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India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati

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Kashmir is no foreign land, it was acceded to India hence Pakistan is illegally occupying Kashmir illegally.

Dude yr Gov's Jingoism aside but the Truth is that we Kashmiris dont like to be part of yr country hence yr illegally Occupying Foreign Land.



Dude yr Gov's Jingoism aside but the Truth is that we Kashmiris dont like to be part of yr country hence yr illegally Occupying Foreign Land.




few photos will prove nothing.try something else.
These kind of nautankis will appear again and again .. They have no better work to do ..rather than generalising everything she should have raised certain case where culprit is roaming freely ..
In war situations basic rights of citizens can be lifted ..and due to terrorism and some of their hardcore supporters in valley there may be some case of civil abuse ..but that is normal
she can check the record for last 3 years when valley is calm and she will know who is main reason behind these ..
The idiot wants some international award and she is ready to make red carpet out of the country..never heard her of opposing terrorists and their killings ..

These kind of nautankis will appear again and again .. They have no better work to do ..rather than generalising everything she should have raised certain case where culprit is roaming freely ..
In war situations basic rights of citizens can be lifted ..and due to terrorism and some of their hardcore supporters in valley there may be some case of civil abuse ..but that is normal
she can check the record for last 3 years when valley is calm and she will know who is main reason behind these ..
The idiot wants some international award and she is ready to make red carpet out of the country..never heard her of opposing terrorists and their killings ..
Talk about yourself.. This Kashmiri does.. And this Kashmiri can visit Srinagar any time he wants (was there on Saturday as well).. Unlike Kashmiris like you ;)

LOL n this thread n other threads that i had posted suggests that im talking about the natives of Valley. Not a Native of Punjab.

Yup it will but not to us but for u people who seem to be living in their own world.
LOL n this thread n other threads that i had posted suggests that im talking about the natives of Valley. Not a Native of Punjab.

Yup it will but not to us but for u people who seem to be living in their own world.

Learn who is occupying the territory... Read the UN security councils resolution... you can very easily find out what has prevented the plebiscite... click on the link and read... maybe some facts might trickle down in your brain.
LOL i know u people like in yr cave mentality where outside world n its happenings doesnt matter.

if you have any logical arguments to make then do it. any body can post photos of flag burning be it Indian or Pakistani.there is a micro minority in Kashmir(like the geelani and party ) who wants to join Pakistan but they don't represent the majority..so get out of your delusion that Kashmiri's are dying to be part of Pakistan.
I believe she will suffer more if she keeps making such anti nationalistic comments. Come on arundathi if you have a problem please return to your native country. Don't need you here.

What is her native country yar? I mean, she is an Indian and a Malayali:blink:
Indian Military crimes in occupied Kashmir are endless. Good to see honest people coming forward & telling the truth about Indian Military brutal crimes in occupied Kashmir.

INSHAALLAH Kashmir will be freed from the shackles of occupying India & INSHAALLAH once again Kashmir will be part of Pakistan.
It is a lack of understanding about the psyche of the rights worker and journalist that leads lots of people in India to hate Arundhati roy as Marvi Sirmid is hated in Pakistan. I do not agree with Marvi Sirmid's views but I sympathize with her because she was born to a Hindu family and took up their rights.

In any case my point is the duty of a rights worker is actually to focus on the ugly issues that society wishes to hide under the rug. They do not fear anything or any force, not the government, army or any force in the nation. For them the duty is to present issues prevalent in the country in order for someone to solve them.

People believe only the positive should be highlighted but presenting only the positive does not make for a good media which has a duty to highlight the bad and ugly of society so that people can see and work to solve such issues. After reports have been aired on Samaa, Dawn and other tv channels in Pakistan people have taken up noble causes and cases and have made efforts to support people who have suffered in some way or another. I say this as an independent journalist myself-albeit a rather unsuccessful one.

The way this woman is demonized in Indian media says a lot about the neutrality and objectivity of Indian media. Yes she is the darling of Pakistan as Paracha is a darling of India. But then when someone criticizes a perceived hostile nation it always sounds good to our ears.

Marvi Sirmed is different,she is different.

she is just a nobody but for her booker prize.
NEW DELHI - Underscoring the need to punish the military and paramilitary forces for the heinous crimes they had committed in Held Kashmir, renowned writer and social activist Arundhati Roy has said Indians will suffer in future for what the people of Kashmir had to face over the last two decades.Roy accused India of not being serious in punishing the military, paramilitary, police and government backed gunmen who had been declared accused in various heinous crimes."Troops and paramilitary troops involved in various heinous crimes including custodial killings, disappearances, rapes and declared accused through FIRs and other reports have evaded action which has resulted in making them habitual offenders. These habitual offenders when deployed in other states will commit the same offences against innocent people," Roy said during a debate over the recent report released by Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) at Gandhi Peace Foundation Delhi organised by People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR)."To continue its occupation in Kashmir, India has made its forces immune from every law there. If civil society of India and other human rights activist do not take appropriate steps after going through the report of APDP, we will feel ashamed in future," she said.Roy said the state high court and government established human rights commissions had held military and paramilitary forces responsible for various heinous crimes but both State and government of India had not shown any seriousness in punishing them.Representing the report, APDP's Parvez Imroz said India had set free its forces in Kashmir to commit human rights violations and no action is taken against the personnel involved in heinous and gruesome human rights violations.Quoting reference from APDP's report, he said more than 500 troops allegedly involved in 214 cases had not been brought to book.Terming the APDP report based on facts, human rights activist Kartik Markotla said the report was prepared after obtaining official records through RTI Act and the reports filed in FIRs.He said the registered FIRs with various police stations had held 500 troops, paramilitary forces, policemen and government-backed gunmen accused. "India is neither serious nor sincere in punishing these accused," Markotla said. He said deliberate silence of India against the alleged human rights violations committed by troops in Kashmir was unfortunate and the role of national media had been partial or irresponsible.Expressing his views on the report, Nivedita Menon said: "Since day one India has closed its eyes from the facts pertaining to human rights violations in Kashmir that is why the violations continue to occur in the Valley. Facts are being distorted in FIRs regarding custodial killings, enforced disappearances or rape and other heinous crimes."APDP headed by Parvez Imroz at a press conference in Srinagar had made a report public about the alleged human rights violations committed by troops.In its report it had alleged that 500 troops were involved in 214 cases of custodial killings and disappearances and other heinous crimes. "Two hundred and thirty-five army men, 123 paramilitary troops, 111 policemen and 31 government-backed gunmen are involved in these human right violation cases," the report read.The report was debated in Delhi and the debate session was organised by People’s Union for Democratic Rights at Gandhi Peace Foundation.

India will suffer for what it did in Kashmir: Arundhati | The Nation
Her name and Zaid makes Indian troll and what she said is true because those who have been killed and those women who have been attacked Muslims remember them and they will pay not only Kashmiris but Muslims all around the world will take revenge if India needs to avoid that they have to solve the problem of Kashmir or get ready for more attacks
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