrants have swamped the tea-growing and oil-rich state in search for work and food.

Over two years ago, the government estimated there could be up to 20 million illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in India, and labeled some of them a security risk.

In the early 1980s, the powerful All Assam Students Union launched a bloody campaign to push Bangladeshis back to their homeland.

Indigenous people in Assam and other Northeastern states of India who feared they would be reduced to a minority in their own land massacred thousands of Bangladeshis, including women and children, across the state.

The campaign against the Bangladeshis has mushroomed into a full-fledged uprising against New Delhi's rule and many rebel groups are still battling for independence.

The lush paddy fields and the sandy, shifting plains of the mighty Brahmaputra river that divides the countries are natural transit routes. Hundreds take rickety boats across the river, which at some places is 15 km wide, into India.

The migrants become farmhands or river fishermen in villages. In towns they are often construction workers or rickshaw pullers, and the women work as maids.

Since the latest campaign against Bangladeshis began, rickshaw pullers in Assam have gone off the road, maids have stopped coming to work and there is a shortage of eggs and chickens as most vendors were Bangladeshi. Brick kilns have been closed due to shortage of labor.

Though there are no officials figures of actual numbers of Bangladeshis in Assam, locals say their population could be six million of the state's 26 million people.

Police said most of the fleeing Bangladeshi have now moved to districts close to the border with Bangladesh.

"The police have been put on maximum alert and instructions have been given that no genuine citizens are harassed and no communal clashes take place in disturbed areas," said Rockybul Hussain, Assam's minister for home.
and plz dont say that my link is biased just because it has been provided by an Indian website.
and plz dont say that my link is biased just because it has been provided by an Indian website.

It is only biased when we use Indian media but if they use BD media it is not biased. Just read eastwatch's posted "news" and tell if it is not biased or not. This rule only applies to Indians. :disagree:
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