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India working to make Bangladesh a desert

Yes I am a Razakar to defend Islam and Muslims interest in my country and I will always expose bharatis and dalal awamis anti Bangladeshi and anti islami propaganda.:sniper:

Just curious will you have the same zeal if the enemies of bangladesh turn out to be Pakistan, Burma, China, UK or USA ?

Just curious ?

1)pakistan respect its muslim bengali brothers.
2)genocide of bengalis.do hindu frgot genocide of muslims done by hindus and sikh when muslims were migrating to pakistan and when muslims were expelled from there majority districts gurdaspur,ferozpur and amritsir and were awarded to india.
3)india forgot its killing of innocent muslims of jammus who were migrating to pakistan and were killed by hindus.
4)hindus forgot how many thousends of kashmiri muslims they have killed in kashmir?
We have already seen until 1971 how you people respect the Bangali muslims. We do not want it any more. We will keep on protecting our separate entity from enslavement by both Pak and India through a lasting economic progress.
Just curious will you have the same zeal if the enemies of Bangladesh turn out to be Pakistan, Burma, China, UK or USA ?

Just curious ?


I case of me:

No! Because apart from Burma (little dispute) we have no dispute with them. If we had problem between then why not the same zeal?

And about India: We do not dislike India without any obvious reason. We do not dislike India for their religion (their own matter) but for their gesture and policy toward BD.
We have already seen until 1971 how you people respect the Bangali muslims. We do not want it any more. We will keep on protecting our separate entity from enslavement by both Pak and India through a lasting economic progress.
This unwanted shuorer baccha would poke his nose where it doesn't belong. Pseudo commie, thief of his type converted our country as begger bowl whereas emerging-tigerish economy of E PAK leading us to have dream for prosperous Muslim land from 60-70. Later when the thug Mujib was removed and the curse of the "Bottom less basket" (72-75) was reversed as "Emerging Tiger"(91-96) again; Rawamy Malaun, Pseudo Commie Shuor of his type made the country as the land of God fathers, Rapist-centurians from 96-2001. Again in a completely different world ( 2002-2006) we fixed all the Rawamy Shaitan's misdeed and achieved phenomenal 6.8 growth, highest FDI and only country to cross UN's HDI index etc just to be blamed by MUA Shuor, him and pimp of his type as anti-liberation force, RAZAKAR etc.

So, I urge my Pakistani brothers not to try to hug the types of Mir Jafar, MUA, please because they would only hurt your kind feeling and those pseudo Bengali haram khors, shuors aren't worth of your invitation.
We have already seen until 1971 how you people respect the Bangali muslims. We do not want it any more. We will keep on protecting our separate entity from enslavement by both Pak and India through a lasting economic progress.

Alright, that you want to live with separate entity.

But why you answering to him in that way. It's bad. Remember such approach by you only recognizes you as mean minded rather than them since they have admitted their past mistakes and now want friendship.

BTW, Do not angry on me. Cos whatever I think, I've said.
Pseudo commie, thief of his type converted our country as beggar bowl whereas emerging-tigerish economy of E PAK leading us to have dream for prosperous Muslim land from 60-70.

Would you explain how economy of E. Pak was prosperous from 1960-70? As max ppl know W. Pak used to do partiality to us.
Just curious will you have the same zeal if the enemies of bangladesh turn out to be Pakistan, Burma, China, UK or USA ?

Just curious ?


Yes, without a doubt. You have forgot to mention about great brit however Bangladesh's main enemy is Awami munafiq leauge and it's master Bharat. West Pakistan was never our enemy however it was made to be one by awami and bharat.

Welcome back and how is things in brit? Are you ready for shariah in london 20 years from now?
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Would you explain how economy of E. Pak was prosperous from 1960-70? As max ppl know W. Pak used to do partiality to us.
Please compare any decade with 60-70 in BD's known history, when the likes of 4 Universities (CTG, BUET, Rajshahi, Agri), 4 BITS (Rangunia, Ghajipur, Khlishpur and Rajshhi), Komolapur as the finnest Rail Station, Parliament Bhabhan as the finest architecture, 247 jute mills (Adamji as the largest in Asia), Industrial City like Patenga (Steel Mill as one of the largest in south asia, Dry Dock as a great dock yard, Eastern Refinery, GM Plant etc), Khalispur (News Print Mills, Jute mill, Pakshi paper Mill etc), Fenchuganj Fertilizer Factory etc have been built, regards.
This unwanted shuorer baccha would poke his nose where it doesn't belong. Pseudo commie, thief of his type converted our country as begger bowl whereas emerging-tigerish economy of E PAK leading us to have dream for prosperous Muslim land from 60-70. Later when the thug Mujib was removed and the curse of the "Bottom less basket" (72-75) was reversed as "Emerging Tiger"(91-96) again; Rawamy Malaun, Pseudo Commie Shuor of his type made the country as the land of God fathers, Rapist-centurians from 96-2001. Again in a completely different world ( 2002-2006) we fixed all the Rawamy Shaitan's misdeed and achieved phenomenal 6.8 growth, highest FDI and only country to cross UN's HDI index etc just to be blamed by MUA Shuor, him and pimp of his type as anti-liberation force, RAZAKAR etc.

