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India will be world's 3rd largest economy by 2030

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Proof? None? Got it. :)

are you taking about proof ....
a) when you said proof that we do Nuclear smuggling ( AK Khan)
b) OBL is not in Pak, give proof ( Raid OBL compound in ISI safe house)
C) Proof that Mumbai gun man not pakistani ........... and list go on....
You are probably the most boring poster here on PDF..same things over and over and over...*yawn*

---------- Post added at 10:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------

I ll tell you the conditions today...compare India 2000 and India now..its better manifolds...compare Pakistan and India its better many manifolds! And we are on the right path...and sadly for you India will achieve,what you Pakistanis can't even dream for!:cheesy:

Ok, Mr. Future-Teller,did you get a bachelors or masters in future telling? Plus, Pakistan's economy was always good, it's just this government that's lagging us behind, or you wouldn't be saying this right now.
I already told you, when I joined this forum I was probably the most pro-China/India friendship person here.

But the bitter truth, is that the Indian mindset has been so warped by 1962 that they can't stop thinking about it on any matter regarding China. The Indian media is filled with scaremongering articles about China, while our media hardly even talks about India. The nation of India lives in fear and paranoia of anything to do with China.

This national paranoia is too deep, there is nothing that can be done except hope that India does not try to repeat 1959.

The 1959 ,1962 or what ever is all in the past , most Indians today see china in awe and are inspired by the rapid strides it is taking towards modernization and economic progress.... India too will reach there but at its own pace due to the democratic system in place here which is both a boon and bane for India since it is a hindrance against taking tough decisions on major infrastructure projects.

Being a senior member you must realize that its too easy to get caught in a flame bait .request you not to fall for it ! India and China can benefit a lot from trade with huge middle class consumers that only keeps increasing , we are inching towards a 100 billion $ trade and it could easily reach half a trillion too in future , there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by friendship rather than harping on something that happened half a century back !
lol @ 2030 hmmmm & india will be number 1 in 2300 & than hyper power in 3000 lol:D

cannt u indians live in today? tell us the condition of ur country today?
dont live in fool's paradise as west is making fun of u guys....

well only those progress who see future and build present for getting brighter future.

One can see the difference between India and PAK , started from same line but stand different today , Pak want Aid , India now started giving AID.
are you taking about proof ....
a) when you said proof that we do Nuclear smuggling ( AK Khan)
b) OBL is not in Pak, give proof ( Raid OBL compound in ISI safe house)
C) Proof that Mumbai gun man not pakistani ........... and list go on....

A) First of all,it's AQ Khan, and he is not a terrorist.

B) Where is the proof OBL was in Pak? No radar sig, we didn't see his body, where is the proof except some run-down house?

C) Well, you still didn't prove that the Pak government was behind Mumbai attacks except some of your radicals screaming out and challenging Pakistan. And even if it was, you Indians are always saying Kashmir is yours and the LeT terrorist most likely came from Kashmir, so yoou are contradicting your facts.
Being a senior member you must realize that its too easy to get caught in a flame bait .request you not to fall for it ! India and China can benefit a lot from trade with huge middle class consumers that only keeps increasing , we are inching towards a 100 billion $ trade and it could easily reach half a trillion too in future , there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by friendship rather than harping on something that happened half a century back !

I believe in pragmatism. Which means more trade ties with everyone, and no war with anyone.

Much of the stuff I say on here is simply a response to Indians flaming us for no reason. Since after all, China is India's national boogeyman.

Anyone who takes the time to really analyze the situation, will instantly see that China is the one who is gaining the most by out of the current global status quo. By far.

There is no reason for us to change the status quo by launching some random invasion, as NDTV loves to predict.
Anyways, I hope there aren't any obstacles between Indian growth as that will help the South Asian economy the most and hopefully speed up trade ties with other South Asian countries.
I believe in pragmatism. Which means more trade ties with everyone, and no war with anyone.

Much of the stuff I say on here is simply a response to Indians flaming us for no reason. Since after all, China is India's national boogeyman.

Indians Flaming us for no reason is not appropriate ,it works both ways isnt it, some one like Hongwu is always around to start the flame and a responsible senior member like you fall for it rather than discussing the issue at hand with pragmatism and grace....

I do agree with you that more trade ties will benefit both countries not just economically but also to avoid war ... neither India nor china would not like to risk a war for barren mountainous land whats at stake is far greater , Status quo relating to both Aksai Chin and Arunachal should suit both India and China nicely ,We cant invade and occupy Aksai Chin nor can you occupy Arunachal by force and without all out war and substantial loss for both countries, thats ruled out...

let the trade and people to people contact bloom to such an extent that we do not even wish to harm each others. :cheers:
Wow, a prediction of 20 years into the future? :cheesy:

They couldn't even predict the 2008 Credit Crunch one week before it happened.

Hell, these economic experts cannot even predict what will happen tommorrow, let alone in 20 years.

And that includes their prediction for China being the largest economy as well.

but its true. you guys just need to grow twice your current size and you will be the largest economy in the world. I dont think its difficult for you guys. can be easily done in 20 years. where as for us we need to grow at least 3 times to reach current 3rd largest.
Let's go back to the topic. :P

To develop, a country doesn't have to be energy intensive. We should not go the China way

Regardless, I think resource dependent countries like Japan, South Korea, China and India should join force to develope alternative energy resources.
Anyways, I hope there aren't any obstacles between Indian growth as that will help the South Asian economy the most and hopefully speed up trade ties with other South Asian countries.

u r right no obstacle for indian growth but india is the biggest obstacle in south asian progress.
Let's go back to the topic. :P

Regardless, I think resource dependent countries like Japan, South Korea, China and India should join force to develope alternative energy resources.

we should have some sort of Asian union :D but considering the fact that there is so much hatred and lack of political will I doubt it will happen any time soon. Europe did that after they had 2 world wars. We have had our share of wars too. Its time we should get going making a union on lines of EU
Its a reality, India is already:

- 9th largest economy in the world. :tup:

- 9th Largest manufacturer in the world. :tup:

But, Envious and inferiority complex trolls will flood this thread soon.
have you checked your pop'n lately?
Manufacturing is the path of great economic success, not the service sector. No superpower has ever risen relying on the service sector. I am skeptical of this claim that India will be the third largest economy by 2030.

I would say German and Japan will still be ahead, due to their industrial capability and infrastructure.
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