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India wants to fight Pakistan conventionally,Pakistan wants to jump from subconventional to nuclear

OK so did heaad of indian atomic energy personally told you that :azn: :omghaha:

munna india exploded firstdevices in 1974 and then again in 1998 and have owr own fast breeder reactor thecnology which only russia and USA & japan have plus thorium based reactors which only we have so come out of your pipe dream we also can buy any ammount of uranium as we have NSG waiver for that and member of MTCR & wassenaar arrangement ... do you even know what does that mean :haha:

Chunnay, Kakay. Let me educate you. To Miniature nuke warhead to a sub kilo ton yield , golf ball in size, which can in turn fit into small bombs, missiles (like NASR) and standoff weapons (Like RAAD, Babur), is considered to be the pinnacle of the nuke physics and design. In nuclear world, the smaller they are, more difficult they become to master and develop. You rats in east have no knowledge or expertise in this field. There are no traces of India possessing such weapons which are used on battlefield.


Why is India mum on tactical nuclear weapons? Do we have them

As per the information available in the public domain, India does not have tactical nuclear weapons

India does not have it to the best of my knowledge, because we do not need it," the defence expert said.

India reaction to Pakistan possessing the tactical nukes is nothing more then rants, that if Pakistan lay waste Indian forces by the use of its tactical nukes, India will strike Pakistan with its strategic nukes. :D

That's about it really.
Chunnay, Kakay. Let me educate you. To Miniature nuke warhead to a sub kilo ton yield , golf ball in size, which can in turn fit into small bombs, missiles (like NASR) and standoff weapons (Like RAAD, Babur), is considered to be the pinnacle of the nuke physics and design. In nuclear world, the smaller they are, more difficult they become to master and develop. You rats in east have no knowledge or expertise in this field. There are no traces of India possessing such weapons which are used on battlefield.


Why is India mum on tactical nuclear weapons? Do we have them

As per the information available in the public domain, India does not have tactical nuclear weapons

India does not have it to the best of my knowledge, because we do not need it," the defence expert said.

India reaction to Pakistan possessing the tactical nukes is nothing more then rants, that if Pakistan lay waste Indian forces by the use of its tactical nukes, India will strike Pakistan with its strategic nukes. :D

That's about it really.
calling names does not makes your point valid or does it :haha: :azn:

now of 5 nukes tested in 1998 on first day 3 very normal high yiel but two done after two days of the first tests vere less than .1 KTN or even lesser yeild ... its all on the web declassified now .. go read it :drag:

as for thermo nuclear devices we are doing tests on them and in cunjuction and help from friends for almost 15 years so do not worry about us we have no serous problems aquiring daul use tech from canada , USA , france , russia or israel whwen and hwerre we want we have devloped most of them on owr own by owr own R&D for past 60 years remmeber we exploded owr first devices in 1974 and second ones in 1998 so keep dreaming we are not totally dependent on china for every thing like some people :haha:

now indians saying it truck ki batti after singing for years cold start doctrine cold start doctrine cold start doctrine, just trying to control the embarrassment, and if that was truck ki batti then why indian army procured 1000s of military hardware under the strategy of cold start doctrine. stop making fools yourselves we know that Indians are most ignorant nation on the planet earth...

ohh sorry that survey was also a Truck ki Batti :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
just look at what india devlopedor got in last 20 years after kargil ...... T90s & Arjuns + LCH & Apaches besides Apaches & M777+ K9 SPGs and smerch + pinaka 1 & 2 MRBLs plus new range of phalcon AWACS & israeli drones & SAMS & Radars & Sattelite survivellence ..... in short a smart and defncive multi layered but cost effective system .... but compare it with yours all your efforsts were to defeate so called CSD .... so what was the end result :haha:

How are those thermo weapons coming along?
they are like diamond jwellery of a rich lady which she always flaunts but never ever goes to sell in the market ...... fear that day any one of us have to enchash owr so called daimond jwellery .... :cheers:
Question is, can Pakistan risk using it's TNWs on Indian IBGs which would give India an opportunity to launch a full scale N-attack on major Pakistani cities which are infact not too many?
they are like diamond jwellery of a rich lady which she always flaunts but never ever goes to sell in the market ...... fear that day any one of us have to enchash owr so called daimond jwellery .... :cheers:

hoarding gold never worked for you in history honey...
Question is can Pakistan risk using it's TNWs on Indian IBGs which would give India an opportunity to launch full scale N-attack?
they dont want to think like that in first strike even if they manage to kill almost 10-15 crore indians what gonna happen after that or will india weight to launch full scale nuclear fury on there nation after its troops are attacked with nuclear power even in pakistani territory what happens when india attacks pakistani soils with what it got in so calle nuclear retaliation :azn:

hoarding gold never worked for you in history honey...
am i speaking of gold or money here ... wise guy :haha:
Question is, can Pakistan risk using it's TNWs on Indian IBGs which would give India an opportunity to launch a full scale N-attack on major Pakistani cities which are infact not too many?

You should ask this to your government when TNWs start raining down.

am i speaking of gold or money here ... wise guy :haha:

you favored the gold lingua franca not me.
cause for almost a decade we are watching every movement of PAF & PA from sattelites and radars and ground intellegence we know what you have and where so if you have to do something fance we will do whats needed before even you take the agressive steps in your full power and then think of it cause then what happens india wont be responsible and niether USA/NATO nor China/Russia gonna come to save you cause there wont be ay time this time left
You should ask this to your government when TNWs start raining down.

you favored the gold lingua franca not me.
Indians have stated very clearly what will be their response in case Indian forces are under low yield N-attack. It has to be a massive retaliation, place and time of their own choosings. My question is simple. Are Pakistani military strategists viewing this doctrine as mere bluff?
they dont want to think like that in first strike even if they manage to kill almost 10-15 crore indians what gonna happen after that or will india weight to launch full scale nuclear fury on there nation after its troops are attacked with nuclear power even in pakistani territory what happens when india attacks pakistani soils with what it got in so calle nuclear retaliation :azn:

am i speaking of gold or money here ... wise guy :haha:
if wishes were horses fools would fly :sarcastic:

but then what else you can expect from peos people of land of the pure :drag:

nazar na lage.jpg
cause for almost a decade we are watching every movement of PAF & PA from sattelites and radars and ground intellegence we know what you have and where so if you have to do something fance we will do whats needed before even you take the agressive steps in your full power and then think of it cause then what happens india wont be responsible and niether USA/NATO nor China/Russia gonna come to save you cause there wont be ay time this time left


and we sold your Arjun Tank design for 11 dollars

and we sold your Arjun Tank design for 11 dollars
dont worry PA still have to defete some 248 of them and some 1500 T90s and some 2500 T72s and all of them fire ATGMs from there gun and can fight at night in all kinds of weather and come with APS & Apache & LCH kind of helicopters for CAS who can forget what we did at assal uttar without CAS ;) :butcher:
India is dreaming. Yiu can outnumber us and outgun us but we cant use all at our disposal. My dear neighbour its better to resolve issues at the table but if it comes to war it will be bare knuckles

What Table ??? Ever heard of "status quo ante bellum". :lol::lol::lol:
Indian counter part to NASR has 3 times the range, can carry both miniaturized nuclear as well as conventional warhead, has shoot and scoot, quick reaction capability. A single truck carries 6 missiles as opposed to 2 or 4 missiles carried by NASR truck.

The only difference, it has not been advertised as much as Nasr, has been by Pakistan.


But if you use that en masse, then Pakistan can bring in Abdali, Ghauri, Ghaznavi and others to screw up your country again.

Of course, you might reply that India would then bring in Prithviraj, but just like the last time a certain individual named Prithviraj tried to harm Muslims, it will fail since you'll still be screwed anyway. We'll reach the situation of MAD.

That's the point of the game. Deter India from doing anything stupid by threatening you guys with MAD. And it's working.
Indians have stated very clearly what will be their response in case Indian forces are under low yield N-attack. It has to be a massive retaliation, place and time of their own choosings. My question is simple. Are Pakistani military strategists viewing this doctrine as mere bluff?

Why should you assume that strategists do not have this in their calculations?

dont worry PA still have to defete some 248 of them and some 1500 T90s and some 2500 T72s and all of them fire ATGMs from there gun and can fight at night in all kinds of weather and come with APS & Apache & LCH kind of helicopters for CAS who can forget what we did at assal uttar without CAS ;) :butcher:

good for you
The enemy doesn't react the way you want it to or expect it to. Pak did this miscalculation in 1965 and in Kargil. India shouldn't ever do the same.
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