So, I urge my Pakistani brothers not to try to hug the types of Mir Jafar, MUA, please because they would only hurt your kind feeling and those pseudo Bengali haram khors, shuors aren't worth of your invitation.

The obscenities are really uncalled for. You can dish it out without using foul language.
OK India is enacting dams to control/reroute water. What BD is doing about it, and not just talk about it.


1) All the rivers except for a few , runs from India.

2) India has a few dams on those rivers

3) India is proposing another dam in Tipai.

4) Bangladeshi monsoons are rain drenched.

5) All the rain water in the Himalaya area north of BD, flows to BD.

Now we have adequate/surplus water in the rainy season, and not enough in the dry season. Even with the Indian dams, we still have to deal with the flood water in the monsoon, where India just opens the gates ( kinda a like not having a dam).

By working out the water sharing agreements , river/flood management issues BD can effectively neutralize the threat that exists. There are plenty of studies done about water management in BD. Almost none were implemented.

These issues have been going on for at least more than 35 yrs. We can go on complain about it for another 35 yrs or so, but will that solve the problem ? Whining about it is just political and won't get anything done.
Govt move to push ahead with Tipaimukh dam condemned
The Imphal Free Press

IMPHAL, Feb 4: Deploring the act of the Manipur government for proposing a meeting today with stakes holders of various company in connection with the controversial Tipaimukh Project, as reflected in local dailies, various anti Dam organizations stated it was another instance of directly infringing on the rights of indigenous peoples of Manipur and all those to be impacted by the mega dam project along the Barak River.

Talking to media persons in this connection during a press meet, the Naga People Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR), Committee on Land Natural Resource (COLNR), Hmar Students’ Association (HAS), Citizen Concern for Dams and Development (CCDD) and Action Committee Against Tipaimukh Dam (ACTIP), questioned whether the move made by the government was on the basis of vested interest and strongly condemned the decision adding the issue is not only of Manipur but an inter state issue and the international one too.

According to the representatives of the organizations, the government must take the opinion of the society, consent of the people to be affected and questioned as to why the issue can not be discussed in the Manipur Assembly adding that it has been rejected by past governments. They also alleged that there has been no assessment for the affected sections till date.

Co-convenor of ACTIP Bikramjit said the step of the government was like an invitation for another mass uprising to the people as the project is not only a loss for hill district but the entire state and added that the anti Dam organisation are prepared for any confrontation if the government forcibly proceed with its proposed plan.

“Today’s meeting of the government with the companies was without the consent of the people as well as with the representatives of our affected area” said Joseph Hmar, vice president, HAS and added that the act is a bypass of the people to be affected as they are still opposed to the project.

The anti Dam organisations further asserted that the project would be a more loss than benefit and clarify that the 1500 MW project as mentioned frequently was a misinterpretation. The 1500 MW was only the installation capacity of the Project (the combined generation of the turbine proposed to be installed) however the actual power generation out of the project would be only around 420 MW of which about 10 percent would be for the state and opined that the Manipur have to cost a district for minimal power generation from this project, said the anti Dam activist.

Further they disclosed that different organisations have long been resisting the Tipaimukh Dam construction as testified by the peoples protest during five public hearings held for the proposed Dam, during foundation stone lying by the power minister of India, Sushil Kumar Shinde on 15 December 2006, at the grating of techno economic clearance in 2002 and the environmental clearance by the ministry of environment and forest in 2008.

The reason cited included government and the project authorities, formerly the NEEPCO, and the new authorities, the National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC), the Sutlej Jal Vidyoot Nigam Limited and the government of Manipur still fails to address the multifaceted impacts of the proposed Dam.

The proposed involvement of NHPC in Tipaimukh Dam is unfortunate they said as the NHPC has been irresponsible and lacks accountability in Loktak Lake Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project given the fact that the project has led to economic, social and environment devastation. It indeed is unfortunate for NHPC to claim that the affected villagers of Loktak have been fully compensated as the mater still remains unresolved in the court even after almost three decades commissioning the project.

A holistic thorough assessment of the possible impact of the Tipaimukh Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project with the participation of the affected people both in Manipur, Assam and further down in Bangladesh should precede any decision on Tipaimukh Dam and that the project should not commence without the free prior and informed consent of all affected peoples in upstreeams and downstream portions of Barak River. The decision making framework recommendation by the world Commission on Dams, respecting rights of people, ensuring their participation, option assessment should guide the decision making of Tipaimukh Dam, said the representatives of the organizations.
The obscenities are really uncalled for. You can dish it out without using foul language.

Eke E Bole "Sara Raar Ramayan Porar Samoy Ghomiya Thakle Sokale Othe Sita Kar Baazan" Prasna Kortha hoy. Before using big words like "obscenities", "uncalled for" at next time, try to dig where the argument or story has started from, undersand? Since I don't remember seeing your post here, I would ask you (Please) to dig this thread in order to find out what has led me to become obscene, thanks.
Saturday, February 13, 2010

DHAKA: The Teesta River has dried up fully due to drastic fall of its water level this current dry season causing a very adverse impact on agriculture, fishery, communication and employment.

The water level of the river started to decrease sharply in September last. Later the river dried up fully this year causing a large number of dunes and chars to emerge on the beds of the river.

Miles and miles on the riverbed are turning into desert and the environment of adjacent region of the river is also facing threat of desertification.

People living beside the river Teesta said during the last five months they had seen an abnormal full in the water level of the river but they could not think that the river would dry up very fast.

Now, anyone can cross the river on foot easily but few years ago it was fully unreal and imaginative.

The abnormal fall in water level of the Teesta River has been attributed to the unilateral withdrawal of water by India through the Farraka Barrage in the upstream of Teesta Irrigation Project at Dalia of Lalmonirhat district side by side with negative impact of climate change.

The River Teesta is said to be the lifeline of the Indian state of Sikkim, flowing for almost the entire length of the state and carving out verdant Himalayan temperate and tropical river valleys. The emerald-coloured river then forms the border between Sikkim and West Bengal before joining the Brahmaputra as a tributary in Bangladesh. Total length of the river is 315 kilometres (196 mi).

The plying of water vessels has been suspended in all the routes of the river due to drastic fall in water level and drying up the river.

The suspension of the playing of water vessels has caused undue sufferings to 50 people living the char villages under Sundarganj upazila in the district regarding their communication with the mainland.

Two hundred boatmen of 50 boat routes in Teesta river with four upazilas under Kurigram and Gaibandha district search option to livelihood as the boat routes have already been closed due to drying up the river Teesta.

The fishermen living on the river basins are passing their days ideally as they can not catch fishes there for want of water in the river.

Vast tracts of land remain uncultivated on the beds of the river and they can not be brought under crops cultivation programme for want of water in the river.

Hundreds of people living in the chars have become totally jobless, as they have no work in their hands due to drying up in river.
Eke E Bole "Sara Raar Ramayan Porar Samoy Ghomiya Thakle Sokale Othe Sita Kar Baazan" Prasna Kortha hoy. Before using big words like "obscenities", "uncalled for" at next time, try to dig where the argument or story has started from, undersand? Since I don't remember seeing your post here, I would ask you (Please) to dig this thread in order to find out what has led me to become obscene, thanks.


With all due respect my point is you can hammer someone without cursing. Perhaps this postulate will explain, " The art of diplomacy is to tell someone to go to hell in a certain way , where the person actually looks forward to the trip to hell ! "
OK India is enacting dams to control/reroute water. What BD is doing about it, and not just talk about it.

Now we have adequate/surplus water in the rainy season, and not enough in the dry season. Even with the Indian dams, we still have to deal with the flood water in the monsoon, where India just opens the gates ( kinda a like not having a dam).

By working out the water sharing agreements , river/flood management issues BD can effectively neutralize the threat that exists. There are plenty of studies done about water management in BD. Almost none were implemented.

These issues have been going on for at least more than 35 yrs. We can go on complain about it for another 35 yrs or so, but will that solve the problem ? Whining about it is just political and won't get anything done.
We have certain national traits. One of them is to blame others for our own difficulties, but we also do not do our home works adequately. After saying that, we must also understand that international river flows cannot be diverted or its water withhold unilaterally by the upper riverine country.

India has always been doing this. It would build dams a few km above the border without consulting BD. Farakka and Teesta are only two such examples. India does things that harm BD ecologically, financially, economically and psychologically. India seems to connive our sentiments, but then try to ease out things by making strong relationship with the Awami League leaders.

To solve its own water problem, India can perhaps build vast reservoirs at the upper end of rivers like Ganges/Padma and Teesta, get supply from them during winter, and free most of the water for use by BD.

In case of BD, it can build a number of barrages. One such barrage can be located across the Padma near Bhola. Sluice gates can be built across the entry and exit points of all the distributories from the Padma, and 5m (?) high earthen levies can be built along both the banks of this river.

This is how the entire Padma and almost all its distributories will become a vast water reservoir. Winter farming can be supplied with water from this system. It is sure that not all the farms can be connected directly to this network, but when water is available in the river system, the ground water table will rise. This will cause to pump up underground water for irrigation at low cost.

Water is very precious now a days, because countries have to produce more and more foods to feed the ever expanding population. Nature alone is not able to feed this huge population any more. So, not a single drop of water should be allowed to flow freely to the sea. About 3 acre-foot (it means an acre of paddy land will require 3 feet high water) of water is needed in average for each acre of winter paddy crop.

A person can calculate the total requirements of irrigation water in the country and then again calculate the volume of water that can be retained in all the rivers and haors. He will find that BD has enough water resources available to support quite a marvellous GREEN REVOLUTION that can feed 400 million mouths.

Therefore, a comprehensive water management programme must be evolved by our engineers and scientists.
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